August 2015 Business Plan Structure – company xx Business Plan Abbreviations and definitions ABC Business Plan Definition Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2 2. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 3 2.1 3. Company XX .................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4. Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Forecast income statement ..................................................................................................................... 8 Forecast balance sheet .......................................................................................................................... 8 Control and Governance Framework ........................................................................... 9 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8. Income statement ................................................................................................................................... 7 Balance sheet ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Cash flow................................................................................................................................................ 7 Financial Projections ...................................................................................................... 8 6.1 6.2 6.3 7. Overview of the Satellite industry (Space)............................................................................................... 6 Competitive landscape ........................................................................................................................... 6 Historic Financial Performance ..................................................................................... 7 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. Overview of Company XX ....................................................................................................................... 4 Business vision for Company xx ............................................................................................................. 4 Products and services ............................................................................................................................ 4 Overview of client base ........................................................................................................................... 4 Distribution ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Future competitive composition .............................................................................................................. 5 Overview of the Company xx Issuing Markets ........................................................... 6 4.1 4.2 5. Company XX .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 9 The Board............................................................................................................................................... 9 Key management ................................................................................................................................... 9 Committees ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Staff ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Culture.................................................................................................................................................. 10 Training and development .................................................................................................................... 10 Recruitment .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Remuneration and benefits ................................................................................................................... 10 Infrastructure................................................................................................................. 11 8.1 8.2 8.3 Organisation structure .......................................................................................................................... 11 IT infrastructure .................................................................................................................................... 11 Air Traffic Management ................................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Business Plan 1. Introduction ► Highlight the purpose of the business plan ► Explain the key components of the business plan ► What will be attached to the business plan as part of the appendix Business Plan 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Company XX ► What Company XX’s objectives are ► Key products/services and types of clients ► The board which is/will be put in place to ensure compliance Business Plan 3. Company XX Summary highlights ► 3.1 [captures the key points from this chapter] Overview of Company XX ► Background of Company Xx ► Current owner and shareholders of Company xx ► Company’s previous strategy (i.e. key market, types of customers and services offered) ► Company xx’s strategy and ethics ► Historic financial performance (income statement and balance sheet) ► Corporate governance 3.2 Business vision for Company xx ► How will the level of income increase ► How will the asset side of the balance sheet be developed ► What is the company’s proposition ► Where is the opportunity over the coming years 3.3 Products and services ► Mapping services to clients ► Descriptive section to follow on the service and each service category (if there are categories) ► Provide details of where greatest focus lies / greatest revenue contributors ► Provide historical context of the service development / positioning ► Comment on opportunities for growth 3.4 Overview of client base ► Target client market ► Total number of clients (by type of client) over time, with composition of current client base ► Comment on level of fragmentation / concentration ► Comment on retention levels / loyalty Business Plan ► Results of client surveys / industry recognition ► Comment on opportunities for growth 3.5 Distribution ► Overview of how new business is won ► Show locations on a global map 3.6 Future competitive composition ► Offering position (including services to be offered and target markets) ► Operating position (including outsourced technology) ► Pricing position Business Plan 4. Overview of the Company xx Issuing Markets Summary highlights ► 4.1 [captures the key points from the chapter] Overview of the xx industry ► Macroeconomic background –macroeconomic trends (population, GDP) ► Historical developments of the xx market ► Recent circumstances and expected future developments in terms of supply / demand, regulation, etc 4.2 ► Competitive landscape Descriptions of supply side – number of institutions and differentiation of service offering Business Plan 5. Historic Financial Performance Summary highlights ► 5.1 [captures the key points from the chapter] Income statement ► Income statement ► Comments on income statement 5.2 Balance sheet ► Balance sheet ► Comments on balance sheet 5.3 Cash flow ► Cash flow ► Comments on cash flow Business Plan 6. Financial Projections Summary highlights ► [captures the key points from the chapter] 6.1 ► Overview General approach to building financial projections 6.2 ► Forecast income statement Table of forecast income statement 6.2.1 ► Breakdown of the drivers of fee income 6.2.2 ► Forecast balance sheet Table of forecast balance sheet 6.3.1 ► Assets growth High level analysis on how growth will be achieved 6.3.2 ► Operating expenses Breakdown of the drivers of operating expenses 6.3 ► Fee income Liabilities growth High level analysis on how growth will be achieved Business Plan 7. Control and Governance Framework Summary highlights ► [captures the key points from the chapter] 7.1 Introduction ► Objectives of the control and governance framework ► Provide a diagram of the compliance framework 7.2 The Board ► Overall responsibility of the Board ► Individual biographies of all Board members 7.3 ► Key management Individual roles and biographies of all key management 7.4 ► Committees Describe the committees and their objectives 7.5 ► Staff Show split of employees by department Table X: Headcount analysis Department [list as appropriate] Men Women Total Average age (years) Average length of service (years) Board X X X XX X.X Management team X X X XX X.X Internal audit X X X XX X.X Risk X X X XX X.X Compliance X X X XX X.X Credit X X X XX X.X Treasury X X X XX X.X HR X X X XX X.X Finance X X X XX X.X Marketing X X X XX X.X IT X X X XX X.X Facilities X X X XX X.X Branch network X X X XX X.X Etc X X X XX X.X Total XX XX XX XX X.X Business Plan 7.6 ► 7.7 ► 7.8 ► 7.9 Culture Bring out Company xx’s culture Training and development Describe training/development programme for staff Recruitment Comment plans going forward Remuneration and benefits ► What is the remuneration structure – fixed / variable / bonus? ► Explain how this varies by department/function ► Show basic analysis of salary bands in table below. Alternatively could show by department with average salary in each department Table 8: Salary bands Salary band (USD) 0 – XXXXX XXXXX – XXXXX XXXXX – XXXXX XXXXX + Total number of employees within the band X X X X ► What is the benefits structure, if any ► Comment on pensions liabilities Business Plan 8. Infrastructure Summary highlights ► 8.1 [captures the key points from the chapter] Organisation structure ► Chart showing key people / divisions ► Comment on key roles of each function 8.2 IT infrastructure ► Plans for internet supply ► Background on ancillary systems ► Chart/table summarising infrastructure and description ► Overview of any third-party supplier contracts ► Comment on scalability / processing capacity / required investment Business Plan