AE CM411 A G RI C U L T U RA L P RO J E C T A P P RA I S A L A ND MA NAG E ME NT P repa red by Ms T. C. Mol el ekoa MODULE OUTCOME • On completion of this module, you should be an efficient, competent agricultural project manager, who understands project appraisal and management, and can use the knowledge acquired practically. • The skills you would have acquired should enable you to contribute towards improvement of project appraisal and management nationally. • You should also be able to function within a group for mutual support, sustenance to your peers for professional growth and development. LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the understanding of the nature and characteristics of a project. • Explain the nature and application of project management. • Discuss the roles, responsibilities and skills required by a project manager. • Discuss the project management environment. • Apply the project triangle concepts and • Analyse project key stakeholders • Analyse and identify project objectives, costs, and benefits. W H Y D O W E N E E D A G R I C U LT U R A L P RO J E C T A P P R A I S A L A N D M A N A G E M E N T • A project needs to be well structured and running smoothly. • All the challenges concerning the project can be stimulating and enjoyable. • However, when a project is not well defined, conceived and badly managed, it can become the worst nightmare which will result in financial tragedies and ruin a promising career. P RO J E C T • An activity/task/event which makes use of resources to achieve a set of objectives within a specified period of time frame (it is temporal) i.e. it has beginning and end. • An example of a project include building a greenhouse for agricultural school in 2019. • Characteristics of a Project 1.It is temporal 2.Has objective(s) 3.Make use of resources 4.Have a budget 5.Have a manager/project leader 6.Unique 7.Usually have stakeholders/beneficiaries. K E Y S TA K E H O L D E R S I N M O S T P RO J E C T S • Project Manager- ensures day to day running of the project. • Performing Organization- an institution undertaking or owning a project. • Sponsors- who provide the project with funding. • Deliverables – final product or services a project intends to create • Customers- clients, end users or beneficiaries. P O RT F O L I O, P RO G R A M A N D P RO J E C T THE TRIPLE CONSTRAINT MODEL • The project management triangle is a model in project management that shows how the balance between three constraints— scope, time, and budget—affects the quality of the project. • The triangle shows that affecting one constraint will mean adjusting one or both of the others in order to maintain the quality. T H E P RO J E C T T R I A N G L E : W H Y I T M AT T E R S ? • It helps to see how changing one project constraint will affect other constraints. If you change the scope of a product you’re hoping to launch, you know that either the budget needs to increase, or the timeline needs to be extended (or both). • It can help mitigate risks. Say your project to launch a new piece of software has a hard deadline, and you’re worried your engineers will fall behind. You can ask stakeholders for a contingency budget just in case you need to hire another engineer to help complete tasks. • It can clarify priorities in a project. Does your project have a hard deadline, a strict budget, or very specific deliverable requirements? Knowing this can give you a better idea of what a successful project will look like. P RO J E C T M A N A G E M E N T E N V I RO N M E N T • The Project Environment directly affects the Project and how it should be managed. Projects are not carried out in a vacuum; a wide range of issues influences them: Economic Cycle, Politics (both Internal and External), Rules and Regulations (Health and Safety), new technology, Competitors, Market requirements, your own company's organizational structure, Client/Sponsor's requirements, and Stakeholders (all interested parties). RO L E S O F A P RO J E C T M A N A G E R • Controlling the project triangle • HRM • Planning • Conflict management • Monitor • Evaluate • Manage budget P E R F O R M A N C E B A S E L I N E S T H AT N E E D T O B E S E T B Y P RO J E C T M A N A G E R S Technical Baseline Involves monitoring of the tasks displayed in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to ensure that each is satisfactorily completed. s A Schedule Baseline is a copy of a project schedule that enables to make a comparison between the planned and the actual status of a project. Cost Baseline Normally you will use a spreadsheet showing the budget amounts for each task, enter the actual cost when it is determined, and monitor the variance, if any. P RO J E C T MANAGEMENT P RO C E S S E S Initiating process: recognizing that a project or phase should begin and committing to do so. Planning processes: devising and maintaining a workable scheme to accomplish the business need that was undertaken to address the problem. Executing processes: coordinating people and other resources to carry out the plan. Controlling processes: ensuring that monitoring and measuring progress, and taking corrective action when necessary to meet project objectives. Closing processes: formalizing acceptance of the project or phase and bringing it to an orderly end. P RO J E C T C O S T S AND BENEFITS • Project Cost - anything that reduces project objective • Project Benefit- anything that reduces project objective ASSIGNMENT 1: DUE NEXT WEEK • Explain the difference between a project and a programme, provide relevant examples of agricultural project and programme in South Africa with reasons for being classified as either project/programme. [12] • Using your own choice of an AGRICULTURAL PROJECT, perform the following: 1. Describe the nature of the chosen project [4] 2. Explain how this chosen project was identified [4] 3. Compile the project costs and benefits for this chosen project. [10] • Discuss the internal and external factors that will affect management of a project. [15]