SUGGESTED QUESTIONS FOR MIDTERM EXAMINATION REVIEW ON TECHNOLOGY OF COFFEE, TEA AND COCOA 1) What are the differences between dry and wet processing method in coffee technology? Advantages and Disadvantages of each method? 2) What is semi wet processing method? 3) What are the fermentation in wet processing for? Give examples. 4) List out the methods that can be used in de-mucilage in semi wet? Each should be described. 5) What do you know the coffee roasting? 6) What factors that concern when we run the coffee fermentation? 7) Role of microorganisms in coffee fermentation. 8) Can you list out the enzymes related to coffee fermentation and clarify their roles. 9) In your opinion, list out factors that may affect to final quality of coffee 10) What do you know about chemical composition in the coffee. Choose one and discuss it (water, minerals, carbohydrate, nitrogenous components, chlorogenic acids, lipids, volatile components, carboxylic acids) 11) Production and consumption of coffee in the world and in Vietnam 12) What do you know about drying and grinding of the coffee. 13) You have read many papers related to coffee, tea; cocoa. You can choose some to make clear the trends of recent researches and choose one and show your understanding.