ECT 411 ELEARNING TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION PROJECT Once you create your gnomio account through. to access it you don’t need to register again you just need to log in as per the credentials sent to your email. INSTRUCTIONS: Enrol the lecturer as a student in your Unit Username email role lecturer student Password Ect411@2023 Ensure you are creative and innovative enough to make your course appealing. NB: DON’T COPY COURSE OUTLINE ISSUED BY YOUR LECTURERS BE CREATIVE TASKS 1. Create the following category in your account : SEPTEMBER 2023 SEMESTER 2. Have atleast one Manager 3. Create the following Units: ADD TWO UNITS ACCORDING TO YOUR AREA OF SPECIALIZATION AND ADD YOUR ADMNO e.g. EDU 411: COMPUTER STUDIES- BED-00-0001/2023 NB: EACH UNIT SHOULD BE UNIQUE DUPLICATES WILL BE MARKED AS ZERO 4. Add 10 Students new users to your unit (these are supposed to be your class mates) 5. Add one Teacher in Each unit 6. Add atleast 10 Topics in the Unit 7. Create a course outline for Each unit and name it: UNIT NAME/ YOUR ADMNO e.g. EDU 411: COMPUTER STUDIES- BED-00-0001/2023 Course outline 8. Using the following template add TOPIC 1& 2 Content as per your course outline 9. Add restrictions to the activities Using the Units Created 1. Use the following template add Content as per your course outline Unit Outline and Schedule Ensure the following items are posted in the unit Lecturer Introduction (Profile, Contacts) Unit Introduction Course Outline LMS TOOL TO USE Use Text & Media Area Use Text & Media Area Attach as a file ECT 411 ELEARNING TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION PROJECT Online Activities Ensure the following items are posted in the four topics of the unit Online Activity Videoconferencing Use a tool of your choice e.g Zoom, Google Meet, BBB Recorded Video/ Audio Post a Link published in your YouTube channel Discussion Forum In Each Topic Quiz Calculated quiz, MCQ, True/False Assignment Add Assignment in Topic 1 Database Add a Database in Topic 3 Feedback Add Feedback in Topic 4 Survey Add Survey in Topic 5 Topic Items LMS Tool Topic Title from topic 1 to 10 e.g. Topic 1: Introduction to Computers Topic Introduction from topic 1 to 10 Text & Media Area Topic Objectives from topic 1 to 10 Text & Media Area Topic References from topic 1 to 10 Text & Media Area NB: ENSURE YOUR STUDENTS HAVE PARTICIPATED AND YOU GRADE THEIR WORK Topic Resources Topic resources can be attached as files, page, book, lesson, URL or Multimedia content as follows: 1. Lecture Notes: Pdf or Word 2. Multimedia: Video/ Audio Recorded by the lecturer Online Assessment 1. Create a quiz with 10 questions, covering various topics relevant to the subject matter. 2. Include a mix of question types such as multiple choice, fill in the blanks, and calculation-based questions. 3. Ensure that the quiz provides immediate feedback and doesn’t allow multiple attempts 4. Incorporate a time limit for completing the quiz. 5. Consider adding randomization to the questions or answer choices to prevent cheating. 6. Provide clear instructions and specify any necessary units or rounding requirements for numerical answers. 7. Include a mix of difficulty levels to challenge students' understanding of the subject matter. 8. Ensure that the quiz is accessible and user-friendly for students with diverse learning needs. 9. Set appropriate grading and feedback options for each question. ECT 411 ELEARNING TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION PROJECT 10. Test the quiz thoroughly before releasing it to students to ensure functionality and accuracy. 11. Grade your students’ activities and attach the gradebook as a file 1. Content creation Using the Units Created 1. Prepare an instructional PowerPoint (10 slides maximum) for each Topic 2. Facilitate a 10 minutes session using video conferencing tool of your choice e.g zoom, BBB, Zoom and record the Lesson using Loom Software 3. Record the PowerPoint presentation using PowerPoint 4. Upload the recorded items in Number 2&3 in your YouTube channel (publish as public) and upload the link in the area provided