PRACTICE FINAL EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: Answer 10 questions. Each is worth 10 points and should take less than 10 minutes. 1. If you estimate a GJR-GARCH model and get parameters 2 2 2 ππ‘2 = .000006 + .02ππ‘−1 + .05ππ‘−1 πΌ(ππ‘−1 <0) +. 94ππ‘−1 Find a forecast of tomorrow’s volatility if today it was 30% and the stock went up by 1%.____________ .29=sqrt(.000006+.02*.01^2 +0+.94*.3^2/252)*sqrt(252) 2. Why it is in general important to test for non-stationarity in time series data before attempting to build an empirical model? See Module 3: (1) non-stationary time series can’t be forecasted long term, (2) if non-stationary X is regressed on a non-stationary Y we may get a spurious regression (explain why). Explain when we do not get a spurious regression (cointegration). 3. The GJR-GARCH model for AAPL has the following statistics: GARCH Model Distribution : gjrGARCH(1,1) : norm Optimal Parameters -----------------------------------Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) omega 0.000024 0.000004 6.1741 0.00000 alpha1 0.011160 0.010268 1.0869 0.27708 1 beta1 gamma1 0.804615 0.222375 0.025453 0.037136 31.6118 5.9881 0.00000 0.00000 a. Is the effect of a positive return significantly different from a negative return? Explain. Yes, because the t-statistic on the asymmetric term gamma1 has a p-value almost zero. Since it is less that 5% or even 1% it is statistically significant. b. Is the effect of a positive return significantly different from zero? Explain. No, because the t-statistic on the ARCH term has a p-value of .28>5%. Thus ARCH term (the effect of positive return) is not significant. 4. If the standardized residuals from GARCH estimation have a 1% quantile of -3.0, and the volatility of this asset is forecast to be 60%, find the 1% one day Value at Risk of a portfolio with $500,000 of this asset. $56,700 = 3.0*.6/sqrt(252) *500000 Multiplier*sig*Value 5. Assuming Normal distribution for returns and the volatility forecast of 40%, find the 1% ten-day Value at Risk of a portfolio with $500,000 of this asset (assume that volatility is constant for 10 days and returns are independent). $92,829.42=sqrt(10)*2.33*.4/sqrt(252)*500000 6. Use the daily data from AAPL below Price=AAPL adjusted close price ret = the log return (a) Discuss stationarity/nonstationarity behaviour of the two series from their graphs and ACF functions. 2 Autocorrelations of series ‘price’, by lag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.998 0.995 0.993 0.990 0.988 0.985 0.983 0.980 0.978 0.976 3 Autocorrelations of series ‘ret’, by lag 1 0.027 2 3 0.007 -0.035 4 5 6 0.025 -0.025 -0.001 7 8 9 0.006 -0.057 -0.001 10 0.017 See discussions of stationarity/non-stationarity from Module 3 lecture. (b) The Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) tests for AAPL price and returns are reported below. Test unit root (nonstationarity) hypothesis for each series. library(tseries) adf.test(price_AAPL) Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test data: price_AAPL Dickey-Fuller = -1.2358, Lag order = 10, p-value = 0.9007 alternative hypothesis: stationary adf.test(ret_AAPL) Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test data: ret_AAPL Dickey-Fuller = -10.598, Lag order = 10, p-value = 0.01 alternative hypothesis: stationary Price is nonstationary since the p-value for the unit root test is much higher than 5%. Returns are stationary since p-value is much smaller than 5%. 7. Suppose you had data on stock price indices in two different countries. You are interested in causality issues and want to find out whether movements in stock prices in one country effect stock prices in another. Describe all the steps you would go through (i.e. what models you would estimate and what testing procedures you would use) to investigate your question of interest. 1.Test for stationarity each series X and Y. Perform ADF test. 2. If X and Y are nonstationary test for cointeration. Engle-Granger test: Regress Y on X and Constant C and test whether the residual is stationary. If the residual e=Y-c-bX is stationary there is cointegrating relationship between X and Y. 3. Estimate Vector Autoregression VAR or Vector Error Correction VECM depending on whether you found nonstationarity and cointegration. -If Y and X are stationary use X and Y in VAR. Regress each variable on its own past lags and lags of all other variables. 4 -If Y and X nonstationary and NOT cointegrated use VAR for βY=change in Y and βX=change in X assuming that the differenced variables are stationary. -If you found cointegration use VECM. VAR model+ error correction. Error from cointegration equation with lag in each equation of the VAR model. Use cointegrating term e(t-1), βY and βX in VECM. 4. Test for Granger causality: Does X Granger cause Y? Does Y Granger cause X? The coefficients of lagged variables X in equation for Y should be tested for significance in order to find out whether X granger causes Y and vice versa. 5. Do impulse response analysis forecasting if shock in X has future effect on Y and vice versa using e.g. 10 step forecast. 