Activity 3 Pseudocode 1. Develop a program that will allow the user to enter three numbers and display the average Algorithm step 1 ask the three numbers from the user step 2 add the three numbers step 3 divide the number by three step 4 display the average Pseudocode Step 1 INPUT N1, N2,N3 STEP 2 SUM<-N1+N2+N3 STEP 3 DIVIDE =SUM/3 STEP 4 OUTPUT DIVIDE 2.Develop a program that will ask two numbers and display the sum,difference ,product and quotient step 1 ask the two numbers from the user step 2 add the two numbers step 3 display the sum step 4 subtract the two numbers Step 5 display the difference Step 6 multiply the two numbers Step 7 display the product Step 8 divide the numbers Step 9 display the quotient Pseudocode Step 1 INPUT N1, N2 STEP 2 SUM<-N1+N2 STEP 4 Difference <-N1-N2 Step 5 Product<- N1*N2 Step 6 Quotient< -N1/n2 Step 7 OUTPUT <-SUM,DIFFERENCE,PRODUCT,QUOTIENT