BUSINESS LAWS AND REGULATIONS 1. There are two tests to determine the existence of a partnership: I. First Test: Determine whether or not there is an agreement to contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund. II. Second Test: Determine whether or not there is an intent of the contracting parties to divide the profits among themselves. a) Only I is true; b) Both are false. c) Only II is true; d) Both are true; 2. It is not a requirement before one can qualify as a De facto corporation. a) The existence of a valid law under which it may be incorporated; b) An attempt in good faith to incorporate c) Assumption of corporate powers d) Extrajudicial court agreement 3. What shall happen if a corporation fails to formally organize and commence its business within 5 years from the date of its incorporation. a) Certificate of incorporation shall be deemed revoke; b) The corporation shall continue to exist as de Facto; c) The incorporators shall be pursuit for crime of negligence; d) The articles of incorporation shall be reestablished Feedback: Section 12, Revised Corporation Law 4. When two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property, industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves. a) F. b) Sole proprietorship; c) Corporation; d) Partnership; 5. These pertains to members of the board of directors in a certain corporation who are also directors in another corporation. a) Interlocking directors; b) Cross directors; c) Interdependent directors; d) Cross-company directors. Feedback: Section 32, Revised Corporation Law 6. It pertains to an action brought by a stockholder on behalf of the corporation to enforce corporate rights against the corporation’s directors, officers or other insiders. a) Derivative suit; b) Criminal suit; c) Governmental suit; d) Corporate suit. 7. The following are the rights of partners, except: a) Appraisal right b) Rights in specific partnership property; c) Interest in the partnership; d) Right to participate in the management. Feedback: Section 38, Revised Corporation Law 8. No member shall own more than what percent of the subscribed share capital of a cooperative? a) 15% b) 20% c) 10% d) 5% 9. What type of cooperative member has no right to vote or be voted upon and shall only be entitled to any such rights and privileges as the bylaws may provide? a) Disloyal member b) Associate member c) Loyal member d) Regular member 10. It is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence. a) Cooperative b) Partnership c) Corporation d) Joint Venture 11. In which of the following cases is the court not justified in piercing the veil of corporate fiction? a) When corporate fiction is used to commit fraud; b) When the corporation is a mere instrumentality or alter ego of the stockholders or owners; c) When the corporate fiction is used to commit tax evasion or to justify a wrong or to defend a crime; d) When the subsidiary corporation is fully owned or fully controlled by the parent corporation 12. It refers to the governing body of a corporation. a) CEO, COO and CFO b) Stockholders c) Board of directors d) Managers Feedback: Section 22, Revised Corporation Law 13. For the purposes of quorum, a stockholder or member who participates through remote communication or in absentia shall be deemed: a) Present b) Absent c) Emancipated d) Incapacitated Feedback: Section 23, Revised Corporation Law 14. It refers to a position that must be expressly mentioned in the by-laws in order to be considered as it is. a) Corporate officer b) Manager c) Incorporator d) Stockholder Feedback: Section 24, Revised Corporation Law 15. The preferred share of capital of a cooperative shall not exceed what percent of its total authorized share capital? a) 10% b) 25% c) 20% d) 5% 16. It mandates that all corporations duly organized pursuant thereto are required to submit to the SEC the names, nationalities, shareholdings, and residences of the directors, trustees and officers elected. a) SEC b) Penal code c) Government agencies d) Corporation code Feedback: Section 25, Revised Corporation Law 17. The following pertains to the characteristics of a corporation, except: a) Created by operation of law; b) Has a right of succession; c) It is an artificial being; d) It has the powers, attributes and properties not expressly authorized by law or incidental to its existence. Feedback: Section 2, Revised Corporation Law 18. Which language shall corporations use in filing articles of incorporation with the Commission? a) Any language; b) Any official language; c) English only; d) Tagalog and English. 19. Removal of directors or trustees may be: a) With cause only b) With or without cause c) By a stated manager d) By an official member Feedback: Section 27, Revised Corporation Law 20. Its purpose is to enable the shareholder to retain his proportionate control in the corporation. a) Bond indebtedness; b) Appraisal right; c) Pre-emptive right; d) Corporate right. 21. A partnership is not dissolved on the death of a: a) General – Limited partner; b) Limited partner; c) Industrial partner; d) General; 22. A sale of all or substantially all of the corporation’s properties and assets must be authorized by: a) Managers’ vote; b) Officiating Officials’ vote; c) Stockholder or members’ vote; d) Creditor and CEO’s vote. 23. X and Y orally agreed to form a partnership. Each contributed cash worth P15,000 to the common fund. But they did not register the partnership with the Securities and Exchange Commission. a) The partnership is void; b) The partnership is voidable; c) The partnership is valid; d) The partnership is unenforceable. 