Supplementary Materials for A bioinspired revolving-wing drone with passive attitude stability and efficient hovering flight Songnan Bai et al. Corresponding author: Pakpong Chirarattananon, Sci. Robot. 7, eabg5913 (2022) DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abg5913 The PDF file includes: Sections S1 to S7 Figs. S1 to S15 Table S1 References (83–89) Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following: Movies S1 to S5 S1 S1.1 Flight dynamics Translational dynamics The translational dynamics of the revolving-wing robot is obtained by modeling the robot as a rigid body with mass m under the gravitational field g. Let X̂ŶẐ denote the inertial frame W and x̂ŷẑ be the body-fixed frame B, situated at the center of mass of the robot (Fig. 1A). The ŷ axis aligns with the thrust direction of the propeller 1 (Fig. 1B). The ẑ axis aligns with the direction of the total lift force of the revolving wings. With basis vectors e1 , e2 , and e3 , the position of the robot P is governed by mP̈ = R (e2 tp,1 e2 tp,2 + fw ) mge3 , (S1) where R denotes a rotation matrix mapping the body frame to the inertial frame, tp,1 and tp,2 are the magnitudes of the propellers’ thrusts (Fig. 1B), and fw is the total aerodynamic force attributed to the revolving wings, defined in the body frame, given by fw = e3 CT ⌦2z (S2) bRT Ṗ. The first term of fw denotes the thrust force produced by revolving wings (see Eq. 3), aligned with the ẑ axis. The other term represents the drag induced by of the translation of the revolving wings. The drag is primarily caused by the drag difference of the advancing and retreating blades when the robot travels (56, 71, 83), assumed to be linear with the body-centric translational velocity (RT Ṗ) with the coefficient b. S1.2 Attitude dynamics The attitude of the robot is fully described by Euler’s rotation equations in B ˙ + ⌦ ⇥ (I⌦) = ⌧prop + ⌧w , I⌦ (S3) where, I = diag (Ix , Iy , Iz ) is the body-frame inertial tensor, vector ⌦ = ⇥ ⌦ x ⌦y ⌦ z ⇤T is the angular velocity, and the right-hand side presents the applied torques. The torques are from (i) the actuation torque provided by the propellers’ thrusts, propellers’ induced torque, (tp,1 rm (tp,1 + tp,2 ) e3 and the tp,2 ) e2 for the thrust-to-torque coefficient , collectively termed ⌧prop = rm (tp,1 + tp,2 ) e3 + (tp,1 tp,2 ) e2 , (S4) and (ii) the sum of torques produced by the revolving wings, ⌧w . The translation of the revolving wings with relative large areas results in several contributing factors, including torque from the rotating motion ⌧b , from the aerodynamic force fw from Eq. S2, ⌧t , and from the dissymmetry of lift ⌧d , such that ⌧w = ⌧b + ⌧t + ⌧d . (S5) The term ⌧b combines attitude damping torque and possible contribution from the wings. It is modeled as a torque in the opposite direction of the angular velocity ⌦. Since for the revolvingwing robot ⌦z ⌦x , ⌦y , we employ a linear law to model ⌧b in x̂ and ŷ directions, whereas the torque along ẑ is taken from Eq. 3: ⌧b = ⇥ c⌦x c⌦y CQ ⌦z |⌦z | ⇤T (S6) , where c is the linear coefficient. The term ⌧t is computed from the aerodynamic force from the wings fw and the vertical offset between the center of mass of the robot and center of pressure of the revolving wings lcp as ⇣ ⌧t = lcp e3 ⇥ fw = lcp e3 ⇥ e3 CT ⌦2z = lcp be3 ⇥ ⇥ e 1 e2 e3 ⇤T RT Ṗ = lcp b ⇥ e2 bRT Ṗ ⌘ e1 0 ⇤T (S7) RT Ṗ, (S8) where lcp > 0 when the center of pressure of the revolving wings is above the center of mass of the robot. The term ⌧d captures the dissymmetry of lift (84) of the revolving wings from the translating motion. The relative airflow experienced by the advancing wing is elevated whereas the relative wind speed acting on the retreating blade is reduced. The resultant torque is approximately linear against the translational speed and revolving speed as ⌧d = where ⌦z ⇥ e 1 e2 0 ⇤T (S9) RT Ṗ. is the corresponding coefficient. Together, Eqs. S3-S9 describe the attitude dynamics in the body-fixed frame. S1.3 Hovering solution The equilibrium hovering condition is defined as Ṗ, P̈ = 0. When this is applied to the complete flight models detailed by Eqs. S1 and S3, the hovering solution (denoted by ⇤ ) can be found as ẑ⇤ = Ẑ, t⇤p,1 = t⇤p,2 = 1 CQ ⌦⇤2 z , 2rm and ⌦⇤ = ⇥ ⌦⇤x ⌦⇤y ⌦⇤z ⇤T = ⇥ p 0 0 mg/CT That is, the robot stays upright with a constant revolving speed ⌦⇤z . S1.4 ⇤T . (S10) Reduced flight dynamics Under the assumption of small deviations from the hovering condition (ẑ⇤ = Ẑ) from Eq. S10, the two-dimensional vector ⇠ = [⇠x , ⇠y ]T with ⇠x , ⇠y ⌧ 1 in Fig. 3A is defined to represent the robot’s inclination as ẑ ⇡ [⇠y , ⇠x , 1]T . Let be the yaw angle of the robot, the rotation matrix can be approximated as 2 cos R ⇡ 4 sin ⇠y 3 ⇠y ⇠x 5 . 