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AWS D1.1 Welding Qualification: Performance Tests & Standards

AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015
welding operators shall conform to Table 4.11. Details
on the individual NDT and mechanical test requirements
are found in the following subclauses:
with the process, or a series of tests shall be conducted to
establish essential variable limits. Any change in essential variables outside the range so established shall require requalification.
(1) Visual Inspection (see 4.9.1) (use WPS requirements)
(2) Face, root, and side bend (see (use WPS
Part C
Performance Qualification
(3) Macroetch (see 4.22.2)
(4) Fillet Weld Break (see 4.22.4)
4.15 General Substitution of RT for Guided Bend
Tests. Except for joints welded by GMAW-S, radiographic examination of a welder or welding operator
qualification test plate or test pipe may be made in lieu of
bend tests described in 4.16.1(2) (see 4.22.3 for RT requirements).
The performance qualification tests required by this code
are specifically devised tests to determine a welder's,
welding operators, or tack welder's ability to produce
sound welds. The qualification tests are not intended to
be used as guides for welding or tack welding during actual construction. The latter shall be performed in conformance with a WPS.
In lieu of mechanical testing or RT of the qualification
test assemblies, a welding operator may be qualified by
RT of the initial 15 in [380 mm] of a production groove
weld. The material thickness range qualified shall be that
shown in Table 4.11.
4.15.1 Production Welding Positions Qualified Welders and Welding Operators. The
qualified production welding positions qualified by a
plate test for welders and welding operators shall be in
conformance with Table 4.10. The qualified production
welding positions qualified by a tubular test for welders
and welding operators shall be in conformance with
Clause 9 and Table 9.13. Guided Bend Tests. Mechanical test specimens shall be prepared by cutting the test plate, pipe, or
tubing as shown in Figures 4.16, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22,
and 9.28 for welder qualification or Figure 4.17, 4.22, or
4.24 for welding operator qualification, whichever is applicable. These specimens shall be approximately rectangular in cross section, and be prepared for testing in
conformance with Figure 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, or 4.14, whichever is applicable. Tack Welders. A tack welder shall be qualified by one test plate in each position in which the tack
welding is to be performed.
4.15.2 Production Thicknesses and Diameters Qualified
4.16.2 Tack Welders. The tack welder shall make a
1/4 in [6 mm] maximum size tack weld approximately
2 in [50 mm] long on the fillet-weld-break specimen as
shown in Figure 4.27. Welders or Welding Operators. The range
of qualified production welding thicknesses and diameters for which a welder or welding operator is qualified
for shall be in conformance with Table 4.11. Extent of Qualification. A tack welder who
passes the fillet weld break test shall be qualified to
tack weld all types of joints (except CJP groove welds,
welded from one side without backing; e.g., butt joints and
T-, Y-, and K-connections) for the process and in the position in which the tack welder is qualified. Tack welds in
the foregoing exception shall be performed by welders
fully qualified for the process and in the position in which
the welding is to be done. Tack Welders. Tack welder qualification
shall qualify for thicknesses greater than or equal to
1/8 in [3 mm].
4.15.3 Welder and Welding Operator Qualification
Through WPS Qualification. A welder or welding operator may also be qualified by welding a satisfactory
WPS qualification test plate, pipe or tubing that meets
the requirements of 4.9. The welder or welding operator is
thereby qualified in conformance with 4.15.1 and 4.15.2.
4.16 Type of Qualification Tests
4.17 Weld Types for Welder and
Welding Operator Performance
4.16.1 Welders and Welding Operators. The type and
number of qualification tests required for welders or
For the purpose of welder and welding operator qualification, weld types shall be classified as follows: