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Basic Numerology Guide: Learn Number Meanings & Interpretations

Capsule of Basic
E Book
By: Yaasshh shah
This Book Is Dedicated to
Dhaaval Naik Sir
(With best Complements)
Chapter 1
Let’s start the Journey of Number 1 to 9. For the comfort of calculation
and fast understanding I will take my Date of birth as example. You can
start with me by taking your example.
My date of Birth
26/08/1993 (Terminology of Chaldean and loshu –grid)
Physic Number: 2+6=8
Destiny Number: 2+6+08+1+9+9+3=38 (11) (2)
Numbers and planets: 0= Space 1= Sun 2=Moon 3=Jupiter 4= Rahu
(Uranus) 5 =Mercury 6= Venus 7= Ketu (Neptune) 8=Saturn 9 = Mars
Primary Months, Days, Dates and colors
No. & Planet
1 Sun
2 Moon
3 Jupiter
4 Rahu
5 Mercury
6 Venus
7 Ketu
8 Saturn
9 Mars
Grey ,Sky
White, Pink
Multi color
Light blue
light brown
Black, Dark
Name Number
Chaldean Table of Alphabets
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
1 1 3 5 3 5 1 5 = 24 (6)
Soul urge Number: The total of vowels Y A A: 1 1 1 =3
Personality Number: The total of consonants S H S H H: 3 5 3 5 5
= (21) 3
Y is considered as vowel If pronounced separately and if not then
consonant. For example the name Sony pronounces like Soni, so here
Y is treated as consonant. But in the case of Name Mary, Y is Vowel
Table of Friends and Enemies
(Mythological concept)
Solomon Number Circle.
This is the seal of 7 points by Solomon
It suggests the flow of energy
From Sun To Moon, Moon to Mars, Mars to Mercury, Mercury to
Jupiter, Jupiter to Venus, Venus to Saturn, Saturn to Sun
This circle also says why Sun and Rahu has same days and so as Moon
and ketu.
Karmic Debt numbers
13,14,16,19, These Numbers are Karmic Numbers. People born on this
numbers have to repay the debt of past karmas so they have to face
difficult times and struggles in their lives. This Concept was initialized by
Maharishi Bhrighu.
Astrology and Numerology (some common points at a glance)
 1 and 8 numbers and Sun –Saturn also considered as enemy.
 Number 1 and 9 and Sun-Mars considered as aggressive planets.
 Numerology and astrology both suggest Number 1 and 2 as Father
and Mother so as Sun and Moon in astrology.
 Number 4 and 8 and shani-Rahu considered as worst combination
of planets in both the studies in general.
 Ketu planet and Number 7 both Suggests Spirituality.
 Planet Venus and Number 6 both suggest Love and Sexuality.
Only for your knowledge
Zodiac table (Sun Transit, Western System)
Zodiac (Rashi)
Gemini, Virgo
Taurus, Libra
Aries, Scorpio
July 23-Aug
June 22-July
Feb 19- Mar
Nov 22-Dec
May 21June 21
Aug 23-Sep
Sep 23- Oct
Jan 20- Feb
Dec 22-Jan
Mar 21April 19
Oct 23- Nov
Chapter 2 : Roles Given To Numbers
& planets
1 Sun
2 Moon
3 Jupiter
4 Rahu
5 Mercury
6 Venus
7 Ketu
8 Saturn
9 Mars
Day to Day Life
Corporate & Business
Business Coach/Mentor
Personal secretary/IT
Advertising and Media
Research and
responsibilities Development
Justice/people Law and
Employees of all level
Corporate Social
(CSR)/Debt Collection
System/Money Flow
Basic Trio of Numbers (Solomon)
 1,4,2,7,8 – Governs Desires of person (Politics)
 9,5 – Governs Health in General( Health and Security)
 3,6 - Necessary for Growth of a Person ( Development and cooperation)
Numbers in Detail
Physic Numbers
Numerology number 1 Planet sun
A king or An enterprenur
Physic number 1 (physical qualities)
1. Person born on date of birth 1,10,19,28 are people born with
physic number 1.
2. They have a very good fitness or they take care of their body like a
good friend. They prefer health as a duty. They are full of energy,
3. Often males of physic number 1 found tall, handsome. They are
less lazy, always ready for physical activity or field work. And
ladies of number 1 are tall, they have very Authoritive voice.
