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Industrial Training Report: Electrical Engineering

CETG 420
Student ID: 19000963
Program: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Training Period: 06 February 2023- 24 July 2023
Training Company: North Atlantic Engineering Consultants
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... 2
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................... 4
Background of North Atlantic Engineering Consultants ................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................... 6
Summary of Duties ................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER 3: Working Experience ....................................................................... 23
PROJECTS CARRIED OUT .............................................................................. 24
SUPERVISORY WORKS ................................................................................... 32
PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ......................................................................... 32
PROBLEMS SOLVING PROCESS/APPROACH ........................................... 33
REASONS ............................................................................................................. 33
CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................. 34
CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................... 34
RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................... 34
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 35
Special thanks to God for providing the strength I needed to finish the report day and
night. Additionally, I am required to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who
helped my industrial attachment practices come to a successful conclusion, in
particular, I want to thank site supervisors, who worked tirelessly to guide me through
my period at North Atlantic Engineering Consultants. I deeply thank God Almighty
for granting me this opportunity.
Getting to comprehend what the industry of engineers consisted of, was a great
platform to articulately apply the engineering concept, learned in a classroom setting
in real life situation. My 24 weeks industrial programme was conducted at North
Atlantic Engineering Consultants from the 06th February 2023 and completed on the
24th of July 2023 where I was mainly dealing with Building Service. This is one of
the major requirements of every engineering course at BIUST which states that every
undergraduate goes for industrial training. The core modules CETG 420 represent
the industrial training. I have learned new things and hands on experience while
applying the knowledge I have gained at BIUST. This report consist of the details of
my industrial training, the problems encountered and the solutions that were brought
forward to overcome the challenges. Everything I did helped me gain knowledge,
technical, leadership, communication and personal skills.
Background of North Atlantic Engineering Consultants
North Atlantic Engineering Consultants is one of Botswana's leading practices of
mechanical and electrical consulting engineers. The Gaborone office services a wide
range of project types involving our mainstream electrical, HVAC (heating, ventilation
and air conditioning), fire protection and wet services disciplines. Our in house
expertise also provides specialist lighting design, thermal analysis and information
technology services.
The practice has been involved in the successful implementation of various sizes of
infrastructural, industrial, institutional, commercial and residential projects. Our client
portfolio includes private sector investors, government and international agencies.
For all our projects, North Atlantic provide extensive guidance and cooperation in
project management, quality control and contract administration to the principal
agents; this role being traditionally handled by the project architect. Project teams
regularly consulted us on our extensive knowledge and expertise in international
contracts and construction law; the Department of Building and Engineering Services
of the Ministry of Works and Transport, Government of Botswana recently involving
us in the preparation of particular contract conditions for government projects
contracted out under the Federation International Des Ingenieurs‐Conseils (FIDIC)
Form of Construction Contract. North Atlantic is currently seeking registration with
the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board under the specialist fields of project
and facilities management for building and infrastructure projects.
North Atlantic, in keeping with our mission to be the foremost sustainable energy
consulting engineering company in the region, has often freely offered to the relevant
government departments' its expertise and services towards furthering Botswana's
Vision 2016 for sustainability; through assistance to the Mechanical Engineering
Department of the University of Botswana (UB ) in studies on Energy Efficiency in
Buildings in Botswana; through participation in the Department of Energy - Energy
Efficiency and Conservation Unit's Energy Efficiency Project (co‐financed by
DANIDA) in the Building sector; through active membership of the Building
Environment Design Technical Committee for the Botswana Bureau of Standards
(BOBS), Government of Botswana; etc.
The firm also specializes in pre‐investment studies, design, and contracts
The practice has been involved in the successful implementation of various sizes of
infrastructural, industrial, institutional, commercial and residential projects. Our client
portfolio includes private sector investors, government and international agencies.
To be the foremost sustainable energy consulting engineering company in the region
sustainability; through assistance to the Mechanical Engineering Department of the
University of Botswana (UB) in studies on Energy Efficiency in Buildings in
Botswana; through participation in the Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Unit's Energy Efficiency Project (co‐financed by DANIDA) in the
Building sector; through active membership of the Building Environment Design
Technical Committee for the Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS), Government of
Summary of Duties
Collaborating with architects and other engineers to design electrical systems for
buildings. Most of North Atlantic Engineering Consultants projects were on stage
3(drawing design stage) and construction stage for some projects when I arrived.
