MindTap Asset Description A Concise Introduction to Logic, 13th Edition; Hurley Activity How many? What is it? Seat time? Why it matters? Chapter Learning Objectives 1 per chapter 3‒5 minutes Narrative content and concepts are introduced in a format designed to encourage student critical thinking. Section Reading (with [or without] media) 1 per section (number of sections varies per chapter) Chapter level learning objectives help students focus on key terms, concepts and skills they should learn in each chapter. The content of the text is divided into chapter sections and introduced in each section of each chapter's learning path. The students have an opportunity to review the contents of the chapter alongside the activities inside the learning path. Some section readings come “with media,” that is, include an inline video tutorial: at the end of, and in addition to, the section content animated visuals complement audio lectures on the most challenging sections and concepts. These short, real-life scenarios, which replace the Previews of the prior edition, engage students creatively with the themes of the chapter. The questions posed in these scenarios are answered online in MindTap. 10‒20 minutes The reading provides carefully sequenced, precise, elegant, and clear explanations. Earlier sections provide the foundation for later ones, helping students grasp concepts incrementally and thus aiding with retention. 10‒25 to 27 minutes The video tutorials guide the student through succinct explanations and stepby-step examples of arduous concepts. This audio-visual "how-to" helps reinforce and retain the most difficult material. These features help students connect their everyday lives' questions and concerns to the text's content. They offer contemporary references to bring the concepts to life for readers, and ask them to perform a specific task and respond to a query, or reflect on a question, in order to engage more deeply with the section that follows. From easiest to more difficult, and in great abundance, the activities offer sufficient opportunity to anchor the student's understanding before moving to the next practice set. Performing this activity enables students to be further engaged and to retain concepts at a higher degree. “With media”: varies with section. Section How Logical Are You? 1 per section 2‒5 minutes Section Exercise Set Number of exercise sets varies per section For each section, auto-gradable exercises are offered in sets that offer sequential practice on the section content. 10‒20 minutes Section Writing Exercise 1 per section 10‒20 minutes Aplia Assignment 1 per chapter (includes one Aplia Assignment per section; number of These activities require students to create a short example of a concept presented in the section, such as an explanation, a deductive argument, or a dispute. The Aplia problem sets complement the chapter reading, testing students’ comprehension and helping them apply concepts by thinking critically. 15‒25 minutes Independent research proves Aplia significantly improves outcomes, improving student effort, engagement, and critical thinking skills. The assignments randomize both quantitative and qualitative aspects of Activity How many? What is it? Seat time? sections varies per chapter) Learning Logic Tutorial Why it matters? questions, allowing students to get the practice they need through multiple attempts. Each student attempt is different from previous attempts and different from the attempts of their classmates, reinforcing their efforts and helping them learn. If you choose, use the Aplia App to customize assignments to hide questions, change the grading scale, or specify for practice only. Understanding and mastering logic requires extensive practice. This tutorial provides added opportunities to reach the learning goals of a range of students, from those who need more practice than their peers to those who wish to ace the course and prepare for advanced philosophy courses. These interactive simulations tie together the concepts and material taught in the first seven chapters to offer a coherent narrative and an opportunity for students to put in practice, in the context of a real-life scenario, the various skills they learn in these chapters. This summary helps students review the content and prepare for exams. 1 per section (includes one Learning Logic Tutorial per section; number of sections varies per chapter) 1 per chapter for chapters 1 to 7 This interactive tutorial program, enhanced with audio, walks the student through each section's content, following each subsection with practice activities that provide immediate feedback. 15‒25 minutes This integrative digital activity helps students apply their logic skills to a current real-world problem: climate change. It walks students through the chapters 1-7 concepts with each chapter assessment resolving a step in the reallife scenario. 10 to 30 minutes Chapter Review 1 per chapter 3‒5 minutes Chapter Test (for chapters 1‒8) 1 per chapter The end-of-chapter review presents a concise and bulleted version of the chapter content. This capstone activity set offers multiplechoice exercises on the concepts presented in the chapter. NEW TO THIS EDITION: these activities are now available as gradable interactive quizzes. 5‒10 minutes These exercises help students solidify their understanding of the concepts learned in the chapter and prepare for exams. This step-by-step method in two sections describes how to build and write persuasive arguments, and offers carefully sequenced and crafted exercises. This resource explores the similarities between truth tables and truth trees and how truth trees help determine whether individual statements are self-consistent 20‒40 minutes Students can learn further about arguments by practicing writing them, allowing to crystallize and apply what they have learned to develop and refine their critical thinking skills. The four sections, each ending with a set of exercises that provide answers so students can test their understanding, further details the truth-trees topic. Living Logic Book-Level Assets Appendix A: Critical Thinking and Writing 1 for the MindTap Appendix B: Truth Trees 1 for the MindTap 20‒40 minutes Activity How many? What is it? or self-contradictory, help test groups of statements for consistency, and help test arguments for validity. This appendix offers explanations on the various types of questions asked in many graduate-level admissions test, and each of the eight primary sections is followed by sample questions. Seat time? Why it matters? 