4. They are always looking younger than their age.
5. They are very friendly and always ready to help other person.
6. They have a nice group of friends and they are very popular
among them.
7. They should take care of their Eyes, back pain, spine, and stomach
pain related physical problems. They may face issues related to
heart in worst situations.
Advice: number 1 people should nurture trees, walk in garden and
perform various exercises like suryanamaskar daily.
Numerology number 2 Planet Moon
A queen or A leader
Physic number 2 (physical qualities)
1. Person born on date of birth 2,11,20,29 are people born with
physic number 2.
2. They have very good instincts; they take care of people around
them like a good friend. They prefer Emotions above logic in their
duties also. They are creative and artistic.
3. Often males of physic number 2 found looking handsome with a
nice hair. They are more often lazy; always need a push for new
start or a challenge. And ladies of number 2 as a physic number
has beautiful eyes, nice hair, beautiful look and they have very
soft voice.
4. They are always full of feelings. Their mood changes very often
they are less mature than their age.
5. They are very friendly and always ready to help other person.
6. They have a nice group of friends and they are very popular
among them. They can handle relationships very nicely.
7. They should take care of their throat, cold , cough ,lungs, and
eating habits ( for both physic and destiny number 2)
Advice: number 2 people should walk in moon light and perform
various exercises like chandranamaskar, meditation daily.
Numerology number 3 Planet Jupiter
A Rajguru or Teacher
Physic number 3 (physical qualities)
1. Person born on date of birth 3,12,21,30 are people born with
physic number 3
2. They are food lovers, they like to be social, and they are creative
and artistic.
3. Often males of physic number 3 found looking handsome with a
fat belly. They are enthusiastic; they inspire others by their health
and lifestyle. And ladies of number 3 as a physic number has
beautiful eyes, beautiful look and they have a very nice intellect.
4. They are spiritual. Their sense of good and bad is very nice.
5. They are very friendly and always ready to help other person.
6. They have a nice group of friends and they are very popular
among them. They can handle relationships very nicely.
7. They should take care of their kidney, leaver , stomach and eating
habits ( for both physic and destiny number 3)
Advice: number 3 people should take care of their ego. They should
control their high expectations and always learn to forgive others.
Numerology number 4 Planet Rahu.
Bouncer ,Game changer,Advisor
Driver number 4 (Skills and Attributes)
1. Person born on date of birth 4,13,22,31 are people born with
physic number 4
2. They are disciplined, they like to be on time, and they are very
3. Often males of physic number 4 found looking like an angry man
with a serious nature. They are challenge takers; they inspire
others by their efforts and struggles. And ladies of number 4 as a
physic number looks good and they are very good at their studies.
4. They are spiritual for their materialistic benefits. Their sense of
planning is very good.
5. They are effort oriented person and newer sit without work.
6. They have a limited group of friends but they are very popular
among them. They can handle relationships and communicate
very nicely.
7. They should take care of their stomach problems, addictions and
eating habits.
Advice: number 4 people should take care of their honest nature.
They should use their intellect wisely.
Numerology number 5 Planet mercury
A Prince, chief manager .
Physic number 5 (physical qualities)
1. Person born on date of birth 5,14,23 are people born with physic
number 5
2. They are witty, independent and very intellectual.
3. Often males of physic number 5 found looking handsome with a
jolly nature. They are fun lovers and they make others
comfortable easily by their friendly nature. And ladies of number
5 as a physic number look beautiful and they are very good at
4. They are logical, calculative and always worry about monetary
benefits. Their sense of Management is very good.
5. They are very talkative and can’t sit silent for long-time even at
their work place.
6. They have a large group of friends but they are very popular
among them. They can communicate very nicely.
7. They should take care of their stomach problems, and mental
Advice: number 5 people should take care of their spending habits.
Numerology number 6 Planet venues
A Master of style and art .
Physic number 6 (physical qualities)
1. Person born on date of birth 6,15,24 are people born with physic
number 6
2. They are stylish, smart, artistic and soft hearted.
3. Often males of physic number 6 found looking handsome with a
fair look. They are sexy, luxury lovers and they attract other
person easily by their attractive looks. And ladies of number 6 as a
physic number look beautiful and they are very sexy and stylish.
4. They always worry about comfort of family and their benefits.
Their sense of art, acting and direction is very good.
5. They work very heart fully and are honest at their work place.
6. They have a large group of friends, they are leading among them.
7. They should take care of their eating habits sexual health, and
mental health.
