Pseudocode Syntax A-Z 1. Declaring a variable X <- 5 name <- “Adam” 2. Mathematical operators 5B. CASE OF ... OTHERWISE ... ENDCASE INPUT FoodToBuy CASE OF FoodToBuy Milo : OUTPUT “Here’s your milo” Biscuit: OUTPUT “Here’s your biscuit” OTHERWISE: OUTPUT “The canteen does not have this food” ENDCASE 6. Iterations (Repeat) 6A. FOR ... TO ... NEXT ... - Used when the number of iterations is fixed. 3. Comparison operators FOR Counter <- 1 TO 10 OUTPUT Counter NEXT 6B. REPEAT ... UNTIL ... - Used when the number of iterations is not known, that is completed at least once. 4. Declaring an array (a variable that stores a list of items). DECLARE MyClass : ARRAY[1:10] OF STRING DECLARE = Keywords MyClass = variable name (can be any name you like) ARRAY[1:10] = Create an array of size 10 OF STRING = The data type of the array - STRING = “WORD” - INTEGER = NUMBERS (eg. 5, 6) - FLOAT = Decimal number (eg. 5.6) To access the Nth element of an array, do: ArrayName[N], where N is the position 5. Conditionals 5A. IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... ENDIF INPUT Age IF Age < 18 THEN 5B. CASE OF ... OTHERWISE ... ENDCASE OUTPUT “Child” ELSE OUTPUT “Adult” ENDIF REPEAT OUTPUT “Hello” INPUT Option UNTIL Option = -1 6C. WHILE ... DO ... ENDWHILE - Used when the number of iterations is not known, that may never be completed even once Total <- 0 OUTPUT “Enter value for mark, -1 to finish” INPUT Mark WHILE Mark <> -1 DO Total <- Total + Mark OUTPUT “Enter value for mark, -1 to finish” INPUT Mark ENDWHILE