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Case Study Answer Sheet: Bias, Ethics, and HR Solutions

Diego F Pineda Yon
ID: 862476175
Answer 1:
The several potential biases found in this case are the geographic bias which excludes hiring certain
people depending on their zip codes considering factors such as characteristics and tendencies. Then,
the racial bias comes to place by being revealed in this case showing a disparity in turnover rates
between employees of color and white employees. Effects in such a case scenario include bias in hiring,
retention or workplace treatment. Finally, gender bias and socioeconomic bias play an important role
illustrating a high turnover for women facing more challenges than the opposite sex, including their
socioeconomic status. If these biases were unaddressed, it is safe to assume that it might perpetuate
inequalities and hinder diversity and inclusion efforts within the company.
Answer 2:
In my opinion, the CEO’s proposed idea is not a good idea because filtering potential employees by their
zipcodes may result in a passive discriminatory practice that could potentially lead to be unfair and
illegal. Also, it shows lack of inclusivity which shows that the approach is not aligned with the company's
stated commitment causing them to miss talents and motivated individuals that seek to work for the
company but have been filtered out by their zip codes.. Finally, this idea may be considered as a
short-term fix to reduce turnover but it will not increase the overall employees’ retention. From my
perspective, I would start by improving the work environment, addressing the reasons for high turnovers
and start implementing strategies to promote diversity and inclusion.
Answer 3:
Referring to the Giving Voice to Values methodology, I might clarify my values and principles such as
diversity, fairness and inclusivity. Also, I would Identify the key stakeholders involved, including
employees, customers, shareholders, and the local community. Moreover, I would evaluate the CEO’s
suggestion and consider its potential benefits and drawbacks, more like its pros and cons. Finally, I
would develop and consider alternatives that align with my values and the company’s commitment to
hire the right individuales based on their skills mostly. After that I would implement and act on it
collaborating with HR to evaluate its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments to make this action
the most ethical decision made and continually improve it.