24. Those who cannot be held liable to third persons for partnership obligations. a) Capitalist partner; b) Limited partner; c) Industrial partner; d) General partner. 25. A government corporation is normally created by: a) General law; b) Specific law; c) Charter d) Signifying law Feedback: Section4, Revised Corporation Law 26. These refer to shares which are less than one share. a) Single shares; b) Corporate shares; c) Fractional shares; d) Medium shares. 27. An act outside or beyond corporate powers. a) Ultra vires act; b) Ultra virus act; c) Intra vires act; d) Ultra instinct. 28. It pertains to an action brought by a stockholder on behalf of the corporation to enforce corporate rights against the corporation’s directors, officers or other insiders: a) Derivative suit; b) Criminal suit; c) Ban suit; d) Corporate suit. 29. This refers to a person who brings about or cause to bring about the information and organization of a corporation. a) Incorporators b) Underwriter c) Corporate officers d) Promoter Feedback: Section 5, Revised Corporation Law 30. Which of the following statements is false concerning treasury shares? a) They are entitled to dividends; b) They have no voting right; c) They may be disposed of for a price lower than the par value provided such price is reasonable; d) They are not outstanding shares. 31. A, B and C are partners in ABC Company. D represented himself as a partner in ABC Company to X, who, on the belief of such representation, extended a P150,000 credit to ABC Company. Assuming only B and C consented to such representation, who will be held liable to X? a) X extended the credit to ABC Company so a partnership liability exists. Thus, all the partners A, B and C, and D are liable; b) B, C and D are partners by estoppel and, thus are liable pro rata to X; c) Partners A, B and C who benefited from the credit extended by X are liable; d) D who made the representation is liable to X. 32. The requirements for the sale or other disposition of assets are the following, except: a) Approval by the majority vote of its board of directors or trustees; b) Ratification by the vote of the stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock, or in case of non-stock corporation, by the vote of at least 2/3 of the members; c) Any dissenting stockholder may exercise his appraisal right; d) SEC approval is required. 33. This must be in the articles of incorporation a) Classification of shares, their corresponding rights, privileges, or restrictions, and their stated market value, if any; b) Classification of shares, their corresponding demands, privileges, or restrictions, and their stated market value, if any; c) Classification of shares, their corresponding rights, privileges, or restrictions, and their stated par value, if any; d) Classification of shares, their corresponding rights, demands, privileges, or restrictions 34. In a universal partnership of all profits, the usufruct of the properties and the naked title of the properties is with the: a) Usufruct – Partner; Naked Title – Partner; b) Usufruct – Partnership; Naked Title – Partnership; c) Usufruct – Partner; Naked Title – Partnership; d) Usufruct – Partnership; Naked Title – Partner. 35. A partnership is not dissolved on the death of a: a) General partner; b) Industrial partner; c) General – Limited partner; d) Limited partner. 36. A limited partner shall not become liable as a general partner unless: a) He takes part in the control of the business; b) He contributes his services to the capital of the firm; c) His surname appears in the partnership name; d) The word “limited” is not added to the name of the partnership; e) All of the above. 37. The following persons are disqualified to form a universal partnership. Who are the exceptions: a) Brothers and Sisters; b) Husband and wife; c) Those guilty of adultery and concubinage; d) Common law relationships. 38. I. The power to remove directors or trustees belongs to the officers exclusively. II. Removal of directors or trustees may be with or without cause. a) b) c) d) Only I is true; Only II is true; Both are true; Both are false 39. The following are the qualifications of a board of director/trustee, except: a) For a stock corporation, ownership of at least 1 share of the capital stock of the corporation in his own name. For a non-stock corporation, only members of the corporation can be elected; b) Majority of the board of directors or trustees must be citizens of the Philippines; c) The director or trustee must be capacitated; d) The director or trustee must be of legal age. 40. The exclusive right to vote and be voted for in the election of directors, if granted, it must be for a limited period which is: a) Period not to exceed 5 years from the date of corporation; b) Period not to exceed 5 years from the date of incorporation; c) Period not to exceed 3 years from the date of corporation; d) Period not to exceed 3 years from the date of incorporation. Feedback: Section 7, Revised Corporation Law 41. I. Any director or trustee of a corporation shall be removed from office only with cause; II. Any director or trustee of a corporation may be removed from office without cause. a) Only I is correct; b) Only II is correct; c) Both are true; d) Both are false. 