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Criminal Law Lecture Notes: Mens Rea, Larceny, Felony Murder

Mens rea - intent in mind in right place
ALI - American law institute
Actus reus requires voluntary act. [acts can be either act of omission or act of commission]
Larceny is defined as the trespassory taken and carrying away of another persons
property with the intent to permanently deprive.
Trespassing - when you stop acting like an airport traveler which is what you were invited
there as, not as a thief
Asportation- the carrying away of someone else's property.
Permanently deprive
Specific intent - bad intent
The situation will tell you if there is bad intent. You take a luggage that looks nothing like
yours. that isn’t a mistake.
Don't they charge bank robbers with grand larceny? They aren't trespassing at the bank.
Construct whether or not you trespassed based on behavior. You must act as a shopper the
second you stop. You are trespassing because you were invited there as a shopper, and
shoppers act a certain way. Putting a tie in your pocket is not how a shopper acts. So now you
become a trespasser.
The following is the classification of murder: FIGSMAN.
If death comes about while engaging in BREAKS, then it is felony murder, even if you didn't
touch them.
Felony murder - BREAKS
Burglary, robbery, escape, arson, kidnap, sex & sodomy
Intent to kill (scheming, planning, deliberateness)
Gross disrespect - shocking the conscious
Serious bodily injury
A } manslaughter - voluntary or involuntary
To charge someone with felony murder. BREAKS must be present.
B - At common law, burglary is the breaking and entering of a dwelling place in the nighttime to
commit a crime therein.
R - Robbery is larceny plus the use of force. [RPP - reasonably prudent person]
E - escape
A - Arson at common-law: The willful and or malicious burning (actual burning) of another
person’s dwelling place.
K - At common law: kidnapping is the willful or unlawful confinement of another person against
their will, including asportation.
S - sex and sodomy
Crook burns the business down, and a trespassing hobo in the basement dies. Felony murder
because death resulted from the act of arson. Arson is an element of BREAKS. It doesn't matter
if crook didn't know anyone was in the basement.
MIDTERM: To drive down wall street at lunchtime it is hectic. Obey the speed limit of 25,
but that isn’t appropriate at lunchtime on wall street when crowded. Knowing that you're
in a crowded area, you need to adjust your behavior.
Voluntary manslaughter - [at common must involve spouses] speaks of intending (had mens
rea) to bring about the death of another but where one does so under the heat of passion. It is
the result of immediately witnessing a jarring heat of a moment-event.
If it happens, it is foreseeable.
Elements of Negligence:
Duty of Care
Breach of duty
Damages or injury
Res Ipsa Loquitur: Allows an injured person to present a case of negligence without specific
evidence that the defendant was negligent. - You don't need evidence. The injury speaks for
Involuntary manslaughter: The act has to be more than ordinary negligence. It must either be
reckless or extraordinary negligence.
The fourth amendment stands for the proposition that citizens shall be free from unreasonable
searches and seizures (warrantless searches), except for Bachpies.
Every one of these is an exception to the rule that you can’t unlawfully search.
Border searches - have the right to search you at the border
Automobile - can search common areas of the car with reasonable suspicion
Consent - you say it's okay for them to search your stuff (give up 4th amendment)
Hot pursuit - why would you run if you had nothing to hide?
Plain view - something is in plain view, it can be seized
Incident to arrest - inventory
Exigent circumstances (emergency) - fire, blood, gunshots, yelling, smell gas, water, car crash
Stop-and-pat (Terry vs. Ohio) }
The following are considered to be suspect classifications;
Race - can’t stop bc of race alone
Alienate Nationality
Violated the terry standard. Terry standard has reasonable suspicion, stopping inquiring,
frisking, and searching. Cannot violate suspect classification.
Difference between window shopping and casing
The placing of another in immediate apprehension of bodily injury.
The harmful and/or offensive touching of another.
- Blow a cigar in her face, you did it intentionally, and it touched her.
Title denotes ownership.
A thief can never pass title.
Larceny by false pretenses, speaks of obtaining the personal property of another by making an
intentionally false statement upon which the victim relied. (the false statement must be a
material fact.)
****** In false pretenses, title passes*******
Knock on the door as police ask for donations; grandma gives fine china. The title passes to
crook because it's under false pretenses.
Embezzlement is the fraudulent taking of personal property by someone to whom it was
entrusted (*fraud always involves a trust relationship*)
The elements that satisfy negotiability (what makes commercial paper negotiable)
Money order
Unconditional - it has to be a specific sum
Time - date - 60 days after the written date, it goes stale
Sum of
Order of
Writing - in writing - even the machine
Mapp case
The Miller Doctrine - In order to establish if the material is obscene, apply the
Literary value - 50 shades, had a literary undertone, so it’s okay
Okay ^
Not Okay
Prurient - excessive interest in sexual matters
Sexual - purely sexual
25 multiple choice 2 points each
- Will cover everything we have covered so far.
