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English Past Tenses Worksheet

Imię i nazwisko: _____________________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 30
1 Zakreśl prawidłowe uzupełnienie zdań: a, b albo c.
0 Did you know that Brad Pitt _____ in dozens of films and
TV series before he became famous?
a used to act
b had acted
c was acting
1 The first time I saw him he _____ his dad’s car. It looked
like hard work.
a had cleaned
b cleaned
c was cleaning
2 I loved going to the beach as a kid. Unfortunately, we
_____ there very often.
a didn’t use to go
b weren’t used to going
c weren’t going
3 Last Sunday I was at that concert. It was the best gig I
_____ in years.
a saw
b have been seeing c had seen
4 Have you seen this cool T-shirt? I _____ it for my
a bought
b have bought
c was buying
5 When I asked her, she told me that she _____ to that
play already.
a went
b had been
c had gone
6 I was covered in cobwebs and dirt when you visited me
because I _____ the cellar all morning.
a had cleaned
b had been cleaning c was cleaning
______ / 6
2 Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiedniej
It 0 was a complete coincidence. I 1 _________________
(watch) TV and there was this advert for a new chocolate
ice-cream. It was a lovely day so I 2 _________________
(decide) I’d go out and see if they sold it in my local shop.
Anyway, as I 3 ____________________ (walk) down the
street, I 4 _______________ (see) this woman in front of
me fall and drop her shopping all over the pavement. I
5 _______________ (run) to help her but I had no idea at
that time that she 6 _____________________ (collapse).
I 7 _________________ (not / imagine) that the first aid
training would come in so handy so soon – it was only
the week before that we 8 _______________ (have) the
course. I remembered first to see if she was breathing
and then I checked whether she could hear me or talk to
me. I 9 _________________ (shake) her gently to try and
get a response – and nothing. So I 10 _______________
(ring) for an ambulance and made sure that she was
comfortable and could breathe easily. You’d have done
the same. I’m certainly no hero.
______ / 10
3 Przekształć zdania, używając wyrazu podanego
dużymi literami, tak aby zachować znaczenie
zdania wyjściowego.
0 I finished my homework and then the telephone rang.
I had just finished my homework when the telephone rang.
1 They had dinner and then went to see a play. AFTER
2 It was my first time eating octopus.
3 Sleeping in a tent was a great holiday experience for me
when I was a child.
4 How long have you had your new bike?
______ / 4
4 Wybierz poprawne formy czasowników, tak aby
powstał spójny i logiczny dialog.
Sarah: So, tell me Paul. What 0 did you think / had you
thought about the exhibition?
Paul: Well, you might be surprised to hear that I
1 enjoyed / had enjoyed it. I 2 was / had been amazed by
the quality of the show overall. So many original pieces
of famous art works, you know, pieces that even I
3 heard / had heard of.
Sarah: Yes. It’s the first time they have shown so many
famous works in the same place. There wasn’t a gallery
in the whole of Europe that 4 had shown / had been
showing those paintings by Dali together before.
Paul: Well, it 5 was / had been well worth the entrance
fee even though waiting to get in was a nightmare. We
6 had been queueing / have queued for nearly an hour
before we finally got in, right? Anyway, I’d definitely
recommend it and I 7 was wondering / had wondered
whether Janet would like to see it. She’s into art, isn’t
she? What was your favourite part of the exhibition?
Sarah: For me, it was the expressionist stuff. I really
8 had never thought / had never been thinking that I’d
see Munch’s ‘Scream’ in the flesh so to speak. A real
shame about the Dali, though. I wasn’t impressed at all
and I 9 had always liked / used to like his work. But I’m
glad we 10 went / had gone.
______ / 10
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