6. Perform forecasting for each variable in the model 8. The results of the probit model are given below. Explain each variable having a positive or negative effect on probability of bankruptcy. tdta = "Debt to Assets" gempl = "Employee Growth Rate" opita = "Operating Income to Assets" invsls = "Inventory to Sales" lsls = "Log of Sales" probit (Intercept) tdta gempl opita invsls lsls Estimate Std. Error -0.986683 0.654128 2.989447 0.653915 -3.768789 1.021963 -2.638085 1.572997 2.236799 1.318619 -0.135258 0.073346 z value -1.5084 4.5716 -3.6878 -1.6771 1.6963 -1.8441 Pr(>|z|) 0.1314539 4.84e-06 0.0002262 0.0935214 0.0898255 0.0651694 *** *** . . . Answer: For example, tdta has a positive significant coefficient which implies that controlling for changes in other four variables in the probit model, a higher total debt-to-total assets ratio increases the probability that a firm will be in distress next year (or lowers probability that the firm will be classified as healthy). The positive relationship between financial leverage (short-term and long-term debt) and financial distress is expected since financial leverage implies mandatory payments of principal and interest. Firms that have high financial leverage are more likely to fail when their income or cash flow is low. 5 9. Test the null hypothesis that IPO and SEO firms are not different in terms of their debt ratio using a t-test with t-stat=8.48. IPO firms statistics are: mean=.2, stdev=.3, Nobs=200. SEO firms statistics are: mean=.5, stdev=.4, Nobs=200. Answer: the t-test=8.48 is much bigger than 2 (which is approximately 95% critical value), and the p-value (if estimated) would be less than 5%. Thus, we reject the null hypothesis and find that the difference in the means of two groups is statistically significant. Thus, SEO firms have on average higher debt than IPO firms based on reported higher mean for SEO firms. 10. The results of the estimated CAPM and Multifactor models for the returns of the GLCGX fund (Large Cap Growth) are given below. (a) What is the implication of intercept coefficient? What is the interpretation of each slope coefficient ? Slope coefficients are factor sensitivities or exposures: π½π,ππππππ‘ , π½π,π ππ§π , π½π,ππππ’π and π½π,πππ . Intercept πΌπ shows the performance of investment i against CAPM or Fama-French model in expectations. For example, π½π,ππππππ‘ indicates that a 1% rise or fall in the market results in a π½π,ππππππ‘ × 1% rise or fall in the return of security i. Note that GLCGX fund’s exposure to SMB (small minus big) and HML (high minus low book to market) factors have negative betas. This is as expected since the GLCGX fund is a large cap growth fund, thus, its exposure to small stocks and value stocks is negative. Performance test (Jensen’s alpha). If the t-test from the regression indicates that πΌ > 0 and statistically significant it would mean that the asset is yielding an excess return higher than the CAPM or Fama-French model predicts. In the results below for the CAPM model p-value for the intercept t-test is less than 0.05 but in Fama French model p-value is above 0.05. Thus, based on the benchmark CAPM model GLCGX fund underperformed. Based on Fama-French multifactor model it performed as expected. (b) For each regression, what is the proportion of systematic risk and what is the proportion of firm specific, idiosyncratic or unsystematic risk? 6 For the CAPM regression the R-squared=0.87. Thus, 87% of risk is market systematic risk. The rest 13% is unsystematic or idiosyncratic risk. For the Multifactor Model R-squared=0.93 and 93% of risk is factors systemic risk. The multifactor model explains larger proportion of GLCGX risk. (c) Which model better explains GLCGX fund returns: the CAPM or the Multifactor Model? Based on Adjusted R-squared= 0.9297 we find that the multifactor model has better statistical performance of model fit compared to previously estimated CAPM model with adjusted π 2 = 0.8691. Also, additional factors SMB and HML are highly statistically significant with p-values close to zero. OUTPUT for Question 10: lm(r_glcgx~rm) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -0.007049 0.002898 -2.432 0.0181 * rm 1.167201 0.058906 19.815 <2e-16 *** --Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 0.02243 on 58 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.8713, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8691 F-statistic: 392.6 on 1 and 58 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 lm(r_glcgx~rm+hml+smb+mom) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.0009467 0.0024567 0.385 0.701 rm 1.0075831 0.0498170 20.226 < 2e-16 *** hml -0.4832266 0.0672459 -7.186 1.87e-09 *** smb -0.2584757 0.0522464 -4.947 7.47e-06 *** mom -0.0018580 0.0313426 -0.059 0.953 --Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 0.01643 on 55 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9345, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9297 F-statistic: 196.2 on 4 and 55 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 7