PROJNo.:__________ CALC No.:_________ Self Chck:__________ Date:________ Chkd:________ Apprvd:________ Date:________ Date:________ INTRODUCTION TO HORIZONTAL VESSEL SIZING PROGRAM Program Name #REF! Version #REF! Revision #REF! Author R Aspinall Date #REF! CLICK ON HIGHLIGHTED BUTTONS Purpose This program is designed to assist with sizing of 2 phase and 3 phase horizontal separators. This program is based on the guidelines for horizontal separators in API 12J Level Control Guidelines The following liquid levels are offered only as an approximate guide. Where project specific level control data is available, the following may be ignored. For explanation of liquid levels click on boxes highlighted in yellow. Instructions for use 1. - Input required process data in the 'Data Input' sheet: Fluid Mass Flowrates & Densities Oil Viscosity Separator operating pressure Separator Type - ie 2 or 3 phase Separation Device Vessel Aspect Ratio (Length/ Diameter) Level constraints (See diagrams opposite For Guidelines) There are 2 options for entering liquid level constraints: 1) Default level constraints may be chosen by clicking on the 'Default Level Constraints' button 2) User specified level constraints may be entered directly - Required Oil & Water or liquid (for 2 phase separators) Residence Times - Max allowable rhov2 for inlet/ vapour outlet nozzles and max allowable velocity for liquid outlet nozzle 3 Phase Separator 0.3D or 300mm min HHLL LLL LLLL Settling Height for light phase or 300mm min 3. Input an initial guess for the vessel diameter based on the estimated diameter and enter maximum interface and liquid levels as a percentage of the vessel diameter. D HIL Weir LIL 6 minute heavy phase holdup or 300mm min Water Nozzle 150mm from vessel base 2. Goto the 'Calculations (1)' sheet by clicking on the button at the bottom of 'Data Input Sheet' 1 - 5 minute holdup light phase or 250mm min HLL LLIL Dead Oil Length 1 minute holdup or 350mm min T/T Length Separation Length 4. Hit the 'Execute Program' button and check residence times to see if requirements are met. ( Note1: the calculated default liquid levels are based on the user input level constraints) ( Note2: the program will give a warning if input dia is too small (based on user input level constraints)) 5. If either the API criteria or other criteria is not met adjust dia and/ or maximum Oil/ Interface levels and rerun program 1. When actual liquid levels are known, these may be entered by clicking on the 'enter liquid levels' button in the 'Data Input' sheet. This will take the user to the main calculation sheet and the liquid levels can be entered in the highlighted cells. Once these are entered, go back to the Data Input Sheet and complete input. Goto 'Calculations (1) sheet' and enter the vessel diameter. There is no need to execute the program since this calculates liquid levels based on the level constraints. 