Advice: number 6 people should take care of their spending habits.
Numerology number 7 Planet ketu.
A Master of spirituality and facts.
Physic number 7 (physical qualities)
1. Person born on date of birth 7,16,25 are people born with physic
number 7
2. They are logical, practical, spiritual and soft hearted.
3. Often males of physic number7 found looking handsome with a
fair look. They are sexy, people lovers and they attract other
person easily by their knowledge and communication. And ladies
of number 7 as a physic number look beautiful and they are very
healthy and Morden.
4. They always curious about knowledge. Their sense of art,
creativity and sensuality is very good.
5. They work very heart fully and are honest at their work place.
6. They have a large group of friends, they are leading among them.
7. They should take care of their eating habits skin health, and
physical health.
Advice: number 7 people should take care of their skin and allergy
issues. They are very sensitive and short tampered sometimes, so
they should behave politely with others.
Numerology number 8 Planet Saturn.
A justice authority.
Physic number 8 (physical qualities)
1. Person born on date of birth 8,17,26 are people born with physic
number 8
2. They are logical, practical, honest and soft hearted.
3. Often males of physic number 8 found looking handsome with a
dark look. They are sexy, people lovers and they attract other
person easily by their knowledge and character. And ladies of
number 8 as a physic number look beautiful and they are very
effort oriented...
4. They always fond of knowledge. Their sense of art, creativity and
sexuality is very good.
5. They prefer values, ethics, and lawful practices and are honest in
their life.
6. They have limited friends, but they do friendship for lifetime.
7. They should take care of their eating habits mental health, and
physical health.
8. They are very good friend and care taker of opposite sex.
Advice: number 8 people should take care of their anxiety; they
should also take care of gastric problems.
Numerology number 9 Planet Mars.
A worrier, player of life.
Physic number 9 (physical qualities)
1. Person born on date of birth 9,18,27 are people born with physic
number 9
2. They are humanitarian, health conscious, honest and soft hearted.
3. Often males of physic number 9 found looking macho man with a
handsome look. They are sexy, people lovers and they attract
other person easily by their nature. And ladies of number 9 as a
physic number look beautiful and they are angry and anxious
about many things
4. They always fond of outdoor games. Their sense of art, game and
war are very nice.
5. They prefer values, ethics, and lawful practices and are honest in
their life. They are energetic and enthusiastic regarding physical
6. They have limited friends, but they do friendship for lifetime.
7. They should take care of their eating habits mental health, and
physical health.
Advice: number 9 people should take care of their injury issues. They
should also take care of tamper.
Destiny Numbers
Destiny Number 1(Luck related qualities)
1. Person with destiny number 1 always do efforts and struggles
for being at higher positions. They don’t like to work under
people. They are Authoritive and generous in nature. They are
learned also.
2. They have leadership qualities, they can do planning and
Management very well.
3. They are newer lazy and motivates and nurture the people
around them very well. They can work very well with their own
4. They can do their own business and often seen in government
jobs also.
5. Once in a lifetime they achieve higher position and respect in
society for sure.
6. They always find some or other work. They are self dependent
person. They are good entrepreneurs
7. They like to cock their own food. And prepare very nice food.
8. They are spiritual, kind and always ready to help with kindness.
They support Nobel causes of society and lead social
organizations also.
Advice: number 1 people should respect their team members
and subordinates. Should control their Ego and Anger.
Destiny Number 2(Luck related qualities)
1. Person with destiny number 2 always do efforts and struggles
for career and health. They like to work under great people.
They don’t like quarrels. They are diplomatic in nature. They
are supportive.
2. They have leadership qualities; they can do nice work with
team and Management. They are very nice employees as well
as professionals.
3. They sometimes feel lack of energy in life, needs motivation
and support of mature people. They can work very well with
their own terms and stress free environment.
4. They can do freelancing and often seen in the field of HR.
5. Once in a lifetime they achieve satisfaction of helping and
contributing their share to society, country and nature for sure.
6. They should select nice and generous people to be with. Take
care about quality of people around them.
7. They like to learn new skills. They are nice communicator.
8. They are kind and always ready to help with kindness.
9. They suffer ups and downs in the financial matters till the age
of 32. They should learn to manage their money well.
10. They are intuitive and likes to be in the profession of
healing, wellness, spirituality, consulting.