Lighting design
The value of Ufis obtained from photometric tables for a combination of various values
of room indices and room surface reflectance.
The room reflectance depend on the room surface finishes.
= number of lamps in luminaire.
Twin Fluorescent fittings mean =2
= Nominal lamp luminous flux.
Luminous flux is simply energy, that is, the total amount of light energy radiated from
a light source in all directions. It is measured in lumen. This parameter is used to
describe the “brightness” of a light source.
People get confused between luminous flux and luminous intensity. Luminous
intensity of a light source is the power of light; it is defined in a given direction and
measured in candela.
Lighting could be:
Interior lighting. - Within the house, an office, a restaurant as per specified
task area.
Outdoor lighting- Mainly for street lighting.
ecurity lighting. Done on electric fences, floodlights, generally lights that
serve as a measure against intrusion or criminal activities.
Emergency lighting. - These are usually battery-backed lighting
devices that switch on automatically when the building experiences a power outage.
This is also part of the fire safety provision in emergency exit LIGHTING
Lighting could be:
Interior lighting. - Within the house, an office, a restaurant as per specified task area.
Outdoor lighting- Mainly for street lighting.
Security lighting. Done on electric fences, floodlights, generally lights that serve as a
measure against intrusion or criminal activities.
Emergency lighting. - These are usually battery-backed lighting devices
that switch on automatically when the building experiences a power outage. This is
also part of the fire safety provision in emergency exits
4.1 Considerations in Lighting Design
The main objective in lighting design is to determine the number of light fittings
(luminaires) required to achieve a recommended luminance for a given task area. In
order to achieve this, the following factors need to be known:
Surface area of the working plane in.
Recommended luminance (lux) in .
Utilization factor.
Maintenance factor of the luminaire.
Nominal lamp luminous flux (output in lumens).
Using the lumen method, sometimes referred to as the luminous flux method of
Considerations in Lighting Design
The main objective in lighting design is to determine the number of light fittings
(luminaires) required to achieve a recommended luminance for a given task area. In
order to achieve this, the following factors need to be known:
Surface area of the working plane .
Recommended luminance (lux) .
Utilization factor.
Maintenance factor of the luminaire.
Nominal lamp luminous flux (output in lumens).
Using the lumen method, sometimes referred to as the luminous flux method of
Determined as:
E(maintained) = (Φ • n • N • MF • UFs) / As
Φ = initial bare lamp luminous flux (lumens)
n = number of lamps per luminaire
N = number of luminaires
MF = Maintenance Factor
UFs = Utilisation Factor for the reference surface S (depends on
As = The area of reference surface S (m²)
Maintenance Factor (MF)
The Maintenance Factor is the ratio of luminance provided by an
installation at some stated time with respect to initial IL luminance;
i.e.after 1000 hours of operation
Light levels will be lower after 1000 hours for various reasons, such
Dirt build-up on the luminaire
Dirt build-up on room surfaces (affecting reflected light)
Lamp depreciation over time
Utilisation Factor (UF)
The Utilisation Factor is the proportion of luminous flux emitted
bythe lamps in the luminaires which reaches the working plane
After all the calculation are done we then use Auto Cad software to design.
Type 5 luminaire
Type 1
luminaire 9W
Fire alarm and detection systems design
Fire safety is a top priority in building design. Fire alarm and detection systems include
smoke detector, heat detectors and notification devices that alert occupants and
emergency responders in case of fire. When designing or installing fire alarm devices
one should consider the following
The minimum sound level of a sounder device should be 65dB(A) and not
exceed 120dB(A) and the noise should last more than 30 seconds.
Sounder device cabling should be arranged so that in the event of a fault at least
one sounder located within the vicinity of the control and indicating pain will
remain in operation
A person searching a zone for a fire should not have to travel more than 60m
from the zone of entrance to identify the source of the fire
A person should not have to travel more than 45m along an escape route to
reach a manual call point, when the layout of the building is known.
Visual alarms such as beacons should always be mounted at minimum height
of 2.1m from floor level, in a position that is likely to attract attention.