15‒30 minutes Answers are provided for each of the end-of-section sample questions. This appendix will not only help students who are contemplating taking graduatelevel admissions tests get prepared for them, but also help others refine their understanding of arguments, fallacies, and natural deduction techniques. An understanding of the history of existential import will enhance the student's comprehension of the text's presentation on the topic. This supplement helps both students who may be struggling with the concepts and benefit from these enhanced explanations and the advanced students who will enjoy a deeper dive in the topic. This technique provides an instant visual clue, which helps students who struggle with understanding the rules of inference. Appendix C: Logic and Graduate-Level Admissions Tests 1 for the MindTap Appendix D: Existential Import 1 for the MindTap This article explores the history of existential import in the logic of Aristotle and George Boole. 10‒15 minutes Appendix E: Chapter 6 WellFormed Formulas Supplement 1 for the MindTap This appendix provides a more detailed account of the well-formed formulas topic found in chapter 6 of the textbook. 10‒15 minutes Appendix F: Chapter 7 Rules of Inference Visualization Supplement 1 for the MindTap This document expands briefly on the technique introduced in chapter 7 of the textbook, which uses geometrical shapes in the place of “p” and “q.” 5‒10 minutes MindTap Table of Contents A Concise Introduction to Logic, 13th Edition; Hurley Week Topic/Chapter 1 PART I: Informal Logic Chapter 1: Basic Concepts Sections 1‒3 In-Class Activities Options 2 PART I: Informal Logic Chapter 1: Basic Concepts Sections 4‒6 3 PART I: Informal Logic Chapter 2: Language: Meaning and Definition Sections 1‒5 4 PART I: Informal Logic Chapter 3: Informal Fallacies Sections 1‒3 Assessment/Assignment Opportunities Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Learning Logic Tutorial Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for section 1.4 [2 videos] Learning Logic Tutorial Living Logic Assessment 1 Chapter Review Chapter Practice Test Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Learning Logic Tutorial Living Logic Assessment 2 Chapter Review Chapter Practice Test Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for sections 3.2 & 3.3 Learning Logic Tutorial Week Topic/Chapter 5 PART I: Informal Logic Chapter 3: Informal Fallacies Sections 4‒5 In-Class Activities Options 6 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 4 Categorical Propositions Sections 1‒4 7 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 4 Categorical Propositions Sections 5‒7 8 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 5 Categorical Syllogisms Sections 1‒3 9 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 5 Categorical Syllogisms Sections 4‒7 Assessment/Assignment Opportunities Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for section 5.2; 5.3 [2 videos] Learning Logic Tutorial Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Learning Logic Tutorial Living Logic Assessment 5 Chapter Review Chapter Practice Test Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for section 3.4 Learning Logic Tutorial Living Logic Assessment 3 Chapter Review Chapter Practice Test Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for section 4.4 [4 videos] Learning Logic Tutorial Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for section 4.7 [2 videos] Learning Logic Tutorial Living Logic Assessment 4 Chapter Review Chapter Practice Test Week Topic/Chapter 10 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 6 Propositional Logic Sections 1‒3 In-Class Activities Options 11 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 6 Propositional Logic Sections 4‒6 12 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 7 Natural Deduction in Propositional Logic Sections 1‒4 13 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 7 Natural Deduction in Propositional Logic Sections 4‒7 14 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 8 Predicate Logic Sections 1‒3 Assessment/Assignment Opportunities Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for section 7.3; 7.4 [2 videos] Learning Logic Tutorial Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Learning Logic Tutorial Living Logic Assessment 7 Chapter Review Chapter Practice Test Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Learning Logic Tutorial Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for section 6.1 [2 videos] Learning Logic Tutorial Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Section Video Tutorial (in line, at the end of the section reading): for section 6.5 [5 videos]; 6.6 [4 videos] Learning Logic Tutorial Living Logic Assessment 6 Chapter Review Chapter Practice Test Week Topic/Chapter 15 PART II: Formal Logic Chapter 8 Predicate Logic Sections 4‒7 In-Class Activities Options 16 PART III: Inductive Logic Chapters 9-14 Assessment/Assignment Opportunities Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Learning Logic Tutorial Chapter Review Chapter Practice Test Review the learning objectives for the relevant sections. Use the real-life scenarios and question(s) of the section How Logical Are You? as discussion starters to help engage students. Lecture/Discuss the relevant section material. Go over some of the exercises from the section exercise sets. Exercise sets for the relevant sections. Section Writing Exercise Aplia Assignment Tutorial and Problem Set Learning Logic Tutorial Chapter Review