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Existentialism: A Thought Piece

Thought Piece No. 1
Things discussed in the video are about the common misconceptions about
existentialism. The author expressed that existentialism can be both philosophical
& not, atheistic & not, and dark and not. Upon listening and digesting his
explanations, it was only then I realized that existentialism has two sides like that
of a coin. All I knew before, it was about the study on the nature of existence.
I realized that existentialism can be both transcendence and superficial.
Transcendence in a sense that it dig deeper on dark and depressive experiences like
that of Victor Frankl, knowing the meaning of life amidst war and suffering.
Superficial in a sense that it only deals with the outward appearances of things,
basically those that are not philosophical.
And when it comes to either existentialism is atheistic or not, it varies to the
thinker. If the thinker-existentialist is an atheist, most likely, his approach is that of
no God. But if the thinker-existentialist is a believer of God, then his approach
leans on the impossibility of existence without God.
Overall, existentialism as one of the philosophical thought, is somehow liberating
to some of not many. As far as my knowledge is concern, many fails to
acknowledge their uniqueness that is why they tend to embrace figures, things or
people they want to be which they are not. Probably because of the belief that they
can be more luring, attractive and pleasing if they become this or that. However,
life varies from a lot of aspects, and to exist meaningfully, is to accept who you
really are, being resourceful of what is available, embrace your surroundings as
footing ground for growth, and a mindset that whatever may come, react and act on
it based on your freedom.