Presented by Cindra Yuningsih Feoh,S.Pd Menentukan struktur teks ungkapan pengandaian dikuti oleh perintah/saran sesuai dengan konteks pennggunaannya Menganalisis fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan ungkapan pengandaian diikuti oleh perintah/saran sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya Mengklasifikasikan ungkapan – ungkapan pengandaian sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya Conditional sentences are sentences that express one thing contingent on something else. A full conditional thus contains two clauses: the dependent clause expressing the condition and the main clause expressing the consequence Types of Conditional Sentence Conditional Type Zero Rumus : If + simple present, simple present If it rains, the ground gets wet. Conditional type 1 Rumus : If + simple present, simple future If you go now, you will arrive there on time Conditional type 2 Rumus : if + simple past, present conditional If I lived in seoul, tonight I would go to that concert Conditional type 3 Rumus : if + past perfect, perfect conditional If I had left my house earlier,I wouldn’t have missed the train Conditional type 1 This type is a sentence that expresses an idea that might happen at some point in the future. It is something that is possible, but its certainty is unknown because it depends on another event. The Function Type 1 conitional refers to a possible condition and its result. These sentence based on facts and they are used to make statements about the real world, and about particular situations. Language Features (1) Kata untuk menyatakan pengandaian: if …, unless … (2) Adverbial dengan –ly, adverbia untuk menyatakan waktu, tempat, dsb. (3) Tenses sesuai tipe kalimat pengandaian If clause + reminder (peringatan) IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, S + HAVE TO/HAS TO/ MUST + V1 Contoh : If you want to be the winner, you have to practice a lot If we want to pass the exam, we must study harder. If clause + imperative (instruksi/perintah) IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, IMPERATIVE SENTENCE Contoh : If you don’t like coffee, don’t drink it ! Listen to me carefully if you don’t want to miss a thing If clause + suggestion (saran) IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, S + CAN/ SHOULD /HAD BETTER/ OUGH TO + V1 Atau IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, WHY DON’T + S + V1? Contoh : If you want to get better soon, you should get some medicine If you need to know some cooking menus, why don’t you search it in internet? If clause + show a dream (sebuah harapan atau mimpi ) IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, S + WILL/SHALL+ V1 Contoh : If I have much money next year, I will build a house for my parents I will go to the college if I graduate from school this year. If clause + a general truth (kebenaran umum) IF + SIMPLE PRESENT, SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Contoh : If you heat an ice, it melts If you throw a ball,it will fall downward