Advice: number 2 people should try to generate inner peace
and light hearted environment around them. Otherwise they
will feel sad and depressed very quickly.
Destiny Number 3(Luck related qualities)
1. Person with destiny number 3 always do efforts and struggles
for high position. They like to work with learned people. They
like to solve quarrels. They are intellectual and clever in nature.
They are supportive.
2. They have leadership qualities; they can do nice work in
trainings and teaching field. They are very nice mentors as well
as coaches.
3. They sometimes feel yogic energy in their life, gives motivation
and support to needy people. They can work very well with
their own terms and stress free environment.
4. They can do freelancing and often seen in the field of training
and development.
5. They have tendencies to achieve satisfaction by sharing
knowledge and contributing their share to society, country and
6. They are nice and generous people to be with. Take care about
quality of people around them. They are futuristic and
7. They like to learn new skills. They are nice communicator.
8. They are very clever adviser
9. They should learn to manage their money well.
10. They are very nice life partners
Advice: Number 3 people should learn to give more. They
should control their excessive greed and envy.
Destiny Number 4(Luck related qualities)
1. Person with destiny number 4 always do efforts and struggles
for luxury life. They like to work with any person. They like to
solve quarrels. They are intellectual and clever in nature. They
are wise and sometimes can take a benefit from other person.
2. They have leadership qualities; they can do nice work in sales
and marketing. They are very nice actors and Directors.
3. They are interested in mystical powers and occult sciences.
4. They can do freelancing and often seen in the field of
communication and advertising.
5. They directly help society, country and nature through their
skills, knowledge or physical strength.
6. They are nice and generous people to be with. They don’t take
care about quality of people around them. They are
determined but sometimes lose their self confidence. They like
to learn new skills.
7. They are very clever adviser regarding financial matters.
8. They manage their money well and be wealthy after the age of
9. They prefer love marriage and beautiful life partner.
Advice: Number 4 people should use their social and
professional contacts wisely. They should invest in short term
gains after calculating the risk.
Destiny Number 5(Luck related qualities)
1. Person with destiny number 5 always do efforts and struggles
for financial growth. They like to work with independence.
They like to share jokes. They are intellectual and clever in
nature. They are wise and sometimes can take a benefit from
other person and they are little selfish also.
2. They have nice convincing skills; they can do nice work in sales
and marketing.
3. They are materialistic and always balanced in nature
4. They can do freelancing and often seen in the field of
communication and advertising.
5. They can directly help society, country and nature through
their skills, knowledge.
6. They are nice and generous people to be with. They are also
artistic and romantic. They lose their selves in love
relationships. They like to learn new skills.
7. They are very clever adviser regarding financial matters.
8. They manage their money well and be wealthy after the age of
9. They prefer love marriage and beautiful life partner.
Advice: Number 5 people should take care of their selfish
nature. Be open hearted and kind.
Destiny Number 6(Luck related qualities)
Person with destiny number 6 always do efforts and struggles for
respect full high position. They like to work with independence. They
like to share events and incidents. They are sensual and open minded in
nature. They are money minded and can do friendship with unknown
person very fast.
1. They have nice artistic skills; they can do nice work in films,
advertising, and media.
2. They are materialistic and always performance conscious in
3. They can do freelancing and often seen in the field of luxury
4. They can help society, country and nature through their skills,
job or work.
5. They are nice and generous people to be with. They are also
artistic and romantic. They lose their selves in sexual
relationships. They have growth oriented mindset.
6. They are very clever adviser regarding romance and
relationship of marriage.
7. They achieve small or big name or fame
8. They prefer love marriage and beautiful life partner.
Advice: Number 6 people should donate more, and take care
of their high ambition with the way of achieving success.
Destiny Number 7(Luck related qualities)
Person with destiny number 7 always do efforts and struggles for
respect full high position. They like to work with independence. They
like to share events and incidents. They are sensual and open minded in
nature. They are money minded and can do friendship with unknown
person very fast.
1. They have nice artistic skills; they can do nice work in films,
advertising, and media but never be popular so much in acting
2. They are spiritual and always performance conscious in nature
3. They can do freelancing and often seen in the field of creativity.
4. They can help society, country and nature through their skills,
job or work.
5. They are nice and generous people to be with. They are also
artistic and romantic. They are very Morden in love
relationships. They have growth oriented mindset. They are
spiritual in material world, and material in spiritual world.
