Uploaded by Lilang, Dexter

Google's Innovation

Name: Dexter Lilang
Year and Section: BSA 3-1
Subject: Strategic Business Analysis
Professor: Liberty Ocampo, CPA
Asynchronous Activity: September 20, 2023
Date Submitted: September 25, 2023
Instruction: Present one business organization like San Miguel Corp., Coca-Cola, Jollibee, etc...
Who had undergone change strategy, like product innovation, introducing a new line of product
line or services and the like.
Requirements: A. Analyze the current state.
B. Define the future the state (the reason specific to the change of strategy).
Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we
used when we created them.”. Oftentimes, when we face problems, the solutions we come up with
usually make things harder than they were before. In real life, when we have problems in the business,
we try to figure out what we did in the past that solved them, right? In this case, we are not actually
trying to solve the problem, it’s like making the past repeat itself and may look like a cycle of
unchanging destiny. If we try to solve a problem the same way as we did before, we are not really
solving it. We must reasonably justify the root of the problem and find a solution, other than that of
before because it may be the same problem but rooted from different origin. Time evolves and
different ways of approaching a problem should do too and that is “Innovation”. They are the
reflection of change and development in solving life problems. It doesn’t matter if the innovation is
hard or easy, big or small, as long as it always has the potential to make positive changes and impact
on our lives and to the world.
In addition, innovation can also be new discoveries and inventions that makes life easier. The
invention of bulb by Thomas Edison is an invention. It solves the problem of darkness at night, which
people usually solve by candles or gas lamp. Thomas Edison’s creative mind and innovative thinking
led the whole world and the lives of many people brighter. Furthermore, in the business world,
innovation is referred to as introducing something new, be it a product, service, or strategy in order
to enhance the company and disrupt the old ways, disruptive innovation adds value and creates growth
as to profitability, productivity, and competence.
One major company that had undergone this kind of innovation is Google. Google’s change
strategy has been marked by a series of innovations throughout its history. Google LLC is an
American multinational technology company focusing on artificial intelligence, online advertising,
search engine technology, cloud computing, computer software, quantum computing, e-commerce,
and consumer electronics. Google has been primarily a search engine, that’s why it is famous from
the cliché “Anything can be Googled”. It made possible for the whole world to find solutions and
answers for our questions with just a few clicks.
Over the years, Google continues to disrupt the market through its innovative strategies that
change people’s lives. It has unquestionably created a lot of groundbreaking technologies that makes
the life, education, work, and business much better than before.
(A) Let’s take a deeper analyzation of the current state of its operation by having an overview
on how Google transform from being a search engine to an ultimate market leader because of its
innovative strategies.
1. Search engine introduction. A revolution of technology has come to its existence when
Google existed. It changed the way people access information online. Yahoo and AltaVista was then
more popular but the algorithm used by Google has been more accurate and relevant. At present,
Yahoo and Altavista had become unpopular.
2. AdWords and AdSense. Google introduced AdWords, a pay-per-click advertising
platform, and AdSense, a contextual advertising network. These innovations in the advertising
industry by making advertising online targeted and accessed more people and employed now by
thousands of businesses.
3. Web-based services. Microsoft offices, a computer-based service has dominated the
market after the its introduction. Google, see this as an opportunity to create its own web-based
services similar to Microsoft like GDocs, Gsheets, Gslides, etc... It has disrupted Microsoft.
4. Android OS. Google’s Android operating system disrupted the mobile industry by
providing a free and open-source alternative to Apple’s Ios. This led to the proliferation of Android
smartphones and a more competitive mobile market.
5. Chrome Browser and Chrome OS. Google’s Chrome browser disrupted the web
browsing and operating system markets, challenging the dominance of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer
and Windows.
Other innovation, change in strategy, or product line Google has further introduced were
Google Maps, Cloud Computing, Google Scholar, Google Earth, Google DeepMind, Cloud
Computing, and Self-driving Car technology.
(B) Google’s change in strategy involve diversifying its revenue sources, addressing privacy
concerns, embracing AI and machine learning, global expansion, making strategic investments to
secure its future in a rapidly evolving world of technological advancements. Google’s Disruptive
innovations have reshaped various industries, from search engine to advertising to software, mobile,
mapping, AI, and beyond. Google’s ability to identify emerging technologies and markets and its
willingness to take risks have been key to its success.
The future of Google in the world can be seen so large and its dominance through all the areas
of evolving technology made the company reach ultimate heights. Google’s hunger for an easier life
for people and for a better community through communication, navigation, and productivity has led
them to be seen as a market leader. In summary, Google’s strategies are a proof that threats can be
opportunities and weaknesses can be the way through strengths.