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Physics Rigid Body Colliders Lab Experiment Report

Name: Yajus Kishor
Reg No: 20BAI1318
CSE4044 - AR/VR
Lab Experiment 2
Physics, Rigid Body and Colliders
Rigid Body
The scene is established with 4 distinct objects: A sphere, a cylinder, a cube and plane
underneath them. The objective is to apply physics to these objects and observe how they
interact in a simulated environment.
The above pictures show how to add rigid body physics to an object in Unity. This procedure is
applied to all the objects in the scene. Toggle Use Gravity on all the Rigid Body properties
except the Plane object, since it acts as the base for all the objects.
Add a new Physic Material to the Assets of the project. Apply the Physic Material to all the
materials. Now the objects all have collision enabled on them.
Optional: To apply a bouncy property to the objects, create a new Physic Material with a
positive Bounciness value between 0 and 1, and apply that to the desired object.
Thus we have applied the collision properties to game objects and observed how they would
interact in a simulated environment.