Smoke detectors should be placed 5m to wall and 10m between them
Heat detectors should be placed 3.5m to wall and 7m between them
After understanding fire alarm and detection systems, I was given Orapa office
buildings to design the fire alarm system for them using auto cad software
Heat detector
Smoke detector
Glass break
Visual audio sounder
Fire alarm panel
Designing of small power (power skirting, ring sockets, radial sockets, UPS
Small power systems in electrical engineering refer to the distribution of electrical
power for general-purpose outlets, such as sockets, that are used to plug in various
electronic devices and equipment in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings
Ring Circuit. The ring starts at the consumer unit, visits each socket in turn and then
returns to the consumer unit. The ring is fed from a fuse or a circuit breaker in the
consumer unit. A ring circuit protected by a 30 A or 32 A device may well feed twenty
socket outlets. This is because we can take one load to be approximately 300 W.
Furthermore, not all the sockets will be in use at the same time.
To ensure that a ring circuit is not overloaded:
1. Do not feed heavy and steady loads from the ring circuit, but make special provision
for them on separate circuits such as an electric cookers.
2. Make sure that the ring circuit does not feed too great an area. This is usually ensured
by limiting a single ring circuit to sockets within an area not greater than one hundred
square meters.
3. Where there is more than one ring circuit in the same building, the installed sockets
should be shared approximately evenly between them.
4. Cable sizes for standard socket ring circuits are as follows: i. PVC insulated cable
are 2.5 mm² for live (phase and neutral) conductors
Radial Network. Here, the cable comes from the consumer unit and travels to each
socket but ends at the last socket. Thus radial circuits can serve a smaller area. High
powered appliances (cookers, showers) must have their own radial circuit. In the case
of instant showers, a double pole switch has to be installed to control the switching on
and off of the shower. Say for instance 20 A DP switch for a 4 kW instant shower. The
limit for number of sockets in a radial circuit depend on the load characteristics of
appliances. However the radial circuit should not exceed 50 m2.
Using auto cad to design small power of socket outlets
Power skirting
15A single radial
13A double UPS
13A double ring socket
Stage 3 design (circuiting lighting system for) using auto cad
Wiring and circuit design play a crucial role in the development of electrical systems,
ranging from residential buildings to industrial complexes. AutoCAD, a leading
computer-aided design (CAD) software, provides powerful tools and features for
2way 2gang switch
1 way 1 gang
Load calculations and Distribution board schedule for Riverside Hospital
Load calculations are a critical aspect of electrical design, ensuring that the electrical
system can meet the power demands of the facility. We were given a list of all
equipment’s that will be used at the facility.
The DB schedule outlines the distribution of loads from the main power source to
individual Distribution Boards within the facility. It specifies the type and rating of
circuit breakers, the distribution of loads, and the arrangement of circuits. The schedule
includes details of each circuit, such as the circuit number, description of the area
served, load type (lighting, power, etc.), connected load, demand load, and the size and
type of circuit breaker
I did lighting and small power calculation by hand using the formula P=IV and later
after understanding I was using excel to do all the calculation for DB schedule
Populating the bill of quantities for small power, lighting protection, fire alarm
system and containments (Riverside hospital)
The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) provides a detailed breakdown of the estimated costs
associated with the building services outlined above. It includes quantities, unit rates,
Preparation of bill claims for contractors
The contractor send their bill claim then we go to the site to assess all the work done
before we pay them. We check work done on the following;
Small power installations
Lighting installations
Fire alarm system installation
Cable containment
Lightning protection
Distribution boards installation- A complete DB shall be complete with sheet
steel enclosures, sub frames, bus bars, internal wiring, connection isolators,
circuit breakers and blanking plates
Lighting and small power has three stages of installation;
1. First fix- installation of pipes ,junction and back box
2. Second fix-is the wiring stage
3. Third fix-installation of sockets and luminaires
Bed head trunking design
Medical Bedhead Trunking is an essential component of care delivery within the built
environment. It is a containment system for essential medical gas, electrical and
communication services for the patient. There are connected in ring circuits for
emergency purpose so that when there is a faulty other side continues to provide
essential. I was using Auto Cad to design the bed for medical ward and later was taken
to Moshupa Primary Hospital to see the actual bedhead trunking. Bedhead requirement
differ per ward
Inspection of Distribution Boards
Distribution Board is a panel that houses electrical components, which separates an
incoming electrical power feed into multiple secondary circuits. Inside a Distribution
Board there are different electrical components serving different purpose, for example;
circuit breaker which it is used to break the circuit whenever there is a fault.
