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d2aa1078-82c6-4ffd-b97e-115860eeceba ICT theory notes

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Chapter 1: Types and components of computer
Hardware: - General term for the physical components which make up a computer system
(i.e Mouse/Keyboard)
Software: - General term for programs which control the computer system
Two types:1. Systems software: Those allow the computer to run properly such as the OS
2. Application software: Those which allow the user to accomplish specific tasks (i.e
spreadsheets/word processors/etc...)
*Main components of a computer system
1. CPU (Central Processing Unit):- Part of the computer which interprets and executes
the commands from software/hardware, as well as it does the mathematical
operations in a computer.
CPUs used to be made up of many parts, but due to modern improvements, the CPU
has now become a microprocessor.
CPUs are made out of two components:• Control unit : Controls input and output devices
• Arithmetic Logical Unit: Carries out calculations and logical
• RAM:- Immediate storage (see later)
2. Internal Hard drive (HDD):- This is where applications software,
operating system, and data files are stored.
The reason behind why they are used is due to their fast data access and data
transfer speed (to further learn about HDDs, check out the Chapter 3 summary)
3. RAM (Random Access Memory) & ROM ( Read Only Memory) :RAM: is an internal chip where data is temporarily stored while
applications are running, Can be written to and read from
ROM: is a memory used to store information which needs to be
permanent (i.e BIOS). Can be only read from
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Random Access Memory
Data is temporarily stored
Written to and read from
Stores data/files which are currently in use
Read Only Memory
Data is permanently stored
Read from only
Stores items such as configuration data
*Other types of internal computer hardware
1. Motherboard: - Allows the processor and other computer hardware to function and
communicate. It sort of acts as a “hub” for all the devices connected to the computer
2. Video Card:- Allows a computer to send digital data to a display device such as a
A video card has the following components:• Processing unit
• Memory unit (RAM)
• Cooling mechanism
• Connection to a display unit
3. Sound Card: - Integrated circuit that allows a computer to produce sounds via a
speaker/headphone. It also allows the user to record microphone
This can happen through 2 ways:•
FM synthesis : Mimics different musical instruments according to built-in
Wavetable synthesis: Relies on recordings of actual instruments
*System Software
1. Compiler: - Computer program which translates HLL (Source code) to machine code
(object code)
2. Linkers:- A program which combines a bunch of compiled files and joins them
together to make 1 program ]
3. Driver:- Software which allows one or more hardware to communicate with the OS
4. Operating System:- Is the software running in the background of a computer
system, and manages many of the basic functions (See later)
5. Utilities:- Programs that have been designed to carry out specific tasks (AntiVirus/Anti-Spyware/Backup of files/etc...)
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*Application Software
1. Word Processor: Used to manipulate text documents (Essay, report, etc.), through a
keyboard. It allows for many features, such as : (Creation/Editing/Saving of text,
Copy and pasting, spell check and thesaurus, Importing images, Translation)
2. Spreadsheets: Used to manipulate and organize numerical data. It allows for
features such as: (Use of formulas for calculations, ability to produce graphs, Ability
to do if functions and modelling)
3. Database: Used to organize, manipulate, and analyze data. It allows for features
such as : (Carry out queries and produce reports, add/delete/modify data)
4. Control & Measuring software : Allow computer or microprocessor to interface with
sensors so that it can: (Measure physical quantities, control applications by
comparing data with stored data or preset data)
5. Apps:- Type of software that runs on smartphones or tablets and includes: (Video
and music streaming/GPS/Camera facility)
6. Photo editing software: Allow user to manipulate photographs stored on a
computer, for example, you can: Crop/Change brightness/Resize/Combining
pictures together/etc...
7. Video editing software: Allows the user to manipulate videos and produce an
edited video, and includes: (Rearranging/Removing/Adding clips, Applying color
correction/Creating transitions)
8. Graphics manipulation software: Allows bitmap and vector images to be changed,
by alternating lines, curves, and text.
*Types of computers
1. PC/Desktop computers: Refers to a general purpose computer which is made of
separate components
Spare parts tend to be standardized; resulting
in lower cost
Better specifications
Large casing allows good wasting of heat build
Not particularly portable
Can be complex/clutter up desk space
Necessary to copy files if you want to do work
somewhere else
2. Laptop computers: A type of computer where all the components are hooked up
together in one single unit
• Low weight
• Low power consumption and long battery life
• Does not generate too much heat
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Very portable
No trailing wires
Can take full advantage of Wi-Fi
Link into any multimedia system
Easy to steal
Limited batter life; need to carry charger
Can be awkward to use peripherals
Heat buildup not wasted as easily
3. Tablets: Relatively new internet-enabled, touch friendly, portable computers. Here,
the tablet uses an on screen touch keyboard, and can connect to the internet using
Wi-Fi or 3G/4G/5G
Some features of the tablet are:• High-Definition Anti-Glare screens
• Front and back cameras
• Lightweight and long battery life
• Bluetooth connection
• Make use of backup storage facilities
• Have a number of sensors to carry out multiple tasks (i.e Proximity sensor for
detecting how close a tablet is to the ear)
Fast switch-on time
Limited memory capacity
Can be expensive to run if 3G/4G/5G is
Typing on touchscreens can be awkward and
Transferring apps/data has to be done using
an implemented app store
Don’t support as many file types as other
Simple to use due to touchscreen
Can use several standard apps
Don’t generate any heat
Can go on standby (stay connected but turned
Recently, there has been a development of a “Phablet” which combines the
features of a smartphone and a tablet together
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4. Smartphones: Allow phone calls to be made as well as support functions such as
apps due to having an implemented OS. They can connect to the internet through
Wi-Fi or 3G/4G/5G
Some features of the smartphone are:• Send/Receive E-Mails
• Internet surfing capabilities
• Calendar
• Telephone banking
• VoIP
• Streaming of videos/music
• Social network
• Instant messaging
Small in size and lightweight; makes them
Can make phone calls and connect to the
Can be used anywhere due to Wi-Fi
Have hundreds of apps
Reasonable battery life
Small screens make it difficult to type and read
Web browsing/Photographing can drain the
battery rapidly
Small memory size in comparison to other
Easy to lose
Slow data transfer rate
5. Smartwatches: Allow the user to wear a small-computer on their wrists, which
allows the user to access the same features which the smartphone withholds.
Some features of smartwatches are:
• Internet connectivity
• Ability to make phone calls
• Messaging
• Weather forecast
• Fitness/Health programs
Very convenient since notifications are
delivered to the user’s wrist
Very easy to use (Esp. for monitoring health
and fitness)
Large and bulky; making them uncomfortable
Rather unattractive in their design
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6. Mainframe Computers: Used for large and powerful computer systems, usually used
to run commercial applications, where huge amounts of data need to be stored.
Some features of mainframe computers are:
Can have more than 1 CPU
Have fast processing speeds
Have multiple OS’
Huge amounts of storage capacity
Huge internal memories
Often operate through batch processing or time sharing
*Emerging technology and their effect
1. Artificial Intelligence Biometrics: Artificial intelligence solves biometric problems such
as the need to place your finger correctly so a device can read it. It learns from
every scan a human does, and even if they change their look (i.e change their hair
color, cut it, get cut), it’ll still recognize them due to what it has learned.
2. Vision enhancement systems: Used to enhance a person’s view of things, in two
ways:• Low-Vision : Use video technology connected to headset so that the objects
can be projected for the user
• Night Vision: Visible and infrared light are amplified so that the image can be
seen in apparent darkness
3. Robotics: Used in many factories (car factories), to weld car bodies, fit items such as
windscreens, and do manual jobs (See chapter 5 summary)
Applications such as drones can be used to scout military bases, or take a closer
look at locations which experienced a phenomena
Another application is the use of robotic arms in surgery, where it allows the surgeon
to be more flexible and precise.
4. Quantum Cryptography: Science of making a message unreadable to any
unauthorized user. Usually referred to as Encryption
It uses photons and their quantum properties to produce an unbreakable
cryptography system. It is used in Fiber lines to protect data and make it secure
5. Computer-assisted Translation: This type of translation goes some way to
overcome word-to-word translation issues. It uses a particular type of translation
method to decrease the effect of this issue. To do this, it uses two tools
Terminology database: Linguistic database which helps the system learn
from carried out translations
Translation memories: Automatically insert already known translations for
certain words.
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6. Holography: Allows 3D images to be produces through the use of: Laser Light
source/Interference of light/Diffraction/Light intensity recording
Holograms are used in the following applications:• Engineering
• Architecture
• Simulations
• Medical imagine
• Cinema
• Gaming
• Advertisements
• Holographic televisions and computer memories
• Optical computers
7. Virtual reality: Artificial environment which allows you to get the feeling of reality
through the use of goggles and helmets.
Virtual reality is used in the following applications:• Military applications
• Education
• Healthcare
• Entertainment
• Fashion
• Heritage
• Business
• Real estate
• Engineering
• Sport
• Media
• Scientific
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*CLI and GUI interfaces:1- GUI: - Graphical User Interface, allows the user to interact with the computer and
operating system through a selection of icons and options. GUI interfaces usually use the
WIMP technology (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer).
2-CLI:- Command Line Interface, allows the user to interact with the computer and
operating system through typing a number of commands in order to allow it to perform
tasks. Users usually need to learn a number of commands in order to use it efficiently.
- User is in direct communication
- User is not restricted to a number of
- Possible to alter the configurational
- No need to learn commands
- More user friendly
- Pointing device is simpler than typing in
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- User needs to learn a
number of commands
- Commands need to be
typed in
- Commands need to be
typed in correctly, or the task
won’t be performed
- Difficult to edit commands
once typed in
- Takes up more space than
- User is limited to icons only
- Needs an operating
system which uses up more
Chapter 2: Input and output devices
Most common input devices on computers, and have ergonomic keyboards for people who
have a risk of RSI.
Input of data into app
Typing in commands
Fast entry
Can be difficult to use with limited
arm movement
Slow method compared to direct
data entry
Large space
Easy to use
Easy to do verification check
1. Concept Keyboard: uses icons and phrases instead of standard letters, usually used in
food restaurants:• Fast data entry
• Waterproof keyboard
• Tamper resistant preventing people from keying in corrupt information
2. Numeric Keypads:- Used to enter numbers only
Faster than standard
Very easy to carry around
Small keys make it difficult to
input data
Order of numbers can sometimes
be not intuitive
Mobile phones
Chip and PIN
Fast data entry
*Pointing Devices
1. Mouse: User can control the position of by moving the mouse, and double clicking to
select items
Grouping/Moving files
Faster way to choose options
Difficult for people with restricted
arm movement
Easy to damage
Image editing
Very quick way to navigate
between apps
Doesn’t need large desk area
Controlling position of
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If no flat surface is readily
2. Touchpad: Pointing device in many laptops
Same as mouse
No need for mouse; aids portability
Difficult for people with restricted arm movement
More difficult to control a touchpad in comparison to mouse
More difficult to do functions such as drag and drop
3. Tracker ball: controls the pointer on the screen by rotating a ball, used for people with
limited hand and arm movement
Where users have
Control room environments
Luxury cars
Doesn’t need fine control
Not supplied with computers as a
May need training before usage
Easier to use than mouse
More accurate in positioning
More robust
Less desk space needed than mouse
Used to control operations of devices remotely through infrared signals
systems/DVD players/hi-fi
Control multimedia systems
Operated from any Reasonable
Difficult for people with restricted
arm movement
Some processes (i.e chemical)
can be hazardous
Very easy to block signal due to
Industrial applications to remotely
control processes
Have similar functions to that of the mouse and tracker ball, by gripping the handle, you are
able to control the movement.
Video games
Easier than a keyboard
More difficult to control pointer in
comparison to other devices
More realistic than mouse
*Driving wheel
Similar to a joystick, allows you to simulate turning a wheel while driving
Video games
Easier than keyboard or joystick
Nearer to a real life steering wheel
Too sensitive and has no feedback to improve it
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*Touch screens
The user can select options and icons by simply touching the part of the screen where the
wanted item is located.
PDAs /Self-Service/Information
white boards
Computer-based training
As an output device
Fast data entry
Limited options
Easy method for choosing
User friendly
Can lead to health problems
Used to enter information from a hard copy to the computer through a light source
Convert documents into
formats of various
Scan in old documents
and protecting
original/keeping a copy.
Scan photographs
Images can be stored for editing
Limited quality depending on the
Much faster and more accurate
than re-typing the documents
Fairly slow
Possible to recover damaged
Scan barcodes
*Digital Cameras
Are a replacement for traditional film cameras, and can have their files transferred
through:- Memory card/Connection through USB port/Wireless
(Note, the points in this table; if not clarified, will be a comparison between digital and
traditional cameras)
Produce better quality
Easier to upload photographs
than scan them
Saves money and
environmentally friendly
Memory card can store
hundreds of photographs
Need to be IT literate to use
Some artistry lost, since you can
modify pictures using software
Resolution not as good as some
expensive traditional cameras
Images need to be compressed
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Video cameras are used to take moving images at a speed of 25 MBPS
Easier to manipulate video footage using specialist software
High quality of images, which helps in editing
Used to input and manipulate sound on a computer
Input sound in presentations
Voice Recognition Software
Faster to read text than to type it
Possible to manipulate sound in real-time
Use up a lot of memory
Not as accurate as typing
Sensor to pick up sound
Improving safety in cars; no need to
remove hands while operating the system
Analogue sensors detect data and have their data converted through an ADC (Analogue
to Digital Converter), usually used in monitoring and control applications.
More accurate
More continuous readings
Any necessary action will be accompanied with a warning or
Faulty sensors can give bad results
*Graphics tablet
Used to produce freehand drawings
Produce drawings
Modify drawings
Where written language
has complex words
In Computer-Aided
Very accurate method of
Can record levels of pressure
More expensive than pointing
devices in addition to being
expensive to produce
Takes longer to produce than
pen and paper
Not very user friendly
Damaged easily
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Connected directly to the computer to act as a camera
More personal way of
having conversations
Enable video conferencing
Can be left on constantly
Very limited features
Allow people to keep contact
with each other, without the
need to travel
Need to be connected to
*Light pens
Detect light changes are detected on CRT monitors
Selecting objects on CRT
Drawing on screen
Greater accuracy than touch
Easy to use technology
Lag problems
Works with CRT monitors only
Not accurate
Dated technology
*Direct Data entry devices
1. Magnetic stripe readers: - Used to read information off of magnetic stripes
Credit or debit cards
Fast data entry
Security devices to allow
entry through gates
Error free
Data is lost if the stripe is
Doesn’t work from distance
Secure and prevents access to
restricted areas
Not affected by factors such as
oil/water/etc.. and does not
have any moving parts
Information is not human
readable, which may be a
disadvantage if the reader does
not work
2. Contactless card readers: Allows customers to pay up to 25$ without entering their PIN
through radio frequency:Advantages
Faster transactions
Do not need to worry about typing errors
More expensive than normal cards
A thief with a suitable reader can steal money from your
card/money can be taken while customer is waiting in
Can take money twice if customer uses it as chip and PIN
Retailers will not have access to customer’s info
Uses number for transaction only, the information Transactions are limited
on the card is encrypted
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How the process of taking money from the card goes:1.