2. The water outlet nozzle is fixed @ 150mm above the vessel base. This may be adjusted to a user preferred value by overwriting the default value in 'calculations(2)' worksheet Limitations 1. Does not take into account vessel heads therefore the separation volume used in calculations is conservative 2 Phase Separator 0.3D or 300mm min HHLL 1 minute holdup or 250mm min 1 min holdup 1 minute holdup or 300mm min Water Nozzle 150mm from vessel base HLL LLL D LLLL T/T Length FEEDBACK: All feedback should be sent to the Owner (Assigned Custodian): - see Revision Status sht. 397539096.xls - Introduction Page 1 of 8 09/20/2018 PROJNo.:__________ CALC No.:_________ Self Chck:__________ Date:________ INPUT DATA Chkd:________ Apprvd:________ Date:________ Date:________ SHEET Client: Job No: Project: Vessel Name: Tag No: Case: PROCESS DATA Operating Pressure Oil Mass Flowrate (bara) (kg/h) 65 0 Oil Viscosity Oil Density (cP) (kg/m3) 0.07 428.00 Gas Mass Flowrate (Kg/h) 31,143 Gas Density (kg/m3) 76.25 Water Mass Flowrate (kg/h) 0 Water Density (kg/m3) 1000.00 SEPARATION 2 or 3 Phase 22 Gas-Liquid Separation Device Wiremesh Demister Aspect Ratio (L/D) K-Value (m/s) User Input 2 Phase Separator Default 0.107 Wiremesh Demister (Optional) Selected 0.11 0.107 3.0 CONSTRAINTS Liquid Levels From to… Min height (mm) 150 *Water outlet nozzle to LILL or LLLL Interface low-low to interface low (LLIL to LIL) interface low to interface high (LIL to HIL) Interface High (HIL) to Weir Min Time (secs) 30 N/A Weir to Oil Low Low (LLLL) Oil low low to oil low (LLLL to LLL) Oil low to oil high (LLL to HLL) Oil high to oil high high (HLL to HHLL) 150 150 250 N/A 30 60 60 Min. holdup time for oil downstream of Weir to prevent gas blowby (Required for dead oil length calc) Minimum Residence/ Holdup Times Oil Residence Time (minutes) Water Residence Time (minutes) 2 Phase Liquid Holdup Time (minutes) 1 1 (Not Required) (Not Required) *(level to LILL for 3 phase separator or LLLL for 2 phase separator) NOZZLE DATA *Inlet Nozzle - max allowable rhov2 (kg/ms2) Vapour Outlet Nozzle - max allowable rhov2 (kg/ms2) Liquid Outlet nozzle - max allowable velocity (m/s) DEFAUL T 6000 3750 1 *For no separation device max allowable rhov2 = 1000 397539096.xls - Data Input Page 2 of 8 09/20/2018 PROJNo.:__________ CALC No.:_________ Self Chck:__________ Date:________ CALCULATION Client: Job No: Project: 0 0 0 Vessel Name: Tag No: Case: 0 0 0 Chkd:________ Apprvd:________ Date:________ Date:________ SHEET Vessel Sizing Variables Estimated Vessel Diameter User Selected Vessel Diameter Dead Oil Length Vessel Separation Length 1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 0 1100 0 3300 Maximum Liquid Levels Max Liq Level (HHLL) as a percentage of vessel diam. (%) Max interface level (HIL) as a percent of vessel diam. (%) Residence Times: 70 28 Not Required Calculated Oil Residence Time (NIL to NLL) Water Residence Time (Bot to NIL) Total Liquid Residence Time (Bot to NLL) (To NLL for 2 phase separator only) (min) (min) (min) N/A N/A #DIV/0! API 12 J Recommended (min) 1.00 2 phase (m3) 1 User Specified N/A N/A 0 Slug Handling Capacity From NLL to HHLL Note 1: A good starting point is 40% for HIL and 60% for HHLL 397539096.xls - Calculations (1) Page 3 of 8 09/20/2018 PROJNo.:__________ CALC No.:_________ Self Chck:__________ Date:________ RESULTS Project Details Client: Job No: Project: Chkd:________ Apprvd:________ Date:________ Date:________ SUMMARY Sizing Case 0 0 0 Vessel Name: Tag No: Case: 0 0 0 Process Input Data Operating Pressure Oil Mass Flowrate (Bara) (kg/h) 65 0 Gas Mass Flowrate Water Mass Flowrate (kg/h) (kg/h) 31,143 0 Oil Viscosity Oil Density (cP) (kg/m3) 0.07 428.00 Gas Density Water Density (kg/m3) (kg/m3) 76.25 1000.00 Results Vessel Dimensions Diameter Length T/T (m) (m) 1.1 3.3 Residence Time Total Liquid Water (min) (min) #DIV/0! N/A Gas Velocities Allowable Actual (m/s) (m/s) #DIV/0! 