Uploaded by Sean Burke

Calculus III Syllabus - PGCC Summer 2023

MAT 2430-RE01 Calculus III
Summer 2023
1. Course Meeting Information
Zoom (virtual)
Mondays, Wednesdays 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
When the college announces a delayed opening, classes may be canceled, partially canceled or
conducted remotely:
● Face-to-face classes:
○ May be held on campus if at least 45 minutes of class time remains at the time of
the opening. For example, in the event of a 10 a.m. opening, a 9:30-10:45 a.m.
class will be held. Classes with less than 45 minutes of class time remaining at
the time of opening will be canceled for that day.
○ May be held virtually (i.e., through video-conference). Classes that are held
virtually will begin at the normally scheduled time.
○ Instructors will share information regarding the class format in case of a delayed
opening through Canvas and/or email.
● Structured remote (virtual) classes:
○ Structured remote classes are not impacted by delayed openings and will start on
time in case of a delayed opening.
● Online classes:
○ online classes are not impacted by delayed openings and will continue as normal
in case of a delayed opening.
In the event of inclement weather, national or local emergency, or special event, the college may
declare a cyber day. On cyber days all course formats will continue in a remote format. Students
should consult their college email and learning management system (Blackboard/Canvas/Google
Classrooms/or the like) for further information about the class meeting.
Students attending classes at non-campus locations (such as Prince George’s County Public
School sites) will follow the delayed openings procedures of that location.
Information about school closings and delayed openings can be found using PGCC’s Owl Alertthe college’s instant messaging and email notification system. To sign up for text alerts, go to
PGCC Owl Alert Registration.
2. Faculty Contact Information
Dr. Jaison Novick
Mathematics Department
Library (Accokeek Hall) T33. My office hours
are virtual.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Office: 301-546-4360
Math Dept: 301-546-0421
All credit students (with the exception of Howard Community
College students enrolled at Laurel College Center) are
required to use Owl Mail for all college communication.
3. Course Information
Course Description
This is the third course in a three-semester sequence of university-level calculus for science,
engineering and mathematics majors covering all of the following: analytical geometry in
space, vector-valued functions with applications, differentiation and integration of multivariable functions with applications, integration in vector fields including line and surface
integrals, and Green’s, Gauss and Stokes theorems.
Prerequisite(s): MAT 2420 completion with a grade of C or higher.
3.2. Course Prerequisites
MAT 2420 completion with a grade of C or higher.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
1. Operate with vectors and vector-valued functions.
2. Use partial derivatives, double and triple integrals and line and surface integrals
3. Utilize the underlying theory in the application of vectors, partial derivatives,
gradients, and double and triple integrals.
4. Apply theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes for the solution of physical problems.
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Credit Hour Statement
At Prince George’s Community College, for all credit courses, students are expected to
spend a minimum of 150 hours of combined instructional time and related coursework time
per credit hour. This course is four (4) credit hours. This course achieves the minimum of 150
hours of instructional time by requiring 50 hours of instructional time and 100 hours of student work
outside of instructional time.
4. Instructional Materials
A physical textbook is optional, as the required software includes an e-text.
A new text comes with access to MyMathLab software.
Register at www.MyMathLab.com
Calculus with Early Transcendentals (3nd Edition), Briggs, Cochran & Gillett w/MML
ISBN-13: 9780138277086
ISBN-10: 0134996682
Standalone MML access
ISBN-13: 9780134856926
ISBN-10: 0134856929
standalone textbook
ISBN 13:978-0-321-94734-5
Other Required Course Materials
Computer Technology: MyMathLab software is required. A physical textbook is optional,
as the required software includes an e-text. A new text comes with access to MyMathLab
Register at www.MyMathLab.com
Calculator: Every student is required to have a graphing calculator available for homework
and quizzes. TI-83, TI-83 PLUS, or TI-84 Plus is highly recommended. Apps are available
for iPhone and Android. You cannot use the app on exams.
MATLAB software: MATLAB can be accessed for free in all computer labs on the Largo
campus. A free MATLAB simulator called Octave can be downloaded online. Students may
purchase a student copy of MATLAB, but it is not required.
5. Grading
Grades are assigned based on the grading policy stated in the syllabus and not the Canvas grade
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Grading Criteria
2 Exams
Final Exam
MML Homework
Canvas Assignments
Octave Assignments
Grading Scale
Below 60%
You will have one week to complete each my math lab assignment. After the due date, a 20
% penalty will be applied to problems not finished after the due date. You have unlimited
attempts at each problem.
You will have assignments within Canvas throughout the semester. Sometimes they will not
require work and others will be written homework where you will upload your work to
Canvas. These cannot be made up.
You will have two Octave assignments. These assume you have no prior coding experience
and no experience with octave. Make-ups are allowed but you will incur a 20 % penalty past
the due date.
At the end of the semester, I will drop your lowest my math lab homework and one Canvas
45 %
25 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
100 %
You will have two exams and a final exam. Exams cannot be made up unless there are
extenuating circumstances and you can provide documentation that proves you were unable
to take the exam. The final exam cannot be made up. At the end of the semester, I will
replace your lowest test score with your final exam score, if it is higher.
If you know in advance that you will miss an exam (due to a school function or other event
planned in advance), let me know. We can work around your appointment if you can present
documentation showing you will be unable to take the exam at the appointed time.