1 sin cos ⇠x (S11) As a result, the translational dynamics of the robot from Eqs. S1 and S2 can be separated into the altitude and lateral dynamics as mz̈ = (tp,1 tp,2 ) ⇠x + CT ⌦2z and mp̈ = (tp,1 tp,2 ) sin cos bż (S12) mg + CT ⌦2z I⇥ ⇠ bṗ, (S13) in which p = [e1 , e2 ]T P = [x, y]T is the horizontal position of the robot and I⇥ is a 2 ⇥ 2 skew-symmetry matrix: I⇥ = 0 1 1 0 . (S14) Meanwhile, the attitude of the robot near the hovering condition can also be re-examined under the notion of ⇠. Abstracting the revolving robot as an axisymmetric spinning disk with an inertia I = diag (Id , Id , Iz ) and a constant angular rate ⌦⇤z as depicted in Fig. 3A, the angular momentum of the robot in W is L = Id ⇠˙x x̂m + Id ⇠˙y ŷm + Iz ⌦z ẑ, (S15) where x̂m ⇡ [1, 0, ⇠y ]T and ŷm ⇡ [0, 1, ⇠x ]T are unit vectors along the axes of the non-inertial frame {x̂m ŷm ẑb } shown in Fig. 3A. The time derivative of L is equated to the sum of the torques applied to the robot (⌧prop + ⌧w from Eq. S3) projected onto the inertial frame W, ⇣ L̇ = Id ⇠¨x x̂m + Id ⇠¨y ŷm + Iz ⌦˙ z ẑ + Iz ⌦z ⇠˙y x̂m ⌘ ⇠˙x ŷm = R (⌧prop + ⌧w ) , ⇠˙y ẑb , ŷ˙ m = ⇠˙x ẑb , and ẑ˙ b = ⇠˙y x̂m where we have used the fact that x̂˙ m = (S16) ⇠˙x ŷm . Focusing on ⇠x and ⇠y , we take the projection of L̇ along x̂m and ŷm : x̂Tm L̇ = Id ⇠¨x + Iz ⌦z ⇠˙y = x̂Tm R (⌧prop + ⌧w ) , (S17) T ŷm L̇ = Id ⇠¨y (S18) T Iz ⌦z ⇠˙x = ŷm R (⌧prop + ⌧w ) , which can be consolidated as Id ⇠¨ + Iz ⌦⇤z I⇥ ⇠˙ = ⇥ x̂m ŷm ⇤T (S19) R (⌧prop + ⌧w ) , Substituting in the expression of ⌧prop and ⌧w from Eqs. S4-S9 and R from Eq. S11, Eq. S19 becomes ✓ sin cos sin ˙ c⇠+lcp b I⇥ ṗ + ż tp,2 ) cos sin cos ✓ ◆ cos sin ⌦z ṗ ż I⇥ ⇠ + O |⇠|2 sin cos sin c⇠˙ + lcp bI⇥ ṗ ⌦z ṗ = (tp,1 tp,2 ) cos cos sin ( lcp b ⌦z I⇥ ) ⇠ + O |⇠|2 +ż lcp b sin cos | {z } ¨ z ⌦z I⇥ ⇠˙ = (tp,1 Id ⇠+I ⇠ ◆ (S20) ⌧ where we have applied the fact that ⌦x cos ⌦y sin = ⇠˙x and ⌦x sin + ⌦y cos = ⇠˙y . Lastly, the yaw dynamics is obtained from the projection of Eq. S16 along ẑ, Iz ⌦˙ z = ẑT R (⌧prop + ⌧w ) = rm (tp,1 + tp,2 ) CQ ⌦z |⌦z | . (S21) Together, Eqs. S12, S13, S20 and S21 capture the translational and attitude dynamics of the revolving-wing robot near its hovering condition (ẑ⇤ = Ẑ). S2 Passive attitude stability Under certain design parameters, the samara-inspired robot exhibits attitude stability such that it stays approximately upright (ẑ ! Ẑ) when only the altitude (Eq. S12) is actively controlled. Understanding the underpinning principles of the observed stability facilitates the development process, making it possible to parameterize the robot design for passive stability. To shed light on this phenomenon, the dynamics of ⇠, which is tightly coupled with ṗ, is investigated. To apply the linear system analysis, we focus on the near hovering condition, or when only the altitude and yaw rate are controlled (Eq. S12 in the case that z̈, ż = 0). This is concurrently satisfied with the the hovering solution from Eq. S10, or tp,1 = tp,2 = mg 2rm 1 C ⌦⇤2 2rm Q z = (CQ /CT ). Under such scenarios, the dynamics of ⇠ and ṗ from Eqs. S13 and S20 simplify to (S22) mp̈ + bṗ = mgI⇥ ⇠, Id ⇠¨ + Iz ⌦⇤z I⇥ ⇠˙ + c⇠˙ = (lcp bI⇥ ⌦⇤z ) ṗ. (S23) To facilitate the analysis, we regard the two equations above as two interconnected multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) linear subsystems (Fig. S12). In the frequency domain with the Laplace variable s and L {·} denoting the Laplace transform operator, the feedback system in Fig. S12 is mathematically described by L {ṗ} = H (s) L {⇠} , (S24) H (s) = mg/b I⇥ , (m/b)s + 1 (S25) L {⇠} = G (s) L {ṗ} , (S26) G (s) = Id s2 + Iz ⌦⇤z I⇥ s + cs 1 ( lcp bI⇥ + ⌦⇤z ) . (S27) From this perspective, G (s) is treated as a primary system that takes L {ṗ} as an input. The input comes from the output of G (s) itself after passing through the controller H (s). Furthermore, the controller is a simple first-order low-pass filter with the cutoff frequency b/m and DC gain mg/b. To make the stability analysis tractable, we first assume that the cutoff frequency is sufficiently high with respect to the system’s dynamics, such that H (s) can be approximated as H (s) ! H̄ (s) = (mg/b) I⇥ . In the time domain, this is equivalent to dropping the inertial term in Eq. S22. This implies the translational drag dominates—a reasonable supposition for the revolving-wing robot with relatively large aerodynamic surfaces and small mass. As a result, we obtain (S28) bṗ = mgI⇥ ⇠. Combining Eqs. S23 and S28 yields a two-dimensional second-order system of ⇠: Id ⇠¨ + Iz ⌦⇤z I⇥ ⇠˙ + c⇠˙ = ⌦⇤z lcp mg⇠ mg I⇥ ⇠. b (S29) As a linear time-invariant system, the Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion is employed to evaluate the system stability. Apart from trivial conditions that are readily met, there are two important requirements: Iz2 ⌦2z + c2 Iz ⌦2z < lcp , + mgId bc Iz ⌦2z Id gm⌦2z + bc b2 c2 and 2 < lcp . (S30) (S31) The requirements for meeting these constraints are discussed in the main text. On the other hand, if the cutoff frequency b/m of the low-pass filter H (s) is only moderately high, the major difference between H (s) and H̄ (s) is the phase delay of the output. When the closed-loop system in Fig. S12 with the controller H̄ (s) is stable (as the conditions in Eq. S31 are satisfied), it likely remains stable when H̄ (s) is replaced by H (s) as long as the phase margin of the system is sufficiently large. By this notion, in practice, we may employ Eq. S31 as guidelines for designing the revolving-wing robot with passive stability. It is worth emphasizing that in the analysis above, the coupled attitude and lateral dynamics of the robot is considered. The provided stability proof, therefore, is radically distinct from a simplified analysis based on Euler’s rotation equations found in (31, 36). Therein, the authors demonstrate the convergence of the angular velocities (not the attitude) of the vehicles subject to negligible external forces and torques. In contrast, the system analysis in here proves the attitude stability in the presence of additional aerodynamic forces and torques. S3 Robot assembly In the assembly process, we adopted a custom-made jig with an adjustable angle to accurately yield the desired pitch angle of the wings (Fig. 4B), matching the 3D printed connectors. The jig also ensures the wings are kept entirely flat and symmetrical during the procedure. Closed-up and alternative views of the wings and the robot are shown in Fig. 4A and C. The photos verify that the wings remain entirely flat after the assembly. The 3D printed connectors are visible in the closed-up photo (Fig. 4A). Note that the ribs towards the wing tips are oriented differently due to the tapered wing design. S4 Wing rigidity The aerodynamic modeling and optimization of the wings in this work assume the fabricated wings remain sufficiently rigid without major deformation when they are subject to aerodynamic load. That is, any possible deformation is minor and do not visibly affect the aerodynamic forces, permitting the wings to be treated as rigid in the modeling. To validate the assumption, we first visually assessed the rigidity of the structure of the fabricated carbon fiber-reinforced polyimide wings (including chordwise, spanwise and pitch angle stiffness). Then we compared the aerodynamic forces of the polyimide wings with that of rigid fiberglass wings. Afterwards, we re-conducted the test using the entire robot with the motors and propellers mounted on the polyimide wings. The added experiments were performed to investigate the impact of the spinning propellers. For the first evaluation, we mounted the fabricated pair of polyimide wings (without motors and propellers) on the rotating platform driven by a servo motor (Fig. 2B). The wings were commanded to revolve at different angular speeds, up to 37.7 rad/s (cf. the speed in hover is ⇡18.8 rad/s). The resultant motion was recorded by a high-speed camera (MotionBLITZ EoSens mini 2) at 600 frames per second. The footage reveals unnoticeable or negligible wing deformation in the spanwise and chordwise directions when the rotation speed is below 32 rad/s. In this range, the leading edge remained horizontal and the wing pitch angle was close to the designated value of = 19.5 (Fig. 4, S13 and Movie S4). On the other hand, at ⌦z = 37.7 rad/s (far higher than the flight condition), significant deformation was observed in the form of wing flapping (Fig. S13 and Movie S4). This was a consequence of the periodic spanwise and chordwise bendings combined. For comparison, we fabricated fiberglass wings with the same geometry and assembled them on the platform at the same blade pitch angle (see Fig. 4D). To support the heavier wings, additional carbon fiber rods were used to make up the spinning platform. High-speed videos of the spinning fiberglass wings were recorded. In comparison, the degrees of deformation of rigid wings and reinforced polyimide wings are indistinguishable when ⌦ = 18.8 rad/s (Fig. 4D). To quantify the aerodynamic properties, we plotted the measurements of force T and torque Q of both polyimide and fiberglass wings with respect to the spinning rate ⌦. Under the rigid wing assumptions, both force and torque are expected to be quadratic functions of ⌦ (i.e., T = CT ⌦2 and Q = CQ ⌦2 for constant CT and CQ ). Significant deformation would render this quadratic condition violated (CT and CQ become dependent on ⌦). As shown in Fig. S15, the experimental data fits the rigid-wing model with very high R squared values for both polyimide wings (CT : 99.75%, CQ : 99.31%) and fiberglass wings (CT : 99.95%, CQ : 99.85%) for ⌦ < 30 rad/s. Furthermore, best-fitted