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Interview Consent Form
Dear Participants:
Good day!
We are Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students from Senior High School
Department of San Sebastian College Recoletos Manila. We are conducting a research study entitled,
“Phenomenological Study: Exploring the Experiences of Female Senior High School students on Victimblaming within University-Belt Manila in Recto, Mendiola, and Espana.” We are humbly asking your
participation and cooperation as our respondents to answer our questionnaires. Your participation will be
of great help in accomplishing our endeavor.
Please read the consent document carefully before deciding to participate in this study. You may ask any
questions before signing this form.
Research Paper title: Phenomenological Study: Exploring the Experiences of Female Senior
High School students on Victim-blaming within University-Belt Manila in Recto, Mendiola, and
Purpose of the Study:
The study aims to understand and explore the experiences of the female senior high school
students in Victim-blaming in an effort to put a stop to and shed light on the victim-blaming that
has become prevalent and practiced for centuries. The research study also provides raised
awareness and encouragement so women can feel more comfortable wearing what they wear.
Study Procedures:
The data will be collected through recorded interview. The audio or video recording of your
interview with the researcher is required for this study. Your name or any other identifying
information will not be linked to the audio, audio recording, or transcript. Only the research team
will have access to the recordings.
The researchers will transcribe the tapes and then delete them once they have been reviewed for
correctness. Transcripts of your interview may be used in whole or in part in presentations or
written publications resulting from this research. Your name, as well as any other identifiable
information (such as your voice or image), will not be utilized in any presentations or written
publications emerging from the study.
Potential Risks of Participating:
The study may cause the respondents of loss of privacy and/or breach of confidentiality, and
psychological and emotional risks such as fear, confusion, stress, and triggering of past emotional
Potential Benefits of Participating:
Participating in this study will give a better understanding and explore the respondents’ opinions,
behavior, experiences, and phenomenon in victim-blaming through interview questions. It gives
the opportunities to validate these experiences and serve as a voice for the participants as it gives
an empowerment, as well as an increase knowledge in the field that may lead to better health
Voluntary Participation:
The participation and cooperation of a respondent is voluntary. You may refuse to participate in
any of the study.
Right to withdraw from the interview:
You may withdraw right before or in the process of interview process without any implications to
the participants.
I, ___________________________, hereby give my consent for the interview in relation to the research
on victim-blaming. I have read the procedure described above. I voluntarily agree to participate in the
procedure and have received a copy of this description.
Participant: ____________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________