Distribution boards don't need to be locked; they must be safe. Only an electrical
competent person may work on a distribution board. During the inspection of DB’s we
found out that all the DB were installed perfectly, breakers connected to the correct
load and also all the wires were correctly used for example
1.5mm^2 wire is for lighting
2mm^2 wire is for small power
4mm^2 wire is for fixed equipment
Inspection at Okavango Diamond Academy
The Okavango Diamond Academy project was on construction stage. I was sent to
site to inspect the following.
Cable labelling- Properly labelling your network cables can be critical for a
successful installation, as well as for your network in the long run. Using labelled
cables helps prevent people from unplugging the wrong cable at the wrong time.
Camera cables should not be labelled for security reasons
Fire alarm and detection system- to check if the smoke and heat detectors are
installed in their right place
UPS room- to check if the UPS room has a good air condition
Inspection at DBGSS (visual inspections of floor boxes)
Small power wiring is run through the underfloor trunking system in raised access
floor areas terminating in sockets on the trunking lid. Floor boxes are then wired to
the sockets mounted on the trunking this underfloor trunking by cable extensions and
fly leads run through cable management system from the desk workstations or via
cable containment under or above desks terminating into the outlets modules.
Earth continuity test
The test checks the resistance between the earth point on an appliance and distribution
board. Low resistance means that in the event of a fault the current will flow to the
earth point (safe) and not escape
1. Before starting plug off all the appliance and made sure all the switches are
2. We connected a long wire to the DB earth point and test lead at the end of
the wire and the other to the multifunction tester
3. Adjust the multifunction tester to ohms
4. Take the lead and touch the socket screws, switch, tap, sink. Sometimes if
there is no reading open the socket or switch and touch directly the back
box, and also sometimes some taps will be coated then there will be no
5. If the resistance is low than 0.9 ohms then it means the earth connection is
CHAPTER 3: Working Experience
During my attachment, I was exposed to various tasks and responsibilities that
provided me with a holistic understanding of electrical building services. Some of the
key tasks I participated in included:
Assisting senior engineers in electrical system design for new construction
Conducting site visits to assess electrical installations and identify potential
improvements or issues.
Collaborating with the design team to create electrical schematics and layout
plans using computer-aided design (CAD) software.
Assisting in the preparation of project proposals, cost estimates, and timelines
for clients.
Participating in electrical installation and maintenance projects, which
involved hands-on work with electrical equipment and systems.
Learning about energy-efficient technologies and their integration into
building systems.
Assisting in troubleshooting and diagnosing electrical faults and suggesting
appropriate solutions.
Attending client meetings and site progress reviews to gain insights into project
management and client communication. Every week, a day was scheduled to
hold the meeting. The meeting was held to discuss about all matters or
problems encountered when dealing with clients and give updates of individual
projects to the Senior Engineer, also to see who are left behind or overloaded
with projects so that they can get help from others.
Designing small power, lighting for temporary accommodation building (Orapa)
Scope Definition: The scope of the project involved designing and installing small
power and lighting systems for a temporary accommodation building consisting of
several rooms and common areas.
Regulatory Compliance: Local electrical codes and regulations were thoroughly
reviewed to ensure that the design and installation would meet all safety and legal
Load Analysis: A detailed analysis of power requirements for lighting, appliances, and
other electrical devices was conducted to determine the overall electrical load of the
3. Design Phase:
Load Distribution: The electrical load was distributed among various rooms and areas
based on their function and anticipated power usage. This helped in preventing
overloading of circuits.
Circuit Design: Circuits were designed to handle specific loads, and circuit breakers
were selected accordingly to provide protection in case of overcurrent situations.
Lighting Design: Lighting layout was planned to ensure adequate illumination in all
areas. Energy-efficient lighting fixtures such as LED lights were chosen to minimize
power consumption.
Switch and Outlet Placement: The placement of switches and power outlets was
carefully considered to provide convenience and accessibility to occupants.
