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CSA-B Vision, Mission & Augustinian Values

Leader : Let us turn to God with hearts filled with gratitude and
praise. (short pause) When we live in unity.
All : How good and how pleasant it is.
Leader : Pray for us, O Holy Father Augustine
All : That we may dwell together in peace.
Let us pray:
God our Father, your Son promised to be present in the midst of all who come
together in His name. Help us to recognize His presence among us and
experience in our hearts the abundance of your grace, your mercy and your
peace, in truth and in love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
: Amen
Leader: Our Lady of Good Counsel
: Pray for us
Leader: You have made us for Yourself
All: Our heart is restless until it rests in You.
A. Topics for Prelim Coverage
1. CSA-B and VPAFRAM Vision and Mission Statement
2. Theology and Its Meaning
3. Revelation and Faith
4. An Overview of St. Augustine’s Background and his
famous writings (City of God, The Trinity and The
5. St. Augustine as Church Father and Apologist
Vision and Mission Statement
CSA-B: The Vision Statement
evangelizing community of dynamic
lifelong learners with high ethical
standards and global competence intent
upon the holistic transformation of the
human person and society.
Distinctive Characteristics of CSA-B
1. Augustinian – CSA-B is administered by the order of St. Augustine (OSA)
particularly by the Filipino Augustinians. The quality of education given and
earned at CSA-B is in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church and
of its spiritual founder, St. Augustine.
2. Educative – The CSA-B is an institution of learning that provides quality
education in the following major areas of discipline (Arts, Sciences, Education,
Information and Technology, Engineering, Nursing, Medical Technology,
Accountancy, Library Science, Entrepreneurship, Business Education, Basic and
Pre-Elementary Education). It aims to pursue premier Catholic education
through innovative instruction, relevant research and sustainable community.
3. Evangelizing – The CSA-B educates its pupils and students to become
agent of social change according to the Gospel and Augustinian values.
4. Community – CSA-B is an institution of earning or a school wherein the
members namely: the administration and the administrators, the pupils and
the students, the faculty and the non-academic personnel with the
collaboration or help of their co-partners namely, the parents and the
alumni, work together harmoniously in a conducive and friendly atmosphere
for the holistic growth of every member in particular and of the entire
institution in general., so that every member and co-partner will become
closer to Jesus Christ.
CSA-B: The Mission Statement
Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod is a Filipino
Augustinian school that fosters a community
life that is of one mind and one heart on the
way to God, and pursues premier Catholic
education through innovative instruction,
relevant research and sustainable community
Vice President of
Augustinian Formation,
Religious Affairs and
VPAFRAM: The Vision Statement
Evangelize and transform the members of
the academic community into individuals
who exemplify the Augustinian values in
service of the church and the community.
VPAFRAM: The Mission Statement
The office of the VPAFRAM is committed
to provide programs that invigorate the
values of unitas, caritas and veritas through
religious activities, community service,
moral refinement and Augustinian pedagogy.