[ABC ORGANIZATION NAME] BALANCED SCORECARD Draft 2021 – 2022 Business Plan DRIVER DELIVERABLE • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION • • 10 % importance Weighting Effective delivery of high-quality products and services to satisfy customer needs. • Develop processes to monitor effects of Covid-19 upon customer business practices: Walk-in Customers Institutional Customers Member-sales Customers Identify behaviour changes and modify business practices to respond appropriately. Using tools provided by CA Gerry, develop a Business Plan and financial models to evaluate the feasibility for a new Digital strategy and program to: Promote ABC products Advertise Independent Distributor sales opportunities Launch ABC Gift Cards program Launch seasonal sale discounts (e.g., “March Madness” sale Facilitate digital payment options Review ABC Marketing Plan and Map the Customers Journey ACTION STEPS (Must be specific and measurable) DELIVERED BY/DATE Develop specific and measurable action steps with specific action delivery dates. Identify specific person or committee responsible to complete specific action by a specific date. As above As above As above As above Page 1 of 5 [ABC ORGANIZATION NAME] BALANCED SCORECARD Draft 2021 – 2022 Business Plan DRIVER DELIVERABLE PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT • Implement CA Gerry’s Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities document and provide training to Board Members. ACTION STEPS (Must be specific and measurable) Develop specific and measurable action steps with specific action delivery dates. 10% importance Weighting Maximize management performance through an organized and motivated workforce. • Using CA Gerry template, implement position descriptions for key ABC senior management positions. Provide functional training to incumbents. • Promote staff attendance at DTI/DA management training programs directed at Business Development, Marketing, Sales and Distribution functions. • Provide computer training to Board of Directors and office staff DRIVER • Implement post-assignment program with CESO to obtain continued support to implement CA Gerry recommendations. DELIVERABLE DELIVERED BY/DATE Identify specific person or committee responsible to complete specific action by a specific date. As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above ACTION STEPS (Must DELIVERED be specific and BY/DATE measurable) Page 2 of 5 [ABC ORGANIZATION NAME] BALANCED SCORECARD Draft 2021 – 2022 Business Plan • Using CA Gerry’s sample position profiles, develop written profile position BUSINESS descriptions for key management PRACTICES positions to ensure that a) all duties are covered and b) each incumbent has a 50 % importance clear knowledge of position duties and Weighting responsibilities Continually improve sales and marketing processes to • Establish an ABC Management Committee optimize business and define the Committee role. performance. Develop specific and measurable action steps with specific action delivery dates. Identify specific person or committee responsible to complete specific action by a specific date. As above As above • Develop a written 5-year Strategic Plan and address critical Internal Issues. Include SWAT Analysis. As above As above • Develop a Pandemic Emergence Plan for years 2021 and 2022. As above As above • Complete a feasibility cost-benefit analysis for a dedicated ABC website. As above As above • With assistance from DTI, design and develop a dedicated ABC Gift-card Program As above As above As above As above • Implement Balanced Scorecard as a continuing management process. • Evaluate role of Independent Distributors as the primary business growth distribution strategy. If confirmed, appoint a leader to lead the development of the ID distribution channel. DRIVER DELIVERABLE ACTION STEPS (Must be specific and measurable) DELIVERED BY/DATE Page 3 of 5 [ABC ORGANIZATION NAME] BALANCED SCORECARD Draft 2021 – 2022 Business Plan INNOVATION & LEARNING 10% importance Weighting Constantly seek new methods to improve business performance Develop training program for Board of Directors, Management Committee, employees, and customers to educate them on implementation of the Balanced Scorecard. Implement training program for new Board of Directors to ensure that they clearly understand their roles and responsibilities. Implement 4 BOD Agreements to be signed by each Director DRIVER • FINANCIAL • PERFORMANCE 20% importance Weighting Achieve gross profit targets as established from time to time. Generate Member dividends. • Develop specific and measurable action steps with specific action delivery dates. Identify specific person or committee responsible to complete specific action by a specific date. DELIVERABLE ACTION STEPS (Must be specific and measurable) DELIVERED BY/DATE Implement ABC Profitability Analysis Tool Implement Business Income and Expenses Analysis Tool Implement a Monthly Income and Expense Report for current year and projection for next year. Develop specific and measurable action steps with specific action delivery dates. Identify specific person or committee responsible to complete specific action by a specific date. • Use CA Gerry tools to develop a cashflow Financial and Business Planning Model: During Covid-19 Post COVID-19 For new products • Track actual results against Plan. As above As above Gerry O’ Connor Page 4 of 5 [ABC ORGANIZATION NAME] BALANCED SCORECARD Draft 2021 – 2022 Business Plan CESO CA, November 2021 Page 5 of 5