6. They are very clever adviser regarding religious matters.
7. They achieve small or big name or fame
8. They prefer love marriage and beautiful life partner.
Advice: Number 7 people should donate more, and take care
of their relationships with other people.
Destiny Number 8(Luck related qualities)
Person with destiny number 8 always do efforts and struggles for
material success. They like to work with govt authorities and law. They
like to give advices based on practical facts. They are sensual and open
minded in nature. They are people friendly.
1. They have a nice quality to cope up with difficult times. They
are often misunderstood but they are hero for all.
2. They are concerned and always effort conscious in nature
3. They can do freelancing and often seen in the fields of govt and
4. They can help society, country and nature through their skills
and profession...
5. They are nice and generous people to be with. They are also
artistic and romantic. They are very Morden in love
relationships. They have growth oriented mindset. They feel
stressed out when they struggle for justice.
6. They are very clever adviser regarding right or wrong.
7. They achieve big name or fame in their life if they work for
whole existence. They face delays and struggles and get
richness of experience.
Advice: Number 8 people should donate more, and take care of their
Destiny Number 9(Luck related qualities)
Person with destiny number 9 always do efforts and struggles for
family, society and country. They gain respect from govt authorities and
people. They like to give advices based on practical facts. They are
sensual and open minded in nature. They are people friendly.
1. They have a nice quality to cope up with difficult times. They
are often misunderstood but they are hero for all.
2. They are concerned and always effort conscious in nature.
3. They can join army, often seen in the fields of nation building,
govt, sports politics, Media, Education and social awareness.
4. They can help society, country and nature through their skills
and efforts. They are often seen as the president of social
5. They are nice and generous people to be with. They are also
artistic and romantic. They are very Morden in love
relationships. They have growth oriented mindset. They feel
nature and people as a family
6. They are very clever adviser regarding right or wrong.
7. They achieve big name or fame in their life if they work for
8. They are very good friend and care taker of opposite sex
Advice: Number 9 people should donate more, and take care
of their anger, blood pressure. They should always use their
contacts, Power and capacity wisely.
Keep in Mind For Prediction
 In Numerrologgy everything is converted in to numbers and
its total.
 Consider Time of questioning also as number
 Consider Season, Country and Person also for prediction
 Consider elements and directions also when doing Vastu or
energy mapping of any person.
 Consider current condition for Past analysis.
Sun Eclipse
Moon Eclipse
Numerology more works on personality and character of a person.
It suggests more about person’s behaviour and Life style pattern.
Influence of Numbers in life
(1) Biology – Health Of a person And His/Her Influence
(2) Neurology –Mindset Of a person (3) Cosmology – Aura of a person,
Subconscious Mind, Time and space possessed by existence of a
Master Numbers Theory Capsule
11, 22, 33 Considered as Master Number. In today’s changing World
there are requirement of persons who have some extra ordinary or
extended qualities which can help entire Existence. So person born on
11, 22 and if the total of DOB comes to 11, 22, 33 we will consider it as
a master number. We will not convert it into the single digit in some
cases like telling about the personality, career, and marriage. In fact
we will consider 2, 4, and 6 also with master number.
Some of the attributes about Master number
They Confident, Caring, spiritual, Needs support for growth, Born for
Justice and leadership, Requires peaceful environment, Good people
around them. They possess people and humanity Oriented nature.
Become Good consultant, counsellor, Healer, Advisor knowledgeable
and wealthy person. Successful Professionals in Fields they Work.
They receive deep love, care and sacrifices from opposite sex. They
can win any condition if they are healthy and emotionally stable. They
are sexy, passionate and Achieve Massive Growth after Marriage.
Earn respect, care, also Mercy and help of people in worst phase of
their life.
They are Effort oriented, but Smart Workers. They Needs care and
support from family. They are Intellectual, Materialistic and very good
communicator. They are ambitious, selfish and they have mindset of
big dreamer big achiever. They struggle a lot for wealth and luxurious
life and get it for sure. They are Good business Person
They are Artistic, Joyful, Creative and witty. They are Brands and
luxury Lovers. They Loves beautiful and intellectual people. They are
food lovers and lazy. They have true sense of planning their wealth
and they are kind hearted.
