DETERMINANTS OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN BLACK TEA PROCESSING FACTORIES A CASE OF KENYA TEA DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BY JAPHETH BULALI SAYI A RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI 2014 DECLARATION This project report is my original work and has not been submitted for degree award in any university. Signature------------------------- Date------------------------------- JAPHETH BULALI SAYI L50/66283/2010 This project report has been submitted for examination with my approval as university supervisor. Signature----------------------------- Date-------------------------------- DR STEPHEN WANYONYI LUKETERO LECTURER SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI i DEDICATION This research study is dedicated to my parents, Floice and the late Fanuel Sayi, who took special interest and commitment in my education. It is as a result of their attitude towards the value of education that I am able to accomplish academic tasks of this nature. May the Almighty bless them. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to acknowledge Dr Stephen Wanyonyi Luketero, my immediate supervisor, for playing a leading role in guiding this research study. I would also like to appreciate Mr. Chandi Rugendo, resident lecturer-Meru extra mural centre university of Nairobi during my study period, for his comments. The contribution from the university of Nairobi extra mural department research proposal interview panel in pointing out gaps in the research proposal reflected the true spirit of the institution as a centre for academic excellence. It improved the quality of my initial work. I was humbled by the patience of the library staff at the University of Nairobi on the many occasions I went to seek their assistance. They helped me access useful material for literature review. My special gratitude and love go to my wife Helen Bulali, my sons Fanuel Sayi, Johnston Bulali, James Bulali and my daughter Rose Bulali for providing me with an enabling environment to carry out my work and also relax. I sincerely thank all those who lent their support but have not been acknowledged individually due to limited space. iii TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION.....................................................................................................i DEDICATION........................................................................................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENT.......................................................................................... iv LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................ ix LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................. x ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS...............................................................xi ABSTRACT..........................................................................................................xii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 1 1.1 Background to the study................................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement Of The Problem............................................................................... 3 1.3 Purpose of the study.......................................................................................... 4 1.4 Objectives of the study..................................................................................... 4 1.5 Research Questions........................................................................................... 5 1.6 Significance of the study...................................................................................5 1.7 Delimitations of the study................................................................................. 6 1.8 Limitations of the study.................................................................................... 7 1.9 Assumptions of the study.................................................................................7 1.10 Definition of Significant Terms as Used In the Study.................................... 8 1.11 Organization of the study................................................................................9 iv CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................ 10 2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 10 2.1.1 Review of Energy Efficiency in Energy Demand Sectors.............................10 2.1.2 Energy Efficiency and Climate Change.........................................................11 2.1.3 Energy Efficiency and Technology............................................................... 12 2.1.4 Energy Efficiency and Economic Development............................................ 13 2.1.5 Energy Efficiency and Primary Energy Sources........................................... 14 2.1.6 Energy Efficiency and Human Behaviour..................................................... 15 2.1.7 Energy Efficiency and Capacity Utilization.................................................. 16 2.1.8 Energy Efficiency and State Policy............................................................... 17 2.1.9 Energy Efficiency Awareness........................................................................ 18 2.3 Determinants of Energy Efficiency in KTDA.................................................. 19 2.3.1 Technology and Energy utilization Efficiency............................................. 19 2.3.2 Capacity Utilization and Energy utilization Efficiency................................. 21 2.3.3 Technical staff awareness and Energy utilization Efficiency...................... 22 2.3.4 Energy Mix and Energy utilization Efficiency............................................. 24 2.5 Energy efficiency concepts, indicators and methodological issues.................. 26 2.6 Energy Intensity................................................................................................ 27 2.7 Theoretical Framework..................................................................................... 28 2.8 Conceptual Framework..................................................................................... 30 2.8.1 Interrelationship of Variables in the Conceptual Framework...................... 31 v 2.9 Summary of Chapter Two.................................................................................32 CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................... 34 3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 34 3.2 Research Design............................................................................................... 34 3.3 Target Population.............................................................................................. 34 3.4.1 Determination of sample size........................................................................ 35 3.4.2 Sampling Procedure...................................................................................... 36 3.6 Validity............................................................................................................. 38 3.7 Reliability..................................................................................... 38 3.8 Data Analysis.................................................................................................... 39 Operationalization of Variables.............................................................................. 40 CHAPTER FOUR: DATA ANALYSIS, PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION.............................................................................................. 41 4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 41 4.2 Document Form Review................................................................................... 41 4.3Questionnaire Return Rate................................................................................. 42 4.4. Demographic Information................................................................................43 4.5 The extent of the influence of capacity utilization on energy efficiency..........47 4.5.2 Correlation of capacity utilization and energy efficiency variables.............. 48 4.6 The influence of Technology on energy efficiency.......................................... 49 4.7 Influence of technical staff awareness on energy efficiency........................... 52 4.7.1 Awareness of the term energy efficiency...................................................... 53 vi 4.7.2 Technical staff awareness of energy efficiency measures............................. 54 4.7.3 Sources of Awareness.................................................................................... 55 4.8 The influence of energy mix on energy efficiency in KTDA Tea Factories.... 56 4.8.2 Correlation of energy mix variables and energy efficiency........................... 57 4.9 A Summary of the Chapter............................................................................... 59 CHAPTER FIVE:SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................. 60 5.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 60 5.3 Discussion of findings...................................................................................... 62 5.3.1 Influence of Capacity utilization on energy efficiency.................................. 62 5.3.2 The influence of technology of processing machinery on energy efficiency 63 5.3.3 The influence of technical staff awareness on energy efficiency.................. 64 5.3.4 The influence of energy mix on energy efficiency........................................ 64 5.4 Conclusions.....................................................................................................65 5.5 Recommendations............................................................................................. 66 5.6 Suggestions for further study............................................................................ 67 References............................................................................................................... 68 APPENDICES........................................................................................................ 72 APPENDIX ONE: KTDA BLACK TEA PROCESSING FACTORIES...............72 APPENDIX TWO: MACHINE TECHNOLOGY DOCUMENT FORM............. 74 APPENDIX THREE: CAPACITY DOCUMENT FORM (T003)........................75 APPENDIX FOUR: ENERGY MIX DOCUMENT FORM (T004)..................... 76 vii APPENDIX FIVE: QUESTIONNAIRE TRANSMITTAL LETTER................... 77 APPENDIX SIX: QUESTIONNAIRE ................................................................. 78 APPENDIX SEVEN: SAMPLE SIZE SELECTION TABLE.............................. 81 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Conceptual framework ……………………………………………………… 38 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Operationalization of Variables…………………………………….…........ 40 Table 2 Questionnaire Return Rate……………………………………........ ……..…...... 42 Table 3 Gender of respondents……………………………………………….…............... 43 Table 4 Ages of Respondents……………………………………………………............... 44 Table 5 Academic Qualification of Respondents…………………………………........... 45 Table 6 Duration of Work Experience……………………………………………............ 46 Table 7 Mean Capacity utilization and energy efficiency per cluster sample.............. 47 Table 8 Correlation of capacity utilization and energy efficiency. ……………............ 49 Table 9 Table of energy efficient machines ratio and energy efficiency........... 50 Table 10 Energy efficient technology machines and energy efficiency........................ 51 Table 11 Awareness of energy efficiency terminology…………….…..... ………….... 52 Table 12 Definition of the term energy efficiency……………….. …………………..... 53 Table 13 Technical staff awareness of energy efficiency measures…........................ 54 Table 14 Sources of awareness………………………………………………….……....... 55 Table 15 Energy Mix by Percent Proportion…................................................................. 56 Table 16 Correlation of energy mix variables and energy efficiency……………........ 58 x ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACEEE: AIS: American Council for Energy Efficient Economy Advanced Industrial Systems ASHRAE: American Association of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers CTC: Cut, Curl and Tear DECC: UK Department of Energy Conservation Commission ECE: Energy Consumption and Efficiency ERC: Energy Regulation Commission GHG: Green House Gases IEA: International Energy Agency IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change KTDA: Kenya Tea Development Agency OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development R&D: Research and Development TRF: Tea Research Foundation of Kenya WEO: World Energy Outlook UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization xi ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine determinants of energy efficiency in black tea processing factories. It was guided by four main objectives which sought to determine the influence of capacity utilization, energy efficient technology machines, technical staff awareness and energy mix on energy efficiency. The target population for the study comprised sixty five KTDA managed black tea processing factories. The researcher employed descriptive and empirical research designs for answering the four research questions. The sample size for the study of technical staff awareness was obtained by using the Yamane (1967) simplified formula for calculating sample size. It yielded two hundred and twelve technical staff out of a target population of four hundred and twenty likely respondents. A representative sample for questionnaire administration from the seven regions was achieved through cluster sampling and balloting. The study of the remaining variables involved document review from the sixty five target factories. The researcher adopted a census approach to minimize sampling errors. Research questionnaires for technical staff awareness were developed, evaluated, pilot tested and revised with the assistance of KTDA technical staff before being mailed to regional information technology coordinators who were engaged to administer them in the field. A reliability test was carried out and a reliability coefficient of 0.85 obtained using the split half technique. Questionnaire respondents were guaranteed confidentiality through an introduction letter. A high response rate of 96% was achieved. Collected data was analyzed using the internet based free statistics software for social scientists. Results from the study show that capacity utilization has a weak to moderate positive influence on energy efficiency, energy efficient technology machines showed mixed results on their influence on energy efficiency. Although technical staff energy efficiency awareness was high, above 95% in all the study samples, it showed no influence on energy utilization efficiency. According to research findings, energy mix had the greatest influence on energy efficiency. Among the energy mix semi- variables, fuel wood accounted for the highest proportion at 91.1% and was negatively correlated to energy efficiency. Electrical energy accounted for 8.6% and is positively correlated to energy efficiency. Boiler furnace oil had the least percentage by proportion at 0.3% with mixed results in its correlation relationship with energy efficiency among the different regions. These findings may assist the local tea industry to prioritize energy efficiency improvement measures starting with fuel wood, electrical energy and lastly furnace oil. Energy policy makers, the energy regulatory commission and Green House Gas emission advocates may use the findings to plan and focus their activities towards high impact results areas. The study recommends that more focus should be directed towards fuel wood management and the establishment of an elaborate system to assess energy efficiency performance of newer machinery technologies. The researcher has recommends further research to be carried out in order to establish why fuel wood has a negative influence on energy efficiency. This is important since this form of energy accounts for over 90% of current energy needs. xii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study Energy is a basic factor for industrial production. Globally, growing population, industrialization and rising living standards have substantially increased dependence on energy (Ines, 2010). As a result, the development of conventional resources, the search for new or renewable energy sources, energy