Customer looks out for contactless symbol at POS
Shop assistant enters amount to be payed
Customer presents their card and holds it in front of the reader
Terminal displays that money has been taken
3. Chip and PIN readers:- Similar to smart card readers, and has a space where the card
can be inserted and a PIN is keyed in ( Only different than contactless in the way that a
customer needs to input their PIN, and RF technology is not used)
Where payment is done
through cards only
More secure than other systems
Need to be careful that PIN is not
read by shoulder surfers
More robust than other systems
4. RFID readers:- Used to read and capture information stored on a tag
RFID Chips contain:- Microchip that stores data/Antenna used to receive and transmit
Tags are usually passive or batter powered. Either by using the reader’s Radio wave
energy to give back the info, or have an embedded battery.
Livestock tracking
Admission passes
No line of sight contact
Robust and reliable
Fast read rate
Allows read and write operations as well
as being able to read many chips at once
Tag collision (signals overlapping)
Easy to jam or interrupt
Easy to hack into their signal
More expensive than barcode
5. MICR:- system which can read characters printed in special ink, at the bottom of a
cheque for example.
Primarily used to read bank
cheques through batch
Greater security than
OCR/OMR because the
characters cannot be altered
No manual input; thus reducing
Can still be read, regardless
whether the characters are
damaged or not
Only a certain amount of
characters can be read
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More expensive than other
6. OMR:- Reads marks written in pencil or pen
Read questionaries’, multiple choice
exams, etc…
Fast way of inputting results of
a survey
More accurate than manual
Forms need to be carefully designed
Sometimes need to be checked
manually which is time and money
More accurate than OCR
7. OCR:- Takes scanned text and converts it to computer-readable form
Processing passports and
Much faster than manual entry
Has difficulty reading handwriting
Reduction of errors
Not a very accurate technique
Comparison between OCR and OMR
Possible for customers to extend answers
Can read handwriting- but can also cause
Converting printed documents to editable
Requires complex recognition system
Fewer instructions needed
Problems recognizing all handwritings
Limited to choices in each question
Relies on detecting marks on the page only
Reads position of marks; ideal for MC exams
Requires complex forms; but recognition is
More instructions needed, but is easier and
More accurate
8. Barcode Readers:- Read information off of a barcode in POS terminals through barcode
Supermarkets and shops
Libraries to keep track of
loaned books
Safety function to check that
electrical equipment is
regularly checked
Faster than manual entry
Less mistakes
Expensive to admin
Not foolproof
Automatic stock control/Improve safety
Tried and trusted
Easily damaged
9. QR codes can contain more information than a barcode, and due to the development of
smart phones, they can be easily scanned through the embedded app. They can contain
multiple items, ranging from telephone numbers, to offers, and even locations.
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*Output devices
1. CRT Monitors: - Least expensive type, and make use of an electron gun firing against a
phosphorus screen
Primary output display
device for computers
Used with light pens
Angle of viewing better than
most TFT monitors
Work with light pens in CAD and
Rather heavy and can cause
safety hazards
Run very hot and can cause fires
if no ventilation is present
Consume more power than
modern monitors
Flicker; cause headaches and
vision problems
2. TFT monitors: - Usually the screen for laptop computers, makes use of pixels controlled
by microprocessors
Primary output device for
laptop computers and
other types
Integral part of laptop
Lightweight and don’t pose the
same hazards as CRT
Viewing angle is critical to obtain
a clear image
Less glare than CRT and less
radiation as well
Consume less power than CRT
and don’t produce as much
Definition might be worse than
3. LCD/LED Monitors:To display output on the screen, it uses a form of backlit technology, as well as diodes to
make combinations of Red Green and Blue. There are many reasons why these kinds of
monitors are replacing CRT screens:• Reach maximum brightness immediately
• By giving a white light, they sharpen the image
• Produce a brighter light, which improves definition
• Much thinner
• Last almost indefinitely
• Consume little power and produce little heat
In the future, manufacturers will be able to make OLED screens, which eliminates the need
for making LCD screens. What this does is that it allows the screen to be bendable, meaning
that the viewing angle is improved. This also means that the user will be more comfortable
since they can suit the screen’s shape to their needs. If this technology is moved on to
phones, they will have the ability to bend around your wrist making them less lose-prone.
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There are many advantages for this technology:- (In comparison to LED/LCD)
• Thinner, lighter, and more flexible
• Layers can be made of plastic instead of glass
• Give brighter light
• Do not require backlighting
• Can be made into large thin sheets
• Very large field of view
4. Multimedia projectors: Used to magnify and project images on a screen that they receive
from a computer
Training presentations
Enables many people to see the
same image
Avoids the need for more than 1
Images can be fuzzy
Ad presentations
Home Cinema systems
Expensive to buy/set up
Setting them up can be complex
5. Laser printers: Produce very high quality hard-copy outputs at a very fast rate. Usually,
they rely on a buffer where data is stored before printing
Where low noise is
Where high quality, fast
printing is needed
Can handle great amounts of
Consistently high quality
Fast only when several copies
are being made
Color printers can be expensive
Produce ozone and other organic
Cartridges last for a while
6. Inkjet Printers: Used to produce good quality hard copies, but at a slower rate due to
having large buffers
Where low output
volumes are required
Where high quality is
required for one page
3-D types of them are
used to produce
High quality printouts
Slow output with several copies
Cheaper than laser
Can’t do large print jobs
Printing can smudge
Don’t produce ozone/organic
Can be expensive if used
7. Dot Matrix Printers: impact printers, where a print head presses against inked ribbons
Noisy environments
Used in environments where it is
a problem for other types of
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Very noisy
Multi part stationary
Where impact printers are
Carbon copies can be produced
Cheap to run and maintain
Cost more than inkjet initially
Slow and has poor printing
Easy to use if continuously
8. Speakers: - Connected directly into a computer to produce the sound at a higher volume
from the computer itself
Uses:• Output sound in presentations
• Playing sound files
• Audio output for on-screen text
9. Actuators:- are devices which take orders and signals from a microprocessor and
convert them into a type of act.
Automatic washing
machines/central heating
Control of robot arms
Computers; to control
fans/disk drives
Security lights
To tell operator when
cooking process is done in
Burglar alarm systems
Automatic washing machines
Controlling temperature in ovens
Control heating in central heating systems
Temperature in glasshouses
10. 3-D Printers:- Used to produce solid objects that actually work by placing layer over
layer until the object is completed
Some of its features
• Have various types, sizes, and shapes
• Use additive manufacturing (aka they put layers over each other)
• Also use subtractive manufacturing to carve the object
• Direct 3-D printing Uses inkjet technology
• Binder 3D is similar to normal 3D, but with two passes instead of one (dry
powder then solid form)
• Newer technologies use lasers and UV-Light
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Fields where 3-D printing can be used:• Making prosthetic limbs
• Making items which allow reconstructive surgery
• Aerospace, in making aero planes
• Fashion and art
• Making parts for objects (usually cars) which are no longer in production
Process for making a solid object in 3D printers
Design is made using CAD software
Finalized drawing is imported into a software which prepares it for printing
3-D printer is set-up to allow object to be made
Object is made layer by layer, and can range from minutes to hours depending on
the thickness
5. Object is removed from the printer, and prepared to wash away the excess
materials from it
Can manufacture any solid
product the user wants easily
Allows rapid prototyping
Potential to make items which do
not stick to others’ copyright
If it falls in the hands of wrong
people, production of items can
lead to dangerous and illegal
Potential for job losses in the field
of manufacturing
Convenient since it’s less costly
than labor work
Benefits the medical side of the
Parts for machinery no longer
need to be readily available
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Chapter 3: storage devices and media
*Data backup and access
Copying of data and transferring it to a different medium in case a problem happens to the
main storage device or the main files. (Ex. Storing server data on magnetic tape)
*Reasons of backing up data:•
Safeguard data to save it from failure of data
Safeguard data from hackers (corruption/deletion)
In case files need to be used somewhere else
Note: Data can still be effected by viruses even if backed-up
*Serial access: - Accessing each record until the wanted record is found
When updating files; the original file is called the master file
The additional data added to the master file is called the transaction file
The updated tape is the new master file
Here’s how the process goes:•
Transaction File is stored in the same order as the Master File
The file is added to the master file to make a new master file
The two records are compared and if there are new files on the transaction file, then
they are compared and the new files are transferred
Process is repeated until a new updated master file is made
*Direct access: - Computer calculates where it should store the data and moves to the data
through its calculations, making the process much faster
*Magnetic Storage Media
1. Hard Disk Drive: - fixed hard drives are in all computers, and are the main storage
device for storage.
Store OS/systems
software and
working files
Storing applications
which need fast
In real-time systems
Very fast data
transfer rate
Easily damaged if
correct shutdown
isn’t carried out
Many moving parts
Very large memory
operations can be
pretty noisy
File servers for
network computers
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2. Portable HDDs
As backup systems
Very fast data
access time/data
transfer rate
Easily damaged if
dropped or
subjected to strong
magnetic fields
Transfer data
between computers
Large memory
Method of
transferring data
between computers
3. Magnetic Tapes: - Very thin strip of plastic coated with magnetic layer which is a set
of 1s and 0s. It uses serial access causing it to be nearly useless in real-time
Batch processing
processes (clearing
of cheques, utility
Back-up media
Generally less
expensive in
comparison to HDDs
Slow data access
Robust technology
In long term
archiving of data
since they are
known to be stable
Fast data transfer
Huge data storage
Another tape is
needed when
updating data
Affected by
magnetic fields
*Optical storage media
CDs and DVDs are optical storage devices which are read and written to by laser light. The
thin layer of metal alloy is light sensitive, and uses organic dye to store data.
Three types of CDs/DVDs: - R( Write once only)/ROM(Read from only)/RW(Read from
and written to many times
DVDs have dual layering, and a red laser is uses to read the second layer through fractions
of millimeters
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1. CD-ROM/DVD-ROM:- Read only, cannot be written to
CD-ROM used to store
Hold more data than
music/files/software/games floppy disks
DVD-ROM stores films/more
sophisticated files/software
Both used in applications
where there is a need to
prevent deletion of data
Have slow data
transfer rate/data
access rate
Less expensive than
2. CD-R/DVD-R:- Recordable only once then become ROM
Home recordings of
Store data for later
use or transfer to
another computer
Cheaper than RW
Only recorded once
Once burned, they
are similar to ROM
Not all CD players
are able to play
3. CD-RW/DVD-RW:- Rewritable media and do not become ROM
Record television
Data can be added
to at a later stage
Can be written over
many times
Can use different file
Possible to
accidentally rewrite
CCTV systems
4. DVD-RAM:• Use number of concentric tasks
• Allows simultaneous read and write operations
• Allow numerous read and write operations
• Can be written to and read from many times
Recording devices
Camcorders to
store movies
Long life
Very reliable- have built in verification
Not compatible as R/RW formats
Fast access and large storage
Can read and write data at same time
Superseded by new technology
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5. Blu-Ray disks:- Fundamentally different to DVDs in the following ways:• A blue laser is used to read data instead of a red one
• Blu-Ray stores data by 5 more times than DVDs
• Disks do not suffer from birefringence (rays refracting and reflecting causing
errors to happen)
• Come with secure encryption systems
Home video
Storing and playing
back movies
Data storage or
Camcorders can use
Store high-definition
Fast data transfer
Fastest data access
Come with secure
encryption systems
Encryption problems
Fewer movie titles
on blu-ray
Note: Optical storage media are proving to be obsolete, since data can be stored on harddisks or streamed (like movies).
*Solid State Storage
Are rapidly taking over HDDs due to the following reasons
No moving parts so they are thinner
All data is retrieved no matter it’s storage location
Do not depend on magnetic properties, but on the movement of electrons inside it
More reliable
Don’t have to get up to speed
Lower power consumption
Much cooler than HDDs
Faster data access
Memory sticks:- Store several gigabytes and are connected through USB ports
Transferring files between computers
Can’t write-protect data
Security device to prevent piracy
Easy to lose
No need for
additional software
Not affected by
magnetic fields
User can corrupt data they
remove it incorrectly
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2. Flash memory cards:- Use EEPROM
Storing photos on
Mobile phone
memory cards
In MP3 players to
store music
Back-up source in
computer held
Expensive per
gigabyte of memory
Have a finite life
Can be easily
Very robust
Lower storage
capacity than HDDs
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 Networks:
A Network is two or more computers or other electronic devices connected together so that they can
exchange data.
Network allows computers to share files, resources.
A computer that is not connected to a network is known as Stand-alone computer. Network connections are
created using cables (wires), radio signals or by satellite links.
Using a computer connected to a network, allows us to:
• Easily share files and data.
• Share resources such as printer, scanner and internet connections.
• Communicate with other network users (email, video conferencing, chatting, etc).
• Store data centrally (by using server) for ease of access and backup.
• Keep all of our settings centrally we can use any work station (PC).
If we use a computer connected to the internet, we can:
• Make use of online services such as e-commerce (shopping), e-banking, etc.
• Get access to a huge range of information.
• Access forms of entertainment (games, music, videos, etc.)
• Join online communities (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, etc.).
What are the disadvantages of a Network?
Using a computer connected to a Network means that:
The computer is vulnerable to hackers.
If the network breaks, many tasks become very difficult to perform.
Your computer can more easily be attacked by a virus.
We have to be careful about revealing personal information.
We have to be careful to avoid suspect websites that might contain malware.
We have to be aware that information found on the internet is not always accurate or reliable.
Explain the following terms.
Client: Client computers are the normal computers that user can use it to get their work done.
Server: Servers are special, powerful computers that provide services to the client computers.
The services are:
• Providing a central, common file storage area.
• Sharing hardware, such as printers.
• Controlling who can or cannot have access to the network.
• Sharing internet connections.
Servers are more expensive than normal computers. In a small network, one server might provide all of these
services. In a larger network, there might be many servers sharing the work.
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There are three types of Networks:
LAN – Local Area Network
WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network
WAN – Wide Area Network
Local Area Network or LAN :
Is usually within one building or not over a large geographical area. A LAN consists of a number of computers
and devices, e.g., printers, which will be connected to hubs or switches.
• The sharing of resources (such as expensive peripherals and application software).
• Communication between users.
• A network Administrator to control and monitor all aspects of networking.
• E.g., changing password, monitoring internet, etc.
