Course Name: Introduction to Business Analytics Course Code: BBH354 Total number of hours: 60 Hrs Credits: 4 Course Description: This course provides the knowledge base for understanding the principles, concepts, tools and techniques of business analytics for effective decision making by creating insights from data. The primary objective is to provide a framework for gaining an insight to visualization of business analytics. The course will also provide insights to predictive modelling techniques and application of analytics in various management functional areas. Course Objectives: 1. To introduce Analytics as a tool for Business Decision Making 2. To Analyse the theory and concepts of Business Analytics. 3. To give an insight into data and its characteristics. 4. To understand the descriptive and predictive models of data analytics. 5. To apply the analytical techniques in various management functional areas and find solutions to realistic business problems and establish ethical decision-making in ambiguous situations Course Learning Outcomes: On having completed this course student should be able to: CLO1 To be able to process the data and understand the data analysis CLO2 To apply analytical tools and practices in order to develop data based managerial ability CLO3 To be able to analyze data to gain a better knowledge of characteristics of data. CLO4 To evaluate the pattern of the data and make viable business decisions. CLO5 To be able to develop solutions across a range of functional areas like Marketing Finance, HR and Operations. Pedagogy: This course uses multiple pedagogies like interactive lecture, students discussions and PPTs, research article, a field visit, and form of experiential learning. Syllabus UNIT 1 10 Hours Introduction to Analytics Data – information – intelligence – knowledge approach, What is analytics, types of analytics, organization and source of data, importance of data quality, dealing with missing or incomplete data, popular tools used for analytics, Role of Data Scientist in Business & Society, Analytics Methodology UNIT II 8 Hours Business Analytics Process and Overview of Using Data Data Selection, Data classification, Data Reduction, Data Exploration, Data Preparation, Data Partition, Types of data, modifying data using Excel, creating distribution from data, measures of location, measures of variability, analysing distribution, measures of association UNIT III 8 Hours Data Visualisation Data visualisation, Tables, Charts, Advanced data visualisation, data dashboards UNIT IV 9 Hours Predictive Modeling Techniques The simple linear regression model, least square method, assessing the fit of simple regression model, multiple regression models. UNIT V 9 Hours Time Series Analytics and Forecasting Time Series Pattern, forecast, accuracy, moving averages, seasonality. UNIT VI 8 Hours Application Fields Marketing Analytics, Finance Analytics, HR Analytics, Operation Analytics UNIT VII 8 Hours Problem formulation - payoff tables, decision trees; Decision analysis without probabilities : optimistic approach, conservative approach and mini-max regret approach; Decision analysis with probabilities : expected value approach, risk analysis and sensitivity analysis; Decision analysis with sample information - expected value of sample information and expected value of perfect information Core Text: Reference Books: 1. Camm, J. D., Cochran, J. J., Fry, M. J., Ohlmann, J. W., & Anderson, D. R. (2018). Essentials of Business Analytics (Book Only). Nelson Education. 2. James R. Evans, Business Analytics: Methods, Models & Decisions, 1 st edi. Prentice Hall