0.47 Liquid Levels High Normal Interface High Interface Normal 70% 40% N/A N/A Inlet Gas Outlet Oil & Water Outlet (ins) (ins) (ins) Nozzles (Above HHLL) (% (% (% (% Vessel Vessel Vessel Vessel Diameter) Diameter) Diameter) Diameter) calculated 5.7 5.7 0.0 selected 6 6 #N/A #N/A 3 PHASE SEPARATOR INLET High High Liquid Level High Liquid Level Normal Liquid Level Low Liquid Level Low Low liquid level Weir Height High Interface Level Normal Interface Level Low Interface Level Low Low Interface Level Bottom of Vessel Level (mm) #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0 HHLL HLL NLL LLL LLLL HIL NIL LIL LLIL BV N/A m TAN/TAN ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ N/A m ID Water 397539096.xls - Report GAS OUTLET Page 4 of 8 Oil N/A m Dead Oil Length 09/20/2018 PROJNo.:__________ CALC No.:_________ Self Chck:__________ Date:________ HORIZONTAL Client Job No Project VESSEL SIZING 0 0 0 Chkd:________ Apprvd:________ Date:________ Date:________ ROUTINES Vessel Name Tag No Case 0 0 0 PROCESS DATA Oil Gas Water Mass Flowrate Density @ operating conditions (kg/h) (kg/m3) 0 428 31,143 76.25 Volume flowrate (am3/h) 0.0 408.4 Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity (cP) (m2/sec) 0 1000 0.0 0.1 1.7E-7 2 Phase Separator Dimensions calculated vessel diameter (mm) user selected vessel diameter vessel separation length (mm) dead oil length (mm) 2 or 3 phase separation 0 (ESTIMATE) 1100 3300 cross section (m2) radius (mm) : 0.95 550 2 heights above bottom (mm) Default Heights User Input Interface Levels 2 minimum allowable nozzle water outlet nozzle interface low-low (LLIL) interface low (LIL) interface normal (NIL) interface high (HIL) weir height Light Phase Levels oil low-low (LLLL) oil low (LLL) oil normal (NLL) oil high (HLL) oil high-high (HHLL) : 220 370 520 gas cap height Space (mm) 1 Time Gap (sec) Selected 129 150 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 220 370 445 520 770 220 150 75 75 250 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 330 Note 1: The selected levels are the DEFAULT levels or where a value is entered by the user, the user input value will be used Note 2: Minimum allowable nozzle height limited by 50 deg entry angle to vessel shell. 397539096.xls - Calculations (2) Page 5 of 8 09/20/2018 PROJNo.:__________ CALC No.:_________ Self Chck:__________ Date:________ Chkd:________ Apprvd:________ Date:________ Date:________ API SIZING CRITERIA Oil gravity Min residence time (API Criterion) = = 199.1 API 1 mins 2 phase oil residence time nil-nll (mins)= Total Liquid Residence Time (mins)= water res. time nil-outlet (mins)= #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! alowable gas vel -API-(m/s) = K-Value for Wiremesh Demister actual gas velocity (m/s) - above nl - above hll - above hhll #DIV/0! 