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Professional Ethics Question Bank

Professional Ethics Question Bank
1. Define ethics, morals and value.
2. What are personal ethics and business ethics?
3. Describe difference between law and morality.
4. How are moral standards formed?
5. What are normative theories?
6. Explain difference between ethical egoism and psychological
7. Explain ethical theories in relation to business
8. What is utilitarianism? Explain types of utilitarianism. List the
difference between act and rule utilitarianism.
9. Describe Kantianism with example.
10. What are the three leading normative theories of business
ethics? Explain.
11. Describe Ethics Of Jainism, Islam, Buddha, Ramayana, and
1. What are the principles of personal ethics?
2. What are the principles of professional ethics?
3. How business ethics was evolved?
4. Write short note on: Role of honesty, integrity and
Transparency in business ethics
5. Honesty, integrity and transparency are three pillars of business
Ethics. Do you agree?
6. What do you mean by unethical behavior?
7. Discuss in brief sources of unethical behavior.
8. What is value?
9. Distinguish between ethics and value?
10. What is ethical decision making?
11. Explain in brief steps to be taken for ethical decision making
12. How Ethics Can Make Corporate Governance More
13. List Out General Characteristics Of Values.
Explain Ethical Dilemma And How To Resolve It.
Characteristics Of Ethical Dilemma.
Sources Of Ethical Behavior.
How To Resolve Ethical Problem.
1. Explain Right Theories or Right Approach.
2. Which ethical models are guiding in ethical decision
3. Which ethical model can be considered as best model
for ethical decision making?
4. What kinds of rights are described under Right
5. What consideration shall be given at the time of ethical
decision making involving cross holder conflict?
6. Write short note: Kohlberg's Model on Cognitive Moral
7. Explain Heinz dilemma. Who developed it?
8. Write short note: Pre-conventional morality.
9. Write short note: Conventional morality.
10. Write short note: Post conventional morality.
11. Explain the limitation of Kohlberg's Model on
Cognitive Moral Development.
12. Which factors influences ethical decision making?
13. Write short note: Issue intensity.
14. How personal value affect ethical decision making?
1. What do you understand by philosophy and moral Philosophy?
2. Moral philosophy and business ethics are same. Comment.
3. Explain the concept of Economic value orientation in context of
moral philosophy.
4. Elaborate terms: Idealism and Realism.
5. Discuss consequentialism
6. Discuss utilitarianism
7. Briefly explain about deontology.
8. Explain relativism. And in what different ways moral relativism
can be understood?
9. What is virtue ethics?
10. Discuss the concept of justice with reference to moral philosophy
11. Explain the Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
12. What is white collar crime?
13. State common characteristics of white collar crime.
14. What are the different types of white collar crime?
15. What is the impact of white collar crime?
Is the term "Business ethics" contradictory? Justify your answer.
What is religion? Is religious teaching important in Education?
Discuss the characteristics of Indian ancient education system.
Do you feel that the education system must change? Justify your answer.
Discuss the lessons that Indian managers can learn from the ancient
6. What is Karma? How the knowledge of karma can help in Business?
7. Define Quality of work life. What are the motivational factors for QWL?
8. Explain the nature and scope of quality of work life and also its
9. Explain the ethics of Swami Vivekananda.
10. Explain the ethics of Mahatma Gandhi.
11. Explain the ethics of Sri Aurobindo.
12. Explain the ethics of Rabindranath Tagore.
13. Discuss the common factor in the ethical beliefs of Swami
Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and
Rabindranath Tagore.
14. What is the important lesson that can be learnt from the great
Indian thinkers and philosophers?
15. Give some practical examples of unethical cases in India and explain it
with reference to karma.