Some Points about Numbers In General
1,3,9,4,5,7,8 – Male Numbers
2, 6 - Female Numbers
4, 8 – Practical Approach
2, 3 – Emotional Approach
1, 5, 7 – Logical, Calculative and practical Approach
6, 11, 22 – Artistic, Sensual, Seductive And loving Approach
33- Creative, Playful and Joyful approach
1, 2, 3, 6, 9 – Donor Numbers
4, 5, 7, 8 – First Receiver then Giver Numbers
Aggressive numbers 1, 4, and 9
Intellectual Number: 3,5,8,4
Diplomatic Numbers 2, 11, 33
Dynamic Numbers: 2,
Relationship oriented: 2,6,5
Dull in First half of life : 7,11,8
Spiritual numbers: 2,7,3
Dull in later part of life 9,6,2,1
Chapter 3
Remedial Measures
Gemstones Grains and Metal
Gomed /
Boiled Rice
Chanaa Daal
Wood/Five Metal Black Sesame
Mercury(Hg)/Gold, Munga/Sprouts
silver Mix
Cat Eye stone
White Sesame
Blue Sapphire
Black Adad
Red coral
Lentils( Masoor
Follow these tips for better results
 You can wear Rings and Bracelets of Metals to improve the
frequency of numbers.
 You can Donate Perticuler grains to reduce negative effect
of numbers on perticuler days of week.
 Wear Gemstones According to advice of expert Gemologist
or Numerologist
Remedies of Numbers
Part 1
Remedies which all can perform (Harmless Ways)
Number 1 :
Donate food, cloths and water to poor on every Sunday.
Number 2 :
Go for a walk at least on a full moon Night. You can do walk at night
daily also.
Number 3 :
Drink saffron added milk on every Thursday, you can use turmeric
powder also.
Number 4 :
Keep your place clean, organized and drink coconut water at least on
Number : 5
Plant More and More trees. Go to garden on Wednesday specially.
Number 6 : Do vajrasana everyday, Grow plants of flowers and apply
perfume everyday.
Number 7 : Spend some time with family and donate water specially
in summer days.
Number 8 : Respect your servants and always apply honesty. Help to
Number 9 : Do Exercise regularly and Donate blood if your health
permits. You can donate to army welfare funds.
Remedies for Common Problems
 Studies: Study Facing East direction early in the Morning. And
Wear White colour while studying Important Notes. Wear
Yellow Thread on right hand. And follow advices of teacher.
 Marriage: Bath adding one spoon turmeric powder in water
daily starting from Thursday. And offer yellow sweets to small
poor kids on Sunday. Help any handicap or needy person in any
 Job: Feed birds daily. Wake up early in the Morning Before
sunrise, see the rising sun and count your money, Work on your
knowledge, Personality and Try hard for best results. Eat
oranges and Keep yourself Healthy and Charismatic.
 Money Flow: Tied Red Yellow thread (Kalawa or naadachadi)
With 3 Small bells on your front door. The more the bell will ring
chances of Money flow are great. Keep Peacock feather and 1
Rs. 25 Paisa coin in your Wallet. Donate Small amount of your
Income to Needy person.
 Luck Rise: Feed Poor people at least on every Sunday. Serve your
Parents and Grandparents in anyways you can. Read Books
 Relationship: Work on Your own Attitude. Give reaction with
humanity. When there is Love, There is No Problem. Kiss or Hug
your partner or parents Everyday Weather you are 60 Years old.
The Small Poem:
Love is the Game of Tic Tec Too,
Constantly Waiting For Next X or O
(X is Hug, O is Kiss)- By Lang Liv
 Health: Walk on Green Grass, Take care of your Lifestyle and
Pattern of eating. Exercise According to your nature and
condition. Laugh more and behave patiently.
 Evil Eye: Keep a bundle of Peacock Feather with you. Tell
someone to move it 7 times around yourself. Don’t throw the
Peacock Feather. You can clean it with cotton cloth for reuse.
Wear Purple and Sky Blue Colour More if you face evil eye
problem regularly. Wear Black obsidian Bracelet (Sulemani Hakik)
for Black Magic Remedy.
 Happiness: Donate yellow sweets to poor small girls. Plan families
get together. Go to library, gift books and chocolates to your near
and dear.
 Pregnancy: Keep Two Big red balls of Light on South direction of
your bedroom and picture of Love birds without water near your
bed. You can also keep two elephants picture looking at each
other in your bedroom. ( Fangsui Remedies)
Professional & Personal Ethics for use of Numerrologgy
 Use of Numerrologgy is for Betterment of the life of people,
country and world.