- Kind of trick questions, so look closely
- Could be two correct answers. One is more correct than the other.
- If we didn't learn it, then it isn't an answer. Cross it out. We didn't talk about breaking and
entering, so cross it out. He broke in without ill intent. Not burglary because he didn't
break in to commit a crime. NYC, you have other options to find warmth, like public
places. In the mountains, you had no choice, so no crime.
As many as four essays, choose 2.
- Show clarity of understanding
- More than a paragraph
Opening paragraph on the important issue. Restate question then the relevant issue at
hand is the issue of duty of care. Explain duty of care is…. Heres an example. Go back
to facts in the question. Apply description of duty of care to whatever is in the question.
Then write conclusion, crookey is guilty because….
1) “For there to be Criminal liabity. The defendant must have either performed a voluntary
physical act or failed to act under circumstances imposing the illegal duty. For this
purpose ana act sis defined as boldly movement. Thought is not an act.
Must commit a voluntary act to commit a crime or turn an involuntary act into a voluntary act,
like choosing to stop taking epilepsy medicine. Train jerks and touch someone its involuntary if
you take teh train and use jerkimg as an excuse to grope then you turned it to voluntary act.
elements are required for a crime. Mens rea and actus rea. Explaijn both then explain voluntary
and involuntary. Gives examples for both.
2) andrew leaving restaurant. Takes umbrella thinking it was his he left there a week ago. It
belongs to ben actually. When using principles of crime of larceny. Discuss the legal issue
involved and make a determination of guilt.
In order to find a defendant guilty of larceny we must define Larcney. Larceny is. Then take each
element and address it. Requires trespassing so explain trespassing. Then explain asportation.
Discuss intent. Use examples
No bad mind no crime
No ill intent so no crime.
Lover of pleasure commits crimes - get an adrenaline high from committing crimes.
G7 - the seven most industrial developed nations of the world.
President Ford * was never elected because Nixon and the vice president, Spiro Agnew,
Make the punishment so high that people weigh the pain against the pleasure, and the
pain (the criminal charge) outweighs the pleasure. The cost of pleasure is pain.
Major fees - individuals are blessed with free will
1a) Free will allows you to make rational choices
1b) Rational choices influence free will
2a) as human beings, we are prone to be creatures of pleasure (hedonism)
3) A breach of a contract requires swift punishment (certainty)
4) Deterrence is forward-looking
Deterrence is a natural outgrowth in weighing pain and pleasure.
The classical model says to make the punishment so severe that when a reasonable
person is weighing their options, they say no to crime.
Classicalist wants punishment to be swift, sure, and certain. They don’t want
indeterminate (10-15). They want a clear punishment. 15 years, clean-cut sentencing.
Crimes malum in se versus crimes that are malum prohibitum
Malum in se - crimes that are inherently bad
Malum prohibitum - crimes that are not inherently bad but prohibited by the legislature
A contract is an agreement between 2 or more parties in which each party agrees to
give up something of value (consideration) in exchange for some benefit.
Positivism is that we live in a world where cause and effect operate.
a) Study these things, and you will see that there is a correlation between
environment and behavior.
b) Cause and effect can either be physiological or environmental. Everything we see
can be explained physically or environmentally.
c) Social problems such as crimes can be remedied by a systematic study of each
d) Treat the problem (rehab), not just jail always.
e) Once the problem is identified, a remedy must be administered.
f) Treatment is desirable both for the individual and for society so that society can
return to normalcy and so that the individual can return to normal.
g) The purpose of sanctions is not to punish but to provide rehabilitation and
treatment. A sentence is to punish. Sanction is to rehabilitate.
The New York Court of Appeals is the highest court in NY. In other states, it is NJ
supreme court.
Statuary law spells out what is
acceptable behavior and what is
impermissible according to what is
dangerous to society.
The law must be specific and exact
the justice system must start with
a social contract. The social
contract will establish laws
they have free will to choose and
therefore have a moral
responsibility to choose the right
thing instead of wrong
Your rationale drives classics to
make decisions when confronted
with pain and pleasure.
Moral lens
we are shaped by our environment
biologically, psychologically, and
say we need treatment to restore
society; it’s far more constructive
to rehab people instead of
condemning them for life. They’ll
get out and be worse off after
festering in prison and coming out
even angrier.
believe science should drive all of
our decisions.
nature vs. nurture and
Positivism says we are driven by
cause and effect and the
environment. We are susceptible to
our environment under positivism.
See all crime from a pathological
perspective, not morally.
A pathology lens