Easier spread of viruses through the whole network.
The development of queues for printer, which can be frustrating.
Slower access to networks, such as internet.
Increased security risk as compared to stand alone computers.
If the main server breaks down, in must cases, the network will no longer function.
Wireless Local Area Networks or WLANs
Similar to LANs, but there are no wires or cables.
They provide wireless network communication over very short distances (a few metres) usually radio or
infra-red signals instead of cables.
Devices known as access points are connected into the wired network, at fixed locations.
Because of the limited range, most commercial WLANs need several access points, to permit uninterrupted
wireless communication.
The access point receives and transmits data between the WLAN and the wired network structure.
All computers can access the same services and resources. E.g., printers, scanners, internet access,
• There is no cabling to individual computers and devices so safety is improved.
• The system is more flexible since, users can move their laptops from their desks.
• Adding new computers and devices is a very easy task and costs are reduced, since no extra
cabling is needed.
Security is a big issue, since anyone with a WLAN enabled laptop or computer, can access a network
if it can pick up a signal.
There may be problems of interference, which can affect the signal.
Data transfer is slower than LAN.
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Wide Area Network (WAN):
A Wide Area Network is formed by a number of LANs being connected together through either a router or
modem. Some companies setup private WANs. This is expensive but comes with an advantage of much
enhanced security and speed. It is common to use an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for connections to the
internet and communicate through this network system.
• A WAN is a network that extends over a large area.
• WAN can be connected using optical fibre cable, satellite link, radio signals, etc.
• Very expensive.
• Limited access.
• Data access slows down if spread over huge area.
Write the difference between LAN and WAN.
LAN is confined to a very small area.
Usually located in a single building.
Uses cables, wireless, infra-red which are
usually queued by the organization.
We can restrict or block any websites.
WAN covers wide geographical areas.
E.g. Between cities, countries and even
Usually located between many buildings and
It uses wireless, satellite links, which are globally
WAN has very fast speed.
Bluetooth (Personal Area Network):
Bluetooth is a wireless network technology designed for very short range connections (just a few metres).
The idea of Bluetooth is to get rid of all those cables, that connects our computer to peripheral devices such as
printers, mouse, keyboard, etc.
Bluetooth devices contain small, low power, radio transmitters and receivers.
When devices are in range of Bluetooth devices, they detect each other and can be connected.
With this system, it is possible to create small home networks.
The range is however quite small (about 10 metres).
Typical uses of Bluetooth
Connecting a wireless keyboard to a computer.
Connecting a wireless mouse to a computer.
Using a wireless headset with a mobile phone.
Printing wirelessly from a computer or PDA.
Transferring data or music from a computer to a MP3 player.
Transferring photos from a cell phone or camera to another device.
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Wi-Fi refers to any system, where it is possible to connect to a network or to single computer through
wireless communication.
E.g., Laptop computers which are Wi-Fi enabled can connect to devices like printer, keyboard, etc.
Wi-Fi system rely on some form of ‘AP’ (Access Point), which uses radio frequency technology to
enable the device to receive and send signals.
It is not a short form of wireless Fidelity.
It is a trademark name for any product which is based on IEEE 802.11 standard.
Wi-Fi hotspots are places where you can access Wi-Fi (free or paid).
They exist in public places such as airports, hotels, internet cafes’, etc.
It is possible to log on to free Wi-Fi unless they are protected by password.
Software exists which can be loaded in a laptop which then searches for non-protected Wi-Fi
The practice of driving around in a car looking for these unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot is known as war
driving and possess a security risk.
 Networking Hardware (Devices):
Modem means modulator and demodulator and is a device which converts a computers digital signal into
analogue signal and digital to analogue signal and transmission over existing telephone lines.
Modems are used to allow computers to connect to network over long distances using existing telephone
Dial-up modem operate at the speed of about 60 kilobits per second, which is very slow.
Modern broadband operate at 11,000 kilobits per second.
Hubs are hardware devices that can have a number of devices or computers connected to them.
Its main task is to take data which receives through one of the ports and then send out this data from all of the
Each computer or device will receive the data, whether it is relevant or not.
Hub is used at the centre of star topology.
Hub is a dumb device, if it receives a message, it sends it to every computer on the network.
This means that hub-based networks are not very secure.
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Switch is like a hub.
It is a device which connects number of computers together to make a LAN.
The use of a switch is at the centre of star topology.
The switch has cables plugged into computers to connect to a network.
A switch is a more intelligent device than a hub. If it receives a message, it checks who it is addressed and
only sends it to that specific computer.
Because of this, networks that use switches are more secure than those that use hubs, but also a little more
Switch only sends packets of data to the computer, it reduces the amount of data on the network, thus
speeding up the network.
Bridges are used to connect LANs together.
When one of the LAN sends a message, all the devices on the LAN receive the message.
This increases the amount of data flowing on the LAN.
Often a large LAN is divided into a series of smaller LANs.
If a message is sent from one computer in a LAN to another computer in a different LAN, then the message
needs to pass between the LANs usng the bridge.
A bridge therefore, usually has only two ports in order to connect one LAN to another LAN.
Routers are hardware devices that read the address information to determine the final destination of the
Each computer linked to the internet is given a number which is called Internet Protocol address (IP address).
This address is like 123.456.7.89 and is unique for each device.
When data is transferred from one network to another, the data is put into packets.
The packets contain details of the destination address of the network it is intended for.
Computers on the same network have the same first part of the IP address and this is used to locate a
particular network.
Can be used to join wired or wireless networks together.
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Is a device or a piece of software that is placed between your computer and the rest of the network (where
the hacker is).
If you wish to protect your whole LAN from the hacker on the internet. You would place a firewall between
the LAN and internet connection.
A firewall blocks un-authorised connections being made to your computer or a LAN.
Normal data is allowed through the firewall, e.g., Emails, Web pages, but all other data is blocked.
The internet is the world wide collection of networks which allows a user to send and receive emails, chat or
browse the World Wide Web (WWW).
WWW or web is the part of the internet which the user can access by using web browsers.
A web browser is a software that allows a user to access and interact with web pages and files on the web.
Web Page
Web pages are documents on a computer screen which may consist of text, pictures, sound, video, etc.
Web Site
Web site consists of many of the web pages linked together. A web is made up of millions of websites and
web pages.
e.g. www.google.com
The web site shows the hyperlink to allow user to navigate between web pages. These hyperlinks are often
shown as Blue underlined text or sometimes a small hand appears under a picture or under some text
indicating that link to web pages or web sites.
Web browsers use URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to retreive files.
URL’s are a standard way of locating resources on the internet.
They are usually a set of four numbers.
The URL indicates:
Protocol://site address/Path/Filename where
Protocol is usually HTTP
Site address consists of host computer name, domain name, domain type and the country name.
o Computer name is usually www
o Domain name is name of website
o Domain type is commonly one of the following
o .com, .org, .net, .mil, .gov
o country name .in, .uk
o file path is a URL of the web page
o file name is the name of the document
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Thus, full url could be:
Accessing the Internet:
An ISP is a company that provides access to the internet to the user and usually a paid service.
When a user registers with an ISP, an account is set up and they are given login details which include
username and password.
There are three common ways of accessing the internet offered by service providers.
Dial up internet access
Cable internet access
DSL (Digital Subscriber line)
Dial up internet access:
It is the slowest internet connection (60 kbps).
The user connects to the internet via telephone lines by dialing one of the number supplied from the ISP.
ISP contracts are usually for hours per month of internet access time and additional charges are incurred if this
is exceeded.
A big disadvantage is that if the telephone line is tied up while a dial up modem is in operation.
Cable internet access
Local cable television operators give a user access to the internet through their own cable network using a
cable network model.
DSL – Digital Subscriber Line
The fastest download speed can be obtained by using DSL broad band connection (about 11,000 kbps)
This is often offered through wireless interface which requires an access point and a router.
Broadband has the advantage of always being on because it does not tie up the telephone line.
An intranet is the name given to a private network that provides similar services to the internet like email,
messaging, web page, etc.
Intranet is a computer network based on internet technology that is designed to meet the internal need for
sharing information within a single organization or company.
However, these services are only for the users of intranet, they are private not public.
Businesses and other organizations often have intranet, for use by their employees
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• It is safer since there is less chance of external hacking or viruses.
• It is possible to prevent employees accessing unwanted websites.
• Companies can ensure that information available is specific to their needs.
• It is easier to send sensitive messages that will remain within the company.
Typical uses of intranet
Internal emails and instant messaging between the workers.
Company’s workers or employees can view internal web pages only.
E.g., Company’s calender, Company’s strategies, etc
Sharing of internal documents
Difference between internet and intranet:
The term internet comes from the phrase
‘International Network’.
Covers topics of global interest
It is difficult to block certain web sites from internet.
Can be accessed from anywhere provided user has
an ISP account.
Will not give full protection against hackers and
Information cannot be stored on local server.
The term intranet comes from the phrase ‘Internal
restricted access network’.
Used to give local information relevant to the
Possible to block certain internet web sites using
An intranet requires password entry and can only
be accessed from agreed points.
An intranet is behind the firewall which gives
protection against hackers and viruses.
Information used in intranet is stored on local servers
which makes it more secure from outside agencies.
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 Network Issues and Communication
Policing of the internet/Reliability and desirability of websites/Security issues
These were all discussed in chapter 10, please refer to that summary in order to revise these concepts.
Authentication is usually used to verify that data comes from a trusted and secure source. Some of the forms
of authentication are:• Digital certificates
• Biometrics
• Magnetic stripe
In many applications, RFID chips and tags can be used to authenticate data, here’s an example of how it
occurs in passport control:-
Passport page containing data
such as photo and name is
placed on the reader
Microchip on the page is read
by the RFID and so is the facial
Photograph and data read are
compared to those stored on
the central database
Owner of passport looks at
camera, which takes a
photograph of them
Ways of preventing and minimizing risk of viruses
1- Antivirus software:Running antivirus in the background on a computer keeps checking for virus attacks, and has the following
features and tasks:•
Checks software/files before they are run on a computer
Compares possible viruses with those in the database
Checks software for types of behavior which could indicate
Any detected viruses are placed in quarantine and deleted or stay there until the user chooses to do
Need to be kept up-to-date, since new viruses are always discovered
Full system checks need to be done weekly, to make sure no viruses are dormant
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2- Avoiding viruses on the internet
Always look out for HTTPS in the URL or a green lock before accessing a website. In addition, when someone
gives you a URL, copy and paste the address rather than clicking on a hyperlink, as to avoid spam. Lastly,
don’t open suspicious attachments in E-Mails.
3- Viruses from Hardware devices
Always scan the device you are plugging into the computer before using it. In addition, don’t plug any device
you get into the computer, because it can be infected with a virus.
Data protection acts
These acts are usually set by governments to protect citizens from their data being incorrectly or inaccurately
stored. In many countries, failure to abide by these acts can lead to a fine, and sometimes an imprisonment
There are a number of ways to prevent data from being unlawfully taken:•
Don’t leave personal info lying around on desks
Lock filing cabinets at the ending of the day
Do not leave data on an unattended computer monitor
Use passwords and IDs
Make sure that info sent online is not sensitive
There are main principals for DPA, some of them are:•
Data must be lawfully obtained and processed
Data can be processed for stated purposes only
Data must be relevant and adequate
Data must be accurate
Data should not be kept longer than needed
Data must be processed with the subject’s rights
Data must be kept in a secure place
Data should not be transferred out of the country
Faxing and Emails
There are two basic ways of faxing: 1- Physical faxing Machines:In this way, a document is sent through a fax machine to another, by inputting the receiver’s fax number and
telephone line number. This can be a slow process if the line is busy, or many documents are being sent.
2- E-Faxing (or E-Mail):Usually, E-Mailing would mean that an account’s address is used and a message with content and/or
attachments is sent to the address. Afterwards, the recipient will log into the account and read the message
Traditional faxing
More likely to be intercepted, since the document needs to
be printed out
Signatures on fax printed documents are legally accepted
Poor Quality of documents
Telephone line being busy can delay the document
Can be slow if more than 1 document needs to be sent
More secure
No need to print the document
Much better quality of document and can be modified
Can send and receive documents anywhere with ISP
Much easier to send to multiple recipients
Access to an Email is more likely than a fax machine
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Video Conferencing
Is a form of communication that uses both video and audio, and is done in real-time. Usually used in face to
face conversations, especially in companies
Here a few things to consider before starting any video conference:•
Agree a time and place for the conference
Delegates should log in to the conference beforehand
Conference needs to be set-up beforehand
Webcams should be placed in correct positions
Microphones should be placed between all delegates, so everyone is heard
Important for one person to be the main contact, so that it could go smoothly
Here are the peripherals needed to run a video conference
Large monitors/Display
Webcam/Microphone drivers: So that audio and video can be correctly
transferred to other delegates
Coder-Decoder/Compression-Decompression: the first one is used to code and
decode the data sent over, while the second is used to compress and
decompress the data so it can travel
Echo-Cancellation software: Allows communication to occur in real-time, and
synchronizes all the communication together
There are some issues with video conferencing:•
Jerking of images
Can be very expensive to set up and maintain
Time zones can cause an issue
Training people to use the program is expensive and time consuming
Can be demotivating for employees who want to travel
Relies on good internet connection
However, there are some advantages for video conferencing:
• Much easier to access documents of work, since delegates are at their workplace
• Possible to hold them at short notice
• Reduces costs of Travelling/Accommodation/Need to travel away from work for 2-3 days
• Can be safer, since delegates might need to travel to insecure places
Audio Conferencing
Usually, audio conferencing can be done through a telephone line or VoIP. As for VoIP, it can be done using
the drag and drop feature, and needs a solid and strong internet connection. Users who do not have internet
can also join using their telephone numbers.
Here is the process of audio conferencing:-Contact an audio conferencing provider for organizer’s PIN and participant’s PIN
-Give the PIN to each participant
-at the start of the conference organizer types in his PIN
-Each participant dials the number and enters the PIN
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Web Conferencing
Web conferencing uses the internet and the WWW to permit a conference to take place in real-time. Usually,
it is used in the following applications:• Business meetings to discuss new ideas
• Presentations
• Online education and training
There is one requirement, which is high speed and stable internet. The organizer controls who can speak and
at which times, while the delegates have the
Some of the features of web conferencing are:• Slide presentations can be posted during the conference
• Possible to draw on a whiteboard using the mouse/keyboard
• Possible to transmit images while the conference is going on
• Documents can be shared by uploading them on the website, before the start of the conference
• Can communicate through audio/video/instant messaging
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Chapter 5: The effects of using ICT
*Effects of ICT on employment
• Manufacturing:- Robots replaced humans in many areas, especially
things like welding car bodies and spraying metal items
• Shop work :- Online shopping has decreased the need for high street
• Banking:- Introduction of ATMs/Online banking decreased the need
for high street branches
• Office work:- Databases/Spreadsheets/Word processors have taken
over the office tasks which needed staff to perform
*Negative effects (AKA job losses):1. Office work:- Robots and ICT have decreased the employment in
Administration/Human resources/Payroll
Word processors: - Since documents are now much easier to edit and
modify, less employees are needed for such a job. In addition, they are
now stored in an electronic format which removes the need for space,
and can be saved on external servers known as cloud storages. This
means that wages decrease, and less space is needed for file cabinets.
