WEB TECHNOLOGIES PRACTICAL INDEX S.NO PRACTICAL DATE 1. Create a web page with background color of your choice Create a web page having an image in it Write a program to display the use of paragraph tag and all six heading styles Write a program to put a background image on the web page using <body> tag Write a program to show the use of bold, italics ,superscript, subscript tag Create a web page showing an ordered list of all courses of your collage Create a webpage showing unordered list of all the places you have visited Create a web page showing the definition list Create a nested list 26.09.23 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Write a program to display the table Write a program to display the table Write a program to create a hyperlink on a webpage Write a program to display the webpage using frames 26.09.23 03.10.23 03.10.23 03.10.23 10.10.23 10.10.23 10.10.23 10.10.23 12.10.23 12.10.23 17.10.23 Solution-Practical 1 <html> <head><title>BCA I Sem</title></head> <body bgcolor="green"> <center> <font size=24, color="white", style="Arial"> MY FIRST WEB PAGE </font> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 2 <html> <head><title>BCA MID SEM</title></head> <body bgcolor="pink"> <center> <img src="C:\Users\Shaurya\Desktop\skydownload.jpeg " height= 300,width= 500> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 3 <html> <head><title>BCA MID SEM</title></head> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" first paragraph <p> A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and are all related to a single topic. Almost every piece of writing you do that is longer than a few sentences should be organized into paragraphs.</p> <h1>ananya</h1> <h2>ananya</h2> <h3>ananya</h3> <h4>ananya</h4> <h5>ananya</h5> <h6>ananya</h6> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 4 <html> <head><title>BCA MID SEM</title></head> <body bgcolor="black" background="C:\Users\Shaurya\Desktop\download.jpeg" height= 400,width= 500> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 5 <html> <head><title>BCA MID SEM</title></head> <body <b><i> Nature </b></i> <br> The <u>nature</u> around us is beautiful. It is surrounded by water(h<sub>2</sub>o) 2<sup>8</sup>p </body> </html> Solution-Practical 6 <html> <head><title>courses</head></title> <body bgcolor="green" text="white" > <h1>list of courses</h1> <ol type="I"> <li>BCA</li> <li>BBA</li> <li>LLB</li> <li>BJMC</li> <li>B-TECH</li> </OL> </body> <html> Solution-Practical 7 <html> <head><title>courses</head></title> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" > <h1>list of courses</h1> <ul type="square"> <li>delhi</li> <li>agra</li> <li>banglore</li> <li>manali</li> <li>shimla</li> </uL> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 8 <html> <head><title>terms</head></title> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" > <h1>terms used</h1> <dl> <dt>WWW</dt> <dd>World wide web</dd> <dt>RAM</dt> <dd>random access memory</dd> <dt>ROM</dt> <dd>read only memory</dd> <dt>LAN</dt> <dd>local area network</dd> </dl> </body> <html> Solution-Practical 9 <html> <head><title>list</head></title> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" > <h1>nested list</h1> <ol type=1> <li><h1>CHAPTER 1<h1></li> </ol> <ul type="DISC"> <li>introduction</li> <li>Advantages and disadvantages</li> </ul> <ol type=1 start=2> <li><h1>CHAPTER <h1></li> </ol> <ul type="square"> <li>data types</li> <li>operators</li> <li>header files</li> </uL> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 10 <html> <head><title>product</head></title> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" > <table border="2" bordercolor="white" width=50% cellpadding="10" > <caption>PRODUCT SALES</CAPTION> <tr> <th>SNO</th> <th>NAME</th> <th>quantities</th> <th>AMOUNT</th> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>A</td> <td>5</td> <td>1000</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td>B</td> <td>2</td> <td>2000</td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td>C</td> <td>3</td> <td>3000</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3">total(rs)</td> <td>5000</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 11 <html> <head><title>image</head></title> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" > <table border="2" bordercolor="white"width=50% cellpadding="10" > <tR> <td colspan="2">XYZ PVT LTD</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="6">S.NO</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5">List of product</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1.Books</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2.Pencils</td> </tr> <tr> <td>3.Erases</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4.Sharpener</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 12 <html> <head><title>Q1</title></head> <body> <center><h2>FESTIVALS OF INDIA</h2></center> <h1><b>About</b><h1> <p>Festivals are cultural, religious, or social events that are celebrated by communities, groups, or societies to mark specific occasions, commemorate historical or religious events, or simply to bring people together for fun and entertainment. Festivals vary widely in their nature, purpose, and traditions, and they can be found in virtually every culture around the world. Here are some common types of festivals: Religious Festivals: These festivals are observed by religious communities to commemorate significant events or figures in their faith. Examples include Christmas for Christians, Eid for Muslims, Diwali for Hindus, and Hanukkah for Jews. <a href="1.html">go to next page </a> </body> </html> Solution-Practical 13 <html> <head> <title>Document</title> </head> <frameset cols="*,*"> <frameset rows="20%"> <frame src="1.html"></frame> </frameset> <frameset rows="50%,50%"> <frame src="2.html"></frame> <frame src="3.html"></frame> </frameset> </html> <html> <head> <title>New Doc 1</title></head> <ol type="a"> <h1>List of Teams</h1> <li>INDIA</li> <li>NEW ZEALAND</li> <li>PAKISTAN</li> </ol> </html> <html> <head> <title>New Doc 2</title> </head> <body> <img src="C:\Users\Shaurya\Desktop\download.jpeg" height="300" width="400"> </body> </html> <html> <head> <title>New Doc 3</title> </head> <body> <h1><u>ICC World Cup</u></h1> <p>The International Cricket Council is the global governing body of cricket. It was founded as the Imperial Cricket Conference in 1909 by representatives from Australia, England and South Africa. It was renamed as the International Cricket Conference in 1965, and took up its current name in 1987.</p> </body> </html>