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pathology- assignment 1

Assignment #1: Reflecting on Study Strategies
1. Reflect on your approach to studying this past semester.
a. Share 2 strategies you used to study in Semester 1(could be strategies that worked or
didn’t work).
b. Explain how they did or didn’t help you to achieve your desired outcome.
The last semester was a difficult seamster for me due to many reasons, but I needed to focus on getting
my work done and trying my hardest. Two strategies I used to study in the semester is chunking and active recall.
Chunking is breaking down your study material into smaller, manageable chunks. This helped me focus
on one concept at a time and not get overwhelmed. This helped me study because I would take each
class works and break them into manageable chunks of what to get done and spent time focusing on
that concept and then moving onto the next. Doing everything at once was getting overwhelming for
me, as there is so much information you need to know. Taking my Time and breaking it down really
helped me understand more, but also have good time management.
Active recall is actively engaging with the material by testing myself, summarize key points and teach information to someone else. this helps reinforce your understanding. This is something I struggled with.
Ive heard this strategies was really good when it comes to understanding, but I wasn't able to grasp how
to start it and come about it. I do like teaching others which then helps me understand the information,
but I was more focused on just note taking and constantly reading it over that I wasn't able to fully use
the active recall strategy.
2. Watch the video created
3. After watching the video, identify 2 new strategies or resources you will try this term and explain
why you chose them.
After watching the video, Two new strategy I will try this term is the pathophysiology framework worksheet. This would be helpful in all my classes. Note taking is something that can b e difficult for me ad
difficult to condense down and only include the important main points. This Framework worksheet will
help me condense down my notes and all pieces of information will be under the correct subheading
making it easier for me to understand each health condition. Repeatedly using this will help me learn
each component and it will be a good stay guide for active retrieval since everything is focused and condensed. This will also be good for me to fill out as a study way, but reading all the material posted and
studying myself and then using this worksheet to apply everything I studied.
The second one is spending 10-15 right after class reviewing your notes. This is something I always
wanted to implement. This term I will make sure to make this part of my routine. I can clarify anything I
found confusing and add on more notes of things that make sense to me and write it in my own words.
This will also help me retain the information, so that i don't forget after a couple of hours of what I
wrote. This will be helpful for me this semester as I have more time now to be able to sit and down and
do that. I think this would greatly benefit me because I will be making myself revise the information right
after, helping me understand even more.