 It should be done with Good intention of Growth and Prosperity
for Others.
 Some Kind of Energy Exchange Is Must.
 You should be guide of a person who is passing through difficult
times and should avoid any kind of Manipulation with Client.
 Try to give Hope and advance Advise with kind and Joyful Heart
for the Happiness of client.
 Your responsibility is to clear doubts of clients with scientific
Loshu Grid Basics
Story behind loshu Grid
Many Years before King WO of China was worried about the natural
disaster, rain and flood bothering his kingdom. He approached a saint
named Loshu to praise GOD and derive out the solution of water
disaster. Saint loshu prayed to GOD for many years and one day, He
saw a tortoise on the river water. He saw some points on the shell of
tortoise and counts it as a number. He made one grid out of it and
named it as a Prosperity 15 Grid, because the total of every side of the
Grid was 15. After the preparation of Grid water disaster stopped.
King WO was so happy that he named that Grid as Loshu Grid.
Then Old saints of China Including Confucius or Master Kong
developed Many Theories out of this Grid Like The eight Trigram Pa
Kua Method, Fangsui Vastu Method, Yinn and Yang Theory And lot
more researches are going on till now and ahead….
Loshu Grid is the form of Laxmi yantra and surya yantra of India.
We can compare this with today’s Machines or Robots. These yantra
are also used for Health and wealth in many parts of India even today.
4= Wealth, Intellectuality, Memory, Higher studies , Focus, Cash flow,
Politics, Hygiene, Sales, Mystical Magical Practices, Share Market and
Struggles Of Money. It suggests Health of Brain and Thoughts. SouthEast direction and Brown colour, Wood element
9= Fame, Power, Food supply, Anger, Health of Head and stomach, Risk,
Boldness, Speed with accuracy, Vehicles, Immunity, Strong State of
Body. It also denotes Plays, exercise, Patriotism and security, Humanity,
South Direction and Red colour, Fire element
2= It suggests Emotional Balance, Relationship, Peace and diplomacy,
Health of mind, Flow of water, Taste of food, Health of Mother,
Marriage Possibilities, Calm and Supportive Nature, Ups and Downs of
life. South – West Direction and Pink colour, Earth element
3= It suggests Knowledge, Wisdom, Health, Relationship with Family,
Ancessostors, Health of Internal Organs like lever, kidney, Lungs,
Professional Growth , Power of brains, spirituality, Help from others,
Social Reputation and bonding with others, Growth and Progress.
East direction and Yellow colour, Wood element
5 = It suggests Stability, Good Fortune, Connectivity with Finance, Joy,
Relationship, Mental Peace and Health, Balanced Approach in life. It
Suggests Success in Love Life, Business, and Flow of Income, Humor,
Wisdom and Female Child.
Center of the home, Green colour, Earth element
7= It suggest Creativity, Male Child, Behavior of Parents and
Relationship with Children, Spirituality, Intuition, Occult Sciences, Gold,
Business Success, Satisfaction of Life Partner in Day to day life. We can
see about Connectivity of a person with Time, Space and Aura, Dreams,
Confusions, Dissatisfaction, Action, Rapid Implementation.
South-West Direction, Light blue, Metal Element.
8= It Suggest Materialism, Efforts, Struggles, Richness, Money
Transaction, Status, High Power Authority of Justice, Fair and Honest
practices, Indiscrimination, Non violence , Helping Nature, Give and
take Relationship, Beauty Attraction.
North-East Direction, Dark Blue, Earth Element
1= It suggest about Individuals, Career Health, Self Confidence,
Communication Skills, Self
esteem,Honour,Respect,Leadership,Studies,Followers,Moral principals.
North Direction, Orange colour, Water Element
6= It suggests Foreign Travels, Support from Friends, Marriage,
Sexuality, Love affairs, Consultancy Services, Art and culture, Spouse,
Policy, Financial freedom, Stress free Environment.
North-West Direction, White colour , Metal Element
8 Planes of Loshu Grid
4, 9, 2 –Mental Plane
3, 5, 7 – Emotional Plane
8, 1, 6 – Practical Plane
4, 3, 8 – Thought Plane
9, 5, 1- Will Plane
2, 7, 6 - Action Plane
4, 5, 6 – Golden Plane (Fulfillment Yoga)
2, 5, 8 – Silver Plane (Property Yoga)
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