Uploaded by Szabolcs Csicsely

Business Strategy Guideline

1. Read the case
- Title (scope of the case OR strategy) – keep in mind to know what information to
2. Divide the work OR we do everything together – talk through the case (what
problems, analyze, macro trends, drivers etc.)
3. Come up with the challenge – the problem statement you have to solve
- You are the one who gives the company the problem (5 whys framework – ask 5
times why)
- Ideate the vision – strategy statement
o What competences, capabilities
o What the industry position will be if they implement our strategy
 Pioneer – first in something
 Market leader
o When – timeframe
4. Hows
- At least 2-3 strategy pillars
- Sell your solution (how will they buy it)
- Come up with a story
- Growth strategy – synergy between maximizing revenue
5. DETAILED SOLUTION – implementation guideline - timeline
- Calculation
- Financial plan (KPIs)
o growth – number of customers ; revenue
o give some soft impact – focus on their emotions too
o messages that are selling (fulfilling)
- Value creation
When we have the solution – divide the tasks
Analysis job
- Ask the 5 whys
- Do together – but there are small individual tasks
Time management
Software – opportunity for another base for solution
- Save the solutions
- BACKUP SLIDES – proves you did the job
Research – time: ¼ is research
Story = companies, consultant
Delivering + solution – equally important
Alternatives – 4F framework – which alternative is the best (strategic fit, fesability, financial
impact etc.)
Translate it to the language of the company
Risk analysis – if you don’t have it you don’t have a solution
Gather – organize data: from read to analysis
Data – analyze the customers
Who is the best at reasoning the slide – the one presenting it
Selling a story = cohesive presentation = it will connect to each other
What to talk about, how to present it, or practice
My group
1. Introduce, professional photos
2. Executive summary
Outline, catch them at the first point – later we will explain – highlight
- Challenge
- Strategy – profit is the most important
- Strategic pillars
- Impacts
3. Analysis
How much time (go by your intuition – prove it backwards – financial data)
Common issue: try to explain and you don’t show analysis
Analyze the industry – put the company in the industry (industry position – starting
point – solutions)
Measures already implemented
You’re talking and the data strengthens your point
4. CBMs type comparison
Connect the analysis to the solution -- starts to sell it
Scenarios what to and what not
Potential solutions – multiple (4-5)
Financials – most important
5. Impact – most important
Create a timeline