Asthma Description A heterogenous disease known as chronic inflammation of the airways Commonly triggered by exercise, allergen irritant exposure, change in weather, laughter or viral respiratory infection. A chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways Definition Asthma is associated airway hyperresponsiveness which leads to wheezing, breathlessness Chest tightness, coughing mostly at night and in the early morning. The episodes are associated airflow obstruction within the lung which is reversible either spontaneously or with treatment. Occurrence Asthma is highest in children, though could affect all ages. It is commonly found in the developed industrialized countries. Affects approximately 25,000,000 persons in the United States in (CDC, 2017) Asthma death rates are higher in older age groups female and blacks Prevalence 262 million worldwide, Common among African American. 3 times more likely to die from Asthma Affects about 10% of children aged 5-18 years in the US. More in boys than girls. More in adult women Common among obese Death rate is ≥ 65 years Pathology The cause of asthma is unknown, It is a polygenic disease influenced by environmental factors Chronic airways inflammation is the major pathogenic feature of asthma Asthma patients have higher number of activated inflammatory cells within the airway wall. The hallmark of asthma is airway hyperresponsiveness- that is the ability of the airway smooth muscle to constrict in response to levels of inhaled allergens or irritants that would not typically elicit such a response in normal hosts Asthma is characterized by hyperplasia and hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells. Clinical Presentation Symptoms of asthma are wheezing, episodes of dyspnea, chest tightness, and cough. Irregular symptoms of catastrophic attacks resulting in asphyxiation and death. Symptoms worsen at night and during the early hours of morning. Sputum production and chest pain or tightness, chronic cough. Use of accessory muscles for inspiration, diaphoretic and change in mental status. Diagnosis History More than one symptom- wheezing, SOB, cough, chest tightness,