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Journal Prompts for Self-Growth: Explore Your Inner Depths

MY 3
Explore and nourish
your inner depths
with these simple
journal prompts.
by Cole Hastings
Thank you for downloading this ebook.
My name is Cole Hastings, and I'm a YouTuber,
author, and video creator. I created this e-book
to give you the journal prompts that have
helped me the most in times of confusion,
suffering, or struggle.
You can fill out these journal prompts in a
physical notebook, computer, or even on your
notes app on your phone, but I've found that
physical writing is the most impactful (there
also seems to be some science to confirm this
as well).
I encourage you to use these prompts more
than once, and at different points in your life
when they need to be updated/revised.
Thank you for investing your time into using this.
Most of the suffering you go through on a daily
basis is in a casual relationship with your
When we think of how we would like something to go, or how we
think it should go, we are prone to suffer when our expectations
do not match with reality. Of course, it's important to dream big
and have an idea for what we want, but it's possible to do that
while also being unattached to the outcome. If you are
constantly attached to the outcome, and the potential fruits
that you will gain from it, then dreaming big just turns into
another way to distract yourself from the positivity that can be
found in the now. Set goals, but detach yourself from the
outcome and your expectations.
In your journal, ask these questions:
What was I expecting out of life?
How did those expectations lead me to suffer?
Example: I was expecting to get a job and have a decent salary
by now. Because I'm not there yet, and myself and everyone
expects me to be, I feel unworthy.
What can I be grateful for right now?
What will help me shift my focus to that?
How can I see my current situation from a positive
perspective? What can I gain from it?
Example: Right now, I'm grateful that I even have the
opportunity to pursue the career of my dreams. I'm in good
health and have all the tools at my disposal to make that
happen. Maybe I can do more research on how to set up my
resume to be more desirable, and take on another personal
project to boost my portfolio. In this challenge, I will come out a
stronger and more well developed person. I am capable of
Fear and anxiety comes from the inevitable,
uncertain future, and can be exacerbated
during times of overwhelm.
When something is making you anxious or fearful, it's usually
due to one of two things:
1. Your body interpreting a present situation as a threat to
your survival
2. The uncertainty of the outcome of a future situation
Since this is the case, calming fear and anxiety can come from
achieving a certain state of body/mind balance.
In your journal, ask these questions:
What is the worst case scenario of this situation? Is it as bad
as I'm playing it out to be in my head?
Example: I am nervous that I will get rejected by my crush. The
worst case scenario is that she laughs at me, says no, and
makes fun of me to her friends. In reality, it really wouldn't be
that bad, because life would still go on, and I'd still have
everything I need to be fulfilled.
Then, do this: Let yourself be still for a moment. Take 5 deep
breaths, and focus solely on the inward and outward of your
breath. Notice how your 5 senses are attuned to this moment.
Notice what your body is touching contact with. Notice the
smells and sounds. You are now re-centered.
After I re-center, what can I tell myself in times of fear and
anxiety that will allow me to get over my body's automatic
response to fear and uncertainty?
Example: I can say, "This is my brain's response to a threat, and
I am in no real danger. I acknowledge my emotions and
thoughts, but I will not allow myself to overly attach to them. I
will never know exactly how something will play out, so I will
embrace the magic of uncertainty.
How can I bounce back from the worst case scenario?
Example: If the worst case scenario happens, I could see this as
a win. I expanded my comfort zone by talking to my crush, and
overpowered my brain's natural response to a threat using
logic. I could also analyze what I did socially and improve upon
If there's one thing I've learned, it's this: When
99% of humans don't have a purpose or aren't
aligned with it, they struggle more than those
who do/are aligned with it.
Having a reason for doing most of what you do is the single
best way to make life feel more fulfilling. Then, even if things go
wrong, you can tell yourself: "I still have my purpose I'm moving
towards and improving upon, and that is my priority. Let's keep
going." A common misconception is that you "find" your
purpose, but for most people, I don't think this is true. You
intentionally "make" your purpose through the right prompts
and actions.
In your journal, ask these questions:
(Skip if you already have a purpose): What is something
positive I could bring to the world, that would bring out the
best in me, and is broad enough to the point where I would
barely have to adjust it throughout my life?
Example: I could become a programmer and help small
businesses build websites. But this is slightly too specific. One
day, the market may not call for something like that. So I think
it's best for my purpose to be someone who helps small
businesses through their online ventures.
What are the actions that align with this purpose?
Example: Waking up early, learning one new programming skill
each day, building a portfolio over time, reading books on small
What is the smallest actionable step I can take today to
further align with this purpose?
Example: I can start by going to bed earlier than usual. Like
10pm, and giving myself an extra hour in the morning to start
learning about web development. I promise I will do this.
Not everything you do has to have a purpose. In fact,
sometimes doing things for no higher reason at all can be just
as satisfying. Remember to give yourself the flexibility to
engage with all aspects of life, even the meaningless ones, if
they would still produce joy and fulfillment out of you without
harming others/yourself.
Sometimes, you just need to let it all out, or
allow your brain to work through it for you.
That's where a focused brain dump comes in. A focused brain
dump is essentially like a regular brain dump (writing whatever
comes to mind on a piece of paper) but with a specific topic. If
something is currently confusing you, or bugging you, and you
just can't figure out why or understand it fully, then try this out.
You'll almost always come to find that by the end of it, you've
come to a better understanding of the thing. Or at the very
least, your angst about it subsides. It helps me a ton.
In your journal, do this:
1. Pick a topic to write about that you want to understand
more deeply, or just want to stop being so confused/annoyed
2. Write whatever comes to mind about it.
Well done, you've made it to the end of this ebook. If I had to
guess, I'd say that most people won't end up trying to put all
these prompts into practice. You were one of the few, and you
should be proud of that.
So if you've already gotten value out of this ebook, why stay
subscribed to my newsletter?
One reason: Contagiousness.
Even the most productive, joyful, high performing people fall off
the wagon sometimes.
And when that happens, they have systems, communities, and
other motivators they can rely on to keep them focused on
what their true purpose is.
AKA: Positive things that are contagious.
Think of my newsletter as just that.
Reading words that keep you on the path towards fulfillment
and prosperity will make you adopt more things related to
fulfillment and prosperity as a byproduct.
You are very much so a product of everything you consume.
I am aware of that, and it's why I make sure to feed my mind
with the right information (like the information in my
In a world full of meaningless content and distractions, why not
make sure that the content you consume is helping you, rather
than hindering you?
But if this wasn't enough to convince you, then my newsletter
may not be for you. And if that's the case, you can keep this
eBook for when you need it and unsubscribe.
I appreciate you investing your time into this, and I hope I can
continue to give you some contagious, positive consumption.
If you're reading this in the future and you unsubscribed, but
you wanna join the list again because you need to realign with
your goals and purpose, then click here.