values of CT and CQ (for ⌦ < 30 rad/s) of polyimide and fiberglass wings are nearly identical. The differences in aerodynamic coefficients between both types of wings are negligible: 1% for CT and 2% for CQ . The results attest that, in terms of aerodynamic forces, the flexibility of polyimide wings is insignificant for the spinning rates of interest. In the next set of tests, we mounted the entire robot with polyimide wings on the same setup. The servo motor was commanded to rotate at the rate 18.8 rad/s (robot’s hovering speed) without powering the propellers. The footage from the high-speed video displays no detectable wing deformation in both spanwise and chordwise direction (Fig. S14). The wings remained flat and rigid during the test. The measurements of thrust and torque generated (yellow star in Fig. S15) also show little deviation from the previous wing sets polyimide wings and rigid wings. This verifies that the motors and propellers do not cause any observable structural deformation. Next, we conducted the entire robot test with propellers on. The propellers were driven with the same voltages and commands the robot uses during the hovering flight. Again, no significant structural deformation was observed (Fig. S14). In particular, the wing pitch angle stayed near its nominal value of 19.5 . In this case the torque measurement records a near-zero net yaw torque (green dot in Fig. S15). This is because the drag torque induced by the wing Q is approximately cancelled out by the counter torque generated by the propellers 2tp rm . The thrust measurement (green star in Fig. S15), on the other hand, indicates a detectable increase with respect to other measurement points. We hypothesize that this could be attributed to the wingpropeller interaction. Since the propellers are located above the wings adjacent to the leading edges, the downstream wake could lower the pressure above the wings and positively impact the lift. Due to the complexity of the flow interaction, the wing-propeller interaction is not further scrutinized in this work. S5 Position controller The proposed revolving-wing vehicle features a unique flight mode with a high degree of underactuation. To accomplish precise position control, we developed a flight controller based on the nonlinear dynamics inversion (NDI) technique (81, 85). The controller was devised based on the reduced flight dynamics, which decouples the altitude from the lateral position. The altitude and lateral dynamics are separately considered, but simultaneously controlled (as opposed to being controlled in a cascaded fashion). Thereafter, the outputs from the controller are mapped to the motor commands in a cycle-averaged manner (70) to deal with the underactuation. S5.1 Altitude control Assuming the robot is approximately upright (⇠x ! 0, this is reasonable as ⇠x is simultaneously controlled by the lateral position controller), the altitude of the robot is governed by Eq. S12. For a given altitude setpoint zd (t), we define the altitude error z̃ = z zd . To eliminate the error, we attempt to impose the following condition on the close-loop dynamics of z̃: z̃ (3) + ¨+ z,2 z̃ ˙+ z,1 z̃ z,0 z̃ = 0, (S32) where the notation ·(i) denotes the i-th order derivative. The system is provable asymptotically stable when the tuning parameters z,i ’s satisfy the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. The derivatives of z̃ are computed from Eq. S12 with ⇠x = 0 as z̃˙ = ż CT 2 ⌦ z̃¨ = m z (S33) żd , b ż m g z̈d , (S34) z̃ (3) = CT 2⌦z ⌦˙ z m Substituting the results back into Eq. S32 produces ✓ CT b b CT 2 (3) 2⌦z ⌦˙ z z̈ zd + z,2 ⌦z ż m m m m b z̈ m zd . g ◆ (3) z̈d (S35) + ˙+ z,1 z̃ z,0 z̃ = 0. (S36) Thus, to realize Eq. S36 and minimize the altitude error, we regard ⌦˙ z as a virtual control input. Provided the feedback of the revolving rate ⌦z and the altitude z is available, the control law is ✓ ✓ ◆ ◆ b C m b T (3) 2 ˙ z̈ + zd ⌦ ż g z̈d (S37) ⌦˙ z = z,2 z,1 z̃ z,0 z̃ . 2CT ⌦z m m z m To obtain the actual control input, we leverage the yaw dynamics from Eq. 5 or S21. This lets us treat the total propelling thrusts tp,1 + tp,2 as the actual control input according to tp,1 + tp,2 = Iz ˙ ⌦z rm CQ ⌦z |⌦z | , rm (S38) Subsequently, the actual altitude control law is the expression of tp,1 + tp,2 from Eq. S37 and S38. S5.2 Lateral position control The lateral position control is complicated by the fact that the translational and attitude dynamics are highly coupled. To regulate the position of the robot, we must simultaneously stabilize the attitude. This is achieved by considering both the lateral dynamics and reduced attitude dynamics at the same time. To begin, we recall the lateral dynamics (Eq. 7 and S13) and reduced attitude dynamics (Eq. 8) in the vector form mp̈ = bṗ + CT ⌦⇤2 z I⇥ ⇠ + (tp,1 Id ⇠¨ + Iz ⌦⇤z I⇥ ⇠˙ = (tp,1 tp,2 ) ŷ (S39) tp,2 ) ŷ, c⇠˙ + blcp I⇥ ṗ ⌦⇤z ṗ, (S40) where ŷ = [ sin , cos ]T is the projected direction of the body axis (see Fig. 1B). Notice that (i) both position p and attitude ⇠ states are present in both equations; and (ii) the differential thrust term (tp,1 tp,2 ) is also visible in both equations. This implies we may treat the horizontal force f = (tp,1 tp,2 ) ŷ as the virtual control input to stabilize both p and ⇠ at the same time. This is needed because without considering Eq. S40, the attempt to use f to control p alone could destabilize the attitude dynamics. pd and design the close-loop To do so, we define the horizontal position error as p̃ = p dynamics of p̃ as p̃(4) + p,3 p̃ (3) + where, similar to the altitude control, ¨+ p,2 p̃ p,i ’s p,0 p̃ = 0, (S41) are tunable control gains. The stability of p̃ is p,i ’s guaranteed when Eq. S41 is realized and ˙+ p,1 p̃ satisfy the Routh-Hurwitz criterion. The higher order derivatives of p̃ can be derived from Eq. S39 as ¨= p̃ p̃(3) = p̃(4) = b CT ⌦⇤2 1 z ṗ + I⇥ ⇠ + f m m m p̈d , CT ⌦⇤2 b 1 (3) z p̈ + I⇥ ⇠˙ + ḟ pd , m m m b (3) CT ⌦⇤2 1 (4) z p + I⇥ ⇠¨ + f̈ pd . m m m (S42) (S43) (S44) It can be seen that the term ⇠¨ appears in the expression of p̃(4) . This allows us to incorporate the attitude dynamics (Eq. S40) into Eq. S41. In other words, the desired closed-loop dynamics (Eq. S41) encompasses both lateral and attitude dynamics. To determine the control input f that renders Eq. S41 true, we observe that in addition to f , ¨ p̃(3) , and p̃(4) . To deal with this, the terms ḟ and f̈ also appear in Eq. S41 after substituting in p̃, we apply the concept taken from the incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion (INDI) method. That is, we focus on the change of f . In the discrete-time implementation of sample time t, we have ḟt ⇡ f̈t ⇡ ft ft 2ft ft t 1 , (S45) 1 + ft 2 , t2 (S46) where the subscripts are time indices. With these representations, we are able to compute ft that make the closed-loop dynamics follow Eq. S41 such that p̃ converges to zero. This guarantees ⇠ ! 0 at the same time. However, as f = (tp,1 tp,2 ) ŷ is a two-dimensional vector with only a single degree-of- freedom independent input tp,1 tp,2 (as in ŷ is not directly controlled), this means the desired control input f cannot be truly realized. To work around the restriction from the under-actuation, we exploit the difference in the timescales of the yaw rotation ( ˙ = ⌦z ) and the dynamics. The lateral position control is achieved on the cycle-average basis. To elaborate, we propose the following differential thrust command: tp,1 tp,2 = 2ŷT f , (S47) tp,2 ) ŷ = 2ŷT f ŷ (S48) such that (tp,1 =f+ 1 | 2 cos2 sin 2 {z 1 sin 2 2 sin2 f. (S49) } For the revolving-wing robot with substantial yaw rate ⌦z = ˙ , its timescale (t ⇠ 2⇡⌦z 1 ) is anticipated to be an order of magnitude smaller than that of the translational dynamics, attitude dynamics, or the controller output f . At this time scale (⇠ 2⇡⌦z 1 ), the averaged value (denoted by h·i⌦z 1 ) of f is h f i ⌦z 1 ⇡ h i⌦z 1 f . Since h i⌦z 1 = 0, the proposed differential command guaranteed (tp,1 tp,2 ) ŷ ⇡ f . (S50) Subsequently, the desired close-loop lateral dynamics (Eq. S41) is realized on the cycle-average basis. The compromise on the control performance is attributed to the underactuated property of the proposed two-rotor vehicle. S5.3 Individual thrust commands In summary, the proposed altitude controller produces the desired total thrust tp,1 +tp,2 (Eq. S38) under the assumption that the robot is nearly upright. The lateral position controller ensures that the attitude of the robot is stabilized together with its horizontal position. This generates the desired differential thrust tp,1 tp,2 (Eq. S47). Together, each controller constrains one degree of freedom out of two available independent inputs (tp,1 and tp,2 ). Hence, it is then straightforward to compute tp,1 and tp,2 . S5.4 Feedback availability For the altitude controller, the yaw rate and vertical acceleration were obtained from the onboard IMU. The altitude and its rate were provided by the motion capture system. For the lateral position controller, the feedback of p, ṗ, ⇠ and ⇠˙ was taken from the motion capture system. The heading angle was estimated by integrating the yaw rate from the on- board gyroscope at 500 Hz. The angle was periodically corrected using the measurement from the motion capture system at 50 Hz to resolve the integration drift. S6 S6.1 Figure of merit and power loading Figure of merit The figure of merit of the robot is the ratio of the aerodynamic power of the rotating wings Pa,w to the mechanical power of the propellers 2⌧p ! : ⌘r = Pa,w . 