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Harmful Effects of Synthetic Perfumes & Natural Alternatives

Have you ever wondered that the perfumes and deodrants that we use everyday might also be
harmful to our bodies?
Yes you heard it correct. Most of the perfumes and the deos that are available in today's
market are very toxic and harmful to us. Perfumes have historically been used for distinctive
pleasant smells that make us feel relaxed and rejuvenated. But the side effects of chemical
perfumes have become a major concern nowadays since the vast majority of perfumes are
made from hazardous chemicals. Therefore, they are found to be associated with various
health complications ranging from asthma to skin allergies to even cancer.
These synthetic chemicals might act as allergens, endocrine disruptors, respiratory irritants,
environmental toxicants, neurotoxic agents, and even cancer-causing agents or carcinogens.
But the problem is that these ingredients are not fully disclosed on the label and are kept
tactfully hidden under the term “fragrance”.Some of these chemicals are pthalates, styrene,
benzaldehyde, musk ketone benzyl acetate, etc.
Exposure to these chemical perfumes may cause a wide range of varying adverse effects on the
human body ranging from migraine headaches to respiratory difficulties to skin irritations.
Some of the other effects include Asthma, lung disease, and other breathing difficulties, harm
to the reproductive system, Cancer, Toxic bodily reactions and allergies.
The harmful chemicals used in perfumes and fragrances adversely affect not only humans but
also the environment and other animals too. They can contaminate the environment in many
different ways, especially through water and air pollution. When volatile chemicals are released
into the air, they react with thousands of other airborne environmental particles such as
pollutants and industrial chemicals and eventually form a new variant of a component that is
literally more lethal than the previous ones. These particles sink into the lakes, rivers, and
oceans where they harm millions of other animals.
Natural perfumes, essential oils, and pure attars originating from natural flora and fauna such
as flowers, roots, barks, leaves, spices, and various animal pheromones are generally safe and
non-toxic to humans.
While synthetic molecules are found to cause illness, natural perfumes are found to have
noticeable healing effects on the human body that can help with many health conditions
ranging from physical to mental to emotional health. This is the reason why we should consider
switching to natural perfumes from chemical ones that are of natural origins and do not contain
any synthetic chemicals.
Our product "Cosmos" has been designed by keeping this major issue in mind. It has natural
fragnace which is not toxic to humans unlike the synthetic fragnaces present in the perfumes.
The materials used for its manufacturing are denatured ethanol, glycerin, natural fragrance oils,
and camphor.
Camphor being sublimable, sublimes and due to its odour provides protection against
mosquitoes. Thus helps in preventing diseases like dengue, chikungunya, malaria spread via
Glycerin acts as a fixative, meaning that it will hold a fragrance together longer, slowing down
its evaporation. Glycerin is odourless too so it doesn’t alter the scent.
We have quite a few options of different fragrances to choose from.
Right now the fragrances that we have are Oud, rose, Jasmine, Brut, sweet and spicy.
All of these are fragrances are derived from natural sources and thus are free from harmful
chemicals and thus safe for humans.
The packaging is done in glass bottles, each containing 60mL of the perfume.
Each bottle costs Rs.250.