conservation (using less energy) and energy efficiency (same service or output, less energy) have become unavoidable topics. Researchers have argued that the world population’s current ecological footprint far exceeds the planet’s long-term capacity (Kamper et al. 2000). Energy generation and industrial activity contribute significantly to the overall emission of green house gases which are thought to be the key drivers of global warming. A reduction of manufacturing energy consumption is therefore relevant for the limitation of overall green house gas emissions. In this context, an understanding of the energy inputs consumed by the available manufacturing processes is critical. In the period 1990 – 2005, global primary energy supply increased by 30% while Worldwide energy demand is projected to almost double between 2005 and 2050 (International Energy Agency, 2007). It is estimated that by exploiting the technical potential for energy efficiency improvement in energy demand sectors, this growth can be limited to 8% (Graus et al, 2010).Energy consumption is often used as a measure of the level of economic development of a nation. In 1995, the tea industry brought USD 342 million into the country and Kenya became the largest exporter of black tea in the world then. Tea is now among the three leading 1 foreign exchange earners contributing up to 26% of the total foreign exchange earnings. The sector provides substantial investment opportunities in areas of tea growing, manufacturing and value addition (Lelgo et al, 2010). The industry is heavily dependent on energy for the manufacturing process. This is mainly for tea withering and drying and to run machinery and fuel for transport. Gesimba et al (2003) identified stagnated dollar price, the rise in basic wages, unreliable electricity and high costs of fuel as some of the forces that threaten the tea industry in Kenya while observing that tea factories have been hardest hit by the ban on procurement of wood fuel from forests. Factories have therefore been forced to procure fuel from farms where trees are rare and therefore sold at exorbitant prices. The imported furnace oil alternative is too costly to sustain the tea business due to a steady increase in world oil prices. According to the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka and the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya, this energy cost constitutes close to 30% of the cost of production at factory level. In the year 2000 petroleum products and crude oil imports, the main sources of energy for the tea industry at the time, accounted for 26% or Ksh 63 billion of Kenya’s import bill, consuming half of the foreign exchange that the country generated from tea (Energy Alternatives Africa, 2003). With the worldwide increase in energy costs, the cost of production of tea has increased significantly resulting into reduced earnings from the industry. According to De Silva (1993), the total energy required to produce one kilogram of made black tea is about 25MJ where the main energy sources are imported and expensive petroleum fuel and fuel wood. In comparison, the KTDA managed tea factories recorded an average performance of 34.0 MJ for each of the last three years, 2009, 2010 and 2011, which is thirty six percent higher. Exploiting the benefits from improvements in energy efficiency has the potential to provide immediate, least cost, environmentally friendly and a sustainable alternative reprieve from the high energy costs. 2 1.2 Statement Of The Problem Globally, growing population, industrialization and the rise in living standards have substantially increased dependence on energy (Ines, 2010). As a result; there has been an increase in Green House Gas (GHG) emissions that are believed to be responsible for global warming. The Green House Gas emissions result from many of the industrial, transportation, agricultural and other activities through population growth, fossil fuel burning and de forestation. The International Energy Agency report (IEA, 2007) indicates that global energy supply increased by 30% between 1995 and 2005. The Agency also projected that the worldwide energy demand is to double between 2005 and 2050. There is now a broad consensus that the continued increase in Green House Gas emissions impact on climate change will affect human life on earth (AIS, 2002). In response, world organizations and governments have developed various initiatives to address the potential problem. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has established funds to aid developing countries to build capacity and the transfer of energy efficient and environmentally sound technological measures. It can therefore be observed that energy efficiency is among the tools that have been identified in the fight against global warming. There has been significant energy related changes on the global scene in the last twenty years with reduced energy intensity (improved energy efficiency) in some countries. Between 1980 and 2001, the OECD’s energy intensity declined 26%, the group of seven’s (G-7) fell by 29%; and the US dropped by 34% (IEA, 2007). No similar information is currently available from the African region; maybe due to lack of research studies on energy efficiency. Results from previous studies on the influence of capacity utilization, technology, awareness and fuel mix on energy efficiency have been mixed. 3 Baumers et al (2010) established empirically that the effect of capacity utilization on energy efficiency varies across different sectors. Santosh (2009) carried out experimental studies in Indian manufacturing industries that established a positive correlation between the size of the firm and energy efficiency. The study does not mention the aspect of capacity utilization as observed by Baumers et al (2010). A review of the KTDA strategic business plan for the period 2010/2014 shows the organization’s bench mark (key performance indicator) is set at 23.0 MJ. However, the average recorded performance to date of 34MJ has consistently fallen below this target. Energy intensity is inversely related to efficiency; the higher the value the lower the efficiency. The average performance is thus 48% above the organization’s benchmark. According to Lelgo et al. (2010), the tea sector provides substantial investment opportunities in areas of tea growing and value addition. However, Gesimba et al. (2009) identifies unreliable electricity and high cost of fuel as threats to this industry in Kenya. The problem of this study was therefore to determine to what extent determinants of energy efficiency influence energy efficiency and therefore energy consumption in black tea processing factories. 1.3 Purpose of the study The study sought to examine determinants of energy efficiency in black tea processing factories. 1.4 Objectives of the study The study was guided by the following objectives: i. To determine the extent of the influence of capacity utilization on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories. 4 ii. To determine the extent of the influence of energy efficient technology machines on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories. iii. To determine the extent of the influence of technical staff awareness on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories. iv. To determine the extent of the influence of energy mix on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories. 1.5 Research Questions i) What is the extent of the influence of capacity utilization on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories? ii) What is the extent of the influence of the energy efficient technology machines on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories? iii) What is the extent of the influence of technical staff awareness on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories? iv) What is the extent of the influence of energy mix on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories? 1.6 Significance of the study Better understanding of the influence of energy efficiency determinants has the potential to assist organizations in the development of strategies to manage the dwindling energy resources and also control high energy prices. This would eventually lead to a reduction in energy demand and reduce Green House Gas emissions. Factory managers, industrial process manufacturing technology developers, energy policy makers, and the local and global energy environment research institutions may find the information useful for identifying high impact determinants of energy efficiency. This would enable them 5 prioritize allocation of resources to areas that promise high gains. Factory managers could use the findings to improve processing facilities design, develop better strategies to improve energy efficiency awareness among employees, sourcing of better technologies and planning production to maximize energy efficiency. Research findings could be used by technology developers in their research and development activities to develop more energy efficient facilities and equipment. Government ministries such as the ministry of energy and environment may find results from the research study useful in the development and adoption of appropriate instruments and intervention measures to promote energy efficiency as mandated by the Energy Act 2006. The success of such interventions is likely to lead to a reduction in the importation of expensive fossil fuels and save the country foreign exchange. As a result, capital investment in alternative and new energy sources to meet expected growth in business would also fall and put less strain on the company’s financial resources. The burning of less fuel and by extension reduced green house gas emissions would contribute in mitigating the effects of climate change. Tea farmers and industry stakeholders are likely to benefit from improved earnings due to lower production costs. 1.7 Delimitations of the study The study was delimited to KTDA managed black tea processing factories that have been manufacturing black tea for at least three years. Questionnaires developed for studying technical staff awareness were administered only to factory employees who posses at least three years of working experience at their current work station. Research questions were delimited to energy efficiency measures recommended and approved by the KTDA Technical services department. The data utilized for document analysis was obtained from the KTDA centralized production information system and the five year business strategic plan documents. The aim was to make the findings relevant and enhance internal 6 validity by using data that has already been reviewed and where necessary corrected. Energy efficiency results can only be associated with employees who have been involved in the process prior to the measurements and that systems were up and running at least one year after initial commissioning of the manufacturing process. 1.8 Limitations of the study The results of this study are limited by the suitability of the study sample size to represent the population, the ability of questionnaire respondents being willing to participate and to provide accurate and honest answers. These limitations were mitigated by cluster sampling and the use of proven techniques in determining a representative sample size. Research participants were assured confidentiality through an introduction letter and had the option of not disclosing their identities. 1.9 Assumptions of the study The study assumed that the theoretical framework established to measure energy efficiency provided an accurate measure of determinants of energy efficiency and energy efficiency. It assumed that the sample size, statistical test and analysis are sufficient to detect significant differences/relationships that exist in the population. Research participants were assumed to have been willing to participate and to provide honest and accurate answers to the research questions. The study also assumed that the results are generalizable beyond the sample being studied and are also meaningful and utilizable to the identified stakeholders. 7 1.10 Definition of Significant Terms as Used In the Study The following definitions apply to the terms as used throughout this study. Capacity utilization factor: The ratio of the amount of tea in kilograms processed at the factory to installed withering floor area measured in square feet. Design Capacity: The optimum amount of tea in kilograms that the factory has been designed to process per square foot of withering floor space over a given period of time. Energy Efficiency: The less the amount of energy required to perform a service, the greater the efficiency. Mega Joule (MJ): A standard unit for measuring energy. Energy Intensity: The amount of energy expressed in mega joules required to process one kilogram of tea or a unit measure of product or service. Biomass Fuel: The fuel obtained from plant matter such as fuel wood, corn cobs or baggasse. Energy Efficient Technology Machines: This term is coined to refer to specific energy intensive machines that were procured on the basis of their proclaimed superior energy efficiency. These comprised Vibro fluid bed dryers, waste heat recovery boilers and continuous fermenting machines. Energy Mix: The ratio of each of the different forms of energy used; electricity from the national grid or own generation, purchased fuel wood, generator fuel, boiler furnace oil expressed in mega joules to the total sum of the energy consumed within a defined period of time. Black Tea: Tea that undergoes through the fermentation process before drying as opposed to green tea which is not fermented prior to drying. 8 1.11 Organization of the study Chapter one consists of background information on energy and energy efficiency as relates to the research topic from a global, regional and local perspectives. The chapter covers the research problem statement, purpose, objectives, research questions and an explanation of the significance of the study to potential stakeholders. Chapter two deals with energy efficiency literature review. The chapter is subdivided further into sub headings of determinants of energy efficiency variables of technology of process machinery, capacity utilization, technical staff awareness and energy mix. The theoretical literature on energy efficiency and methodological issues, definitions for energy efficiency and energy intensity , the neoclassical theory of energy efficiency and the conceptual framework that depicts the relationships between dependent and independent variables. The research methodology is explained and discussed in chapter three. Research design, target population, determination of sample size, sampling procedure, methods of data collection, issues of reliability and validity and methods of data analysis are all addressed under chapter three. Chapter four contains data analysis, presentation and interpretation. Research findings, discussions, conclusions and recommendations have been summarized in chapter five. References used throughout the study and the appendices are attached at the back of the research proposal. The appendices comprise sample forms of data collection tools and a questionnaire introduction letter. 9 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The literature review for energy efficiency study is based on secondary and primary sources of information. Secondary information on energy efficiency focuses mainly on energy efficiency concepts, indicators and methodological issues. Energy intensity has been used as a statistical measure for energy efficiency. The literature further explores the neo-classical theory of energy efficiency alongside its nemesis “the X-efficiency literature”. The section provides a theoretical framework for the understanding of energy efficiency. However, the greater portion of the literature review comprises primary information from previous work contained in research articles and journals. Technology, behavior, capacity utilization, fuel type and mix, awareness, economy, weather and environmental issues have emerged as the most recurring research themes in the study of energy efficiency. Further review of energy efficiency literature in the tea industry has been carried out under the four determinants of energy efficiency of capacity utilization, Awareness, Energy Mix and Technology. 