42. Vacancies in the board of directors due to disqualification may be filled by: a) Stockholders if there is a quorum; b) Remaining directors if there is no quorum, c) Remaining directors if there is a quorum; d) Both the remaining directors and stockholders should vote regardless whether constituting a quorum.. 43. It is one where persons, by words spoken or written or by conduct represent themselves, or consents to another representing them to anyone, as partners in an existing partnership or with one or more persons not actual partners. a) Partnership by estoppel; b) Partnership by prescription; c) Closed partnership; d) Partnership sole. 44. A is the capitalist partner and B the industrial partner. A engaged personally in the same kind of business the partnership is engaged in: a) If there are losses, the partnership will bear the losses; b) If there are profits, the profits will be shared by A and the partnership; c) If there are profits, A will give the profits to the partnership; d) A will be excluded from the partnership and pay damages. 45. A and B are partners with A as the managing partner. X owes A P100,000 and the partnership P300,000 which are now both due. A issued a receipt for the payment of X in the amount of P100,000 in his own name. The payment shall be applied to: a) The partnership credit totally; b) The credit of A only since the receipt is in his name; c) The payments shall be applied proportionately to both credits; d) The payment shall be applied equally in both credits. 46. A person with a single stockholder is considered a) One person corporation b) Single person corporation c) Lonely person corporation d) Elected person corporation Feedback: Section 10, Revised Corporation Law 47. Within stock corporations, minimum authorized capital stock is: a) Required b) Not required c) Fixed d) Definite Feedback: Section 12, Revised Corporation Law 48. A and B are capitalist partners while Gelter is an industrial partner. There is no agreement as to the profits and losses. The partnership realized profit in the amount of P150,000. The share of Gelter in the profits shall be: a) A and B will determine Gelter’s share in the profits b) Just and equitable under the circumstances; c) Gelter’s share shall be P150,000; d) Pro rata to his contributed capital. 49. The essential requisites in the formation of a limited partnership are the following: I. The certificate of limited partnership; and II. The certificate of limited partnership must be filed in the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission a) Only I is true; b) Both are true; c) Only II is true; d) Both are false. 50. The surname of a limited partner shall not appear in the partnership name, unless: I. It is also the surname of a limited partner; and II. Prior to the time when the limited partner became such, the business has been carried on under a name in which his surname appeared. a) Only I is true; b) Only II is true; c) Both are true; d) Both are false. 51. The change in the relation of the parties caused by any partner ceasing to be associated in the carrying on, as might be distinguished from the winding up of the business. a) Liquidation; b) Termination; c) Winding – up d) Dissolution. 52. I. Well settled is the principle that the corporate mask may be removed or the corporate veil pierced when the corporation is just an alter ego of person or of another corporation. II. It is a basic principle in Corporation Law that a corporation has a personality which is the same as the officers or members who compose it. a) b) c) d) Only I is true; Only II is true; Both are true; Both are false. 53. The following are the characteristics of a corporation, except: It is an artificial being; a) Created by meeting of the minds; b) It has the right of succession; c) It has the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence. 54. They may be purchased or taken up by the corporation upon the expiration of a fixed period, regardless of the existence of unrestricted retained earnings in the books of the corporation, and upon such other terms and conditions as may be stated in the articles of incorporation, which terms and conditions as must also be stated in the certificate of stock representing said shares. a) Par value stock; b) No par value stock c) Redeemable stock; d) Class A stock. 55. Natural persons who are not licensed to practice a profession, and partnerships or associations organized for the purpose of not practicing a profession, shall not be allowed to organize as a corporation. a) True b) False 56. Preferred shares may be issued only with a stated par value. a) True b) False 57. Banks are allowed to issue no par value shares. a) True b) False Feedback: Section 6, RCC. Not permitted to issue 58. Non-voting shares are absolutely not entitled to vote. a) True b) False Feedback: Section 6, RCC. 59. Holders of redeemable shares may not be deprived of the right to vote. a) True b) False Feedback: Section 6, RCC. 60. As a rule, each share shall have equal rights in all respects to every other share, a) True b) False 61. A corporation can only exercise powers that are expressly authorized by law. a) True b) False Feedback: Section 2 of the Revised Corporation Law includes powers that are incidental to the express powers as authorized by law 62. A partnership transacting business with third persons is disputably presumed to be a limited partnership. a) True b) False c) Tralse 63. The contributions of a limited partner may be cash or property, but not services. a) True b) False c) Tralse 64. No-par value shares must be issued for a consideration of at least P5.00 per share a) True b) False