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Week1 Assignment-PetCamp

Product: PetCamp
Vamsi Krishna Chigurupati
Problem Statement:
PetCamp addresses pressing challenges faced by pet parents, including owners of cats, dogs
and birds through a centralized mobile application (on Android and iOS platforms) as a one
stop destination for all the needs. PetCamp will not be limited to create a marketplace for pet
supplies, and live consultation for their pets, rather aims to create a community of pet parents.
Target Audience Profile:
Various Segments:
Segmentation 1- Pet Parents:
Demographics: Both male and female, aged 25-45 and residing in Tier 1&2 cities.
Characteristics: They are passionate about their pets' well-being and consider them as part of
their family. They are willing to invest time and resources in ensuring the health, happiness,
and proper care of their pets.
Needs and Pain Points: Seek reliable advice and guidance from experts, connect with a
supportive pet community, access a convenient marketplace for pet supplies, and have easy
access to live consultations with veterinarians. They also value personalized recommendations
and recommendations tailored to their pets' specific needs.
Segmentation 2- New Pet Owners:
Demographics: Primarily young adults, aged 18-30 and residing in Tier 1&2 cities.
Characteristics: They have recently adopted a new pet and are navigating the challenges of pet
ownership for the first time. They are eager to learn and seek guidance to provide the best care
for their new pet.
Needs and Pain Points: Require comprehensive information on pet care, health, training, and
nutrition. They need access to expert advice and a supportive community to address their
questions and concerns as they adapt to their new role as pet parents.
Segmentation 3-Busy Professionals:
Demographics: Both male and female, aged 25-45 and residing in Tier 1&2 cities.
Characteristics: They lead busy lives with demanding work schedules and limited time for
extensive research and shopping. They value convenience and efficiency in managing their
pet's needs.
Needs and Pain Points: Seek a centralized platform where they can quickly find reliable
information, order pet supplies conveniently, and schedule live consultations with veterinarians
without disrupting their tight schedules.
Segmentation 4- Experienced Pet Owners:
Demographics: Diverse age range, primarily 30-55.
Characteristics: They have had pets for several years and have accumulated knowledge and
experience in pet care. They are interested in staying updated on the latest trends, products, and
expert advice to enhance the well-being of their pets.
Needs and Pain Points: Desire access to a community of like-minded pet owners to share
experiences and insights. They may require expert advice for specific challenges they
encounter, such as managing aging pets or dealing with behavioral issues.
Immediate Target Audience based on above Segmentation:
1. Pet Parents
2. New Pet Owners
3. Busy Professionals
Experienced Pet Owners segment can be leverage to provide expert guidance by incentivising
them with free subscriptions.
Value Proposition:
PetCamp: Your Pet Parent Companion:
Expert Guidance at Fingertips
Connect with Vibrant Pet Parent Community
Convenient Marketplace for Pet Supplies
Live Consultations for Peace of Mind with Best Veterinarians
Reliable Community Access to Lost and Found Network
Affordable and Accessible Insurance Service
Scheduled Vaccination Reminders