Depressiation Co. GROUP 3 GROUP 3 ICE BREAKER: PASS THE MESSAGE WITH A TWIST TOPIC MEMBERS CONCEPTS BENEFITS MORALE PERCEPTION The Art of Getting Along with Others after Learning the Concepts, Benefits of Human Relations to an Organization • Cabello, Kyla Joyce TOPIC MEMBERS CONCEPTS BENEFITS MORALE PERCEPTION CONCLUSION • Esguerra, Paul Andre • Morcilla, Dizzy Redd • Palo, Alleihsa • Pigar, Aila Marie Concepts of Human Relations to an Organization HUMAN RELATIONS TOPIC MEMBERS CONCEPTS BENEFITS MORALE PERCEPTION CONCLUSION Q&A 5 Key concepts related to human relations in an organization: • Communication • Teamwork • Leadership • Work-life balance • Employee engagement Benefits of Human Relations to an Organization TOPIC MEMBERS CONCEPTS BENEFITS MORALE PERCEPTION CONCLUSION Q&A 1. Heightened Employee Loyalty - resulted from healthy relationships with your staff. 2. Increased Motivation - acknowledge the work that your employees do. 3. Improves Trust and Confidence - positive employee interactions plant the seed of confidence and trust in the workplace. 4. Ensures a Better Workplace Culture - a culture that values respect, teamwork, and open communication. 5. Better Employee Engagement - employers’ efforts to involve their staff in their work. Ways to Boost Morale in Organization: TOPIC MEMBERS CONCEPTS 1. Open communication BENEFITS 2. Recognition and Rewards MORALE 3. Training and Development 4. Work-Life Balance PERCEPTION CONCLUSION Q&A 5. Inclusive Culture Types of Morale • High morale (+) • Low morale (-) 6. Empowerment 7. Wellness Programs TOPIC MEMBERS CONCEPTS BENEFITS MORALE PERCEPTION • cognitive process • It is a process that takes place between the situation and the behavior. COMMUNICATION • act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another PERCEPTION Business Communication CONCLUSION Q&A • the process of sharing information between people within the workplace and outside a company. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Verbal Communication • includes any type of oral communication Non-verbal Communication • not spoken and can include a more direct and indirect method MEMBERS CONCEPTS BENEFITS MORALE PERCEPTION CONCLUSION Q&A MEMBERS CONCEPTS QUESTIONS: BENEFITS MORALE PERCEPTION CONCLUSION Q&A 1. What did you understand about human relations? 2. What are the 5 key concepts related to human relations within an organization that we mentioned earlier? Explain one 3. We discussed 5 benefits of human relations for an organization, what are those? 4. What is high morale and low morale? 5. Give at least one way to improve morale in an organization MEMBERS CONCEPTS BENEFITS MORALE PERCEPTION CONCLUSION Q&A QUESTIONS: 6. What do you think is the best way to communicate with people who come from different backgrounds? 7. Among the mentioned benefits of Human Relations, which one of those do you believe has the most significant advantage for the organization? 8. Assume that one of your co-workers is part of your family member, what do you think is the rightful approach to him/her? 9. What is presentation? your key takeaway from our