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Portfolio Diversification: Beyond Pearson Correlation

You’re Portfolio is Not as Diversified as You Think
Jerry Platt
Financial investments are based on future expectations regarding returns and risks.
Historical data provides guidelines for estimating both. While expected returns often are
then adjusted up or down based on contemporaneous information not captured by past
data, the measures of risk invariably rely on historical data and vary primarily due to the
time horizon used in the calculation. The risk for a single asset is measured by its
variance, or the square root ov variance (the standard deviation). The risk for a portfolio
is measured by the collection of standard deviations and their covariances, and the
correlation between any two assets is measured by the ratio of their covariance to the
product of their standard deviations. When moving from two assets to a portfolio of
multiple assets, corresponding formulae are applied by expressing these statistical
terms in vectors and matrices and applying linear algebra. Neat, tidy, and easy to
program a computer to do. Alas, this occurs so routinely that it is done without thought.
However, a standard deviation is a proper measure of variability only when the
underlying variable can be assumed to follow a symmetric distribution, and correlation
as invariably measured using the classic Pearson formula is a proper measure of
statistical association only when the underlying association is linear. While there is
theory to support return (or log-return) symmetry, there is no theory to support linearity.
Pearson correlation is the measure of association taught in every introductory course.
Sometime later one might be introduced to the Spearman rank-order correlation,
although within investment circles even respected websites like Investopedia
(https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/correlationcoefficient.asp) does not suggest
alternatives to classic Pearson, and claim: “By adding a low or negatively correlated
mutual fund to an existing portfolio, the investor gains diversification benefits”.
But do they? Can classic Pearson estimates by trusted without considering
alternatives -- and without at least visually inspecting the pairwise association
over time of a pair of asset returns? There are several alternatives, each with
potential to better flush out the true underlying association between and among
variables that deviate from an underlying linear pattern. The R software has
functions to measure several alternatives. “R” is a freely-available open-source
statistical computing and visualization environment that you can download or
access from the cloud, and it is accompanied by about 60,000 “packages” that
implement ideas across disciplines (to access “R” or learn more about it, click the
“Computing Resources” link within the “Resource Links” tab at our website
(https://retirementfinance.org/resources/). Below is a list of five correlation
measures that are implemented in “R” and well-documented for ease of use.
Five Measures of Correlation
● Pearson Correlation
● Spearman Correlation
● Hoeffding Correlation
● Maximal Correlation
● Distance Correlation
R Package
Package Function
Following are examples where reliance on classic Pearson correlation may mislead.
For each, three correlation measures are provided: classic Pearson (with which you
likely are familiar); Spearman correlation (which substitutes rank-orders for the raw
data, thereby tempering the impact of outliers), and; Maximal correlation (which
considers various transformations separately for each variable and then selects the two
transformations that provide the highest correlation between the two transformed
variables. Maximal correlation equals 0.00 when the variables are independent, and
equals 1.00 when the Pearson correlation between the optimally transformed pair of
variables equals 1.00. Maximal correlation measures strength of relationship, not
direction (since patterns can be multidirectional). So, for any pair of asset returns
measured over time, Pearson correlation captures linear trends, Spearman correlation
captures monotone trends, and Maximal correlation captures complex trends.
Example A: The Anscombe Quartet
Anscombe (https://garstats.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/anscombe-as-1973.pdf) used
simulated data to demonstrate the power of visual observation. He create four variants
of dt pairings, each with an outcome (y) and a predictor (x). All sets have 11
observations, the same mean of x (9) and y (7.5), the same fitted regression line (y = 3
+ 0.5 x), the same regression and residual sum of squares and therefore the same
r-squared (0.67) and same classic Pearson correlation (0.816). The summary
measures are the same across the four pairings, but the situations vary greatly. Pairing
#1 confirms to a pure linear relationship. #2 is nonlinear, #3 has an outlier, and #4 an
influential point. The four displays below make clear these are four different scenarios.
Simulated Dataset:
Classic Correlation:
Rank Correlation:
Maximal Correlation:
Example B: A Messy Arc
An example of a perfect downward bending arc can be formed by letting x range from
-100 to +100, and setting y equal to the square root of 100 squared minus x squared.
In this example, both the classic Pearson and the Spearman rank correlation measures
equal 0.00, whereas the maximal correlation coefficien equals 1.00 (actually 0.999817).
A more plausible relationship between asset returns might add noise to y, adding an
unbiased random normal element to each pairing with standard deviation set to 10. In
this modified example, shown below, it is clear that the relationship between returns for
Asset x and returns for Asset y is nonlinear, better captured by the arc than straight line.
Mechanical application of modern portfolio theory will include classic Pearson correlation
as a key ingredient in estimation portfolio risk, clearly understating degree of association.
Pearson (and Spearman) correlation is measured in the [-1, +1] range, with the signage
signalling direction of the monotonic association. In contrast, maximal correlation is
expressed within the [0, +1] range, expressing strength of association without regard for
direction. As seen in this example, the direction is positive for low x, negative for high x.
Simulated Dataset:
Classic Correlation:
Rank Correlation:
Maximal Correlation:
Example C: Pennington Fund v. S&P500
The Pennington Fund (https://fund.pennington-trading.com/) features a managed trading
platform (MTP) with, in their words, returns that “have historically had a near-zero
relation to the S&P500”. Their portfolio is a mix of blue chip stocks, initial public offerings
(IPOs), options, real estate investment trusts (REITs), a commodities fund, and a client
investment margin account. Over a recent 55-month period both the classic Pearson
and the Spearman rank correlation measures indeed were near zero -- but the maximal
correlation coefficient (0.352) indicates potentially far less diversification than presumed.
Returns Dataset:
Classic Correlation:
Rank Correlation:
Maximal Correlation:
Example D: Asset and Sector ETFs
Clearly, mechanical or robotic application of classic Pearson correlation measures to
assess degree of diversification among assets or asset classes can be misleading. It
nonetheless is done routinely by financial advisors and professionals, and reported
without recognition of caveats such as the potential for curvatures, outliers, influential
points or other empirical possibilities that are assumed away by Pearson correlations.
The Portfolio Visualizer website (https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/asset-class-correlations)
provides a correlation matrix for 14 common exchange-traded funds (ETFs), representing
typical asset classes and subclasses. Asset class Pearson correlations are for the time
period 05/01/2009 - 08/31/2020, based on monthly returns and assuming linear relations.
Before investing on the basis of this information, compute maximal correlations; while
the truth may well lie somewhere between the two correlation estimates, collecting and
plotting data pairs likely will be informative, and may suggest less diversifaction value.
Especially for those nearing or in retirement, a conservative approach to investing in risky
portfolios likely is prudent, as there may not be opportunities to recover losses. In such
cases a conservative approach would be to measure risk using Maximal correlations.
Classic Correlation: Absolute values below 0.40 ⇒ 46 of 91 (more than half)!!
Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF
Vanguard Mid-Cap ETF
Vanguard Small-Cap ETF
iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF
iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF
iShares TIPS Bond ETF
iShares National Muni Bond ETF
Vanguard FTSE All-Wld ex-US ETF
Vanguard FTSE All-Wld ex-US SmCp ETF
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF
Vanguard Real Estate ETF
Invesco DB Commodity Tracking
SPDR Gold Shares