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Importance of Marriage in Islam: A Presentation

(intro cover page, tajuk and group members)
(intro the content for today’s presentation)
First, i will start off with the importance of marriage in islam. The first one, marriage is
one of the sources for one to experience love and happiness in this world. These two elements
can be related to each other as the presence of love may indicate happiness in life and the
happiness will lead to a healthy and strong life.
While some said that marriage is about entering a new phase of life, it also offers a
long-term love life which can be felt through the companionate love between the spouses. This is
because through a happy marriage, one can find an eternal love which may bring the element of
support, trust, confidence and stability in life. One can always have a partner who ensures
comfort and the feeling of steadiness in their life, which is one of the keys to be happy and feel
loved. Marriage may eliminate the feeling of loneliness because there is a chance to depend on
someone and build everything in life together. From here, it is crucial to point out that we must
have a good relationship with the spouses to ensure a happy marriage.
However, marriage does not involve only the love between the spouses, but also between
the two families. This is because when a marriage occurs between two persons, we can also point
out the common phrase which is “you also marry the family” because we cannot separate the
spouses from their family. Therefore, when there is marriage, we also happen to know our
spouses’ cousins and other family members. We can see from here that the family became even
bigger and the love will also be multiplied. So, it is necessary to also be kind to each other's
family and the in-laws in order to avoid any kind of misunderstanding to maintain a good
relationship and simultaneously, get the blessings and rewards from Allah.
Secondly, the importance of marriage in Islam is to avoid oneself from evil deeds that
may ruin one’s life such as commiting the sin of adultery (zina). As we all know, zina is an act
that brings the wrath of Allah because it is a great sin that may darken the hearts and may break
the family ties. It is mentioned in the Quran, Surah Al-Isra’ verse 32, “And do not even approach
zina, for it is an outrageous act, and an evil way…”
Thus, we all should really stay away from this sin because it may also affect the
psychological aspect of someone such as anxiety and the permanent sense of guilt. The anxiety
can be caused by the uncomfortable feelings that remain for a long time and it develops into a
bigger problem which is the sense of guilt that may continue until the marriage. However, one
can always seek forgiveness from Allah as He is forgiving and the Most Loving to His servants.
Thus, as one should always take a precaution to stay away from this sin, marriage can
become the best solution to avoid its occurrence. The bond of marriage works as a protection
from being involved in any sin that is rooted from the human’s evil temptations and uncontrolled
lust. This is because marriage fulfills the nature of humans which is to have a partner as per
mentioned in Quran, Surah An-Naba’ verse 8 “And We created you in pairs”. Thus, when the
human’s nature is fulfilled with good things, it saves oneself from any evil deeds that may ruin
the honor and dignity such as adultery, rape, sodomy and also from any slander made by other
human beings. Marriage leads one to the right path of Islam because as a vicegerent of Allah, it
is crucial to always remember and fear Him before we do anything. This is to ensure that Allah
will help us in restrain the haram thoughts and leads to a better life.
(That is for the first two importance of marriage in Islam. I will pass the presentation to
the next presenter, Syaza.)