2.1.1 Review of Energy Efficiency in Energy Demand Sectors Energy is a basic factor for industrial production. Studies have established the existence of a strong relationship between economic development and energy consumption (EIA, 2006). Globally, growing population, industrialization, and rising living standards have substantially increased dependence on energy (Ines, 2010). The development of conventional energy resources, the search for new or renewable energy sources, energy conservation(using less energy) and energy efficiency(same service or output, less energy) have therefore become un avoidable topics. 10 2.1.2 Energy Efficiency and Climate Change After the industrial revolution, anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have been increasing and a broad consensus has emerged that human life will be affected by earth’s climate change (AIS, 2002). The green house gas (GHG) emissions result from many of the industrial, transportation, agricultural and other activities through population growth, fossil fuel burning and deforestation. The economic and social consequences of GHG imply that they should be addressed on a global scale. In a joint action under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), developed countries committed themselves to reduce their anthropogenic emissions of GHG.To address these issues in developing countries, UNFCCC established funds for their benefits in terms of capacity building and transfer of energy efficient and environmentally sound technological measures. Kieran and Torgsa (2011) in their research study on supply-side Determinants of Energy Consumption and Efficiency (ECE) innovations concluded that the unrealized innovations in energy efficiency are estimated to have significant potential for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and improving firm and industry competitiveness. Their results further suggest that enhancing organizational capabilities may be one means of obtaining further efficiencies in energy use sectors facing technological constraints, and that acquisition of external knowledge and technology is an important factor. Researchers have also argued that the world population’s current ecological foot- print far exceeds the planet’s long-term capacity (West Kamper et al., 2000; Jovane et al., 2008).According to the UK department of energy conservation commission (DECC, 2010), energy generation and industrial activity contribute significantly to the overall emission of green house gases which are thought to be the key driver of global warming. A reduction of manufacturing energy consumption would thus be highly relevant for the limitation of overall green house gas emissions. In this context, an understanding of the energy inputs consumed by the available manufacturing processes is critical. Foran et al., (2005) remarked that “if you can’t measure, you can’t manage”. 11 2.1.3 Energy Efficiency and Technology In the period 1990-2005, global primary energy supply increased by 30% while worldwide energy demand is projected to double between 2005 and 2050 (IEA,2007). Graus et al., 2010 estimate that by exploiting the technical potential for energy efficiency improvement in energy demand sectors, this growth can be limited to 8 %. Any improvement in energy utilization has a crucial role at firm level (cost reduction), local level (less deforestation, low fuel imports) and GHG Mitigation at global level (AIS, 2002). In Kenya, over 600 billion Kenya shillings are needed to fund new power projects over the next four years (ERC, 2012). Due to high capital investment required for additional power plants and the desire to meet green house gas emission targets, many countries have now incorporated energy efficiency in their energy policy. In Kenya, the Energy Act 2006, section 104(2) I, gives the minister for energy powers to enhance energy efficiency and conservation by making it mandatory, in collaboration with the Kenya Bureau of Standards, the importation of energy efficient but cost effective technologies. Although the KTDA has been investing resources in energy efficiency improvement over the last ten years, no study has been carried out to assess the real impact of these measures. Manufacturing costs, especially the energy component is on a steady rise and this is a major threat to the sustainability of tea business. Locally, the tea industry is a major source of rural economic and social livelihoods and other development activities. According to World Energy Outlook (WEO, 2007), lack of access to modern energy services is a hindrance to economic and social development and must be overcome if the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are to be achieved. There has been a significant technology related energy efficiency change on the global scene in the last twenty years with reduced energy intensity in the World’s developed 12 countries. Between 1980 and 2001, the OECD’S energy intensity declined 26%, the Group of Seven’s (G-7) fell 29%; and the U.S. dropped by 34 % (IEA, 2007). 2.1.4 Energy Efficiency and Economic Development According to Van (2008), energy consumption in developing countries will rise more rapidly than in the developed economies. His findings further suggest that there will be a serious challenge from economic and environmental problems in developing countries due to an increase in green house gas emissions arising from energy use and excessive pressure on existing energy resources. Lermit and Jollands (2001) analysis seems to show that energy efficiency in the industrial sector deteriorated in periods of low economic growth and increased in periods of high economic growth. Ines et al. (2010) observed that energy consumption in the manufacturing industrial sector is influenced by the behavior of several economic variables such as high energy prices or constrained energy supply which motivates industrial facilities to try to secure the amount of energy required for operations at the lowest price. The tea industry is likely to be among those affected most due to its extensive dependence on unsustainable energy sources from fuel wood and fossil fuels for its manufacturing process. This is mainly for withering, drying tea and to run machinery. According to De Silva (1993), this energy cost is about 30% of the cost of production at the factory level. Both thermal (heat) and electrical energy are used mainly for withering and drying while electrical energy is used to run machinery. The main sources here are the imported expensive fossil fuels and the locally sourced wood fuel. Historically, energy prices have been low, so the energy costs of operating inefficient machines have not been significant (World Watch 2009, Vol 122). The KTDA black tea processing factories have been using furnace oil and fuel wood as convenience demanded. The rise in imported fossil fuels prices has changed this scenario. According 13 to Gesimba et al. (2009), unreliable electricity and high cost of fuel are a threat to the tea industry in Kenya. They note that tea factories have been hit hardest by the ban on procurement of wood fuel from the forest. Factories are now forced to procure fuel wood from firms where trees are rare and therefore sold at exorbitant prices. 2.1.5 Energy Efficiency and Primary Energy Sources Global energy use (2010 – 2011) data indicates that wood is not the main source of fuel in most parts of the world. However, according to FAO, wood fuels still play a major role in meeting energy demand in Africa. The tea processing factories have taken special interest in firewood storage preparation and combustion equipment in order to obtain maximum energy from it. The calorific value of any woody material ranges from 35004900 kcal/kg depending on the moisture content (De Silva, 1993). Moisture decreases the heat content per Kg of fuel. It increases heat loss due to evaporation and super heating of vapour. Factories build firewood sheds to season the wood fuel and lower the moisture content for better efficiency. They split and size it into billets to improve maximum heat energy extraction. Furnace oil can be combusted more efficiently than firewood and release a greater proportion of their calorific value due to the lower inherent moisture content (less than 1%) and more advanced boiler technologies. Firewood is still selected on the net cost basis where it is still cheaper. More modern technology to improve energy extraction from fuel wood has been embraced in several factories. Boilers with heat recovery systems (air pre heaters and economizers) have been installed in several factories to make better use of fuel wood. Wood fuel combustion efficiency requires a specific amount of oxygen for perfect combustion and some additional (excess) air is required for ensuring combustion ( According to this article, too little or too much air will result in efficiency losses. Annual or semi – annual boiler combustion tests 14 are needed to obtain optimal efficiency from the available sources. By virtue of practical achievable combustion efficiency, fossil fuels normally give better energy efficiency performance but cost more. It is therefore crucial to take into account the fuel type or mix while comparing energy utilization efficiency across different factories. Very few studies have been conducted in Kenya on energy efficiency and those that focus on determinants of energy efficiency in particular. Reference has therefore been made to several energy efficiency related literature and research studies from different parts of the world. India and Sri Lanka share similar tea industry experience with Kenya and have been the major sources of industry specific literature. Both countries are at near similar economic development stage with Kenya which renders them more relevant to the Kenyan case. Research findings from literature review indicate that energy efficiency predictors vary across industry platforms which make the findings not generalize able across different industry types. There is therefore a need to study the determinants of energy efficiency within the KTDA managed black tea processing factories. 2.1.6 Energy Efficiency and Human Behaviour Behavioral aspects in energy efficiency studies have been centered on demographic investigation using bivariate analyses of age, income, education as potential predictor variables for energy efficiency. According to Semenik, Russel Belk and John Painter (1982), greater understanding of conserver and non conserver groups can be achieved with a broader set of predictor variables. Despite the fact that a number of studies have been directed at finding correlates of energy conservation attitudes and behavior their findings have generally been weak and often contradictory. Based on general indices or questions about energy conservation behavior some studies have found positive associations between energy conservation and income (Grier, 1976; Talarzyk and Omura, 1974) and between energy conservation and class (Bultena, 1976).However, (Cunningham and Lapreato, 1977; Opinion Research Corporation, 1975c) while (Gottlieb and Maitre, 1975) found negative associations between energy conservation and income as well as between energy conservation and social class. Other studies still report no 15 significant relationship between energy conservation and income (Hogan, 1976; Bartel, 1974). The general expectation would be that education and conservation would be positively associated. Studies have found mixed results. As expected, the largest numbers of studies have obtained a positive association between education and conservation actions (Ropper, 1977b; Survey Research Laboratory, 1977; Rezeinstein and Bernaby, 1976; Thompson and MacTavish, 1976; Gallup, 1977a). The exceptions consist of findings of a negative relationship(Opinion Research Corporation,1974a,1975a,1975c), and findings of no significant education/conservation relationship(Murray, et al.,1974;Hogan,1976c).Age has also failed to act as a consistently good predictor of energy conservation. Hogan (1976), Kileary (1975) and Bartel (1974) found no significant association between age and energy conservation). 2.1.7 Energy Efficiency and Capacity Utilization According to Baumers et al (2011), the effect of capacity utilization on energy efficiency varies strongly across different platforms and efficiency improves with an improvement in capacity utilization. According to Ines et al. (2010) all variables of economic factor are important, but the most relevant are improvement in plant capacity utilization and improvement in levels of production. This finding concurs with Tholander et al., (2007) who identified the non priority of energy investments and lack of access to capital especially in small and medium enterprises as main barriers to increased energy efficiency in the developing countries in contrast with the situation in developed countries. Moreover, manufacturing industries in developing countries prefer traditional investments like expansion of industrial plants or power generation. Sahu et al. (2009) found a positive relationship between energy intensity and firm size. They also found out that foreign owned firms exhibit a higher level of technical efficiency and so are less energy intensive. The results of the study further reveal that R&D activities are important contributors to the decline in firm level energy intensity. 16 Within KTDA managed black tea processing factories, poor energy efficiency is recorded during high crop seasons corresponding to maximum capacity utilization within the tea processing factories. 2.1.8 Energy Efficiency and State Policy According to Jeffries & Elizabeth (2009), California’s official energy policy gives efficiency the highest priority because it is far cheaper than developing solar, wind and other renewable power or construction of natural gas fired power plants. In California, it is estimated that energy efficiency initiatives have saved rate payers about $36 billion. It has also helped California to keep its per capita energy consumption flat over the last thirty years, while the rest of the country’s power demand grew 50% ( Within the USA, the current climate of opinion in both the residential and commercial sectors for new and existing stock, the government gives a prominent role to energy efficiency as a policy tool. Executive and legislative branches of government at both the state and federal levels are considering and adopting policy options to valorize energy efficiency in the service of anything from National security to curbing global warming to creating a green economy (Taylor & Kipp, 2010). According to Zhivov &Deru,( 2009) the 2005 USA energy policy requires that federal facilities be built to achieve at least 30% energy savings over the 2004 ASHRAE standard. In Kenya, the Energy Act 2006 empowers the minister for energy to enhance energy efficiency and conservation, by making it mandatory, in collaboration with Kenya Bureau of Standards, the importation of energy efficient but cost effective technologies. Utlu &Hepbaslic (2006) underscore the necessity of planned studies towards increasing 17 renewable energy utilization efficiency in the subsectors they studied and the critical role of policy makers in establishing effective energy efficiency delivery mechanisms throughout Turkey. Technology analysts assert that carefully designed regulatory interventions can simulate actions that yield simultaneous reductions in energy use and the effective use of energy services. The USA National Academy of Sciences (1991), for example, identified the potential to improve energy efficiency by up to 37 % at zero economic cost. The intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC, 1996) concluded that global carbon dioxide emissions could be cut by 10-30 % through the accelerated diffusion of least cost energy technologies. Mc Mahon et al.,( 1990) and Geller ( 1997) estimate that the US Appliance Efficiency Standards will save some 24 hex joules of energy and $46 billion between 1990 and 2015 by mandating the adoption of least cost design features. According to Kane (2009), the cheapest way to cut carbon footprint is to reduce energy demand. It increases the bottom line almost immediately yet few people or organizations have been prepared to invest in it without a push. 2.1.9 Energy Efficiency Awareness Crosbie and Baker (2009), noted that the level of information provided in energy efficiency projects is inadequate, in some cases overly complex and in other cases nonexistent. Therefore, there are chances that the success of energy efficiency measures could be improved with an increase in awareness levels. Individuals and firms need to be informed and made aware of the benefits to be derived from energy efficiency activities and energy efficient technologies. Studies have shown that a wide range of clean room energy efficiency exists, and facility managers may not be aware of how efficient their clean room facility can be relative to other clean room facilities with the same requirements (Paul, Tschudi et al, 2010).according to Chakavarti (2005), energy 18 efficiency success requires continuation of the National Campaign on Energy Conservation awards in order to create awareness and motivate industrial and commercial establishments to save energy. Crosbie &Baker (2010) recommend promotion of energy efficiency interventions in terms of the direct benefits they can bring to the users or participants’ lifestyles and practices if a significant level of participants is to be achieved. 2.3 Determinants of Energy Efficiency in KTDA In this section, the study examines and discusses the major determinants of energy efficiency in the KTDA. The discussion focuses on black tea processing factories since it was not possible to examine energy efficiency within all the processes in the organization within the limits of time and available resources. Black tea manufacturing process is outlined in appendix 2.3. Determinants of energy efficiency in KTDA are quite similar to other manufacturing plants elsewhere in the world. More parallels were drawn from India and Sri Lanka which partner with Kenya as the world’s top three producers and exporters of black tea. The bulk of black tea processing machinery in these three countries is sourced from India. The main determinants of energy efficiency in KTDA black tea processing factories based on available literature and industry experience is captured as capacity utilization, technology, staff awareness, fuel mix, weather and Government policy. The extent of their individual influence on energy efficiency has been determined and the goal of filling this knowledge gap accomplished. 2.3.1 Technology and Energy utilization Efficiency Average Prices for primary energy supplies within KTDA tea processing factories have increased eight fold for wood fuel, fivefold for residual fuel oil and four fold for electrical 19 energy purchased from the national grid in the last twenty five years as generalized from particulars found in KTDA factories annual accounts reports for the period 1987 to 2012. Global primary energy supply increased by 30% between 1990 and 2005 and the world wide demand is projected to double by 2050 according to the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2007) report. Graus et al. (2010) estimate that by exploiting the technical potential for energy efficiency improvement in energy demand sectors, this growth can be limited to 8%. KTDA embarked some eight years ago on building modern energy efficient factories. The Agency is also undertaking modernization projects for factories that were built before 2000. A majority of the newer factories have been equipped with more efficient three pass steam generating boilers, high efficiency motors, energy saving lighting systems, energy efficient withering air flow fans and of late boilers with heat energy recovery systems such as air pre heaters and economizers. The newer technology is expected to provide the same or better service with less energy inputs. Variable speed drive/ variable frequency drives are being studied as a more efficient means of operating processes where energy demand varies during the process. In practice, the process operates at fixed energy demand irrespective of the actual process needs leading to waste. Economic and business competitiveness has been the key motivator in embracing technology as a way of managing the continuing rise in energy costs. Scientific theory and research supports technology as a viable means of improving energy efficiency. According to Kieran and Torga (2011), unrealized innovations in energy efficiency are estimated to have significant potential for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and improving firm and industry competitiveness. 20 Kenya recognizes the role of energy efficient technologies through the Energy Act 2006. The act has empowered the minister for energy to enhance energy efficiency and conservation by making it mandatory in collaboration with the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KBS) the importation of energy efficient but cost effective technologies. KTDA therefore has improved access to energy efficiency technologies through cooperation and compliance with the ministry of energy. Technology analysts further assert that carefully designed regulatory interventions can stimulate actions that yield simultaneous reductions in energy use and effective use of energy services. Research findings by the USA National Academy of Sciences (1991), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1996), McMahon et al. (1990) and Geller (1990) all agree on the importance and relevance of technology as a means to improve energy efficiency. One of the objectives of this study was to analyze and examine the influence of these technology applications on energy efficiency within the KTDA black tea processing factories. 2.3.2 Capacity Utilization and Energy utilization Efficiency Full capacity utilization results in lower specific energy consumption as empirically demonstrated by Baumers et al. (2011). However, the size of this saving was found to vary heavily across different industry platforms. The sixty plus KTDA managed black tea manufacturing factories operate at varying capacity levels due to factors that include seasonal weather patterns, installed manufacturing equipment availability, energy supply , government policy on employee working hours , production planning and process equipment production rate among others. Although theoretical production rates have been set, available data shows a wide range of capacity utilization within individual processing plants. From a theoretical perspective, the degree of capacity utilization has a positive impact on process energy efficiency. Within the KTDA manufacturing process, like other similar processes, there is 21 a fixed energy base load that will always be expended irrespective of the quantity of product being processed. It comprises the skin losses on heating equipment, the energy required to start machinery from rest and the heat energy required to bring heating and drying equipment up to their operating temperatures. Therefore, the energy consumed is a function of the number of hours the equipment has been in operation and the energy required to bring it into service. Since energy efficiency is measured by the energy use rate, the energy intensity, it follows that higher production rates will result into higher energy efficiency because the fixed energy component becomes insignificant. This is expected within KTDA processing plants but no research has been carried out to establish the extent to which capacity utilization influences energy efficiency when all other intervening factors have been taken into consideration. The main driving force behind processing capacity expansion has been occasioned by increases in Greenleaf intake. Energy efficiency has not been previously considered as a likely benefit to be derived from enhanced capacity utilization. The study conducted at Wuppertal University by Ines et al (2010) to examine factors influencing energy efficiency in German and Columbian industries cautions against undertaking energy efficiency research without taking into consideration capacity utilization. The energy efficiency benchmarking process in the KTDA black tea processing factories does not take capacity utilization into consideration while comparing performance among the sixty plus factories. An analysis that considers this factor may generate some new information that could be useful in improving energy utilization efficiency. 2.3.3 Technical staff awareness and Energy utilization Efficiency Studies conducted by the American Council for Efficient Energy Economy (ACEEE, 2009) indicate that although people are often aware of the benefits of using energy more efficiently, a variety of social, cultural, and economic factors often prevent them from 22 doing so. Even when high efficiency technologies have been installed, 30% or more of the energy savings that could potentially be realized through such technologies is lost. KTDA black tea processing factories are spread across the country in geographical clusters called regions. The different regions exhibit different cultures with varying economic backgrounds. There is evidence of differences in energy efficiency performance within factories that operate under similar working conditions. One of the most likely causes of the difference may be associated with employee behavior. The Building and Energy Conservation Support Unit (BRESCU) and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Victoria in Australia have developed an Energy management Matrix that can be useful in evaluating structures that influence behavior towards energy efficiency. The matrix cites the establishment of formal policy and management system, action plan and regular review with commitment of senior management as part of corporate strategy. This requirement is adequately captured in the KTDA corporate strategy. However, it is not yet understood how well it is reflected within the sixty plus black tea processing factories. Best practice requires energy management to be fully integrated into the management structure with clear delegation of responsibility for energy use. Energy managers should use formal and informal channels of communication so as to create awareness and inculcate positive behavior towards energy efficiency. As in any other organization, success depends on management effectiveness and therefore results will vary across the factories. Training and awareness contribute to positive behavior towards energy efficiency while lack of it may have negative effects. We do not currently know whether staff at the factories to be studied has been trained and are aware of energy efficiency improvement initiatives, importance to them as individuals and also to the organization as a whole. 23 According to Chakavarti (2005), energy efficiency requires continuation of National campaign on energy conservation awards in order to create awareness and motivate individual and commercial establishments. Motivation influences behavior and its absence or presence is likely to determine how staff work towards achieving set energy targets. The motivation level within the different factories is governed by a variety of factors resident within the factory establishment. Behavioral effects on energy efficiency are not limited to the lower cadre employees alone. Positive discrimination by senior managers in favour of energy saving schemes with detailed investment appraisal of all new and plant improvement opportunities are a show of positive behavior towards energy efficiency improvements. KTDA management has set targets for energy consumption. Energy consumption is regularly monitored and costs quantified. We will need to find out what the management at the different factories does with information on consumption and costs tracking that are provided at the end of the month. The action taken based on available information will be considered as behavior towards energy efficiency. Crosbie and Baker (2010) recommend promotion of energy efficiency interventions in terms of the direct benefits they can bring to the users or participants lifestyles and practices if significant level of participants is to be achieved. We may therefore pose the question, what is in it for the staff if improvements in energy efficiency are realized? Do they expect to have some form of recognition at the end of the performance evaluation? Rewards and recognition schemes will be considered as motivation indicators and used to gauge performance across the different factories. 2.3.4 Energy Mix and Energy utilization Efficiency The tea industry is heavily dependent on a variety of energy sources for its manufacturing process. This is mainly for withering, drying tea and to run machinery. Currently, this energy cost is about 30% of the cost of production at the factory level (De Silva 1993). Both thermal (heat) and electrical energy could be used mainly for withering and drying while electrical energy is also used to run machinery. The total energy requirement to 24 produce one kilogram of made tea is about 25MJ .The main sources here are the imported expensive fossil fuels and the locally sourced wood fuel. Historically, energy prices have been low, so the energy costs of operating inefficient machines have not been significant World Watch (2009, Vol 122). The KTDA black tea processing factories could use furnace oil or firewood as convenience demanded. The rise in the price of imported fossil fuels has changed this scenario. According to Gesimba et al. (2009), in Kenya, some of the several adverse forces that threaten the tea industry are unreliable electricity and high cost of fuel. They note that factories have been hit hardest by the ban on procurement of wood fuel from the forest. They have now been forced to procure fuel wood from firms where trees are rare and therefore sold at exorbitant prices. Available Global energy use (2010 – 2011) notes that data from energy use by source wood is not the main source of fuel in most parts of the world. However, according to FAO research findings, wood fuels still play a major role in meeting the energy demand in Africa. De Silva, (1993) makes similar observations for tea factories in Sri Lanka. The tea processing factories have taken special interest in firewood storage preparation and combustion equipment in order to obtain maximum energy from it. The calorific value of any woody material ranges from 3500-4900 kcal/kg depending on the moisture content (De Silva, 1993). Moisture decreases the heat content per Kg of fuel. It increases heat loss due to evaporation and super heating of vapour. Factories build firewood sheds to season the wood fuel and lower the moisture content for better efficiency. They split and size it into billets to improve maximum heat energy extraction. From a theoretical perspective, one liter of furnace oil can be combusted more efficiently than firewood and release a greater proportion of their calorific value due to the lower inherent moisture content (less than 1%) and more advanced boiler technologies. Firewood is still selected on the net cost basis where it is still three times cheaper based on the prevailing prices. 25 More modern technology to improve energy extraction from fuel wood has been embraced in several factories. Boilers with heat recovery systems (air pre heaters and economizers) have been installed in several factories to make better use of fuel wood. There is a need to compare energy efficiency performance of factories while taking into consideration the number of firewood sheds constructed and the boiler technology in use. Wood fuel combustion efficiency requires a specific amount of oxygen for perfect combustion and some additional (excess) air is required for ensuring combustion ( Too little or too much air will result in efficiency losses. Annual or semi – annual boiler combustion tests are needed to optimal efficiency from the available sources. By virtue of practical achievable combustion efficiency, fossil fuels normally give better energy efficiency performance but would cost more. It is therefore crucial to take into account the fuel type or energy mix while comparing energy utilization efficiency across different factories. 2.5 Energy efficiency concepts, indicators and methodological issues Increases in energy efficiency take place when either energy inputs are reduced for a given level of service or there are increased or enhanced services for a given amount of energy inputs. Energy efficiency is also defined as the relative thrift or extravagance with which energy inputs are used to provide goods or services. The terms “energy efficiency” and “energy efficient” are used in conjunction with other terms such as “energy intensity” or “energy intensive” in describing the mathematical relationship between energy use and service output. The intensity component, the energy use rate, is the commonly used basis for measuring and assessing energy efficiency. 26 2.6 Energy Intensity Energy intensity is the ratio of energy consumption to a unit of measurement. Intensity is inversely related to efficiency for a given service, that is, the less energy required to perform a given service, the greater the efficiency. It follows that a decrease in energy intensity over time may correspond to an increase in energy efficiency depending on the level of structural and behavioral effects. Measuring energy efficiency change in energy use over time may be driven by a combination of efficiency, weather, behavior and structural effects that may be only partially separable and may differ among energy services. Therefore the task of measuring and assessing energy efficiency and its change over time consists of the following: deciding which effects should be considered as inherent in efficiency measurement and which are due to other factors such as weather, behavioral, and structural changes to be eliminated, or at least recognized in the measurement. The process involves creating an appropriate categorization of energy services that provides the best framework of efficiency measures and combining these statistical measures into meaningful and understandable assessment of energy efficiency and its trends. There are two main approaches to measure energy efficiency trends; the market basket and the comprehensive approach. The market basket approach is based on consistent measures of consumption per service unit for a bench mark set of energy services while the comprehensive approach attempts to take all energy use into account ( It is almost practically impossible to conduct a research by taking all energy use into account since a universally all encompassing bench mark may not be readily available. The market basket approach is therefore more feasible in my research study because there already exists a bench mark set of energy services in a well defined industry(the tea industry) and energy services(machinery running, withering and drying operations) to which the study could be focused. Although there are other energy services which could have been considered as well, their overall impact on production costs is minimal and therefore less important to potential users of potential findings. 27 2.7 Theoretical Framework Energy efficiency theory is based on the neo-classical theory of the firm which represents firms as well informed, rational actors that systematically maximize profits subject to the constraints imposed by technology, public policy and the prevailing market condition. It forms a central framework in the economics of energy efficiency and the environment (Decanio, 1993).In this perspective, firms enjoy informational advantages over government regulators concerning the technological and economic aspects of energy use and pollution abatement. Hence, market –based policies that equate marginal costs and benefits of energy utilization may be used to implement specified levels of environmental quality at minimum social cost. Direct regulatory interventions, in contrast, induce inefficiencies by failing to exploit firm’s expertise and motivation to cut costs. Applications of this framework have led to significant innovations in policy formulation. The neo-classical theory of energy efficiency faces a major challenge from the outcome of sustained direct regulatory interventions as has been witnessed in the state of California in the USA. Rather than induce inefficiencies, regulatory measures have continued to have a positive impact on both the environment and the state economy in comparison to other states that have not followed a similar approach. According to the “X-efficiency” literature initiated by Lebenstein (1996) and (Frantz, 1997), firms are better understood as networks of individuals than as monolithic, profitmaximizing actors. In this respect, success in energy efficiency improvements has been realized through the neo-classical firm theory as well as through direct regulatory interventions. Both state and business firms have varying interests in energy efficiency and no single actor is bound to act in the interest of the other. This fact is illustrated by the importance almost every state is now placing on energy efficiency through policy and direct regulatory interventions. According to (Howarth et al., 2000), the role of policies to promote the adoption of energy efficient technologies is a matter of great importance 28 given the links between energy use and global environmental change. It therefore follows that the argument from the neo classical theory of the firm in energy efficiency improvements does not hold true in all areas. Calculated government regulation and technology are already yielding tangible results where they have been implemented. There is currently no proof of better performance in energy efficiency where there is little or less government regulation. The views of technology analysts are supported by a rich and detailed literature on the engineering, social and psychological dimensions of energy use. Economists, however, remain skeptical about the findings of this literature and its relevance to policy formulation. (Sutherland, 1991) notes that the functioning of normal markets provide powerful incentives for consumers and firms to exploit investments in energy efficiency that yield accompanying cost savings. Government mandate might impair economic efficiency to the detriment of society. Technology analysts are also accused of overstating the energy savings generated by fuel-efficient technologies, including a rebound effect that would offset the gains made through enhanced equipment energy efficiency by misgauging the behavioral consequences of equipment performance. A technology that yields time cost savings would stimulate the demand for energy services, including a rebound effect that would partially offset the direct energy savings from enhanced energy efficiency (Khazzoom, 1980). In extreme cases, the resulting growth in energy services might more than offset the direct effects of enhanced technologies so that improved energy efficiency paradoxically would lead to increased energy use (Brooke, 1990, Saunders, 1992). Since the world population has kept on increasing, there will be sustained demand for more energy. It does not matter whether energy efficient technologies are developed or not. Maintaining the business as usual approach will only assist in aggravating the energy deficit while worsening the global warming situation. One can therefore debate on the extent of the contribution of technology but not its relevance as its contribution is now well documented. Some of these technologies have not been widely appreciated and exploited due to lack of 29 awareness among potential users. Awareness campaigns are likely to complement other energy efficiency measures such as policy and technology. Research literature already exists in the contribution from improved awareness to the success of energy efficiency. 2.8 Conceptual Framework The study was guided by the conceptual framework shown in figure 1. Moderating variable Independent variable Government Policy on Energy Efficiency Capacity Utilization Capacity Utilization Factor: Ratio of Actual production (kgs) to Design Production Capacity (sq ft) Dependent variable Energy Efficient Technology Machines Energy Utilization Efficiency Energy efficient machines ratio (Intensity) MJ/Kg Technical Staff Awareness Intervening Variable Energy Efficiency Awareness Score. Weather Energy Mix 1-temperature (oc) Ratio of fuel wood to total energy use Ratio of furnace oil to total energy Ratio of Electrical energy to total energy FIGURE 1: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Behaviour 30 2-rainfall (mm) 2.8.1 Interrelationship of Variables in the Conceptual Framework Capacity utilization as an independent variable is a measure of the ratio of the actual production capacity in terms of kilograms of processed tea divided by the installed capacity in square feet. The second independent variable of technology was measured by the age of major energy consuming equipment, the number of specific energy efficient equipment installed in the last three years within the withering, drying and steam generation facilities. Staff awareness as an independent variable was measured by the number of correct answers to questionnaire questions derived from the recommended energy efficiency measures. The last independent variable defined as the Fuel mix was assessed by working out the ratio of fuel wood, furnace oil and electrical energy fuels to total energy consumed. All fuel types were converted into the same units; the mega joules (MJ), before being used to work out the fuel mix ratio. The dependent variable, energy efficiency was obtained by computing energy intensity whose units are mega joules per kilogram of processed black tea calculated by converting all the energy used into mega joules and dividing the total by processed black tea measured in kilograms. The influence of weather intervening variables of temperature and rainfall shall be compared across the various geographical regions to cater for their suspected influence encountered from the theoretical literature review on energy efficiency. Government policy as a moderating variable applies to all the factories in the case study and could only affect the general trend in energy efficiency. 31 2.9 Summary of Chapter Two Section 2.4 under theoretical literature discusses energy efficiency concepts, indicators, and methodological issues. Energy efficiency is realized when increases in energy efficiency take place when either energy inputs are reduced for a given level of service or there are increased or enhanced services for a given amount of energy inputs. Energy intensity is defined here as the ratio of energy consumption to a unit of measurement and is used for measuring and assessing energy efficiency. The Neo-classical theory of energy efficiency and related research critique based on the “X-efficiency” literature are examined under section 2.4.3. Energy efficiency theory is based on the neo- classical theory of the firm which represents firms as well informed rational actors that systematically maximize profits subject to the constraints imposed by technology, public policy and the prevailing market condition. The “X-efficiency” literature initiated by Lebenstein (1996) and Frantz (1997), argues that firms are better understood as networks of individuals than as monolithic, profit maximizing actors. Part 2.2 of the review contains previous work on energy efficiency by different researchers and publishers. There is broad consensus that the major drivers for the interest in energy efficiency can be classified into economic, energy security and climate change factors. The three have attracted both private and state actors. Technological issues, capacity utilization, humanly behavior, government policy and fuel mix have emerged as recurrent themes as reflected by the findings among researchers and publishers. (Crosbie & Baker, 2009; Chakavarti, 2005; Tschudi et al, 2010) and the United States Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI, 2009) support the study of human behavior as a key component in energy efficiency programs. Graus et al, (2011) and the International Energy Agency (2007) estimate that it is possible to limit worldwide Energy demand by exploiting the technical potential for energy efficiency improvement. 32 Baumers et al, (2011) and the German Wuppertal institute (2010) have shown empirically that the effect of capacity utilization on energy efficiency varies strongly across different platforms. Mc Kane et al, (2008) found out that high energy supply prices motivate industrial facilities to try to secure the amount of energy required for operation at the lowest price. Further contribution to fuel mix determinant has been found in the works of (De Silva, 1993; Gesimba et al, 2009) and Global Energy use (2010 – 2011, Contributions to energy efficiency literature by (Jeffries & Elizabeth, 2009; Taylor & Kipp, 2007; Zhivov & Deru, 2009; Utlu & HepBasic, 2006; Kenya Energy Act 2006; UK Department of Energy Conservation Commission (DECC) and the USA Academy of Sciences (1991) illustrate Governments’ adoption of energy efficiency as a policy tool to achieve energy security and also meet the global Green house gas emission obligations. section 2.3 discusses determinants of energy efficiency in KTDA. A lot of attention on energy efficiency has been focused on technology as found from the existing literature. Despite the fact that we have new purpose built factories with latest energy efficient equipment, we have not been able to isolate and quantify their influence on energy efficiency. The influence from other determinants highlighted in the literature will be useful in developing strategies for improving energy efficiency. My research study therefore aims at filling this knowledge gap and generating additional knowledge which may eventually lead to improved performance in energy efficiency projects. 33 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Chapter three is a presentation of the methodology used by the researcher to find answers to the research questions. It covers the research design, target population, sample size determination, sampling procedure, and methods of data collection, issues of reliability, validity, methods of data analysis and the conceptual framework. It also explains how the data was analyzed to answer research questions. 3.2 Research Design The research employed a descriptive and empirical survey to study the influence of determinants of energy efficiency on energy efficiency in black tea processing factories. It adopted a quantitative approach in the study of the identified research variables. 3.3 Target Population The target population for the study was made up of sixty five Kenya Tea Development Agency managed black tea processing factories in Kenya. The factories are spread across the country in the counties of Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Nyeri, Murang’a, Thika, Kericho, Bomet, Nandi, Nyamira, Kisii, Vihiga and Tranzoia. These factories are further grouped into seven regional clusters starting from Region one up to Region seven each headed by a regional manager. These management administrative units represent geographical, social and climatic diversity. Individual factory units are headed by a factory unit manager. Both the factory unit managers and regional managers are employees of the managing agents; Kenya Tea 34 Development Agency. The Agency hires, deploys and transfers its management staff on a regular basis. The remaining majority of factory employees are recruited from the local communities within which the factories have been established. This group of employees provides low to medium level skills needed by the factories. All the factories, by virtue of having one management agent, operate under similar management policy guidelines and technology adoption due to the centralized nature of policy formulation and technology sourcing. 3.4.1 Determination of sample size The research study employed both cluster sampling and census. Cluster sampling was used to study staff technical awareness of energy efficiency. This approach was adopted in order to obtain a representative sample encompassing the diverse geography of factory locations. Each factory has seven technical staff. The target population for this research objective yielded four hundred and fifty five possible respondents from the targeted sixty five factories. A sample size of two hundred and twelve was obtained from the seven regional clusters using the Yamane (1967) simplified formula for calculating sample size with a precision of 5% and 95% confidence level. capacity utilization, technology of processing machines and energy mix variables were investigated by taking a census in line with Yamane (1967) recommendation of taking a census when the population size is less than two hundred. It involved analysis of documented monthly tea production and energy consumption data covering the period from October 2010 to June 2012. A census of the type of processing machinery technology and their corresponding age was also analyzed. n=N/ (1+N (e) 2) Where n= sample size N= Population size e=Level of precision. 35 3.4.2 Sampling Procedure The study of capacity utilization, technology of process machines and energy mix involved taking a census of eighteen months manufacturing data in all the target factories that met the set delimitation criteria of factories that have been in operation for at least three years prior to the study. All the geographical regions were therefore represented. However, the investigation of technical staff awareness involved cluster random sampling to obtain a representative sample of all the seven regions under study. The procedure involved simple balloting whereby each of the factories within a region was assigned a number from one up to the last. The numbers were written on pieces of paper which were later folded and mixed up in a container. The pieces were then randomly picked and opened to reveal the identity of factories to be involved in the study. Technical staff awareness questionnaires were delivered to the technical staff under the employment of these factories through the recruited regional information coordinators. 36 3.5 Data Collection Procedure Data collection procedure employed document review and questionnaires. Documentation review was used to gather data on capacity utilization, technology of processing machines and fuel mix. This information was accessed after seeking formal permission to access and use management records web site (KTDA website). The data of interest covered the period from and inclusive of October 2010 to June 2012. Strategic business plans covering the same period were also used. These plans contain details of the factory’s design capacity, type and age of installed machines as well as planned and executed factory plant up grades. The information was extracted and transferred to the already prepared document forms ready for analysis. Data collection on staff awareness involved the use of questionnaires. Questionnaires were administered to technical staff at each factory company participating in the study. Workers were drawn from sections that are directly involved in the operation of major energy consuming and generating equipment. Their knowledge and attitude is believed to have a direct influence on efficient energy use. They comprised production managers, plant technicians, senior factory electricians, boiler supervisors, dryer attendants and withering fans supervisors. Questionnaires were mailed to the factory field services administrator who printed and issued them to the participants. The field services administrator then scanned the filled questionnaire forms and returned them for analysis. This arrangement was preferred because it is inexpensive and has a quick turnaround. 37 3.6 Validity Validity is the degree by which the sample of test items represents the content the test is designed to measure. Content validity which was employed by this study is a measure of the degree to which data that was collected represents staff awareness of recommended energy efficiency measures. The researcher sought the input of subject matter professionals and supervisor as an additional measure to enhance validity. Pilot testing was applied as a measure of validity. It involved sending the questionnaire to seven respondents at one factory in order to rectify the contents and ensure that they are understood by the respondents as intended by the researcher. The response was good where all the seven questionnaires were returned with few issues which were addressed. Some of the questions were found to have multiple answers which were not initially anticipated. The questionnaire was therefore revised to accommodate more than one answer in some questions where a single choice was found to be limiting the possible responses. The convergence of findings from document review analysis among diverse geographical, climatic and cultural settings re affirmed the validity of the findings from the study. 3.7 Reliability A measure is considered reliable if a person’s score on the same test given twice is similar. The test was split into a first half and a last half, and then correlated. Responses were divided using odd numbers for one set and even numbers for the other set. The reliability coefficient was then calculated using the reliability calculator for the odd-even split using the formula. 38 The value of 0.85 that was obtained was considered good enough for the research study. Document review of official records was used to measure the concepts of capacity utilization, technology, and fuel mix. These concepts have been investigated before as revealed in the literature review. They are also supported by scientific principles and standard definitions. The adopted document form analysis procedure is reproducible. 3.8 Data Analysis The received questionnaires were first checked for errors and completeness. Incomplete questionnaires were discarded. Information that was captured in document review forms was similarly checked for errors and any missing entries. Both sets of information were coded and organized in tabular form in readiness for analysis. Statistical analysis was performed on the dependent and dependent variables using the internet based free statistics software calculator for social science. A two sided Pearson correlation coefficient with a p-value of .05 statistics was used to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The four research question variables were analyzed successfully and the extent and direction of their relationship. 39 Table 1 Operationalization of Variables Objective Variable Type of Variable 1. 2. 3. 4. Variable Indicator Unit of Measurement Measurement Scale Data Collection Instrument Data Analysis Capacity Utilization Factor Energy Intensity Percentage (Kgs/ft2) Ratio Document Analysis Pearson correlation MJ/kg Ratio Document Analysis Capacity utilization Independent Energy Efficiency Dependent Energy Efficient Technology Machines Independent Number of machines Number Ratio Document Analysis Energy Efficiency Dependent Energy Intensity MJ/kg Ratio Document Analysis Technical Staff Awareness Independent Awareness Number of Correct Scores Ordinal Questionnaire Pearson correlation Energy Efficiency Energy Mix Dependent Energy Intensity MJ/kg Ratio Independent Ratio of Energy Type to Total energy Percent (%) Ratio Document Analysis Pearson correlation Dependent Energy Intensity Energy Efficiency 40 MJ/kg Ratio Pearson Correlat ion CHAPTER FOUR DATA ANALYSIS, PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION 4.1 Introduction Chapter four covers analysis, presentation and interpretation of collected data and information for the purpose of answering the four research questions. The research has employed document form analysis to answer three of the research questions and questionnaire to answer the research question on technical staff energy efficiency awareness. A structured questionnaire with closed ended questions was used to assess technical staff energy efficiency awareness. The set of questions are based on energy efficiency measures recommended by the KTDA technical services department. Data from Document form review was used to answer the other three research questions that sought to establish the extent to which capacity utilization, the technology of processing machines and energy mix influence energy efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories. 4.2 Document Form Review Document review was contacted for the three research questions that sought to establish the influence of capacity utilization, technology of processing machines and energy mix on energy efficiency. Monthly energy records from sixty factories covering the period October 2010 to December 2012 were analyzed. The researcher was able to access all the factory tea production and energy consumption records as envisaged from the KTDA factories data hoisted on the organization’s local area network. Additional information on factory capacity and technology of processing machines was obtained from the factories business strategic plans (2010-2014) within the KTDA technical services department. The data was analyzed to establish the influence of the above variables on energy efficiency through Pearson correlation coefficient two sided test. 41 4.3Questionnaire Return Rate Questionnaire forms were issued to one hundred and ninety eight participants that formed fifty percent of the target population. They comprised factory sub ordinate, supervisory and management staff that had served the processing factory in their respective capacity for a minimum period of three years prior to the survey. One hundred and ninety one responses were received from the targeted two hundred and thirty research participants. This represented a response rate of 96% which is very good according to FrankfortNachmias &Nachmias ;( 1996) .Respondents were of varying education levels and drawn from the seven geographical clusters. This accommodated diverse social and cultural perspectives in the responses. The researcher maintained close telephone and e-mail contact with the KTDA Regional information coordinators which contributed to receiving filled questionnaire forms on time. The table below shows the response rate from the different regional geographical clusters. Table 2 Questionnaire Return Rate Regional Cluster Sample Size Number of Respondents Return Rate (%) A 36 36 100 B 30 29 96 C 24 24 100 D 24 24 100 E 36 31 86 F 36 35 97 G 12 12 100 Total 198 191 96 From the table the return rate varied from 86% to 100% among the respondents in the seven regional clusters. This high response rate can be attributed to the multiple contact 42 approach used by involving the regional field co coordinators and the field service administrators at the regional and factory levels respectively. 4.4. Demographic Information Section A of the questionnaire sought background information on gender, age, working experience and the highest level of education among the respondents. Results from the completed questionnaires are summarized in the tables below. The researcher was interested in understanding how the above factors are manifested within the diverse social set ups and their possible influence on research findings. Table 3 Gender of Respondents CLUSTER A B C D E F G TOTAL MALE FEMALE TOTAL COUNT 31 5 36 % OF TOTAL 86.1 13.9 100 COUNT 25 4 29 % OF TOTAL 86.2 13.8 100 COUNT 19 5 24 % OF TOTAL 79.2 20.8 100 COUNT 22 2 24 % OF TOTAL 91.7 8.3 100 COUNT 27 4 31 % OF TOTAL 87.1 12.9 100 COUNT 33 2 35 % OF TOTAL 94.4 5.7 100 COUNT 12 .. 12 % OF TOTAL 100 .. 100 COUNT 168 23 191 % OF TOTAL 88.0 12 100 43 The researcher was interested in establishing the existing gender balance among the target population and the likely influence it could have on research findings. According to the table, there are more males than females in all the regional clusters. Males represent 88% while females constitute 12% overall among the technical staff surveyed. Table 4 Ages of Respondents Below 25-35 36-45 46-55 Above 25yrs yrs yrs yrs 55 yrs COUNT 1 5 20 10 0 36 % OF TOTAL 2.8 13.9 55.6 27.8 0 100 COUNT 2 5 15 6 1 29 % OF TOTAL 6.9 17.2 51.7 20.7 3.4 100 COUNT 0 7 11 6 0 24 % OF TOTAL 0 29.2 45.8 25.0 0 COUNT 3 6 9 4 2 24 % OF TOTAL 12.5 25.0 37.5 16.7 8.3 100 COUNT 0 13 13 5 0 31 % OF TOTAL 0 41.9 41.9 16.1 0 COUNT 2 5 18 10 0 % OF TOTAL 5.7 14.3 51.4 28.6 0 COUNT 0 3 5 4 0 % OF TOTAL 0 25.0 41.7 33.3 0 COUNT 8 44 91 45 3 191 % OF TOTAL 4.2 13.4 44.2 26.8 11.4 100 CLUSTER A B C D E F G TOTAL Total 35 12 Research participants were asked to choose their age bracket. The researcher wished to know whether the age of technical staff could have had an influence on technical awareness. The most prevalent age bracket in all the regions surveyed was found lie 44 between 25-35 and 36-45. Only two regional clusters had less than 10% of their technical staff over 55 years. This is most likely to be attributable to retirement age policy of at 55 years. Table 5 Academic Qualification of Respondents CLUSTER Primary COUNT Secondary University Other or or College None 9 12 15 0 25.0 33.0 41.7 0.0 8 9 12 0 27.6 31.0 41.4 0.0 4 10 10 0 16.7 41.7 41.7 0.0 6 7 10 1 25.0 29.2 41.7 4.2 5 13 13 0 16.1 41.9 41.9 0.0 5 15 15 0 14.3 42.9 42.9 0.0 4 3 5 0 33.3 25.0 41.7 0.0 41 69 80 1 21.5 36.1 41.9 0.5 Total 36 A % OF TOTAL COUNT 29 B % OF TOTAL COUNT 24 C % OF TOTAL COUNT 24 D % OF TOTAL COUNT 31 E % OF TOTAL COUNT 35 F % OF TOTAL COUNT 12 G % OF TOTAL COUNT 191 TOTAL % OF TOTAL The researcher analyzed the level of education of the respondents because it was felt that it has the potential to affect awareness levels among staff. From the table, 78% of the respondents have had at least secondary level education. This figure represents a high 45 percentage of employees with the ability to comprehend organizations’ performance improvement initiatives. Table 6 Duration of Work Experience CLUSTER A B C D E F G TOTAL Below 3 yrs 3-6 yrs COUNT 2 8 17 9 % OF TOTAL 5.6 22.2 47.2 25.0 COUNT 0 5 21 3 % OF TOTAL 0.0 17.2 72.4 10.3 COUNT 0 3 19 2 % OF TOTAL 0.0 12.5 79.2 8.3 COUNT 0 6 11 7 % OF TOTAL 0.0 25.0 45.8 29.2 COUNT 1 7 21 2 % OF TOTAL 3.2 22.6 67.7 6.5 COUNT 0 4 26 5 % OF TOTAL 0.0 11.4 74.3 14.3 COUNT 0 8 4 0 % OF TOTAL 0.0 66.7 33.3 0.0 100.0 COUNT 3 38 119 28 191 % OF TOTAL 1.6 19.9 62.3 14.7 7-15 yrs Above 15 yrs Total 36 100.0 29 100.0 24 100.0 24 100.0 31 100.0 35 100.0 12 100.0 Research questionnaire administration was delimited to employees who had been working for the target processing factory for a minimum period of three years prior to the research survey. The researcher therefore found it important to establish the number of years the respondents have been engaged by the company in their current positions. 46 From the table only 1.6 % of the respondents were established to have less than three years working experience that was needed to participate in the survey. Their filled questionnaires were therefore not included in the final analysis. 4.5 The extent of the influence of capacity utilization of energy efficiency Data obtained from the seven geographical regions was used to calculate capacity utilization factor in terms of kilograms of processed tea per square foot of installed green leaf withering space at each processing factory. Energy efficiency was calculated by converting all the energy forms into mega joules. This energy was later used to calculate energy intensity (I) which is the internationally accepted unit of measuring energy efficiency. The two variables were later used by the researcher to determine the extent of the influence of capacity utilization on energy efficiency using the Pearson’s two sided correlation coefficient. Table 7 Mean Capacity utilization and energy efficiency Regional Capacity Utilization(Kg/ft2 Energy Efficiency Ratio(Kg/MJ) Cluster Percentage(%) of Percentage(%) of Percentage(%) of Percentage(%) of Factories Above Factories Below Factories Above Factories Below KTDA average KTDA average KTDA average KTDA average A 58 42 50 50 B 11 89 50 50 C 12.5 77.5 62.5 37.5 D 62.5 37.5 62.5 37.5 E 63.6 36.4 27.3 72.7 F 9 91 18 82 G 25 75 75 25 34.5 65.5 49.3 51.0 KTDA 47 From the table, 58% and 50% of factories within geographical cluster A scored above the KTDA average capacity utilization and energy efficiency respectively. 11% of Factories within cluster B scored above average capacity utilization while 50% of them scored above average on energy utilization efficiency. There is varied performance in the seven geographical regions. Factories within clusters A, D, F and G although geographically dispersed, do show direct correspondence between above average performance for both capacity utilization and energy efficiency. However, factories within clusters B, C and E an inverse relationship in terms of average performance. The overall results show a weak relationship between capacity utilization and energy efficiency within the study population. Findings from the analysis are mixed when we consider the individual regional cluster samples. According to Baumers et al. (2010), in the chapter two literature reviews, full capacity utilization results in lower specific energy consumption. The study also noted that the size of savings varied heavily across industry platforms. The variation in our case has been observed across the geographical regions since the target population involved a single industry platform, the Tea Industry. There is therefore a need to undertake further research to establish the cause of divergent results in the two clusters. 4.5.2 Correlation of capacity utilization and energy efficiency variables The researcher performed a correlation analysis of capacity utilization and energy efficiency for every regional cluster sample based on twenty eight month data sets from October 2010 to December 2012. The analysis employed the two sided Pearson correlation coefficient test statistic r-value with a p-value of 0.05. The purpose was to establish the extent to which capacity utilization influences energy efficiency. The results of correlation between capacity utilization; the independent variable and energy efficiency; the dependent variable were summarized as shown below. 48 Table 8 Correlation between capacity and energy efficiency. Regional Cluster Pearson correlation coefficient -r Significance(2-tailed)- p CLUSTER A 0.17 0 0.617 CLUSTER B 0.410 0.273 CLUSTER C 0.060 0.089 CLUSTER D 0.250 0.550 CLUSTER E -0.490 0.126 CLUSTER F -0.570 0.050 From the results of correlation analysis clusters B and E showed a moderate positive correlation between capacity utilization and energy efficiency, A,C and D showed a weak positive correlation while F showed a moderate negative correlation between capacity utilization and energy efficiency. More than 70% of the clusters had a moderate to weak correlation. However, none of the clusters correlation was significant on the basis of the census and the two tailed point zero five Pearson correlation test. 4.6 The influence of Energy efficient Technology machines on energy efficiency: The researcher used the age of tea processing machines to assess the extent of the influence of technology on energy efficiency. The approach was informed by the 49 deliberate adoption of energy efficient technology in the strategic business plan for new factories as well as in the replacement of old machines. Document review was carried out on all the sixty five tea processing machines and the total age of the identified major energy intensive machines tabulated against energy efficiency data for the period from October 2010 to December 2012 for each of the factories within the regional clusters. Table 9 Energy efficient technology machines and energy efficiency Regional Cluster Average age of process machines(yrs) Energy Efficiency Ratio(Kg/MJ) Percentage(%) of Percentage(%) of Percentage(%) of Percentage(%) of Factories Above Factories Below Factories Above Factories Below average ratio average ratio average efficiency average efficiency A 54.5 45.5 50 50 B 100 0 50 50 C 75 25 62.5 37.5 D 50 50 62.5 37.5 E 57 43 27.3 72.7 F 73 27 18 82 G 25 75 75 25 KTDA 62 38 49.3 51.0 Factories with clusters A, B,C and D appear in the group whose average energy efficient technology machines ratio are above the average of machines within the KTDA.The same factories also appear among those that have registered above average performance in energy efficiency among the KTDA tea processing factories. Factories within cluster E and F appear among those above the average ratio and also constitute the highest percentage 72.7 and 82 respectively among those whose energy efficiency performance level is below the recorded KTDA average over the study period. The influence of the energy efficient technology processing machines on energy efficiency among the regional 50 clusters is not apparent according to the census data. Although this may not be apparent depending on other influencing factories, the researcher recommends that objectively verifiable ways of assessing the contribution to energy efficiency by new machinery and equipment purchases. The current findings are at variance with previous studies and the body of knowledge obtained in the literature review in chapter two. Graus et al. (2010) and Kieran & Torga (2011) underscore this fact. According to the latter researchers, unrealized innovations in energy efficiency are estimated to have a significant potential for reducing GHG emissions and improving firm and industry competitiveness. Table 10 Energy Efficient Technology Machines Ratio and Energy Efficiency. Regional Cluster Pearson Correlation Coefficient P-Value CLUSTER A 0.22 0 0.516 CLUSTER B -0.280 0.466 CLUSTER C -0.170 0.687 CLUSTER D - 0.040 0.925 CLUSTER E -0.28 0.466 CLUSTER F -0.66 0.020 There were mixed results from all the regional clusters on the correlation between energy efficient technology machines ratio and energy efficiency. Clusters A, C and D showed a weak positive correlation between the two variables. A weak negative correlation was 51 observed in clusters B and E, both situated in far flung geographical regions. However, a moderate positive correlation was observed among the factories within cluster F. This moderate negative correlation was also found to be significant at the Pearson correlation test statistic p-value of zero point zero five (0.05). The researcher recommends further research work aimed at establishing reasons for this particular cluster from the general norm among factories under similar management structures and technology selection. 4.7 Influence of technical staff awareness on energy efficiency Table 11 Awareness of Energy Efficiency Terminology among Technical Staff Cluster A Count Subordinate Staff Supervisory Management Staff Staff Yes Yes 10 No 0 No 16 0 Yes 10 No 0 % B Count Count 8 0 13 0 8 0 Count 7 0 10 0 7 0 Count 7 0 10 0 7 0 Count 9 0 13 0 9 0 Count 10 0 15 0 10 0 Count % 0 24 0 24 0 31 0 35 0 100.0 3 0 6 0 3 0 % Total 29 100.0 % G 0 100.0 % F 36 100.0 % E No 100.0 % D Yes 100.0 % C Total 12 0 100.0 54 100.0 0 83 0 100.0 52 54 100.0 0 191 100.0 0 In order to establish technical staff energy efficiency awareness levels, research participants were assessed on their awareness of energy efficiency definition as well as energy efficiency measures recommended by the KTDA. 4.7.1 Awareness of the term energy efficiency The researcher was interested in conducting further assessment of those who indicated that they have heard about the term energy efficiency. They were given four definitions of energy efficiency to select from. Table 12 Definition of the term energy efficiency Research A Question A:Using less Count energy % B:Using more Count energy B C D E F G Total 28 21 16 19 26 25 7 142 77.8 72.4 66.7 79.2 83.9 71.4 58.3 74.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C:Conserving Count 30 27 24 23 29 32 10 175 energy % 83.3 93.1 100.0 95.8 93.5 91.4 83.3 91.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Count D:I am not sure % Obtained responses indicate that technical staff from the entire regional clusters defined the term energy efficiency as conserving energy or using less energy. 53 4.7.2 Technical staff awareness of energy efficiency measures The researcher, with the aim of establishing factory technical staff awareness of the recommended energy efficiency measures, provided a list of these measures and asked the respondents to select those they were not aware of. Results of the findings are summarized in table 13. Table 13 Technical staff awareness of energy efficiency measures Awareness Score Energy Efficiency (%) Ratio(Kg/MJ) 36 100 0.0287 B 30 97 0.0281 C 24 96 0.0327 D 24 96 0.0321 E 36 100 0.0290 F 36 97 0.0269 G 12 95 0.0305 Regional Cluster Sample Size A From the findings, respondents in all the clusters scored above 95% on the awareness of the recommended energy efficiency measures. They were able to detect non recommended measures and only selected the recommended ones. The researcher was able to conclude that the level of awareness among technical staff on recommended energy efficiency measures was high. The results of correlation analysis between the two variables indicated a very weak negative Pearson correlation(r=-0.0669). The researcher felt that further statistical test of significance were not necessary and concluded that the apparently high level of awareness among technical staff has no influence on the energy efficiency among the target population. 54 4.7.3 Sources of Awareness The researcher was interested in establishing how the respondents came to know about the recommended energy efficiency measures in order to further test concurrence on awareness scores recorded by the participants. Respondents were asked how they came to hear about the energy efficiency measures and provided with a list of choices. Table 14 Source of Energy Efficiency Awareness among Technical Staff Research A B C D E F G Total 22 20 16 18 15 3 125 17.6 16.0 12.8 14.4 12.0 2.4 100.0 B: From the Unit Count 29 15 14 17 13 17 4 109 Manager % 13.8 12.8 15.6 11.9 15.6 3.7 100.0 C: From KTDA Count 25 13 11 22 19 24 7 119 engineers % 10.9 9.2 18.5 16.0 20.2 5.9 100.0 D: From training Count 10 5 12 3 4 2 0 36 seminar I attended % 13.9 33.0 8.3 11.1 5.6 0.0 100.0 Count 2 1 3 0 0 2 0 8 % 12.5 37.5 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 100.0 Question A: From my Count 31 supervisor E: Other sources % 24.8 26.6 21.0 27.8 25.0 The majority of staff surveyed indicated that they had heard of energy efficiency from their supervisors (125), the KTDA engineers (119), the factory unit manager (109), training (36) and lastly from other sources (8). 55 4.8 The influence of energy mix on energy efficiency in KTDA Tea Factories Document analysis was contacted for the three research questions that sought to establish the extent of the influence of energy mix on energy efficiency. A set of one thousand six hundred and eighty monthly energy data records covering the period between October 2010 to October 2012 were analyzed. The researcher was able to access all the factory tea production and energy consumption records as envisaged from the KTDA factories data hoisted on the factories website. Additional information on factory capacity and age of processing machines was obtained from the factories business strategic plans (2010-2014) within the KTDA technical services department. The data was analyzed to establish the extent of the influence of the above variables on energy efficiency through Pearson correlation coefficient two sided test. Table 15 Energy Mix by Percent Proportion Regional Cluster Types of Energy Source(Energy Mix) Fuel wood (%) Count(N) Mean Efficiency Furnace Oil Electrical (%) Ratio Energy (%) (Kg/MJ) A 90.7 2.3 7.6 336 0.0287 B 90.8 2.1 7.1 252 0.0281 C 89.0 3.7 7.3 204 0.0327 D 89.6 1.8 8.6 204 0.0321 E 92.2 0.5 7.3 308 0.0290 F 91.5 1.5 7.1 308 0.0269 G 91.1 0.3 8.8 112 0.0305 The table obtained from the analysis of census data of all the regional clusters shows that fuel wood accounts for more than 89% of all the energy consumed by the factories. It is 56 followed by electrical energy that represents between 7 to below 9% of the energy consumed in each of the seven clusters. The use of furnace oil, an imported fossil fuel product, accounts for between 0.3% to below 4.0% of all the energy consumed in all regional clusters. Fuel wood accounted for 91.1%, electrical energy 8.8% and furnace oil 0.3% of the energy consumed by all the KTDA managed black processing factories for the period covered in the study. 4.8.2 Correlation of energy mix variables and energy efficiency The researcher performed a correlation analysis between the three energy source variables and energy efficiency so as to answer the energy mix research question. The objective for this research question was to establish to what extent energy mix influences energy efficiency. The three energy mix sub-independent variables percent proportion were correlated with the mean energy efficiency ratio (kilograms of processed black tea per unit of energy consumption measured in MJ).This ratio is the inverse of energy intensity. The researcher preferred it in the analysis because it is directly related to energy efficiency as opposed to the energy intensity which has an inverse relationship with energy efficiency. The latter’s interpretation is therefore simpler and direct. 57 Table 16 Correlation of energy mix variables and energy efficiency Regional Cluster Fuel wood Furnace Oil Electrical Energy A r=-0.5255 p=0.0793 r=-0.3341 p=0.2885 r=+0.6877 p=0.01344 B r=+0.3586 p=0.34329 r=-0.4908 p=0.1797 r=+0.6110 p=0.0805 C r=-0.7512 p=0.0316 r=+0.5014 p=0.2055 r=+0.7914 p=0.01929 D r=-0.3475 p=0.39899 r=+0.2360 p=0.57365 r=+0.6433 p=0.0852 E r=-0.4680 p=0.1465 r=-0.4742 p=0.14058 r=+0.8682 p=0.000528 F r=-0.2041 p=0.524595 r=-0.3766 p=0.227568 r=+0.7178 p=0.00857 G r=-0.9849 p=0.01510 r=0.0403 p=0.95970 r=+0.5538 p=0.44620 Overall r=-0.4840 p=0.000 r=+0.13378 p=0.29618 r=+0.71152 p=0.000 58 Correlation analysis between fuel wood and energy efficiency results indicate a moderate to strong negative correlation six out of seven regional clusters. The findings for clusters G and C are significant for two tailed and one tailed respectively. The analysis shows mixed results for furnace oil use where four out of seven show a weak negative correlation while three show a weak positive correlation with non being significant at the two tailed test for significance(p=0.05). However, all the seven clusters show a moderate to strong correlation for electrical energy use. Four of the clusters, A, C, E and F are significant at P=0.05 while the remainder three are significant at p=0.1. The literature review in chapter two supports the observations for the correlation between fuel wood and energy efficiency. According to De Silva (1993), wood fuel combustion is inefficient compared to fossil fuels, but it is still selected on the basis of net costs. The researcher therefore recommends regular comparison of the net basis value due to the steady rise in fuel wood costs. 4.9 A Summary of the Chapter Data analysis, discussion and presentation in tables for the investigation of the four research objectives were successfully realized. Document review was used to attempt to find answers to three of the research questions. This involved taking a census data for all the KTDA black tea processing tea production and energy consumption that covered the period between October 2010 and December 2012. The fourth research question was investigated through questionnaire administration. Demographic data covering age, education level, work duration and gender was captured from filled questionnaires and analyzed. The second section of the questionnaire provided information on energy efficiency awareness among technical staff. This was also analyzed and presented in table form. Statistical analysis technique employed Pearson correlation coefficient two sided test and at 0.05 significance. 59 CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Introduction Chapter five consists of a summary of findings, discussions, conclusions and recommendations for further research. Observations from the research findings have been compared with those from previous studies and a similar body of knowledge as obtained from the literature review in chapter two. The purpose of the research study was to determine the extent of the influence of determinants of energy efficiency on energy efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories. It was guided by four key objectives. Three of the four research objectives were investigated through document review while the fourth involved questionnaire administration. 5.2 Summary of Findings Seven cluster samples were analyased.Clusters B and E showed a moderate positive correlation between capacity utilization and energy efficiency. A, C and D showed a weak positive correlation while F showed a moderate negative correlation between capacity utilization and energy efficiency. More than 70% of the clusters had a positive moderate to weak correlation. However, none of the clusters correlation was significant on the basis of the census and the two tailed point zero five Pearson correlation test. The overall results show a weak positive relationship between capacity utilization and energy efficiency within the study population. Findings from the analysis are mixed when we consider the individual regional cluster samples. There were mixed results from all the regional clusters on the correlation between age of processing machines and energy efficiency. Clusters A, C and D showed a weak positive correlation between the two variables. A weak negative correlation was observed in clusters B and E, both situated in far flung geographical regions. However, a moderate negative correlation was observed among the factories within cluster F. This moderate 60 negative correlation was also found to be significant at the Pearson correlation test statistic p-value of zero point zero five (0.05). The influence of technical staff awareness on energy efficiency From the findings, respondents in all the seven geographical clusters scored above 95% on the awareness of the recommended energy efficiency measures. They were able to detect non recommended measures and only select from among the recommended ones. The researcher was able to conclude that the level of awareness among technical staff on recommended energy efficiency measures was considerably high. The results of correlation analysis between the two variables indicated a very weak negative correlation(r=-0.0669). The researcher decided further statistical test of significance were not necessary and concluded that the apparently high level of awareness among technical staff has no influence on the energy efficiency among the target population. The influence of energy mix on energy efficiency. The analysis of census data of all the regional clusters shows that fuel wood accounts for more than 89% of all the energy consumed by the factories. It is followed by electrical energy that represents between 7 to below 9% of the energy consumed in each of the seven clusters. The use of furnace oil, an imported fossil fuel product, accounts for between 0.3% to below 4.0% of all the energy consumed in all regional clusters. Fuel wood accounted for 91.1%, electrical energy 8.8% and furnace oil 0.3% of the energy consumed by all the KTDA managed black processing factories for the period covered in the study. Correlation analyses between fuel wood and energy efficiency results indicate a moderate to strong negative correlation in six out of seven regional clusters. The findings for clusters G and C are significant for two tailed and one tailed tests respectively. The analysis shows mixed results for furnace oil use where four out of seven show a weak negative correlation while three show a weak positive correlation with non being 61 significant at the two tailed test for significance(p=0.05). However, all the seven clusters show a moderate to strong correlation for electrical energy use. Four of the clusters, A, C, E and F are significant at P=0.05 while the remainder three are significant at p=0.1. 5.3 Discussion of findings Determinants of energy utilization efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories were evaluated successfully. They comprise capacity utilization, the age of process machines, technical staff energy efficiency awareness and energy mix. Energy mix is the composition of energy from the different sources of fuel wood, furnace oil and grid supplied electrical energy. 5.3.1 Influence of Capacity utilization on energy efficiency. The study sought to determine the extent of the influence of capacity utilization on energy efficiency. Seven out of ten of the target study population showed a moderate positive correlation between capacity utilization and energy efficiency. The result supports findings encountered in the literature review. The overall results show a weak positive relationship between capacity utilization and energy efficiency within the study population. Full capacity utilization results in lower specific energy consumption as empirically demonstrated by Baumers et al. (2011). However, the size of this saving was found to vary heavily across different industry platforms. The variation in our case has been observed across the geographical regions since the target population involved a single industry platform, the Tea Industry. There is therefore a need to undertake further research to establish the cause of divergent results in the two clusters that displayed a moderate negative correlation. Although we were able develop a measure for capacity utilization in our study, it was not possible to establish the true value of capacity utilization for the target population. The data obtained from document analysis encompassed periods of low as well as high production and can therefore be treated as an average representation of capacity 62 utilization. This scenario is not possible in the medium to long term measure due to the seasonal nature of tea production. More accurate results can be obtained by collecting and comparing data for periods when the factories are operating at established capacity levels of say 20%, 30%, and 70% up to 100% and the corresponding energy efficiency values. 5.3.2 The influence of the age of processing machinery on energy efficiency The researcher sought to determine the extent of the influence of the age of processing machines on energy utilization efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories. This involved taking a census of data for the earmarked period of study. There has been a deliberate effort to procure energy efficient machines in the last ten years both for new factories as well as those undergoing modernization. The age of machinery in a factory offers an indirect means of assessing energy efficiency performance among more modern and less modern technologies. There were mixed results from all the regional clusters on the correlation between age of processing machines and energy efficiency. Clusters A, C and D showed a weak positive correlation between the two variables. A weak negative correlation was observed in clusters B and E, both situated in far flung geographical regions. However, a moderate negative correlation was observed among the factories within cluster F. The age of processing machines that represent modern technology did not have visible influence on energy efficiency compared to older factories which performed relatively better in terms of energy utilization efficiency. The results point to the possibility that the age of processing machines is insignificant as a determinant of energy efficiency within the study population. Chapter two literature reviews observes that global primary energy supply increased by 30% between 1990 and 2005 and the world wide demand is projected to double by 2050 according to the International Energy Agency (IEA) 2007 report. It is estimate that by exploiting the technical potential for energy efficiency improvement in energy demand sectors, this growth can be limited to 8% Graus et al. (2010). The mixed results could be an indicator to low technology innovation in the tea machinery. World 63 watch (2009, vol 122) observes that since energy prices have been historically low, the energy costs of operating inefficient machines have not been significant. 5.3.3 The influence of technical staff awareness on energy efficiency The research study sought to determine the extent of the influence of technical staff energy awareness on energy efficiency. Respondents in all the seven geographical clusters scored above 95% on the level awareness on the energy efficiency measures recommended by KTDA. The results of correlation analysis between the two variables yielded a very weak negative correlation(r=-0.0669). It was concluded that the apparently high level of awareness among technical staff has no influence on the energy efficiency among the target population. Several previous studies found no significant relationships in their study of energy efficiency on similar variables. According to Semenik et al.(1982), relationships between energy efficiency behavior and awareness have generally been weak and often contradictory. Both Hogan (1976) and Bertel (1974) found no significant relationship between energy efficiency awareness and energy efficiency. It is generally expected that education and energy conservation and efficiency would be positively correlated. However, a majority of studies have found mixed results. More research needs to be carried out to establish why the two variables are not positively correlated as expected. 5.3.4 The influence of energy mix on energy efficiency The research sought to determine the extent of the influence of energy mix on energy efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories. Document form analysis was used to study census data from the target population. The analysis of census data of all the regional clusters shows that fuel wood accounts for more than 89% of all the energy consumed by the factories. It is followed by electrical energy that represents between 7 to below 9% of the energy consumed in each of the seven clusters. The use of furnace oil, an imported fossil fuel product, accounts for between 0.3% to below 4.0% of all the energy consumed in all regional clusters. Fuel wood accounted for 91.1%, electrical energy 64 8.8% and furnace oil 0.3% of the energy consumed by all the KTDA managed black processing factories for the period covered in the study. Correlation analyses between fuel wood and energy efficiency results indicate a moderate to strong negative correlation in six out of seven regional clusters. The findings for clusters G and C are significant for two tailed and one tailed tests respectively. The analysis shows mixed results for furnace oil use where four out of seven show a weak negative correlation while three show a weak positive correlation with non being significant at the two tailed test for significance(p=0.05). However, all the seven clusters show a moderate to strong correlation for electrical energy use. Four of the clusters, A, C, E and F are significant at P=0.05 while the remainder three are significant at p=0.1. The energy mix variable seems to have the greatest influence on energy efficiency among all the variables studied. Fuel wood constitutes the highest percentage of three forms of energy in use. It is also negatively correlated with energy efficiency. The most probable reason for its choice is price. This is captured by Lermit &Jollands (2001) who noted the quality effect while studying energy efficiency in New Zealand. They observed that the quality effect captures the potential energy extracted from each fuel source. Electrical energy is positively correlated with energy efficiency but constitutes less than ten percent of the energy mix due to its corresponding higher purchase price. There is minimal use of furnace oil; a more efficient source but more expensive than fuel wood. Greater focus requires to be put on improving the fuel wood efficiency for two reasons. It supplies over ninety percent of the factories energy requirements and it is also facing sustainability challenges. 5.4 Conclusions There exists a weak to moderate positive influence by capacity utilization on energy efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories. There are mixed results on the extent of the influence of the age of process machines on energy efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories. 65 The apparent high level of technical staff energy efficiency awareness has no influence on energy efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories. There exists strong influence of energy mix on energy efficiency in KTDA managed black tea processing factories. The fuel wood semi variable has a moderate to strong negative influence on energy efficiency among the target population. Electrical energy has a moderate to strong positive influence on energy efficiency among the population under study 5.5 Recommendations The study examined determinants of energy efficiency in KTDA managed tea processing factories. It sought to determine the extent of the influence of these variables on energy efficiency. The following are recommendations that arose from the findings. 1. KTDA needs to place more focus for energy efficiency improvement on fuel wood management. Fuel wood constitutes over 90% of the energy consumed within the tea processing factories, has a negative influence on energy efficiency and is faced with challenges of sustainability. 2.The KTDA should devise an elaborate way of assessing, monitoring and evaluating the stated efficiency of new machinery and equipment to ensure that they match those of the existing ones as a minimum. Results from this study did not show differences in energy efficiency performance that could be associated with newer machines which are expected to be more energy efficient. 66 3.The KTDA needs to develop a system of monitoring and reporting individual machinery capacity utilization so as to realize improved energy efficiency and the resulting gains in productivity. 5.6 Suggestions for further study The initial purpose for this study was to determine the extent of the influence of determinants of energy efficiency on energy efficiency. The target population for the study was the KTDA managed black tea processing factories. During the study, the researcher noted some areas that were felt to merit further investigation as captured below. 1. The influence of validity and reliability of fuel measurement instruments on energy efficiency. These instruments were assumed to be valid and reliable in the foregoing study. 2. 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Factory Name: …………………….. Region: ……………………..……... Year Established: ………………….. Energy Efficient Technology Machines Document Form EQUIPMENT QUANTITY YEAR OF AGE ACQUISITION FUELWOOD BOILER ------------------No. FBD DRYER -------------------No VFBD DRYER ------------------No. WITHERING FANS -------------------No. FURNACE OIL BOILER --------------------No. WEIGH FEEDER --------------------No. BOILER APH -------------------No. 74 (YEARS) APPENDIX THREE: CAPACITY UTILIZATION DOCUMENT FORM (T003) Region………………….. Capacity Utilization Document Form FACTORY DESIGN ACTUAL CAPACITY(ft2) PRODUCTION(Kgs) FACTOR (kg/ft2) 75 CAPACITY APPENDIX FOUR: ENERGY MIX DOCUMENT FORM (T004) Region ………………….. Energy Consumption Energy Mix Document Form FACTORY WOODFUEL FURNACE ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC M3 OIL (LTS) ENERGY(KWh) GENERATOR DIESEL(LTS) 76 APPENDIX FIVE: QUESTIONNAIRE TRANSMITTAL LETTER Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Japheth Bulali Sayi. I work as a maintenance manager for Kenya Tea Development Agency Power Company. I am undertaking a research project on energy use in KTDA managed tea processing factories. I need your assistance to accomplish this task. I am therefore requesting you to kindly answer the following questions accurately and honestly by putting a tick in the box against your choice. I will keep the responses you provide confidential. You may write your name in the space provided or you can choose to leave it blank. Thank you Japheth Bulali Sayi 77 APPENDIX SIX: QUESTIONNAIRE ON TECHNICAL STAFF ENERGY EFFICIENCY AWARENESS This questionnaire consists of eleven multiple choice questions. You are requested to provide your honest answers to each question by placing a tick in the box after your choice. Responses will be kept confidential so that it is not possible to associate them directly with you. SECTION A Background information: B1. Select your job placement from the list below: Gender: Male Female Date of Birth: Month/Year Production Office (Management Staff) M1………………….. Production Office (Management Staff) M2……………….…. Supervisory Staff(Maintenance-Mechanical)S1………………. Supervisory Staff(Maintenance-Electrical)S2………………… Supervisory Staff(Withering Section)S3………..…………… Dryer Attendant (DA) ……………….……………….……… Boiler Attendant (BA) ……………….……………………. B2. When were you engaged by the company to work in your current position? Year……………….………………. Month……………….…………… B3. Highest education level attained. Primary School……………….…… Secondary School……………….………………. 78 College or University……………….……………. Other (please specify) ……………….…………. None ……………….……………….…………… SECTION B Energy efficiency awareness Q1. Have you heard of the term energy efficiency? Yes……………….………………. No……………….………………. If your answer is No skip to question 3. Q2. How would you define the term energy efficiency? A: Using less energy……………. B: Using more energy …………. C: Conserving energy…………. D: I am not sure ………………. Q3. Among the following list of recommended energy efficiency measures, which ones have you NOT heard of? 3.1 lagging and insulating steam distribution pipes. ……………….………… 3.2 Timely repair of leaking steam, air and water pipes……………….……… 3.3 Regular cleaning of boiler fire tubes……………….……………………… 3.4 Keeping the firewood boiler feeding door closed most the time………… 3.5 Keeping fire wood under shade………………. 3.6 Installing air pre heaters on firewood boilers… 3.7 Using capacitor banks to maintain the factory power factor above 0.9. 79 3.8 Buying and using energy saving lighting ……………….…………… 3.9 operating machines close to their design capacity ………………. 3.10 Switching off idle machines ……………….………………….. 3.11 Using only billeted firewood in the boiler. …………………… 3.12 Procurement of high efficiency motors ………………………. 3.13 Trapping and re using flash steam in tea dryers ………………. 3.14 Regular inspection and repair of leaking steam traps ………… Q4. How did you get to hear about the energy efficiency measures that you did NOT select from the above list? A: From my supervisor ……………….………………. B: From the Unit Manager……………….…………… C: From KTDA engineers ……………….…………… D: From training seminar I attended ………………… E: Other sources (Name the source) ………………… THANK YOU END 80 APPENDIX SEVEN: SAMPLE SIZE SELECTION TABLE Sample Size for ±5%, ±7% and ±10% Precision Levels where Confidence Level is 95% and P=.5. Sample Size (n) for Precision (e) of: Size of Population ±5% ±7% ±10% 100 81 67 51 125 96 78 56 150 110 86 61 175 122 94 64 200 134 101 67 225 144 107 70 250 154 112 72 275 163 117 74 300 172 121 76 325 180 125 77 350 187 129 78 375 194 132 80 400 201 135 81 425 207 138 82 450 212 140 82 Table 3.1 is derived from Yamane (1967) simplified formula for calculating sample sizes. n=N/ (1+N (e) 2) Where n= sample size N= Population size 81