DATABASE ARCHITECTURE TIERS 1.) Presentation tier This is the first tier of DB, it is responsible for user interface and how data is presented to the users. This includes; web pages or web browsers and desktop or mobile applications. Presentation tier performs the following main functions: Data presentation- receive data from application tier and transform it for display i.e. by adding graphics. User interaction-it allows input and gives out output whether by actions through clicking buttons or submitting forms or reports. User experience-provides the ease of user experience which is friendlier. 2.) Application tier This is the second most tier of DB, it’s responsible for processing data and business logic of the application. It performs a couple of roles like Security and authentication-this ensures proper security mechanism is followed to protect the system and that only authorized users can gain access or use the system. Business logic- this governs the behavior of the system, also orchestrates the overall workflow of the application. Performance optimization- the application tier may implement caching strategies, optimize query execution and manage system resources to ensure efficient system performance. 3.) Data tier This tier is responsible for storing and managing the data. Includes the DB server and the DBMS. The DBMS its role is to manage the data and security of the system. The data tier does; Data storage-stores data and ensures its reliability. Also manages physical storage like files and disk partitions to hold the data. Querying and data retrieval-enables easy retrieval of data using query mechanism like SQL or sequel to filter or fetch data specifying the user requirements. 1 Back -up and recovery-this ensures protection against data loss or system failure like restoration of data procedure. Within Data tier, there are several DB architectural models which includes; Single-tier-both the presentation, application and data tiers are joined to form a single system. Typically used in small size applications. Two-tier/ a client-server architecture-this divides presentation tier from data tier. Mainly used in server side applications. Three-tier-in this model separates presentation, application and data tiers into a definite layers. Communication is done from presentation to application to data tiers respectively. Mostly used in web applications. N –tier- here, the application tier is divided into multiple layers each upholding into a specific task. It is commonly used in large enterprise applications. NB; The three data architectural tiers work together to make up a complete database architecture that meets the requirement of the application system. My reference is from Microsoft Bing or Edge through multiple resources and articles 2