Spreadsheets: - Payroll has become much easier to do, since macros or
functions can be used. This makes calculations, especially for wages,
much easier to do, since if you change a variable, the record will change
with it. In addition, graphs can be made to compare and see progress.
Lastly, conditional formatting, sorting, and using functions can all show
differences (For example, marking badly preforming students in red)
Database: - Human resources have become much easier ever since the
implementation of databases, since cross-searches can be done much
easier, and files can be easily opened. In addition, data such as
personnel, can be updated much easier through forms and reports. This
has led to a decrease in employees in the field of human resources.
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2. Manufacturing: - Robots have decreased employment in spraying bodies with
paint, fitting body parts, fitting windscreens.
Through that, factories had to obtain the following skills: - Maintenance, quality
control, design, and development of robots. Marketing and training of other workers
Higher productivity
More consistent results
Expensive to setup/maintain
Need to be reprogrammed for new tasks
Work non-stop
If an error happens, it’ll keep on happening
Don’t get bored
Cannot think for themselves
Don’t go on strike
*Positive Effects (AKA new jobs)
Some advantages that sparked due to ICT being implemented in offices are:•
More pleasant (less noise) offices
Safer places to work in
Much tidier due to less files and cabinets
Some jobs have increased in employment, while others were freshly obtained, after the
implementation of ICT in offices:•
Network managers/Computer technicians
Website designers
System analysts
Programmers (for applications)
Computer engineers
Computer programmers (For system applications/OS)
Delivery drivers
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*Effects of ICT on working patterns:1. Part-Time working: - Usually, this is when someone works less time than the normal
staff during one week. A lot of teens or university students do this to obtain some
money to help them during their studies.
2. Flexi-Time working: - With this working pattern, an employee can choose when
and sometimes where they work. So long an employee completes a full day’s
working hours, the time and place do not matter. However, this requires an office to
be ready at all times
3. Job-Sharing: - With this working pattern, the full week’s working hours are divided
between two employees (part-timers). Both do the same work, but one picks up
where the other left
4. Compressed hours: - In this working pattern, employees work the same amount of
hours, but over a smaller amount of days. For example, an employee could work 40
hours in 4 days instead of 5 days.
Advantages which these working patterns resulted in:• Avoids rush-hour commuting
• Leads to a more contented staff; which won’t quit as easily
• The above point leads to less retirement, so the manager won’t have to spend time
• Flexi-Time allows longer opening hours
• Job-Sharing means that more people will have the same skill
• Compressed hours lead to staff being more focused
• Varied working patterns can give more flexibility during busy times or when some of
the staff are sick
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*Microprocessor controlled homes
Microprocessors fall into two different categories:1. Labor saving devices: - Automatic washing machines/Microwave
2. Devices related to the home: - Alarms/Heating and conditioning
systems/Entertainment systems/etc..
Here are some advantages/disadvantages towards the use of microprocessor devices
which can change a person’s lifestyle
No need to stay at home to do manual tasks
Can lead to unhealthy lifestyles due to
dependence on ready food
Can lead to people becoming lazy
No longer need to stay home while food is
cooking/laundry is being washed
Give more leisure time for a person
Possible to control devices while out of the
house through using a smartphone
Alarms (Especially safety ones) can give
people a sense of security
Smart fridges/freezers can lead to healthier
People can become less fit if they just lay
around doing nothing
There is a potential loss of household skills
On the other hand, here are some advantages/disadvantages which don’t necessarily
affect a person’s lifestyle
Save energy since they can turn themselves
off and are much more efficient
Easy to program devices to do tasks (for
example, putting a picture of a QR code for a
certain product will automatically select it’s
cooking program)
Leads to a wasteful society; can be expensive
to repair these devices
People who don’t like using electronic devices
can find them complex
Leaving devices on stand-by can waste
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*Communication Applications
There are several communication applications that make use of ICT technology:
 Flyers, Posters, Brochures and Newsletters:
Flyers and posters are very easily created using some of the commonly
available software like Word Processing and Desktop publishing. Flyers
and posters often contain photos which may have been taken or
downloaded from the internet.
The following outlines the steps that are generally followed to make a
document on a computer:
Open one of the software as mentioned above
Create frames, boxes and/or text boxes
Take photos, if necessary using a camera
Upload the images from the camera/cd/DVD or downloaded photos from the internet
Save the photos to a file
Import or copy and paste the photos into the document
Edit the photos and import from a file or type any required text
Brochures are generally used to advertise a company or its products. While these can be prepared on a
normal computer and printed on a laser printer, it is advisable to go to a specialist company who use
specialized computer and print the outputs on glossy paper resulting in a better final product.
Brochures could be offered to a specific audience by distributing them in a pre-studied area or to a much
more general audience by inserting them into newspapers and such, the downside is that they might be
thrown away if they didn’t catch the reader’s eye.
Single sheets of a document are called as flyers or leaflets and booklets or multiple sheets of documents are
called are brochures.
Posters are usually much larger and displayed on buildings, noticeboards or advertising hoardings.
Newsletters are produced by companies or clubs using the methods mentioned above. They generally
contain local information which is read by company employees or club members. The content is specific to
the organization and may contain:
advertising by other companies
fundraising events or their successes by employees or club members
news events, like certain achievements by that organization
marriages, deaths and births of employees or their family members, club members
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 Websites:
With the advent of the internet, companies tend to advertise in the virtual
world rather than on paper through the development of their own website
or advertise on another company’s website.
Using the first option would mean hiring web designers and developers or
go to a company specialized in doing this kind of work. Add to it there are
costs involved for purchasing the hardware and software to develop the
website, storage of the website, prevent the sight from being hacked by
employing IT security experts. However, the biggest advantage of a
website is that the company gets worldwide audience and there is no
need to keep spending on paper, delivery of the leaflets and flyers, etc.
There are pros and cons to both these options and it is company which has to take a call what suits best for
Sound/video/animation can be added
It becomes necessary for the customers to have a
computer and internet connection.
Can’t be defaced or discarded away
There is a risk of the websites being hacked and
modified or viruses and Trojans introduced
Can be seen by a global audience
There is a possibility for customers to go to undesirable
websites (due to accident or as a result of hacking)
which can lead to distrust among customers
Links to other websites/hyperlinks can be made
As it is a global system, it is very difficult to target the
right audience by advertising on the website
Buttons to navigate or move around the website which
provides more information
The website needs to be maintained once it is set up,
which can prove to be expensive
Hit counters which provide how many people have
visited the website with details of cities, countries from
where the hits have come
Use of hotspots
It is very easy to update a website and immediately it is
visible to the global audience
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Multimedia Presentations:
Any presentation that uses animation, video, sound or music are generally
more interesting than a standard presentation done on slides or paper.
The presentations are produced using one of the many commercial software
applications available in the market and then using a multimedia projector the
whole audience is able to see the presentation.
The use of transition effects allows a presentation to
display facts in a logical manner.
It is possible to make them interactive or hyperlinks
built into the presentation, which means that the
presentation could access the company’s website
or even key files stored on the cloud.
The presentation can be interactive.
Whenever the presentation is given it is necessary
to have internet access.
One needs special equipment which can prove to
be expensive for many companies.
Use of sound and animation or video effects are
more likely to grab the attention of the audience.
Moreover, this makes the presentation easier to
As links to websites and other external systems like
is possible, the presentations can be tailored to suit
a particular audience.
Equipment failure can prove to be disastrous when
giving multimedia presentations
Often the presentation can turn out to be bad if it
contains too many animation effects and/or too
much text or images.
When using a multimedia presentation, there is a
danger that the focus is on the medium i.e. on the
multimedia presentation itself rather than the facts
or message which you want to convey.
Paper Based Presentations:
It is always possible to produce presentations in a hardcopy format rather than the system just described.
The recipients can read the presentation at any
time as per their convenience and will always
have a permanent copy
There are no special effects like sound, video,
animation, etc.
Disabled people don’t have to go to the venue
to see the presentations
There are printing costs for paper, ink, etc.
Moreover, it is possible to print it out in braille for
the benefit of blind people
The presentation needs to be distributed
through some method
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Music Scores:
The generation of music and the production of the music scores can now be done by computer systems with
the appropriate software. Some of the features of this technology includes but not limited to:
1. Electronic instruments like guitars and organs can be played back
through electronic effects machines
2. Music samplers and mixers allow the original tracks that were recorded
earlier to be modified in any way one wants
Synthesizers combine simple wave forms to produce complex music
Electronic organs can mimic any other instrument
The music score can be generated from the music itself using software
Software can automatically correct music notes in a score
There is no real need to understand music notation to write a music score
Music notes are automatically printed out in the correct format.
Animations can be created using computer software and hardware.
With 3-D animation, objects are designed on a computer and a 3-D
skeleton or framework or basic structure is produced. The parts of
the skeleton are moved by the animator using key frames (these
frames define the starting point and ending point to give a smooth
animation effect). The difference in the appearance of the skeleton
on these key frames is automatically calculated by the software and
is known as tweening or morphing. In the final stage, using a
technique called rendering, a realistic image is made.
Cartoons can also be freehand drawings and then scanned or computer generated.
Further, just like any form of communication, cartoons should not offend anybody and at the same time, it is
necessary to make sure that cartoons don’t become the main feature so that the actual message is lost.
Mobile Phones:
Mobile phones communicate by using towers inside many cells networked together to cover large areas. The
towers allow the transmission of data throughout the mobile phone network.
Each tower transmits within its own cell; if you are driving a car and get to the edge of a cell, the mobile phone
signal starts to weaken. This is recognized by the network and the mobile phone then picks up the signal in
one of the adjacent cells. If a person is making a call or sending a text to somebody in a different country then
satellite technology is used to enable the communication to take place.
Mobile phone technology can now be used by computers and tablets. A plug-in-device (using one the
available USB ports) or SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card allows the computer to connect to the mobile
phone network. This then allows access to the internet.
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1. The phone can be used to make phone calls from any location within the cellular
2. It is easier to keep in contact with co-workers at the office no matter where you are.
3. There is no need to look for an operational public telephone in an emergency.
4. It is possible to conduct business or personal phone calls on the move.
As they allow text messaging:
1. It is quicker and less expensive than making phone calls
2. They employ predictive texting where the system completes a word from the first few letters keyed
in e.g. Key in ‘compl’ and the phone completes the word as ‘complete’. This allows the system to
remember frequently used words – together they increase typing speed
3. Text messages can be sent at any time of the day or night even if the recipient’s phone is switched
Mobile phones allow access to the internet on the move using either the cellular network or a Wi-Fi ‘hot spot’.
Internet Telephony:
The most common form of internet telephony i.e., having a telephone conversation
via the internet is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
VoIP is a method to talk to people using the internet. The sound which is picked up
the computer microphone is converted into discrete digital packets in VoIP and sent
to their destination via the internet. The biggest advantages of VoIP is that it is either
free (if both parties use computers to converse) or charged at a local rate to any call
in the world (when VoIP is used to communicate with a mobile or land line instead of a
computer). Of course, you will need a broadband connection to work in real time.
The main problem is sound quality in the form of echoes and strange sounds.
Security is also a concern with VoIP, just as it is with other internet technologies.
One of the big advantage of VoIP is using it can be used as a video chat using the built-in webcam. While this
may not be a very sophisticated way of video chat, it is much cheaper as it uses the computer’s built-in
microphones, speakers and webcams. However, if you want to improve the video quality, use an expensive
webcam, which connects to the computer’s USB ports.
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Business Cards and Letterheads:
Many IT companies offer to produce business
cards and letterheads to any design. The user
connects to an appropriate website and they will
give a number of business card templates. The
user chooses a template and keys in data such as:
• Name of the company
• Contact details
• Image wanted on the business card
The final version of the business card is then
shown. The customer places their order and the
business cards are printed and delivered.
Business cards are handed out to people as a form
of personal advertisement. The use of IT (in this case, a website) has made this a much easier task. Business
cards are less likely to be thrown away since they are seen as personal contact. It is also possible to include
additional information on the reverse of the card – this could be further advertising of the company’s products
or it could be advertising another company.
The same format used on the business cards can be adopted on a company letterhead. This helps to project
a corporate image. As with business cards, these pages can be printed on high quality paper using a laser
Flyers and brochures can be produced using the same design/logo so it becomes clear to the customer that
all the3 communication has come from one company.
There are various advantages to a company in using corporate letterheads produced by a printing website:
1. Legal reasons (it helps if there are any legal actions taken – legitimate documents using the company
letterhead is regarded as proof of actual communication).
2. Can make the company appear larger than it is (this could give a degree of confidence to potential
3. Professionalism (gives a degree of credibility to the company)
4. Helps to make the company stand out (will tend to have more impact than white sheets of paper with
a typed company heading).
5. Brand/company awareness (advertises the company by using the same designs on all products).
6. Advertising (the letterhead can contain many useful pieces of information to advertise the
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 Data Handling Applications
Data Handling Applications are beneficial where data is input and stored in computer, processed, and finally
output into the desired form.
Data handling is useful for searching, editing, backup, security, sorting, transport, etc.
Survey Results:
Surveys are often used and collected by business organizations to find the requirements of the people and to
know if the people are satisfied with their service.
Surveys are often carried out on paper and are filled by shading the circles or ticking boxes.
This data is then analyzed by scanning them with an Optical Mark Reader (OMR).
When the data is inside the computer, it can be used for sorting searching, analyzing and finding results.
The benefits of using a computer to handle survey data are:
Lesser errors
Efficient and fast
Saves time and money
Fast result analysis
Address List:
Address lists are used to store details about friends, family, relatives or business contacts.
Some of such details stored in address lists are:
• Name
• Address
• Telephone numbers
• E-mail address
• Pin code
Modern address lists are stored on computers or mobile phones and have a couple of advantages like:
Seamless editing
Groups can be created
Easy searching
Back-ups can be initiated
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Vendors Records:
Vendors sell things like, drinks, chocolates, crisps and other snacks to school children.
Like any other shop, a tuck shop needs to keep a track of records such as income, expenditure, stock-level,
Before the introduction of computers, vendors records were kept on paper, and were called Account’s
Such kind of paper-based records had several drawbacks such as:
• They were challenging to update
• Difficult to back up
• They can be easily damaged
• Manual entry errors are possible
• Now a day, spread sheets are used to store shop account records.
The advantages of using spreadsheets to do so are:
Easy editing
Easy to back up
Calculation can be carried out by formulas
Charts and graphs can be created
Clubs and Society Records:
Clubs and societies have many members.
Records need to be kept about these members for details such as:
• Membership number
• Name
• Address
• Telephone Number
• E-mail address
• Membership subscription status. etc.
Advantages of using vendor records:
Easy editing
Easy searching
Back-ups can be controlled and created
Mail merge can be used
Record Keeping:
Records can be kept using a spreadsheet or a database.
Less office space would be required in the shop since no paper
records would need to be kept
It would be quicker and easier to find details of a particular book or
find out whether or not it was in stock
The system would be less expensive since it wouldn't be necessary
to employ somebody to do all the filing and searching
There would be fewer errors since no manual checking of paper files
would need to be done.
There would be a need to buy a computer and software to
run the system
Time and effort would be required initially to transfer all the
existing paper files to the database.
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 Measuring Applications
What are the measurement or measuring applications?
These types of applications involve use of various types of sensors and other hardware like microprocessors.
The sensors that are used generally take light intention, rate of rotation, temperature, etc. As the data is
usually in analogue form, they are sent to an Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) to turn the data into digital
format. This conversion is necessary as microprocessors and computers only understand digital data.
The term analogue means the data varies constantly and has no discrete values. For example, the height of
mercury in a thermometer to represents temperature.
The term digital refers to discrete data which is made up of binary values 0 and 1. However, when you to
need control devices like pumps, heaters, valves, etc., the data or signals (i.e. a series of 1s and 0s) from the
computer needs to be converted back to an analogue form (e.g. electric signals) using a Digital to Analogue
Converter (DAC).
After conversion of the data, the data is sent to microprocessor where it is processed. However, in measuring
applications, microprocessors are programmed to only review the data from the sensors (often comparing it
to the data which is stored in memory) and update their files and sometimes giving a warning signal if the
values are outside the given parameters. The microprocessor do not take any action to change any of the
data or conditions during the measurement process.
Common examples of measuring applications are:
Measuring a patient’s vital signs in a hospital
Monitoring of pollution
Weather stations
Burglar alarm systems
Scientific experiments (e.g., taking light intensity).
Weather Stations:
Weather stations are generally setup to automatically gather data from the environment. They are mostly
unmanned and use a variety of sensors to measure:
• Temperature
• Wind speed
• Rainfall
• Humidity
• Barometric pressure (air pressure)
• Wind direction
The data is gathered 24 / 7 (i.e. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). This data is then used by weather
forecasters to help predict the weather for the next few days or even take a more long-term view by looking
at past and current weather patterns.
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Measuring a patient’s vital signs in a hospital
Using a computer to measure the key vital signs of a patient in a hospital, can be seen in the following steps:
Sensors read key vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, respiration, pulse rate,
The data from the sensors are converted into digital format using an analogue to digital converter
The data is stored in the computer’s memory
The computer compares the data from the sensors with the values stored in its memory (these are
usually fed in advance either by the nurse or doctor for a given patient)
The results are displayed on a screen in the form of graphs and/or numerical readouts
An alarm is activated if any of the data is outside acceptable input values
The system continues to measure the patient’s vital signs until the computer is switched off.
Measuring Pollution in a River:
The below steps show how a computer can be used to measure pollution in a river:
The sensors are placed in at least two different positions to do a pollution comparison at various
The data from the sensors are converted into digital form using an adc and sent to a computer
The computer stores the data received
The acidity levels and oxygen levels are compared with the historical data stored in computer
databases and they are also compared with preset levels stored in the databases.
The oxygen and acidity levels from the different positions in the river are also compared to see if
they are similar. This sometimes help to find the source of pollution.
The data stored in the computer can now be transferred either by copying this to a CD/DVD/USB
media and taken away for further processing and analysis or the computer can be connected to a
LAN/WAN network or internet and transmit the data back automatically to the monitoring station.
Other types of sensors such as light sensors (to check whether there are solids or chemicals in the
water blocking out light) or temperature sensors (to check the temperature of water at different
points which might disturb the marine life in the river), can also be used.
The computer’s response time is very fast (which is
very important in the hospital monitoring system).
If the computer malfunctions or if there are frequent power
cuts, then a computer cannot be used. Due to this, there
should be proper backup procedures in place to over this
The computer cannot respond to unusual circumstances.
A student doing an experiment using a computer for
measurement and analysis, may not learn as much using a
computer system.
The initial cost to setup the measuring software and
computer is usually very high.
The computer does not forget to take readings.
The staff can carry on with other tasks whilst the
measurements are being taken automatically and
The readings are generally more accurate than when
taken manually.
There is a huge cost saving the in the long run, as
lesser staff are needed since the measurements are
now being done by computer (which in turn reduced
wage bill).
It could also be safer to use sensors since whatever is
being measured may have potential hazards.
Computers can be programmed to produce graphs
Computers can measure data 24 hours X 7 days
without tiring out. Leading to more frequent readings
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 Microprocessors in Control Applications
Use of Microprocessors in Control Applications:
In control applications, sensors and a microprocessor or a computer are used. Sensors send data to the
microprocessor or computer which then compares the incoming data to stored values or data entered earlier.
An Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) may be needed before the microprocessor or computer can process
the data.
The microprocessor/computer will check whether the incoming data is outside the given parameters and will
take any necessary action. For example, a temperature sensor sends data to a computer which will then
check whether the temperature is greater than the preset or stored value. If the temperature is greater than
the pre-set value, the computer will send a signal to switch off a heater. If the temperature is less than the
pre-set value, the computer will send a signal to switch on a heater. Thus, the microprocessor/computer
takes some action which affects the input value it receives. By doing this, the microprocessor/computer is
controlling the application.
Describe the working of an Automatic oven/cooker
An automatic cooker/oven has temperature sensors and a number of controls to set the cooking time (i.e.,
when to switch the cooker/oven on and off). First of all, the start time and end time (or the actual cooking
time) are entered. Finally, the cooking temperature is selected.
The microprocessor checks the set time against the current time and when they are equal, the cooker/oven
heating elements are switched on. Once the cooker/over starts the cooking process, the microprocessor
then constantly checks the end time against the current time (the end time may be a pre-set value entered
by the user or it may be a value calculated by the microprocessor, based on the cooking time entered); when
they are equal, the cooking process is stopped.
The microprocessor checks the temperature data sent from a sensor and turns the heating element on if the
value is less than the preset value chosen by the user. If the temperature is greater than or equal to the
preset value, then the heating element is switched off by the microprocessor.
Once the cooking process is finished, the microprocessor sends a signal to a beeper to make a beeping sound
to indicate that the cooking cycle is completed.
Describe the functioning of Central Heating Systems
In the example shown below, a gas supply is used to heat water in a boiler. A valve on the gas supply is
controlled by a microprocessor and is opened if the heating level needs to be increased. A water pump is
used to pump hot water around the central heating system whenever the temperature drops below a preset
Working of this system:
The required temperature is keyed in and this is stored in the microprocessor memory (this is called
preset value).
The temperature sensor constantly sends data readings to the microprocessor.
The sensor data is first sent to an ADC to convert the analogue data into an digital format.
The digital data is sent to the microprocessor.
The microprocessor compares this data with the preset value.
If the temperature reading is less than the preset value, then a signal is sent:
to an actuator (via a DAC) to open the gas value to the boiler
to an actuator (via a DAC) to turn on the water pump
The process continues until the central heating is switched off
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Describe Chemical Process Control:
A certain chemical process only works if the temperature is above 70° C and the pH (acidity) level is than 3.5.
Sensors are used as part of the control system. A heater is used to heat the reactor and values are used to
add acid when necessary to maintain the acidity.
Temperature and pH sensors read data from the chemical process
This data is converted to digital format using an ADC and is then sent to the computer
The computer compares the incoming data with the preset values stored in the memory if the:
Temperature is less than 70°C, a signal is sent to switch on the heaters
Temperature is greater than or equal to 70° C, a signal is sent to switch off the heaters
pH is greater than 3.5, then a signal is sent to open a value and acid is added
pH is less than 3.5, then a signal is sent to close this value
The computer signals will be changed into analogue signals using an DAC so that it can control the
heaters and values
This continues as long as the computer system is activated.
4. Describe how microprocessors/computers are used to control a Glasshouse environment Control:
There are about five sensors to control a glasshouse environment namely humidity, moisture, temperature,
pH and light. Due to this, it is a quite a complex problem. For simplicity, let us consider only the humidity
sensor. This sends signal to an ADC which then sends a digital signal to the computer. This compares the
input with the stored or preset values and decides what action needs to be taken. If the humidity is greater
than the pre-set value, the computer sends a signal to a DAC to operate the motors to open windows thus
reducing the humidity. If it is less than the pre-set value, the computer sends a signal to open values to spray
water into the air. If the reading is the same as the preset value, then no action is taken. The control process
continues as long as the system is switched on. On similar lines, the other four sensors work.
The table below gives a list of possible sensors that might be used in various applications which involve
measurement of control.
Sensor type
Possible applications
used in the control of central heating systems used in the control of measuring temperatures in a chemical
measuring/used in the control of a glasshouse environment measuring moisture levels in any process (e.g., in
the production of electronic components)
environment monitoring (e.g. measuring the oxygen content in a river to check for pollution) measuring
carbon dioxide levels in a glasshouse
detecting movement (as in virtual reality interface devices
measuring acid/alkaline levels in a river (pollution monitoring)
used in a glasshouse to measure soil acidity
used to measure acidity in a chemical process
these tend to be another name for sensors such as infra-red, motion, etc.,
measuring the light levels in a glasshouse
measuring for light levels in a dark room (photography)
used with automatic doors
detecting an intruder by the breaking of an infra-red beam
allows microprocessors to count items
picking up sounds (e.g. footsteps when used in a burglar alarm system)
detecting liquids or solids moving in pipes/check for blockages in pipes
detecting intruders in a burglar alarm system
counting vehicles as they pass over a bridge
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 Modelling Applications
Describe Modelling Applications:
A computer model is the creation of a model of a real system in order to study the behavior of the whole
system. The model is computer generated and is based on mathematical representations.
The idea behind developing the model is to try to find out what mechanisms control how a system behaves.
This makes it possible to predict the behavior of the system in the future and also see if it is possible to
influence this future behavior.
Computer models are used because they can help find a solution more quickly and can be considerably safer
while at the same time saving money and time.
Traffic Light Simulation:
A set of traffic lights are to be modelled at a Y-junction:
In this computer model, it is necessary to consider:
How and what data needs to be collected?
The success (or failure) of a computer model depends on how realistic the model is. Hence, data needs to be
collected for a considerable period of time by watching traffic at the Y-junction. This is best done by using
induction loop sensors which count the number of vehicles at each junction. Collecting data manually is
possible but is prone to errors and is also difficult to do over an 18-hour period per day (for example). The
type of data that would need to be collected or considered for collection would be as follows:
A count of the number of vehicles passing through the junction in all directions at all differing times of the day
The day of the week (weekends, bank holidays, public holidays, etc., can alter how the data need to be
How long it takes a vehicle to clear the junction
How long it takes the slowest vehicle to pass through the junction
Whether there are any pedestrian crossings, etc., nearby
Whether there are other factors which might affect the junction (e.g. Left turns, right turns, filtering,
How the computer model is carried out?
Data from the above list is entered into the computer database and the computer model is run. Once the
designers are satisfied that it simulates the real situation accurately (i.e., by comparing results obtained with
actual traffic flow from a number of data sets), then different scenarios can be tried out. For example:
Increase the number of vehicles stopped at part of the junction and then change the timing of the
lights to see how the traffic flow is altered
• Increase or decrease traffic flow in all directions
• Consider how emergency vehicles affect traffic flow at different times of the day
• Vary the timing of the lights and see how the traffic flow is affected.
How the system would work in real life?
Sensors in the road gather data and count the number of vehicles at the junction.
This data is sent to a control box or to a computer.
The gathered data is compared to data stored in the system (the stored data is based on model
predictions which were used to optimize the traffic flow).
The control box or computer ‘decides’ what action needs to be taken.
Signals are sent out to the traffic lights to change their timing if necessary.
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Why are computer models done (in general terms)?
With computer models it is much easier to try out various scenarios in advance.
Time scales are reduced by doing a computer model rather than the real thing (some applications
would take before a result is known e.g. climate change calculations, population growth, etc.).
• They are less expensive than having to build the real thing (e.g., a bridge!).
• On many occasions it is safer to run a computer model (some real situations are hazardous e.g.,
chemical processes).
Other examples of computer models include: training pilots and drivers, running chemical and nuclear plants,
crash testing of cars, financial modelling, weather predictions, population growth and modelling queues at
 Manufacturing Applications
Describe the use of computers in Manufacturing
Manufacturing uses ICT (i.e., automation) in a number of areas to improve productivity, reduce costs, improve
consistency and to make factories safer and more environmentally friendly.
One of the most common forms of automation is the use of robots.
Robots are used in many areas of manufacturing, from heavy work to delicate operations. For example,
welding bodywork on cars, manufacturing of microchips, paint spraying of car bodies, automatic warehouses
and manufacturing electrical goods.
Control of robots is either through embedded that is built-in microprocessors or linked to a computer
system. Programming of the robot to do a series of tasks is generally done in two ways:
The robot is programmed with a sequence of instructions which allow it to carry out the series of tasks (e.g.
spraying a car body with paint).
Alternatively, a human operator manually carries out the series of tasks; this can be done in two ways. Here
let’s assume, an object is being painted using a robot arm.
The robot arm is guided by a worker when spraying the object; each movement of the arm is stored as an
instruction in the computer
The worker straps sensors to his own arm and sprays the object; each movement is stored as a set of
instructions in a computer; the sensors send back information such as position relative to the object; arm
rotation and son on – this information forms part of the instructions stored in the computer.
Whichever method is used, once the instructions have been saved, each series of tasks can then be carried
out by a robot arm automatically. Each instruction will be carried out identically every time (e.g. assembling
parts in a mobile phone) giving a consistent product.
Robots are often equipped with sensors so they can gather important information about their surroundings
and also preventing them from doing ‘stupid things’ e.g. stopping a robot spraying a car if no car is present or
stop the spraying operation if the supply of paint has run out, etc.
Robots are very good at repetitive tasks. However, if there are many different tasks (e.g. making specialist
glassware for some scientific work) then it is often better to still use human operators.
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They can do boring, repetitive tasks leaving humans
free to do other more skilled work (e.g., quality control or
design work).
They can work in environments harmful to human
Higher productivity (don’t need holidays, etc.).
They can work non-stop (24/7).
Greater consistency (e.g., every car coming off an
assembly line is identical).
They are less expensive in the long term (although
expensive to buy initially, they don’t need wages).
The initial set up and maintenance of robots
can be expensive.
They find it difficult to do ‘unusual’ tasks (e.g.
one-off glassware for a chemical company).
They can cause higher unemployment
(replacing skilled labor).
Since robots do many of the tasks once done
by humans, there is a real risk of certain skills
(such as welding) being lost.
Because robots are independent of the skills
base, factories can be moved anywhere in the
world (again causing unemployment).
 School Management Systems
Describe School Registration Systems
The traditional way to record the registration and attendance of a student is to complete daily registers. This
is very time consuming since it is required a 10-minute session at the beginning and end of each day. It is also
prone to error if a student’s name is missed at some point during the registration process. However, it is now
possible to automate this process using computers and related software. Two methods are given below:
Method 1
Issue each student with an ID card. This contains a magnetic stripe on the rear of the card. The student name
and the unique student ID is written on the back of the card. The student has to sign the card. The magnetic
stripe contains the name of the school, the name of the student, the student’s date of birth and unique ID
(registration) assigned to the student.
Each morning the student has to swipe the ID card through a magnetic card reader on arriving at the
school. The data read would identify the student and the time and date the student entered the school’s
premises. This data would now be stored in a database. On leaving the school, the ID card has to swiped
again. This would now record the leaving time and date in the database. This would give a very
comprehensive record of when the student attended the school and the number of hours the student
attended. It would also be more secure method in the event of, say, a fire. The school would now be able to
account for every student currently showing as being present on the school premises. Using the paperbased system, a student could register then just go home – with this ID card system, the student’s attendance
would be known at all times.
There are further subtleties that could be used such as (1) use of a PIN to stop another student swiping in with
the wrong card (2) use of GPS tracking so that the exact whereabouts of a student would be known. This
would require the addition of a chip on the ID card so that the tracking system could identify them. At the end
of a term (or school year), the database could be interrogated and it would give an accurate attendance
record for the student.
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Method 2
A second method could make use of biometrics. Each student would have their fingerprints taken. Their
personal details like date of birth would be stored in a database. When a student enters the school premises,
he/she would be asked to put his/her hand on a scanner which would read his/her fingerprints. Since each
student would have unique fingerprints, this system would be very secure.
The date and time of entering or leaving the school would also be accurately recorded in the database.
It is much easier to ‘clone’ (i.e., to make copies) of ID
cards than it would be copy fingerprints (not impossible
but very difficult).
Fingerprints are unique, so it would be impossible for a
student to sign in pretending to be someone else (with
magnetic cards, a student could give his card to a friend
and ask him/her to sign in for him/her) – this gives more
accurate data and improved security.
ID cards could be easily lost – fingerprints are ‘part of
you’ so can’t be lost.
ID cards could be affected by magnetic fields (e.g., by
being placed close to a mobile phone) which would stop
them from working.
It would take a long time to collect the initial
fingerprints for every student in the school.
There are ‘invasion of privacy’ issues and some
parents may object to having the fingerprints of
their children stored in a database.
If a student cuts a finger, the fingerprint may not
be identified by the system (which would
prevent entry to the school).
The equipment needed to take and read
fingerprints is more expensive than magnetic
stripes reading equipment.
2. Describe use of Computer systems to evaluate student performance
Teachers can evaluate the performance of students using a spreadsheet. The teacher enters the marks of
students in a spreadsheet for a number of subjects. Using a spreadsheet has the following advantages:
graphs and charts can be produced to show how the students compare to each other
graphs and charts can also be used to show student progress over a given time period, use of ‘rolling
averages’ or trend lines can be used to monitor changes in performance.
it is also possible to use ‘conditional formatting’ to show which students are performing badly (e.g. by
highlighting the results in red) or well (e.g., by highlighting results in green)
using functions, such as sorting or averages, allows the teacher to quickly see which students are
doing particularly well and how they compare against the class average
it also allows the teacher to easily see how they are performing against each other students in the
same subjects
it is also very easy to import data into a report, e.g., summarising a student’s performance over the
academic year.
3. Explain the use of Computers and softwares for preparing Exam timetables, subject timetables and teacher
Timetables are often required for the following:
• exams scheduling (both internal and external)
• subject scheduling
• producing cover/substitution plans for teachers who are absent.
For example, at the start of a new academic year, a student may be given their own personal timetable
covering their subject allocation.
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Timetable for: Tom Alter 112 678 234 Summer term 2016
Sport time
Many factors have to be taken into account when producing timetables for each student:
availability of rooms for each subject
availability of teachers
number of hours for each subject
making sure double lessons appear for certain practical subjects but ensuring this doesn’t happen with others
subject clashes (e.g. a student wishing to do German from a group containing History, German and English
finds this clashes with their Art/Music lessons and so they have to take Geography instead of German).
Timetables are also produced so that students know when to sit an exam. This allows them to schedule their
work correctly.
The main advantages of using software to create timetables is that it is quicker and less prone to errors than
the older paper-based systems. It is also easier to try ‘what if’ scenarios to ensure the most efficient use of
Likewise, timetables can be produced to cover classes when teachers are absent. This is often done using
the main timetable software since each teacher is allocated a class or non-contact time for each of the
teaching periods. In the above example, a teacher would have either a class or a ‘free period’ for each 1.5hour session. The main subject specialty of each teacher is also stored so that a subject specialist can be used
to cover for absent teachers.
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*Booking Systems
Theatre and Cinema booking process
Customer clicks on wanted performance
Date/Time is typed in
Required number of seats is typed in
Seating chart is displayed on the screen
User highlights the seats
Database is searched to check for availability
Total price and number of seats is shown
Seats are set to be temporarily unavailable
Customer enters personal details
Payment method is selected
Seats are booked under customer’s name
Final details and check is presented
E-Mail sent to the customer with tickets to print
Database is updated with transaction
Seats become permanently unavailable
Flight booking systems
Prevent double booking
Setting-up/Maintaining these systems can be
Needs access to a computer with reliable internet
Harder to cancel bookings
Impossible to book seats if servers are down
Immediate feedback
Always available
Special offers can be attached to the customer’s EMail
Easier to browse seating plans
Can temporarily reserve seats
Difficult to book what you exactly want/can lead
to mistakes
Difficult to build a personal relationship with travel
agents who might give you free upgrades
Reduces post costs, and allows impulse bookings
Allows use of modern tablets and smartphones for
*Banking applications
• Automatic Teller Machines (ATM)
Sequence of what happens at the ATM:-
Customer puts card into ATM
PIN is entered using the keypad
Customer selects cash option
Number of amounts are shown
Customer chooses an option (Amount)
Customer asked if they want a receipt
Card is returned
Money is deposited
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Sequence of what happens at the bank’s computer
Contact between ATM and computer occurs
PIN is checked to see if it’s correct
Card is checked to see if expiry date has been passed/if card was reported stolen
Customer’s account is checked to see if sufficient funds are available
Card is checked to see if the daily limit for transactions has been passed
Transaction confirmed
Customer’s account is updated with new balance
Data that’s inputted/read by customer/ATM
Account number
Sort code
Expiry date
Amount to withdraw
Card limit
Choice of language
Receipt required (Y/N)
Advantages/Disadvantages of ATM
No embarrassment of not having sufficient funds
When getting cash late at night may be susceptible
to mugging
Machine may be out of order/run out of cash
Can only be given denominations in the machine
Limit to the amount that can be withdrawn
Less time spent queuing
Can get money any time of day or night
Own bank may be further to travel to than the
nearest ATM
Can use most ATMs/does not have to be own
Internet Banking
As online banking and shopping increases, the effect on society is getting larger and larger, but this
impact has pros and cons. below is a comprehensive list of advantages/disadvantages for online
shopping and banking:Advantages
Reduces costs of travel
Can look for cheaper products; thus reducing time
and price
Disabled/Elderly can access shops without the
need to travel
Can be done at any time
People can have more time to do other tasks
People find it less embarrassing to ask for loans
There are long queues at banks
Shops save money by employing less employees
Isolation/Lack of socialization due to no
Health risks due to lack of exercise
Security issues
Fraudulent websites
Necessary to have a computer/stable internet
Only possible to see pictures, and not products
High street shops are closing
Easier to make errors/incorrect transfer of money
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Effects on companies due to online banking/shopping:-
Can save costs since companies need to employ less workers
Increased customer base
Increased costs; more employees needed in despatch department (however, this can even
out with the first point)
Increased costs due to setting up and maintaining the website
Very little to no customer-employee interaction
Decreased abundance of robberies
Less security staff needed; decreased costs
Telephone banking process
Customer keys in account number
PIN is requested
Customer is presented with various options
Customer chooses the wanted option
Customer can: Check their balance/Talk with representative/Pay bills or
transfer money
The advantages/disadvantages of telephone banking are similar to that in online,
and only differ in the fact that you can talk to someone, and there is no need for an
internet connection. However, it can be slower.
Chip and PIN
This system uses both a chip and a PIN with credit cards, as well as a magnetic stripe
system. The way it operates is as follows.
(Note: this example relates to a fast food restaurant):1. PIN entered using keypad
2. Card checked for validity
3. PIN is read from chip and compared to keyed in PIN
4. If they are the same, transaction completes. If they are different, transaction is
terminated on 3rd try
5. Restaurant contact customer’s bank
6. Their account is checked for sufficient funds
7. If the validity check proved wrong/sufficient funds are not available, transaction is
8. Otherwise, transaction is completed
9. Authorization code sent to restaurant
10. Price of meal is deducted from the customer’s balance
11. Same amount of money is added to the restaurant’s balance
12. Receipt is produced as proof
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Process of clearing of paper cheques
Cheque is sent to centralized clearing center by receiving bank
Cheque is passed through reader/sorter machine (the amount and code line are read)
Data is converted into an encrypted format (IBDE file), which has a digital signature
Receiving bank delivers cheque to exchange center
Exchange center gives cheque back to paying bank
Paying back sends cheque to its own clearing center, which checks for the digital signature
then processes it through their sort/read machine.
7. Paying bank checks if their client has sufficient funds to pay for the object, as well as if it is
signed, dated, written, and is genuine
8. Based on the information, the paying bank chooses whether they should send the cheque
unpaid or not. This should be done on the morning of the next day
9. A cheque can be returned unpaid because:
Client does not have sufficient funds
Cheque was not signed/dated/written correctly
It is fraudulent
Process of clearing of digital cheques
(The same process is followed as above, but with these differences)
1. Details of the amount and payee are sent electronically
2. The sort code, account number, unique coding number or UCN is encoded as text
3. The check details and encoded MICR are read using OCR and stored
Electronic Funds Transfer
This allows money transfer instructions to be directly sent to the receiving bank, without the
need of clearing centers. However, actual money is not transferred, and the process is fully
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*Expert Systems
Experts are interviewed
Data is collected
Knowledge base is designed
Rules base is designed as well as a rules base
Explanation system is developed
Input and output screens are designed
Expert system is trusted with known situations
Experts are interviewed to test and give feedback
Provide consistent answers and are not affected by
Lack of common sense
Never forget to answer
Lack of emotion can be a disadvantage at times
Less time consumption
Errors in knowledge base will lead to a wrong solution
More precise
Expensive to set-up/maintain
Less costly
Need to train operators so they can use it correctly
Allows people all around to access expertise which they
couldn’t’ve other wise
Here’s an example where expert systems can be used: - (oil prospecting)
Interactive screen appears
System asks questions about geological profiles
Operates types in/answers
System asks questions based on the previous answer
Inference engine compares answers with knowledge base through the rules base
System suggests probability of finding oil
Indicates the probability for the depth
The system explains how it reached its conclusions
It will make predictions about the deposits inside the rocks
It will then produce a map, containing concentrations of minerals
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*Computers in medicine
In medicine, computers can be used for the following tasks:•
Keeping records
Monitoring patients
Diagnosis using expert systems
3-D printers in surgeries
 Patient/Pharmacy records
In hospitals, accessing a patient’s record can be the difference between life and death, so it
is very important to keep them up to date, in addition, pharmacies are able to prescribe the
correct medications through them. Here are some types of information which a patient’s
record might contain:Unique ID
Blood group
Known allergies
Date of birth
Current treatment
Current diagnosis
Medical history
Additional info
 Monitoring Patients
Connecting a computer to a patient means that they can be monitored all the time, and can
give doctors and nurses valuable information about the patient’s current state. Some of the
items a computer can monitor are:-
Hear rate
Body temperature
Blood sugar level
Brain activity
Blood pressure
Blood temperature
Oxygen level
 3-D printers in medicine
3-D printers can help doctors by taking pictures of the organs of the patient, then show
what exactly is wrong. Then, the doctor can proceed to show the patient their problem,
and help them fix it.
3-D printers are being used to print out prosthetics, such as hands or legs, to help
people without these organs. They can cost as little as 100$, and function very similarly
to an actual hand. However, this field still has a long way to go.
3-D printers are being used to make tissues, such as cells, skin layers, bone tissue, and
even heart grafts. They use biological materials and put them in the form of layers.
Lastly, 3-D printers are being used to make medical equipment, which can take a long
time to make in the traditional way. Thus, it also reduces the costs needed to make
these equipment.
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*Computers in libraries
Many libraries now use computers to treat customers. Usually, two files would be analyzed each
day, being the Borrower’s file and the book’s file:-
 Book’s File
Book title
Author’s name
Date published
Unique book ID Borrower’s ID
 Borrower’s File
Borrower’s ID
Borrower’s name
Barcode of
borrowed book
book ID
 Process:1.
System calculates due back date based on date the book was taken
Book file and borrower’s file are linked and updated
Due back date is saved in borrower’s file
System sets a reminder
Computer reads record of book file daily and compares it to borrower’s file
Letter or E-Mail is sent if the due back date is near or exceeded
Process is repeated
*Computers in Retail (barcode stock control)
Barcodes are usually used at EPOS terminals, and in stock control to update data through
purchases. Barcodes can also be used in the following fields as well:-
Library book system
Administration systems
Passports/ID cards
Burglar alarm
Equipment checking systems
Automatic stock control
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Due date
 Process of stock control:1. Barcodes are attached to items
2. Each barcode is linked to a stock file, where it acts as the primary key
3. Customer reaches EPOS terminal
4. Barcodes are scanned/keyed in manually
5. Barcode is searched for in stock file
6. Once barcode is found, the record is associated
7. Price of item is found and displayed
8. Stock level is reduced
9. Procedure is repeated
10. Customer gets an itemized bill, and if they have a loyalty card, computer updates it
11. Computer updates file with all the daily takings
*Automatic Plate Number Recognition Systems
These systems are used to read number plates off of cars, in the following process:1. Sensor detects car approaching, and sends a signal
to the microprocessor to capture a picture
2. An algorithm is used to isolate each character on
the number plate, then OCR is used to reach each
character single-handedly
3. After all of this occurs, the barrier is raised and the
car is allowed to go through, while the machine
gives them a ticket
4. When the car comes back from the park, the user
inserts the ticket
5. The system activates again, and if the plate number is similar to that stored earlier, it will
allow them to go through the gate
*Monitoring and tracking systems
 Monitoring or tracking a person
There are many reasons behind why someone would be tracked, some of them are:1. The person might be an offender who was recently released from prison, and their
whereabouts have to be known at all times
2. The person might be old, so they are tracked for safety
3. The person may be competing in a marathon, and their whereabouts or position need to be
known, so that the finish time can be recorded
4. An ankle monitor can use an RFID chip, which are tamper proof, to see if a person has
stepped out of their designated space or tried to remove the monitor. This is commonly used
with people who have committed crimes which are not prison-worthy, or they are put on a
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 Employee call monitors
A call monitor can allow a manager to listen to their employee’s calls, for the following
reasons:1. Improve employee performance
2. Allows the manager to supervise the call
3. As a training tool
4. Allows security-concerned companies to monitor all calls
5. To make sure employees represent the company well
There are 3 types of call monitors, which are:1. Monitor: Allows manager to listen to the call
2. Whisper: Allows manager to listen and talk to employee only
3. Barge: Allows manager to listen and be heard by both employee and the receiver
*Satellite systems
 GPS systems and satellite navigation
Is used to determine the exact location of kinds of transport. The system uses at least 3
satellites, and a sat-nav system to measure the distance between the vehicle and the
location, as well as giving instructions to reach the destination.
Driver does not have to look at maps
Can give false info if not up-to-date
Removes errors
Road closures such as car accidents might cause
System can warn driver about
Loss of satellite signals can cause problems
Estimated time for arrival
If you key in incorrect locations, the system will respond
with incorrect info
Gives you the fastest route
Can give useful info about information of petrol stations
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 GIS systems:GIS allows the user to create queries, edit, and analyze map data. GIS allows for the following:
Amalgamation of information into easily understood maps
Performance of complex analytical calculations and then present them in form of maps
Geographers, scientists, and engineers are able to see the data in several different
Emergency services use them to send personnel to the closest emergency center
Biologists and environmentalists use GIS to protect animal life
Teachers can use it in geography/science/engineering lessons
 Media Communication Systems:Usually, satellites are used in multimedia such as televisions, where data is sent through a
radio wave frequency to the satellite, and the satellite takes it then converts it to a different
frequency and relays the data back to the location it was sent from. Cables would cost too
much, due to the long distances, so satellites are used instead
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Chapter 7: system life cycle
*Why a system analyst is brought
When a system is regarded inadequate for the task, a system analyst is brought in to
review the current system and suggest a number of improvements.
Research the current system and collect data
Describe the current system
Identify the problems
Agree the objectives and identify then interpret the requirements with the customer
Produce a cost-benefit analysis and identify software/hardware needed
Produce a data flow diagram
Note: Stage 2-6 are identified as a feasibility study:1. Terms of reference
A. Objectives
B. Boundaries
C. Constraints
2. Description of the current system
A. Identify the problems
B. Project the costs
3. Criteria
A. Essential requirements
B. Desirable features
4. Proposed solution
A. Development plan
B. Cost-Benefit Analysis
Data flow diagrams
Helps by showing data, inputs, outputs, their requirements, and types of data stored.
DFDs are used to describe:• The need to identify inputs/outputs
• The need to identify current problem
• Need to identify user and customer
• Hardware/Software specifications
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Methods of research
Description and name
Observation: Watching
personnel using the existing
system and finding out the
Questionnaires:- Distributing
forms to see how the staff do
some of the work
Interviews: Involves one-toone sessions between analyst
and employee
Looking at paperwork:
Analyst looks at already
existing paperwork and
figures out the problem
Can be answered
quite quickly
Inexpensive method
Recipients remain
Gives quick analysis of
Motivates interviewee
to give honest
Analyst can extend
the question
Analyst can modify
the question as the
interview proceeds
Allows unique info to
be obtained
Can see how the
system operates
Gives reliable data
Possible to get an
overall view of the
Inexpensive method
Make data capture forms
Design screen layouts
Design outputs in the form of screen/printed displays
Produce system flowcharts
Design validation rules
Agree on file structures
Produce program flowcharts
Design a test plan
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People will be
uncomfortable being
Workers will do things
that they don’t usually
do, to impress the
observer/give a good
Number of returned
forms is usually low
Questions will be
No immediate way of
weird/vague answers
Time consuming
Relatively expensive
Interviewee cannot
remain anonymous
Time consuming
Relatively expensive
Paper based forms
Have a heading to make purpose clear
Make it clear where the person should
Make use of text boxes
Make use of character boxes (surnames,
telephone numbers, etc..)
Make use of printed text boxes for easy
input of date of births
Make use of tick boxes to make limited
choices easier
Make sure there is sufficient space for
Use clear fonts and clear text colors
Computer based form
Make use of text boxes
Make use of on-screen help
Make use of drop-down/combo boxes
Make use of radio/tick boxes to make
limited choices easier
Have automatic validation of data
Include navigation buttons
Have double data entry boxes
(verification purposes)
Note: Always make sure of the following
Size of all fields are matching to their outputs
All instructions are clear
Full screen is utilized
Colors and fonts are clear
System flowcharts
Show how data flows through the system and how
decisions are made. They use special symbols for
each kind of command (output, input, etc..), and
view an overall view of the proposed system, in
addition to showing how the system is supposed to
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Verification: A way of preventing errors while preventing data, through its two
types:1. Double entry : Data is entered twice using two people at a time
2. Visual check: The person types in the data, and then compares it to the
source of the data to see if there are any mistakes
Validation: A process where data is checked to see if it meets a certain criteria
Validation check
Range check
Checks if the data is within acceptable
A person age should be in
the range 0 to 150
Length check
Checks if the input data contains the
required number of characters
If the field is six inputting 5
will be an error
Checks if the input data does not contain
invalid characters
A person height should
only contain digit
Format check
Check that the data in a specific format
In the form dd/mm/yyyy
Limit check
One of the limits is checked
Input data >10
Presence check
Checks if the data is actually present and
has not been missed out
The field can not be left
empty required field.
Consistency check
Checks if fields corresponds with each
If Mr has been typed into a
field title then the gender
must contain M
Check digit
Looks at an extra digit which is calculated
from the digits of a number then put on
the end of the number
If two digits has
been transposed
during input.
• An incorrect digit
have been entered
Example: barcode
Lookup check
Checks whether the data entered exists
and is stored in a table
M or E or F
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Data dictionaries: Used to find and show suitable data types based on the data in
the document.
Designing a strategy plan:1.
Make sure it meets the customer’s requirements
Remove any bugs
Make sure it produces the correct, already known, output
Check if the software doesn’t crash under certain conditions
1. At this stage, if there are any files contained, then their structure has to be
finalized and tested to make sure it is robust and ready.
2. Make sure to adopt certain techniques so that the data can populate in the
correct form. In addition, data which is unwanted is to be trapped, while
wanted data HAS to be transferred from paper based to electronic form
3. Of course, the system has to have a user interface. At this point, the
interface’s inputs and outputs have to be thoroughly tested to make sure
they are working. For example, you need to see how the inputs will be
placed on the screen, and how they will be presented as outputs. Finally, the
interface should be checked to see if it is user friendly.
Testing strategies
In most systems, data is developed in modular, where it is broken down to small
parts, and each part is tested separately to make sure it works. After all files have been
tested, they are combined together to see if the system functions correctly. This strategy
allows each file to be modified and rebuilt on its own, so that when one part crashes, the
whole system is not affected.
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Categories of test data:• Live: Data which is tested and it’s outputs are already known
• Abnormal : Data out of the range (Ex. 101 when the range is 0-100)
• Extreme: Data on the boundaries of the range (Ex. 100 when the range is 0-100)
• Normal : Data that is within the range and not on boundaries (Ex. 2 when the range
is 0-100)
New system is implemented
overnight and old system is
wiped out
Old and new system run
One branch or office takes
the new system
Only part of the system is
introduced, and is
continued if the pervious
part proves to work
Can be disastrous if system fails
Immediate benefits
Reduced costs (less workers
Less likelihood of malfunction
(system would’ve been tested)
Old system can be relied on
Gradually trains staff
Expensive (more workers needed)
Time consuming (data needs to be
inputted twice)
Only one branch is affected if
system fails
Can train staff in one area only
(less costly/less time consuming)
Less expensive than parallel
If one part fails, you only have to
go back one step
More expensive than direct
VERY time consuming
Possible to insure the system works
properly before expanding
Technical Documentation (made to help analysts/people who made the system)
Program listing
Programming language
List of variables
File structure
Purpose of the system/program
Input format or example
Output format or example
Hardware requirements
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Software requirements
Sample runs/test runs
Known bugs/possible errors
Validation rules
User Documentation (made to help the user figure out the program) contains:•
How to load software/install/run software
How to save a file
How to search
How to sort
How to print
How to add records
How to delete/edit records
Purpose of the system/program
Input format or example
Output format or example
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Sample runs
Error messages
Error handling
Troubleshooting guide/Contact details/help line/FAQ
Why is technical documentation made:•
To help programmers maintain system
To help programmers update a system
To help programmers upgrade a system
Ways of evaluating a system:•
Compare the final solution with the user requirements to ensure that requirements have
been met
Identify any limitations of the new system so that system works without problems
Identify any further improvements to the new system
Analyze feedback from users of the new system to see how well they are coping with the
new system/ to see how well the new system works and so that user’s needs are taken
into account.
Compare test results from the new system with the old system
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Chapter 8: Safety and security
*Physical Security
Health Aspects
Back and Neck pain
Sitting for long periods in the -Regular Breaks
same position
-Foot rests
-Sit in correct posture
-Use tilted screens
Continuous use of keyboards -Use ergonomic equipment
and mice
-Use your wrist properly while
-Sit in correct posture
-Use voice activated software
Staring at a computer screen -Insure there is no screen
for too long/Incorrect lighting
-Switch to LCD monitors
-Anti-Glare screens
-Test your eyes regularly
Incorrect Lighting / Flickering / -Anti-Glare
-Regular breaks
-Test your eyes regularly
Laser printers
-Proper ventilation
-Isolate printer
-Use other types of printers
Ozone Irritation
Ways of minimizing
Safety Aspects
Ways of minimizing
-Use RCB
-Check insulation on wires
-Don’t allow food near computers
-Check equipment
-Cable Ducts
-Cover wires/Tie them to walls
-Use wireless connections
-Use sturdy tables/desks
-Use large tables/desks
-CO2 Extinguisher
-Don’t cover equipment vents
-Maintain electrics used in hardware
-Good ventilation
-Don’t overload sockets
-Change to low-voltage hardware
Trailing wires
Heave equipment falling
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*Electronic Security
Some ways of staying safe while browsing the internet:•
Do not broadcast your info to unknown people
Do not send photos of yourself
Maintain your privacy settings
Make sure the websites you visit are secured
Use websites recommended by teacher
Open E-Mails from known sources
Be Vigilant (keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.)
Block suspicious people
Use a nickname/Keep private data secrete
Never enter private rooms
Never arrange to meet people on your own/Always tell an adult when your
meeting someone
Use appropriate language and respect people
Some risks of going online:•
Predators/Cyber bullying/Cyber attacks
Use of webcams/Use of voice masking technology
Some examples of security “risks”:• Hacking (Gaining unauthorized access)
• Phishing (Sending an unsolicited E-mail containing malicious
• Smishing (Phishing through SMS)
• Vishing (Phishing through a phone call)
• Pharming (Installing malicious code on a user’s computer)
• Spyware (Installing a software which spies on the user)
• Virus (Malicious code which copies itself and destroys the
• Spam (Sending an unsolicited message repeatedly)
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Ways of prevention
-Identity theft
-Deletion/Corruption/Editing of data
-Strong passwords
-Intrusion detection software
-Using passwords/IDs
-Personal data can be gained
-ISPs/Web browsers filter out phishing emails
-Fraud/Identity theft
-Being cautious
-Do not click on executable attachments
-Personal data can be gained (Credit card -Anti-Spyware software
details when using a fake website)
-Be alert/Look for clues
-Fraud/Identity theft
-Gives access to all data entered by -Anti-Spyware
-Be alert/Check for clues
-Other spyware can be installed
-Use an on screen keyboard when entering
important info
-Can cause computer to stop functioning
-Anti-Virus software
- Deletion/Corruption/Editing of data
-Do not use software from unknown sources
-Do not open suspicious attachments
-Can cause computer to ‘crash’
-Denial of services
-Use a spam filter and set the protection to a high
-Clogging up inbox
-Can lead to other risks like viruses
-Block images in HTML messages
-Look out for already checked checkboxes
-Do not sign up to commercial mailing lists
-Do not reply to unsolicited messages
*Moderated and Unmoderated Forums
• When a forum is moderated, an administrator (or a number of administrators)
monitor the forum, and delete any unwanted posts or hateful comments
• This allows the forum to be safer, since the administrator can remove spam
and inappropriate, rude, or offensive posts
• Essentially, the internet is an unmoderated forum, but there are some rules that
most social discussions go by.
Small files that are stored on a user’s computer
Contains custom settings
Generate an anonymous user profile, which contains NO personal info
Remove need to store massive amounts of data by web servers
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*Additional security levels
1. Firewall
Examines traffic between computer and network
Checks if data meets a certain criteria, and filters it out if it doesn’t
Records all incoming/outgoing traffic
Can prevent hackers/viruses
Cannot prevent individuals from using modems to access internal networks
Cannot control carelessness
Can be disabled on stand-alone computers
2. Security protocols
A. SSL: Protocol which allows data to be sent and received SECURLY over the
internet. HTTPS shows the user that SSL is being used on that specific website
B. TLS: Is a similar more recent type of security which provides: Encryption,
Authentication, and Data Integrity; in a more effective way than SSL.
TLS is designed to prevent third party hacking through two ways:
-Record protocol: Can be used with or without encryption
-Handshake protocol: Allows the user and website to authenticate each
other, in addition to using encryption techniques.
It is a fact that TLS separates the handshaking process from the record protocol
TLS can be improved through new authentication techniques and session
caching (see later).
C. Session Caching: TLS sessions require a lot of computer time to process, so
session caching is used to remove the time needed to open a TLS session.
From there, a new session can be opened, or an already existing one can be
3. Encryption
• Primarily used to protect illegally accessed data.
• Uses a secret key, which can alter the characters in a message making
them unreadable.