Different types of
Power skirt with 13A
double socket, 13A
double UPS socket and
data plug
TV points and
Assessment at the DBGSS
North Atlantic Engineering was appointed by De Beers group (DBGSS) to
undertake assessment of existing Electrical services installations which includes
lighting installation, socket outlets and data points provision at workstations,
DBGSS are currently occupying part of 1st2nd floor of DTCB including the entire
3rd Floor. The original function of third floor was for Diamond sorting operation
for DTCB and socket outlets wiring was run through underfloor trunking system
in raised access floor to terminate either in floor boxes or bench sockets to supply
power to examination lights and workstations. However, with the increase of
workstations and office equipment over time, provision of socket outlets and data
points became inadequate resulting in overloading of circuits and tripping of
power which is a health and safety hazard. It is on these grounds that this project
has been initiated to address shortage of socket outlets and data points including
compliance with design standards.
The scope of this commission includes.
Visual inspections of floor boxes equipped with socket outlets and data
provision for workstations
Production of working & As built drawings
Provision of Bills of Quantities and Cost estimate
Observations and Condition of third floor DB
The Distribution board is full and there is no available space for additional circuits.
There was no legend card displayed to identify the various outgoing circuits, the
corresponding circuit breaker numbers in the board, and the area where the circuit is
taken to. This is also a non-compliance with wiring regulations
Small power
The provision of small power in the Building is generally by means of
1. Flush mounted floor boxes with 13A square double and single switched
socket outlets,15Amp round red single switched socket outlets for UPS
2. flush mounted 13A square double and single switched socket
outlets,15Amp round single on power skirting
3. flush mounted 13A square double and single switched socket outlets
s,15Amp round single on wall
Condition of small power systems
Existing floor boxes are not aligned with the location of workstations as evidenced by
the extensive use of multiple gang adaptors
It is proposed to re-wire the small power circuits in the floor boxes to accommodate
and align with the proposed furniture layout and install additional circuits.
After all the assessment was done I then used AutoCAD software to design for the
small power (extra floor boxes and power skirting).
Floor boxes
Upon my rival at North Atlantic Engineering consultants (NAEC) the Riverside
Hospital project was already on stage 3 which is the drawing and designing stage. My
contributions to the project were
1. Designing Power Distribution Schematic for River side hospital
The distribution of electrical power within a building involves designing and installing
systems that safely and efficiently deliver electricity to various outlets, equipment and
systems. This includes switchgear, distribution panels and circuit. The design for
power distribution starts at the Main LV switchboard. They were two Main LV
switchboard and six sub main distributions board, the last one is the building
distribution board.
I was then taken to Moshupa Primary Hospital to have a visual of all the equipment
and systems involved in power distribution.
The Moshupa Primary Hospital had its own substation because it requires more power.
The power comes from the BPC feeder pillar into the client feeder pillar rated
From the client feeder pillar into the RMU. A Ring Main Unit (RMU) is a type
of compact switchgear used in electricity distribution networks. Its primary
function is to provide reliable and safe distribution of electrical power to
consumers. RMUs are often used in a ring configuration, where power can flow
in both directions. This configuration enhances the reliability of the distribution
system by enabling automatic reconfiguration in case of a fault. If one section
of the ring becomes faulty, power can be rerouted through the other path,
minimizing downtime and improving system availability. The voltage is still
on 11kV
The RMU then feed it to the step down transformer which then step it to 400V
After the voltage is stepped down then it is distributed to the changeover panel
which is also connected to the backup power supply and because it is a hospital
there should not be any power blackout
All the connections are connected to the main LV to distribute to different
distribution boards.
Designing general purpose (lighting and small power)
The client send a list of all the types of luminaires will be used for each
building. After I then I will be using the lumen method to determine the number
of luminaires per building and also this building will be needing different light
amount for example the amount of light at the ICU ward won’t be the same of
that of the maternity ward
After all the calculation are done using excel then I will hand it over to my
supervisor to use Deluxe software to locate all the right places for the
We then use auto cad software to design the lights and socket
Distribution board schedule
After designing I used excel to do load calculations for the distribution board schedule,
also known as a distribution board circuit schedule, is a document used in electrical
design and installation projects. It provides a detailed breakdown of the circuits and
components connected to a distribution board (also known as a breaker panel or fuse
box). This schedule is an essential reference for electricians, engineers, and
maintenance personnel to understand the distribution of circuits within a building or
facility. Here's what a typical distribution board schedule includes.