0.35 (ft/s) = = = time to overflow above hhl (sec)= 0.192 0.223 0.473 User Selected #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NOZZLES Minimum inlet diam. Min gas outlet diam. Minumum liquid outlet Minumum liquid outlet Minumum liquid outlet 397539096.xls - Calculations (2) 5.7 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 ins ins ins ins ins i.d. i.d. (oil + water) (oil only) (water only) Page 6 of 8 09/20/2018 Drawings Client: Job No: Project: 0 0 0 Vessel Name: Tag No: Case: 0 0 0 3 PHASE SEPARATOR INLET High High Liquid Level High Liquid Level Normal Liquid Level Low Liquid Level Low Low liquid level Weir Height High Interface Level Normal Interface Level Low Interface Level Low Low Interface Level Bottom of Vessel Level (mm) #VALUE! HHLL #VALUE! HLL #VALUE! NLL #VALUE! LLL #VALUE! LLLL #VALUE! #VALUE! HIL #VALUE! NIL #VALUE! LIL #VALUE! LLIL 0 BV N/A m TAN/TAN GAS OUTLET ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ N/A m ID Water N/A m Dead Oil Length Oil PROJNo.:__________ CALC No.:_________ Self Chck:__________ Date:________ HORIZONTAL VESSEL VESSEL NUMBER CASE DESCRIPTION SIZING Chkd:________ Apprvd:________ Date:________ Date:________ ROUTINES SLEIPNER LP SEPARATOR NEW GUNGNE CASE DATA WITH 3MSM3/D LP PRODUCTION oil rate (kg/h) gas rate (kg/h) water rate (kg/h) 2 or 3 phase separation : : : : 1240 24167 100 2 vessel diameter (mm) vessel separation length (mm): dead oil length (mm) : 5000 oil viscosity (cP) : 5000 oil viscosity (m2/sec) : 971 space time heights (mm) gap (sec) 585 150 n/a 1564 n/a n/a 1714 n/a n/a 1864 n/a n/a 2014 n/a n/a 2114 n/a n/a : heights above bottom (mm) minimum allowable nozzle water outlet nozzle interface low-low interface low interface normal interface high weir height : note 1 : : : : : : oil low-low (LLL) oil low (LL) oil normal (NL) oil high (HL) oil high-high (HHL) s cap height : : : : : : 795 97.4 1034 oil density (kg/m3) : gas density (kg/m3) : water dens. (kg/m3) : 2630 2780 2855 2930 3180 1820 2630 150 75 75 250 API SIZING CRITERIA 0.2 2.0E-7 oil vol (m3/h) gas vol (m3/h) wat vol (m3/h) : : cross section (m2) 135831 - above oil outlet 9698 4827 4806 15809 64% of vessel diam. 1.6 Liquid rate (kg/h) 248.1 Tot liq vol (m3/h) : 0.1 mix liq dens : : 19.64 radius 1340 1.7 ### ### - CHECK - 50% MAX FOR VANES, 60% FOR MISTMAT - OK SHELL DEP February 1991 SIZING CRITERIA Oil gravity Min residence time (API Criterion) = = oil residence time nil-nl (mins) = water res. time nil-outlet (sec)= = alowable gas vel - API - (m/s) = = actual gas velocity (m/s) - above nl - above hl - above hhl = = = time to overflow above hhl (sec)= NOTE - minimum allowable nozzle height limited by 50 deg entry angle to vessel shell. 46.5 API 3 mins3 Phase 945.2 OK 1209870 0.430 0.009 - OK 0.009 - OK 0.011 - OK 83829 Feed flow parameter = 0.019 Gas Demisting: Scaled gas flow, Q* Design flow multiplier Design gas flow, Q*max Slugging service? (y/n) = = = 0.026 m3/sec 1.3 0.033 m3/sec n Q*max/A (above NL) Q*max/A (above HL) Q*max/A (above HHL) Allowable m/s = = = = 0.004 m/sec 0.004 m/sec 0.005 m/sec - Liquid Handling: Diam req for degassing Diam req for defoaming = = 1 mm 11 mm OK OK Control vol (LL to HL) Min recommended = = 160.5 min 2.0 min OK Slug capacity (NL to HHL) Full feed pipe = = 9.5 m3 136.7 secs (2-5 normal) VANES OK OK OK 0.150 WIREMESH OK OK OK 0.089 Nozzles: Minimum inlet diameter Minimum gas outlet diam. Minumum liquid outlet Minumum liquid outlet HSEP, Version 2, Revision 0 397539096.xlsoriginal Page 8 of 8 = = = = 4.7 4.7 1.0 0.9 ins ins ins ins i.d. OK - ADEQUATE SPACE FOR SCHOEPENTOETER i.d. (oil + water) (oil only) 09/20/2018