DC-Coupling ESS Solution Whitepaper An Analysis on How DC-Coupling ESS Solution Increases Renewable Energy Ratio In the past few years, the energy storage nology - especially the rapid develop - m u l t i p l e t e c h n o l o g i e s t o i m p ro v e industry has seen a booming develop- m e nt o f E V b at te r y te chn o l o g y. th e fl ex ib ili t y o f a gro w in g p ro p o r- ment driven by the joint impacts of the Energy storage is a vital driving factor tion of renewable energy power falling LCOE of renewable energy and to facilitate the energy climate-neutral s ys tems . breakthrough of energy storage tech- transition. It can be combin e d with Issues and countermeasures China is one of the world’ s large s t cially in China’ s northwestern region more than a dozen provinces including e n e rg y h u b s . T h e r a p i d g ro w t h o f where the solar resource is abundant Shandong, Shanxi, Xinjiang, Inner Mon- renewable energy spurs the demand for but cannot be fully utilized. In addition golia, Anhui and Tibet have successively flexibility in traditional power plants and to this, the PV industry is facing with the issued policies mandating energy stor- the entire power system. In addition, the challenges of a lower LCOE and the age systems (ESS) being added to the impact of PV volatility on the grid is also wider range of volatility of output. renewable energy power plants. ing installed capacity. The countr y is I n f a c t , C hi n e s e g o v e r n m e nt s a n d Coincidentally, Germany sees similar now witnessing clipping loss, a huge National Grid have b e gun to s et up problems in renewable energy develop- challenge of solar power segment, espe- requirements on this issue. Since 2020, ment. The electricity generation in Ger- scaling up with the substantial increas- www.sungrowpower.com Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice DC-Coupling ESS Solution Whitepaper many from November 2019 to August 2020 is shown in Figure 1, where the volatility of onshore PV can clearly be seen. Renewable energy accounts for 43% in the national energy mix, and this proportion is expected to exceed 65% by 2030. By 2050, the power system will be 100% of renewable energy. As one of the key driving forces in renewables , PV segment is hiking. Figure 1: Power Generation and Consumption of Germany (11.2019-08.2020) In addition to fluctuations in power as electric vehicles or heat pumps will Moving for ward, ESS is becoming a supply, hourly electricity demand also gradually replace fossil fuel, we see a widely-recognized solution to the volatility changes . Therefore, not only power growing demand on electricity, which and clipping loss of renewable energy. supply needs to be predicted, but power makes the improvement of energy effi- Especially with the LCOE going down demand should also be predictable, ciency a main concern. Therefore, the continuall y, energ y s torag e w ill b e ensuring a balance between the supply regional annual electricity demand and more accessible and flexible. and demand. As new technologies such hourly demand pattern will also update. Issues and countermeasures As we are at the cusp of energy transi- have launched more product portfolios lowering the LCOE of solar-plus-storage tion, renewables, such as PV is required with this function. installations and maximizing the power to be more grid-friendly. Energy storage generation that can be fed into the grid, is one of the most effective solutions to There has been experienced track records energy suppliers and developers are turning address the issue. Likewise, as the cost on the DC-coupling solution in a multitude to DC-coupling solutions. of PV modules continues to fall, and of markets covered by market-oriented batteries follow a similar downward power transactions, such as Europe, the Europe witnesses an even evident trend. trajectory, solar-plus-storage application US and Japan. In countries like the UK, the DC-coupling players. As one of the typical solutions The US is leading the trend, where electricity panies. It will help improve overall energy among the solar-plus-storage markets, generated by clean energy projects are output of the hybrid system while also the DC-coupling solution can maximize becoming more competitive than gas optimizing the costs and increasing the utilization of renewable energy and plants’ , especially considering other revenue system reliability and flexibility. smooth the power output, ensuring a streams from grid services. Aimed at further is in growing demand among industry BESS is under development by local com- more reliable and stable power landscape. The DC- coupling solar-plus-stora g e PV lnverter PV Module design means that an energy stor a g e sy s tem c o nn e c t s to a s o l ar s y s te m Grid v ia D C s i d e (a s s h o w n in F i gure 2). In this s o lu ti o n , a p re - a s s e mb l e d e n ergy s torage inter f ace of a PV LC Battery DC/DC inver ter w ill b e ne ce s s ar y. Inver ter sup p li er s rep re s ente d by Sungrow www.sungrowpower.com Figure 2: DC-Coupling ESS Solution Diagram Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice DC-Coupling ESS Solution Whitepaper Break through solar bottleneck In view of the growing PV penetration, the L ike w i s e , Sun gro w ’ s D C- co up lin g algorithms. The PV inverter can be used p o s sibilit y of clipping lo s s will als o solution has been applied in China a few for bidirectional charging and discharging increase. Especially in areas with ample years ago. Back in 2016, a 100MW PV applications. Sungrow is one of a few solar resources, DC-coupling solution is an p l a nt in J in c h a n g , G a n s u a d o p te d inverter manufacturers that can provide ideal match for local decarbonization. solar-plus-storage solution to solve the bidirectional charging and discharging problem of solar electricity clipping loss. solar-plus-storage solutions. Amos Liu, a senior technical manager of A turnkey 1MW/1.1MWh ESS was offered Sungrow, explained that the DC-coupling to carry out relevant analysis, accumu- “DC-coupling system can be used for stor- system can solve the problems of clipping late data and experience, and pave the ing excess energy during the day and loss and cur tailment. It absorbs the way for future applications. continue to meet the electricity demands surplus electricity generated during the at night. After that, it can also play a role in daytime and feeds it to the grid at night or Notably, Sungrow’ s newly launched peak-shaving and absorption of wind when there are dispatching needs. Com- DC-coupling solution has made innova- power and multiple energy sources from pared with the AC-coupling solar-plus-stor- tions in the power electronics and control late night to early morning,” said Amos. age solution, DC-coupling system can be more profitable. With less restriction on DC/AC ratio, the advantages will become more prominent. Taking Japan's Akita Odate FiT (Feed-in Tariff) project as an example, a typical case of solving solar clipping loss and grid volatility by installing energy storage on the DC side. The limited AC capacity of the project which received FIT subsidies is 49.5kW, and the DC side is of 3 5 0kW, which features a striking DC/AC ratio of 7. Sungrow supplied a 1.1MWh ESS to automatically store excess power to avoid clipping loss and significant output fluctuations, guaranteeing 24 hours of continuous power yields. Figure 3: Sungrow DC-coupling ESS Solution Call for future actions With the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060, partially due to the lack of relevant standards early entrant in the energy storage market, renewable energy in particular PV and wind and specifications. Sungrow has a robust track record across power will assume the responsibility of the globe. Apart from DC-coupling solution, energy transition. The problems aforesaid Accordingly, policies should be made to Sungrow is a pivotal player in 1500V AC-cou- like volatility and clipping loss of solar do still clarify the technical standards and busi- pling solution as well. With an untarnished exist. Although many countries have intro- ness models, making renewable energy fire safety record on over 1000 energy duced policies for an energy storage system a grid-friendly source. Besides, PV manu- storage projects, Sungrow is pioneering to be added along with renewable applica- facturers also need to spur the develop- more ventures teaming up with global partners tions, the current design and implementa- ment through te chnical innov ations to make energy more profitable, accessible tion methods of the solution are uneven, and comprehensive ser vices . A s an and sustainable. www.sungrowpower.com Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice European System Solution Manager, Sungrow Tel: +86-551-65327878-8412 Email: amos.liu@sungrowsamsung.cn www.sungrowpower.com Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice Amos Liu