2⌧p ! (S51) The figure of merit of the revolving-wing subsystem ⌘w differs from ⌘r as its mechanical power is the work done by the spinning propellers 2tp rm ⌦ ⌘w = Pa,w . 2tp rm ⌦ (S52) The figure of merit of the propeller subsystem ⌘p is computed in a similar fashion despite the presence of the non-zero free stream velocity vs = rm ⌦. This is because the free stream flow does not appreciably affect the rotor efficiency (56). In this case, the aerodynamic power is the product of the thrust and the flow velocity vi ⌘p = vs . Hence, tp · (vi rm ⌦) . ⌧p ! (S53) Lastly, combining Eq. S51-S53 produces the figure of merit of the robot in terms of ⌘w and ⌘p ⌘r = rm ⌦/vi ·⌘w ⌘p . 1 rm ⌦/vi | {z } (S54) In other words, the figure of merit of the robot, which indicates its aerodynamic efficiency, is primarily influenced by that of the wings and the propellers. It is maximized at ⌘r⇤ = ⌘w ⌘p when rm ⌦/vi = 0.5. For the proposed robot, the exact value of the figure of merit of the wings can be calculated p using the thrust and torque coefficients. This is because Pa,w = T 3/2 / 2⇢Aw with T = CT ⌦2 and Aw being the propeller disk area and 2tp rm ⌦ = CQ ⌦3 . Since CT = 5.59 ⇥ 10 and CQ = 4.61 ⇥ 10 5 4 Ns2 /rad2 Nms2 /rad2 , we obtain 3/2 ⌘w = p 2 where Aw = ⇡ rtip CT 1 = 0.36, 2⇢Aw CQ (S55) 2 with rtip = 0.30 m and rroot = 0.06 m. Employing the same rroot approach, the figure of merit of the propellers is 3/2 as cT = 1.80 ⇥ 10 8 1 cT ⌘p = p = 0.33, 2⇢Ap c⌧ Ns2 /rad2 , c⌧ = 1.31 ⇥ 10 10 (S56) Nms2 /rad2 , and Ap = ⇡0.022 m2 . The values of ⌘w and ⌘p are in the anticipated region for centimeter-sized actuator disks (9). Overall, ⌘r = 0.12, lower than ⌘w and ⌘p , but it terms of power loading, the robot benefits from stacking the two propeller disks together as shown below. S6.2 Power loading Since the wingspan of the robot is significantly larger than the diameter of the propellers, the wings enjoy a higher P Lm compared with that of propellers thanks to the significantly reduced DL. To be more precise, we can calculate both P Lm,w and P Lm,p in the hovering state of the robot as follows. The mechanical power loading of the revolving-wing subsystem is the ratio of thrust T = mg generated to the mechanical input power CQ ⌦3 . We compute ⌦ from T = mg = CT ⌦2 . As a consequence P Lm,w = mg = 52.3 g/W. CQ (mg/CT )3/2 (S57) To evaluate P Lm,p , we first find the propelling thrust by equating it with the torque of the revolving wings: 2tp rm = CQ ⌦2 . We get tp = 52.4 mN. The mechanical input of each propeller is approximated in a similar fashion. Hence P Lm,p = tp = 8.2 g/W. c⌧ (tp /cT )3/2 (S58) Lastly, we obtain the ratio P Lm,w /P Lm,p to be 6.4. Therefore P Lm,p=r ⇡ ⌘p P Lm,w ⇡ 2P Lm,p . S7 (S59) Mapping Example The multi-ranger deck (82) was integrated into the revolving-wing robot to exemplify the potential of the robot in the mapping task. The deck features five laser time-of-flight sensors for measuring the distances in the four horizontal and dorsal directions. In the demonstration, only two oppositely aligned horizontal sensors were engaged as the other two were occluded by other components on the robot (Fig. S9). For the example flight, the robot was commanded to fly inside the 3.6 ⇥ 3.3-m arena surrounded by three walls (the same environment in Fig. 3E, schematically shown in Fig. 6A). The robot was controlled to hover near the center of the arena at an altitude of 1 m using the devised position controller. The distance readings from the two active sensors were logged to the ground station at 10 Hz. The data were taken over a 18-s period. To construct the environmental map, distance measurements over 3 m were deemed unreliable and discarded. This is because the sensors give out saturated measurements of ⇡ 3 4 m when nothing is detected. The map presumes the robot was approximately upright so that the wall location was given by the location of the robot and the measured distance, taking into consideration the instantaneous direction of the sensor. In other words, the knowledge of the robot’s absolute position from the motion capture system and its heading angle was used to generate the presented point cloud (Fig. 6B). Although the outlined method is rudimentary and still reliant on external feedback from the motion capture system, it serves as a proof of concept and illustrates the potential of the revolving platform. To eliminate the dependency on the motion capture system, a technique based on simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms similar to an example involving a rapidly yawing multirotor robot in (81) can be further developed and employed. Figure S1: Application of blade-element momentum theory. (A) A wing, revolving at the rate ⌦, is split into infinitesimally thin blades specified by the spanwise location r and elemental thickness dr. (B) The locally perceived airspeed and elemental lift and drag forces on the elemental blade. Note that for an ideal flat plate, ↵ and ↵e are nominally identical. In practice, a slight wing deformation and wing ribs may lead to the dissymmetry about the chord line, creating a minor difference between ↵ and ↵e . Torque (Nm) 0.4 Thrust (N) AR=5.71 = 12 ° 23 ° 32 ° 39 ° 46 ° 0.2 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 0 2000 Torque (Nm) 0.6 Thrust (N) AR=4.43 = 8° 16 ° 28 ° 37 ° 47 ° 1000 0.4 0.2 2000 0.6 Torque (Nm) Thrust (N) 1000 0.4 0.2 500 Torque (Nm) 0.5 500 0.5 Torque (Nm) Thrust (N) 0.4 0.2 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 500 1000 Torque (Nm) 0.6 Thrust (N) 1000 0.1 1000 0.6 0 AR=3.74 500 0.2 0 500 0 = 16.5° 20 ° 28.5° 37 ° 44 ° 0 0.05 Torque (Nm) Thrust (N) 1 0 AR=1.63 1000 0.1 1000 0 = 8° 15 ° 23 ° 31 ° 45 ° 500 0.15 0 0 AR=2.09 0 0.05 0 = 6° 13 ° 25 ° 36 ° 46 ° 2000 0.1 1000 1 Thrust (N) AR=2.88 1000 0 0 8° 18 ° 30 ° 40 ° 45 ° 0 0.15 0 = 2000 0 0 AR=4.04 1000 0.05 0 = 9° 20 ° 30 ° 45 ° 0 0.1 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 0.05 0 0 200 2 400 (rad2/s 2) 600 0 200 2 400 600 (rad2/s 2) Figure S2: The raw data of the thrust and torque measurements from seven tested flat wings. The left-hand side lists the photographs of the wings and the measured blade pitch angles. The plots on the right-hand side show the raw measurements of thrust and torque (dots) and the best fitted (linear regression) lines. Different colors indicate different blade pitch angles. A B 2 CL CD CL/C D CL,CD 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 30 45 (°) 0 D 6 4 C3/2 /C D L C3/2 /C D L C 15 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 0 15 30 45 (°) 6 4 2 0 0 15 30 (°) 45 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CL/C D Figure S3: Empirically fitted lift and drag coefficients: CL (↵) = 0.130 + 1.672 sin (2↵) and CD (↵) = 0.046 + 1.142 (1 cos (2↵)). (A) lift and drag coefficients versus angle of attack. (B) Glide ratio versus angle of attack. (C) power factor versus angle of attack. (D) power factor versus gliding ratio. A B 26.4 6.3 5.4 7.6 26.5 dC T /dr 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 = 47° 37° 28° 16° 8° 10 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -3 10 -4 3.6 2 dC Q/dr 2 dC Q/dr (N s /rad ) 10 -4 2.4 45 36 27 18 9 0 -3 (N s 2/m rad 2) 10 1.6 (°) = 46° 39° 32° 23° 12° 1.6 0.8 2 (°) (N s 2/m rad 2) (N s /rad ) AR=4.43 2 dC T /dr 45 36 27 18 9 0 9.3 7.6 AR=5.71 0 0 9 18 2.4 1.2 0 27 0 9 r (cm) 27 D 11.5 6.6 11.5 4.7 C 30.4 30.4 AR=2.88 AR=4.04 = 45° 27 18 9 9° dC T /dr 0 -3 6 4 2 0 10 -3 1.5 2 dC Q/dr 2 10 8 -3 (N s /rad ) 10 = 45° 40° 30° 18° 8° -3 3 1.2 45 36 27 18 9 0 (N s 2/m rad 2) 10 6 2 (N s /rad ) (N s 2/m rad 2) 0 dC T /dr (°) 35° 25° 0.8 0.4 0 0 8 16 r (cm) 24 32 2 (°) 36 dC Q/dr 18 r (cm) 1 0.5 0 0 8 16 24 32 r (cm) Figure S4: The model predictions of the local angle of attack and the distribution of thrust and torque coefficients along the wingspan. (A) to (D) present the predictions for wings No. 1 to 4. B 9.1 11.5 19.7 30.4 30.4 AR=1.63 (°) (N s 2/m rad 2) dC T /dr 10 -3 dC Q/dr (N s 2/rad 2) 1 0 0 31° 23° 15° 8° 18 0 0 2 = 45° 27 9 0.005 (N s 2/rad 2) dC T /dr 36 = 46° 36° 25° 13° 6° 0.01 dC Q/dr (N s 2/m rad 2) (°) AR=2.09 45 36 27 18 9 0 8 6.6 A 16 24 32 10 -3 8 4 0 10 -3 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 r (cm) 8 16 24 32 r (cm) C 7.8 6.0 30.0 AR=3.74 = 44° 37° 28.5° 12 20° 16.5° (°) 36 24 dC Q/dr (N s 2/m rad 2) (N s 2/rad 2) dC T /dr 0 10 -3 8 4 0 10 -3 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 0 10 20 30 r (cm) Figure S5: The model predictions of the local angle of attack and the distribution of thrust and torque coefficients along the wingspan. (A) to (C) present the predictions for wings No. 5 to 6 and the optimized wing. A B original wing: 155.8 cm2 the enlarged wing enlarged wing area: 11.6 cm2 C 25 1.5 1 x (m) (°) 20 15 10 5 0.5 0 -0.5 0 -1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 0 20 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 60 80 100 120 2.2 z (m) y (m) 0.5 0 -0.5 2 1.8 -1 -1.5 1.