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Exams will taken during Zoom meetings within Canvas. You must show all work in taking
your exam and upload your work to Canvas for grading. After I have posted exam grades,
you will have one week to make an appeal.
NA Grade
The NA GRADE may be assigned by the faculty member to any student on the roster who never
attends or academically participates in the class during the first three weeks of class (or
equivalent of 20 percent in short courses).
FX Grade
The FX GRADE may be assigned by the faculty member to any student on the roster who did
not officially withdraw from the course but who failed to participate in course activities through
the end of the period. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or
course activities or both were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance
Withdrawal Statement
As the semester continues, I hope to see all of you staying in my course and doing well.
However, if you are considering withdrawing from this course, your withdrawal may result in
financial aid and /or academic standing implications. Therefore, if you are considering
withdrawing at any point, please speak with me before making a final decision. I may be able to
offer to direct you to help. If I am unavailable, please contact Helen Mirtova via email at
mirtovhx@pgcc.edu or telephone at 301-546-0458
How Assignments Are to Be Submitted
My Labs Math assignments are auto-graded and do not require any work.
Canvas assignments where students must show their work, octave assignments, and exam
work will all be submitted through Canvas.
6. Classroom Guidelines
Face Covering/Mask Requirement
Face coverings will be voluntary campus-wide, including in classrooms and instructional spaces.
Self-reporting of COVID-19 positives and exposures with the associated cleaning protocols will
remain in effect, as well as sanitation protocols for high-touch surfaces. (Please note that food
and drink must be consumed outside of the classroom.) Students attending classes at non-campus
locations (such as Prince George’s County Public School sites, clinical sites, etc.) must follow
the policies of that location.
Vaccines remain the best protection against COVID-19, reducing the likelihood of severe illness
and hospitalization. Although the College will no longer require students to be vaccinated as a
condition of instruction based on current public health conditions, COVID-19 vaccines and
boosters are strongly recommended. The COVID-19 vaccine mandate will remain in effect for
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areas that operate under a designated governing body, including allied health, athletics, and first
Netiquette is short for Internet Etiquette. Netiquette is a code of polite behavior online. Here
are some good rules to follow for appropriate online behavior.
1. All postings should be polite, respectful and thoughtful.
2. When reacting to someone else's message, address the ideas, not the person.
3. Questions, comments and alternative points of view are encouraged and will be treated
with respect by all.
4. What font you use, as well as other choices, such as using all capital letters, lots of bold or
underline, red color, or exclamation points can be open for interpretation. These uses may
make other people think you are angry or upset when that was not what you intended.
Think about these items as you are writing, so that what you are trying to convey is not lost
in the format.
5. Correct spelling, punctuation and writing in complete sentences is required for all postingsdiscussion boards as well as assignments (unless otherwise specified).
6. For personal questions (for example, your grades or personal issues) do not use the
discussion board. It is more private to contact me through email. You can find my email
under the Faculty Info link on the left and on the syllabus.
Zoom Etiquette
1. Be on time! Signing into the Zoom session late is the same as walking into class late!
2. Have your materials ready. Make notes, just like in class on campus.
3. Be focused during the session. This is your main learning time. Don’t be on your phone
doing other things, don’t do household chores, etc.
4. You are encouraged, but not required, to turn on your camera.
5. Be sure to mute your microphone whenever you are not speaking.
6. If you want to speak, physically raise your hand or use the “raise hand” feature. Wait to be
called on and make sure to unmute yourself. When you are done, let others know by saying
something like ““That’s all.” “I’m done.” “Thank you.”’ and mute yourself again.
7. You can ask questions and make comments silently if desired using the “Chat” feature. All
comments in the chat need to relate to the course content. No sidebar conversations!
8. Before the meeting, clear your browser data. In Chrome: click the 3 vertical dots on the top
right side of the screen > more tools > Clear Browsing Data … > Clear Data. If you don’t do
this, you may hear a lot of echo.
9. Remember to sign out or “leave the meeting” when the session is finished.
7. College Policies
All college policies regarding Disability Support Services; Community in Unity Civility Pledge;
Title IX: Complaint and Grievance Process, Pregnant and Parenting Accommodations; Code of
Conduct, Code of Academic Integrity, Health and Wellness, College Central Network (CCN),
and more can be found on your Canvas course site under Academic and Important College
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Policies under the Syllabus menu link - OR - you can visit:
8. Course Outline
This is a tentative outline of topics.
1: 5/31 – 6/3
Introduction, 13.1, 13.2
2: 6/4 – 6/10
13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 14.1
3: 6/11 – 6/17
14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5
4: 6/18 – 6/24
Exam Review, Octave
5: 6/25 – 7/1
15.1, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5
6: 7/2 – 7/8
15.7, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3
7: 7/9 – 7/15
16.4, 16.5, 17.1, 17.2
8: 7/16 – 7/22
17.3, Exam Review, Octave
9: 7/23 – 7/29
17.4, 17.5, 17.6
10: 7/30 – 8/5
17.6, 17.7, 17.8
11: 8/6 – 8/7
Final Exam
Exam 1
Octave 1
Exam 2
Octave 2
Your final exam will take place
on Monday, August 7th from
7:30 PM to 9:50 PM.
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