The DB schedule is important because
It gives a brief description of the purpose or area served by the circuit (e.g.,
lighting, kitchen outlets, HVAC, etc.).
The rated current capacity (in amperes) of the circuit breaker or fuse protecting
the circuit.
Indication of whether the circuit is for lighting, power outlets, specialized
equipment, etc.
The estimated or calculated load (in watts or amperes) that the circuit is
expected to carry. This helps in load analysis and distribution planning
The number of power outlets, lighting fixtures, or other electrical devices
connected to the circuit.
Distribution board schedules are typically created using computer-aided design
(CAD) software, electrical design software, or even spreadsheet programs.
They are usually included in the electrical design documentation and serve as
a guide during installation, troubleshooting, maintenance, and future
modifications. It's important to note that the specific format and details
included in a distribution board schedule may vary based on local electrical
codes, project requirements, and the preferences of the designers and engineers
Circuiting lighting system for different wards
Circuiting a lighting system using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software involves
creating a visual representation of the electrical circuits and components within the
lighting system. CAD software allows you to design, plan, and document the layout of
lighting fixtures, switches, and wiring in a digital format. Here's a step-by-step guide
on how to circuit a lighting system using CAD
Place switches on the floor plan where they control the lighting fixtures.
Indicate the type of switch and its corresponding fixtures.
Draw lines or pathways to represent the wiring routes from the fixtures to the
switches and then to the distribution panel
Add text annotations and labels to identify each fixture, switch, circuit, and
other components. Provide necessary information such as circuit load, breaker
size, and other relevant details
Include a legend that explains the symbols, abbreviations, and annotations used
in the lighting plan. This ensures clear communication when sharing the plan
with the contractor
I was sent with the electrician to supervisor on the assessment of the existing
electrical systems within the building, including distribution panels, wiring,
lighting fixtures, and emergency systems.
Conducted tests and measurements to evaluate the performance and efficiency
of electrical components.
Identified potential areas for improvement in energy consumption and
electrical load distribution.
To inspect if the location of where driver unit installed matches of the drawing
and also the number sockets installed matches the on the documents
Unlabelled cables and distribution board breakers
Unlabelled cables and distribution board breakers is one of the problems we had at
North Atlantic Engineering Consultants. When cables are not labelled, workers
may mistakenly cut or disconnect the wrong ones, which can be quite dangerous.
Cutting through a wire that someone thought was not connected because it was
traced improperly, for example, could result in electrocution. Unplugging a
ground. Also it was difficult to identify which equipment is connected to a certain
breaker due to not labelling them.
We found UPS at the ODS overloaded with loads so it had some malfunctions and
it started shutting off on its own.
Cable faults
During the inspection carried out at village plots we found some cables that has
faults that can cause fire and safety hazards to children.
Weekly site visit: We visited our site every Friday to check for progress and to give
the contracts new updates from the clients and architecture.
Weekly meeting: we held meeting every Monday so that everyone can give progress
of his/her project and to see which one among us is left behind so that she/he can be
helped to catch up
Each construction company was recommended to label their cables for
example for fire was advised to use red tags, data and voice to use grey and
lighting yellow. So that when there is a fault on fire cables the maintenance
team can be able to identify the fire cables without any struggle and also for
the distribution board breakers for easy identify which breaker is for lighting,
small power and HVAC.
All the loads and extra loads were recalculated and found out that an extra UPS
is required
It was recommended that each and every 5 years regular inspection should be
carried and replacement of worn wires.
In conclusion, I found that the field attachment was very beneficial because it allowed
me to apply the theory I had learned in school to a variety of tasks and projects. I made
progress in a number of areas, including communication, interpersonal skills, problemsolving, listening, and presentation abilities, to name a few. I took part in engineering
projects that taught how to design electrical building service using auto cad software.
I recommend that we should do attachment maybe for three months in one company
then swap unlike doing the whole six months in one company and this will help us as
student to have different experience about different companies.
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