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time (s) time (s) Figure S6: Passive stability of an asymmetrical prototype. (A) A drawing of the modified wing with an added area towards the wing tip. (B) Photo of the asymmetric robot made with one modified wing. (C) The trajectory of the inclination angle and the position of the asymmetric robot in an uncontrolled flight. Revolving-wing drone Revolving-wing drone with 650-mAh battery Crazyflie Benchmark quadcopter battery voltage (V) 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 time (s) Figure S7: Battery voltages during the endurance flight tests. A B power (W) power measurement module robot 4.8 in hovering 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30 moment arm servo motor load cell Thrust (N) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -5 Torque (Nmm) robot's weight 0 5 10 0 5 10 40 20 0 -20 -40 -5 (rad/s) Figure S8: HIL experiment for power measurements. (A) The HIL setup. (B) Measurements of power, vertical thrust, and torque at different revolving speeds. Multi-ranger deck sensor 2 flight controller sensor 1 Figure S9: Photo of the robot equipped with laser range sensors for constructing a map of the environment. The arrows denote the measurement directions. camera controller flight controller camera Figure S10: Photo of the robot equipped with a camera. The monochrome camera has the resolution of 1280 x 800 pixel and the field of view of 75 degrees. A Raspberry Pi Zero W was employed as a camera controller. A 69-mm 2-blade propeller 20 mm 37.5-mm 2-blade propeller 20-mm 4-blade propeller 7x20 mm coreless motor B C Figure S11: Coefficient identification of the motor model. (A) Three propellers and the DC motor used for the identification of the motor parameters. The colored dots denote the corresponding datapoints shown in (B) and (C). (B) The current and voltage measurement against the motor spin rate. the plane represents the best fitted parameters Rm and km . (C) The residual errors of ! predicted by the linear regression. Figure S12: The block diagram representing the open-loop flight dynamics. The diagram depicts the connection between the attitude and translational dynamics of the revolving-wing robot when only the altitude is actively controlled. = 0 rad/s 19.5 o 0 o = 18.8 rad/s 19.5 o 0 o = 37.7 rad/s 19.5 o 0 o Figure S13: Rigidity test for the rotating wings. Snapshots from high-speed videos of the wings revolving at different speeds. The left view demonstrates the spanwise stiffness (the orientation of the leading edges). The right view shows the chordwise stiffness (angle of the wing pitch compared with the reference line at 19.5 . The wing deformation became evident when the robot rotated at high angular velocity (37.7 rad/s, twice the regular rate during hover). = 0 rad/s, Propellers off 19.5 o 0o leading edge motor trailing edge propeller = 18.8 rad/s, Propellers off 19.5 o 0o = 18.8 rad/s, Propellers on 19.5 o 0o Figure S14: Rigidity test for the entire robot. Snapshots from high-speed videos of the robot at rest and rotating at the hovering speed (⇠18.8 rad/s), with the propellers on and off. The left view demonstrates the spanwise stiffness (the orientation of the leading edges). The right view shows the chordwise stiffness (angle of the wing pitch compared with the reference line at 19.5 ). 1.2 fiberglass wings polyimide wings Thrust (N) 0.9 robot's weight 0.6 0.3 0 0 10 2 20 2 30 2 40 2 Torque (Nmm) 80 60 entire robot with propellers off 40 outliers at high revolving speed 20 0 entire robot with propellers on -20 0 10 2 20 2 30 2 2 2 40 2 2 (rad /s ) Figure S15: Thrust and torque measurements of the rotating wings and robot. The plots show the values of thrust and torque obtained during the wing rigidity tests. The blue dashed lines fit the data of the carbon fiber reinforced polyimide wings at non-extreme rotational rates linearly, indicating the absence of wing deformation and flapping (the thrust and torque coefficients are constant). This is in contrast to the datapoints at ⌦ > 30 rad/s, which deviate from the trend (the blue dashed lines). The red dashed lines linear fit the data of the rigid fiberglass wings. They coincides with those of polyimide wings. The datapoints corresponding to the rotating robot with unpowered propellers (yellow) display no notable deviation from the trend lines. The datapoints corresponding to the rotating robot with powered propellers (green) offer a hint of possible wing-propeller interaction. flight time (s) 894 1470 1200 600 120 300 240 210 528 540 380 241 480 780 480-600 power in hover (W) 4.39±0.12 5.81±0.08 4.8 5.64 3.27 3.44 5.05 7.57 11.4 3.75 - power loading motor (g/W) type 8.00±0.23 brushed 7.37±0.11 brushed brushless brushless brushless 5.73 brushless 5 brushless 5.81 brushed brushless 4.6 brushed brushless 2.48 brushless 4.24 brushed 3.44 brushed 5.33 brushed brushed brushed Table S1: Endurance and power consumption of sub-100-g MAVs. mass (g) Revolving-wing drone 35.1 with a 650-mAh battery 42.8 Robotic samara-I 75 Robotic samara-II 38 Robotic samara-III 9.5 X-winged ornithopter 27.5 Delfly Nimble 28.2 Nano Hummingbird 19 NUS-Roboticbird 31.0 KUBeetle-S 15.8 Quad-thopter 37.9 Purdue Hummingbird 12.5 Crazyflie (including markers) 32.1 Benchmark quadcopter 39.2 XQ-139µ QuadSparrow 20 DJI Tello 80 Parrot Mambo 63 robot this work this work (31, 86) (31, 86) (31, 86) (10) (13) (12) (75) (72) (73) (14, 74) this work this work (87) (88) (89) source