• The recipient can only access the data if they have the same key
• Encryption Key : Used to encrypt the message making it meaningless
Decryption key : Used to decrypt the message to return it to its original
• Cypher text : The form of an encrypted message
Plain text: The form of a decrypted message
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4. Authentication
• Used to verify data which comes from a secure/trusted source
• Digital Certificates contain: A public key, and a private key. One which is
known to the public, and the other which is known to the user only.
• Digital certificates are attached to show that the info comes from a trusted
Digital certificates Contain:123456-
Email address
Digital certificate owner
Serial number
Expiry date
Public key
Authority of digital certificate
• Passwords are a number of letters and numbers used to secure data from
being stolen.
• Strong passwords should contain: Uppercase/Lowercase letters, Numbers,
signs, etc...
• A maximum number of tries is allowed before the user is blocked out
• Passwords should be regularly changed
There are many reasons why a Credit Card may experience Fraud:1. User may be tricked to enter their credit card details through :Phishing/Pharming/Hacking/Spyware
2. Breaking of passwords
3. Visiting a fake website and entering your details
4. Using wireless internet access with no password
5. Carelessness of the user (leaving personal info without anyone monitoring it)
6. Hacking of the organization/bank which withholds the info of the credit card
Simple precautions a user can take to avoid Credit Card fraud:1.
Use varied and complex passwords
Check accuracy of bank accounts
Provide personal info to secure sites with HTTPS
Do not provide personal info to unsolicited messages
Do not open suspicious attachments
Delete spam messages
Report suspicious activity to the credit card company
Download software from trusted websites
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5. Biometrics
Biometric technique Advantages
Fingerprint Scan
- Very intrusive
- Can make mistakes if the skin is damaged
Retina Scan
- Most developed biometric technique
- Very high accuracy
- Easy to use
- Small storage requirements
- Non-intrusive
- Requires very little time to identify
- Low-cost
- Very high accuracy
- Can’t be replicated
Iris recognition
- Very high accuracy
- Less than 5 seconds needed to verify
Face recognition
- Non-Intrusive
- Inexpensive
- Non-intrusive
- Less than 5 seconds needed to verify
- Inexpensive
Voice recognition
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- Problems may arise if users do not sign with
the same name
- High error rate
- Very intrusive
- Slow to verify scans with stored ones
- Expensive to set-up/maintain
- Very intrusive
- Uses a good amount of memory
- Expensive to set-up/maintain
- Affected by lighting or change of facial
- Can be replicated through recording
- Low accuracy
- A change in a person’s voice can make it
Chapter 9: Audiences
*Audience Appreciation:
There are many factors to consider when presenting something specific while appreciating
the audience, here are some of them :1. Age: Young children like animations and pictures, while adults may like something
more informative and formal.
2. Experience of the audience: - For example, a group of school teenagers would
expect a different presentation than that for a group of directors or managers.
3. Expectations of the audience: - If you’re advertising a new product, a car for
example, adults would expect a presentation about the car’s features and
comfortability, while children would be more interested in the car’s looks and speed.
4. Knowledge of the audience: - For example, Physics graduates would expect a
different approach that Chemistry graduates during a presentation about Science.
To achieve the best presentation possible, research must be done in order to reach a
conclusion about the audience you’re presenting to. There are 3 different methods which
researching can be done: 1. Interviewing a small group of the audience, and asking them questions
2. Distributing questionaries’ to find the background of the group
3. Carrying out market research and doing in-depth analysis
*Factors of a presentation
• No vulgarity
• No Inappropriate language
• Technical terms should be used
with experienced audiences only
• Sound/Video/Animation will
catch the attention of the audience
• Do not overdue the effects
• Loud music will interest young
• Complicated info should be
explained with graphs
• Always be understanding when
referring to examples (i.e. do not
refer to meat in front of vegetarians
• Asking the audience questions and
getting them to participate is always
good, but do not do it for those who
do not want to
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• Long presentations only work if
they are interesting and engaging
• Young audiences will get quickly
bored and become restless
Always make your speech matching to the factors listed below: 1. How old are the audience
2. How skilled are the audience (dependent)
3. Do the staff have any problems (Disabilities, ethical problems, religious problems,
Note: Go to pages 163,164, and 165 for an example about Audiences.
*Copyright and privacy
Whenever purchasing a copyrighted software (on a CD for example), it is illegal to:1. Make a copy of the software and sell it as your own or give it away
2. Use the software multiple times on different networks (unless specified you can do
3. Use coding of the software in your own software
4. Rent out a software package without permission
5. Use the name of the software on other software without agreement
Software privacy has been a big problem on the internet, so companies have taken extra
steps to stop copies from being used after they’ve been sold:1. The user will need to put in a PRODUCT KEY in order to use the software
2. The user will need to AGREE to certain conditions and rules, which if disobeyed, will
cause the user to face major consequences
3. Original packaging comes with a sticker saying that it is illegal to copy the software.
4. Some software will not work without the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/Memory Stick being
plugged in
5. Some software will only run if a dongle is plugged in.
*Legal/Moral/Ethical/Cultural implications:Word
Covers the law, whether or not it is
punishable by the law
Governs personal interactions, and is usually
determined by the person concerned
Governs professional interactions; such as
behaviors or acts a group or society practices
Attitudes, values, and practices of a certain
society or group
All of these factors differ, for example, anything that the law prohibits is deemed illegal, and
punishable by the law itself. As for moral acts, these depend on the person, and not on the
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law or on a group, however, culture can get in the way. What may be immoral to many
people, is permitted in some cultures, and vice versa.
For example, cows are usually slaughtered for their meat, however, in India, cows are a
very sacred animal. There is a very thin line between immorality and illegal acts. For
example, giving information from your company to its rival is deemed immoral, but is not
necessarily illegal
*Policing of the internet
Arguments For
Arguments Against
Prevents illegal material from being posted
Material published is already available on
other sources
Would be difficult to enforce rules on a global
Would go against freedom of information and
Many comments posted are already illegal,
and rules already exist to deal with them
Many things are offensive only to a minority of
Can shield people from having to discover
information with serious consequences
Would prevent children and other vulnerable
groups from unwanted material
Would stop incorrect info from being published
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Chapter 10: Communication
*Constraints of communication using E-Mail:A. Laws
• Many countries require users to obtain permission before sending E-Mails
• Never send an E-Mail with a misleading subject title
• If you are sending as a company, a valid postal address MUST accompany
the message
Many countries DO NOT allow companies to harvest (collect) E-Mail address
Privacy policies must be made clear to a company’s subscribers
Companies must provide subscribers with a way to unsubscribe from their EMails
Companies and individuals must have clear ways for the user to opt-out
B. Acceptable Language
• You can LIE but only within an acceptable range
• Obscene images/Offensive/Exploitive/Profane/Abusive messages (etc..)
are not allowed
• Illegal materials and matters are not to be discussed in E-Mail messages
Note: In many countries, the above constraints are VERY strict, and will be met
with huge consequences if they are ignored.
C. Copyright
Even though they are E-Mails, copyright still applies to them. You may think that the
forward button is just a simple click, with no consequences, but that is not always the
case. Many companies are very strict about the copyright policies of their
attachments and messages. You are not supposed to forward a message unless
you or the recipient are responsible for doing so. Other than that, forwarding of
copyrighted messages is PROHIBITED, and will be met with great consequences.
D. Security and password protection
It is very important that E-Mails stay secure through passwords and
encryption, because if one’s E-Mail is hacked, a ton of information
(Sometimes personal) can be leaked. Some ways of keeping your password
safe are:1. Use strong passwords (i.e. k7O9-J5E7X)
2. Change passwords on a regular basis
3. Use a spam/junk folder to remove spam and keep it isolated
4. Run up to date Anti-Spam/Anti-Virus software on your computer
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Don’t be abusive
Don’t send spam
Be clear in your messages
Remember that your posts are read by everyone, so be understanding
Check spelling and grammar ALWAYS
Respect people’s privacy and do not discuss delicate matters
Forgive people for their mistakes
Do not use CAPITAL letters, as they may be viewed as screaming
Do not plagiarize
Do not use to many Emoticons
It is important to note that these points can show who you are as a person to the
general public, and give a first impression to anyone unknown to you. Usually, sticking
to these rules will give a good first impression about yourself.
Spam E-Mails are any unsolicited messages that are sent to you, and can range from being
annoying to being extremely dangerous, depending on the weight of the situation. There
are many disadvantages behind spam, with some of them being:•
Uses up people’s time
Generally annoying
Uses up bandwidth, and slows down the internet connection
Can have viruses attached
Clogs up the inbox
Spam doesn’t only affect computers, but can also reach out to mobile phones, through SMS
spam or ‘Spasms’ , which charge the user a specific amount of money every time they
receive a message, which can greatly increase the bill.
*Purposes of an E-Mail group
Easier to send multiple E-Mails to the same addresses if they are all grouped under
the same name.
Companies/Marketers can group people up in specific groups, so when a certain
sale comes, they can send it to that specific group. (For example, they can group up
people who like sport equipment, and send them messages when Sport equipment
is on sale)
Although this is a disadvantage for the general public, spammers are able to group
people up and send spam to thousands of people, in addition to saving time
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Companies set up E-Mail groups to ensure everyone is invited to their meetings,
and no one misses out.
*The internet
the internet has enabled people to do many different things, some of them being: Send and
receive E-Mails, Transfer files, Chat online, Browse the WWW.
It is important to note that the WWW is only part of the internet, and while you use a web
browser to open web pages, the browser only allows you to access the WWW which is
based on the HTTPS.
Is a computer network based on internet technology, but designed to meet internal needs
for organizations/companies/private groups/etc... This means that it is not available to
the general public, and is protected by a FIREWALL
Intranets are only accessible to:1. People from the company itself
2. Members external to the company, who have been given various levels of access
Reasons for adopting an intranet, instead of basing your network on the internet:1.
Safer – Less chance of hacking/catching viruses
Information available will be specific for the company’s needs
Easier to send sensitive messages
Offer better bandwidth – There are less connection limits than with the internet
Possible to create Extranets to extend intranets, but give them the same
advantages as intranets
Difference between Internet and Intranet
International network
Covers topics of global interest
Internal Restricted access
Gives local information relevant to the
Very easy to block certain websites
Resides behind a firewall which protects it from
malicious code
Privately accessed
It is difficult to block websites
More difficult to place protection since it is on a
global scale
Publicly accessed
*Cloud Storage
Data is stored on an offsite server, in many different servers. This is done so that when a
server is repaired, the data would stay there. This is known as Data Redundancy
Types of Clouds:-
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1. Public Cloud :- Customer and provider are from different companies
2. Private Cloud :- Customer and provider are integrated and act as a single entity
3. Hybrid Cloud: - Combination of the two previous clouds, where some data resides in
the private cloud, and less sensitive data resides in the public cloud.
Data is accessed at any time
Some of its security aspects are not very
Needs strong and fast internet connection to
access properly
Can be costly if large space is needed
Potential fail of a cloud storage company is
always possible – can lead to major losses
No need for the customer to carry an external
storage device
Provides the user with data backup
Allows recovery of data in case the storage
device fails
Offers almost unlimited storage capacity
*General internet terms
HTTP(S): Rules of communication which must be obeyed when transferring data over the
internet. If the S or a green padlock is beside it, this means that the source is secured.
Web Browsers: Allow the user to view webpages by translating the HTML code from
websites and showing the results
They can have the following features:1.
Home page
Favorite websites/pages
Can go backward and forward
Have hyperlinks which allow users to navigate between web pages
They use URL (Uniform Source Locator) to access websites and retrieve data.
URLs consist of: - (protocol://website address/path/filename)
Protocol : HTTPS
Website address
-Domain host : WWW
-Domain name : Name of the website
-Domain type : (.org, .ac, .gov, .com, .net, etc...)
-Country codes (sometimes given) : (.uk, .us, .de)
Path : Web page
Filename : The item on the browser
FTP: File Transfer Protocol, used when transferring files from one computer to another on
the internet.
ISP: Internet Service Provider, provides users with access to the internet by allowing them
to set up an account with a user name and password
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*Blogs/Wikis/Social networking sites
Blogs: an author writes their opinion about a certain topic, and may provide links to certain
websites to support his conclusion. Users can then comment on the blogs, and give their
opinions as well
It is worth knowing that blogs are NOT IMMUNE from the law.
Some features of a blog:•
Updated regularly
Organized in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest)
Come from one author
Other users cannot edit blogs
MicroBlogs are similar to blogs, but are much shorter and more frequent. They are similar to
posts on social media, especially apps like Twitter or Facebook.
B-Blogs are similar to blogs, but used by businesses to promote their product
Wikis: - Web pages which can be edited by any user through any browser. Usually used
to give information about a certain topic (i.e. Wars and their dates)
Some features of a Wiki:•
Anyone can edit/delete/modify
Can contain more than one author
Page can be organized however an author wishes
Can be easily edited using a browser
Allows large documents to be seen by many people
Social Networking Sites:- Applications which focus on building online communities, and
allow users to share photos, videos, music, hobbies, favorite eating places, etc...
Some features of Social Networking Sites:•
Provides free web space
Each member has their own private and public profiles.
Possible to upload content such as text messages, photos, videos, etc…
Can write on each other’s walls
Give free instant messaging and video chatting
Possible to email other members of the community
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Possible to invite people to become friends
Members have control over who can access their private data
*Search engines
Allows you to search up data, without knowing the URL. They use words entered in a box,
and look them up in their knowledge base then do a cross search. The more specific your
search is, the less hits you’ll get.
Once information is found, it can be saved in the following ways:•
Adding hyperlinks to a document
Using “print screen”
Copy and pasting it
Info is up to date and easier to find
Vast, limitless amounts of info
Fast and Easy
Can find info at the comfort of your home
without the need to travel
Free of charge
Makes learning more interesting
Anything can be posted on a webpage
Risk of accessing inappropriate websites
Easy to be distracted when surfing the net
Can cause information overload
Huge risk of plagiarism
Loses research skills
Information is not always easy to find, because if the user is not specific with their search, it
may lead to information overload. In addition, some websites are placed at the top of the
search results, and are given the greater priority compared to others.
Why can information be unreliable on the internet?
There is no guarantee that the info is unbiased or accurate
Anybody can make a website and write whatever they want to
Material on websites does not have to be checked by others
Information can be out of date leading to it being irrelevant
How can you evaluate the reliability of information?
Anybody can set up a website, so make sure to be aware
Some commercial websites will be biased
If the advertising is related to its own product, a website will be unreliable
Use the Domain of a website (especially .ac and .gov) to evaluate reliability
Compare the information with books
See if responsible bodies endorsed the site
If the website has links to reliable/unreliable websites
If a website has testimonials, it can be reliable
If it hasn’t been updated in a while, it’ll be unreliable
If the author has good credentials, it’ll be reliable
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