Uploaded by Tyger Casy

Egg Drop Challenge Lab Instructions

APP1 Lab 5.1
Special delivery!!
To design & construct a protective structure inside a cardboard box using the least
amount of materials possible which will prevent damage to an egg(s) during the journey
to Mrs. Hope’s classroom.
Teams may use a standard cardboard box (not reinforced) with any combination of the
following materials on the inside of the box:
- 1 standard weight 8.5” x 11” sheet of copy paper (not heavyweight)
- 15 drinking straws of any size
- 15 popsicle sticks, wooden splints, and/or tongue depressors
- 100 cm of string (cotton or nylon (less than 3 mm in diameter)
- 100 cm of masking tape
- 5 rubber bands (all the same size).
The inside of the box must be lined with one layer of paper towels (flat, not crumpled).
All materials, except the wooden splints & rubber bands, may be cut into smaller pieces.
Each team may use any or all of the following materials on the inside of their container.
The score sheet must be included on the inside of the package, but cannot be used as a
“protective structure”.
Each team may include up to three raw Grade A Medium or Large eggs. Eggs must be
sealed in a plastic sandwich or quart size Ziploc bag. No other materials are allowed
inside the bag.
* Before sealing your container, include a completed score sheet inside your package. (It
cannot be used as part of the package). Containers must be covered and sealed with
plastic, then covered in acceptable mailing paper.
* Packages must be labeled with TO and FROM addresses on one side of the package.
Teams are not allowed to write anything on the outside of the package except the
To/From addresses. (Jaime Hope, TMA * 1500 Lukas Lane * Oviedo, FL 32765)
* They must be mailed via US Postal Service (Standard Service.) Choose the cheapest
option available.
* Teams cannot indicate any special handling requirements (“Fragile” or “Handle With
Care”) or anything that would provide clues to the contents of the package on the outside
of their package.
* Packages must be postmarked by: ______________________________
This project is worth 30 points. Teams will be scored and then ranked. Your grade
depends on your ranking; 1st place receives all 30 points. Each subsequent rank loses one
point (i.e. 2nd place is 29/30, 3rd place is 28/30…). No project turned in = zero.
APP1 Lab 5.1
The lower the score, the better! Scores will be calculated as follows:
Volume of box ÷ # surviving eggs
100 points will be subtracted for any type of material not used. (i.e. if you do not use
rubber bands or string, 200 points will be subtracted)
note – even if you only use 10cm of tape, that counts as having used tape!!
150 points will be added for any egg that breaks.
20 points will be added for each day the package is late.
Scorecard – to be completed by sending team
Team Name
Team Members
Volume of box
______cm x ______cm x ______cm = _______ cm3
(round to the nearest centimeter)
# eggs in package
Materials used
(check all that are appropriate)
 1 standard sheet of copypaper
 up to 15 drinking straws; any size
 up to 15 wooden splints/popsicle sticks/tongue
 up to 100cm string
 up to 100cm masking tape
 up to 5 rubber bands
Scorecard – to be completed by receivers
Date Postmarked
Date Received
# surviving eggs
Raw Score
Penalty Points
Bonus Points
Total Score
Rank: ________
______ out of ______