Free will is a fundamental problem of philosophy that have been arguing for centuries. Should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee. (Albert Camus) Well, that’s basically the definition of free will. Even though they are really different from each other, they have the same value when it comes to having free will. Having ultimate freedom on choosing what you do. That can be cruel sometimes because you have to accept the consequences of every decision you do and some people choose to believe that a greater force is determined their fate for them. Considering this we can say there is basically 2 thoughts about free will. Determinism an indeterminism. Of course we have some subheads for them like predeterminism, fatalism, theological determinism etc. So which one is true? Well we can’t really know that but philosophers have some opinions about it. Philosophers like Plato, Thomas Hobbes, Robert Hume, Leibniz and Hegel are the ones that defends indeterminism. For example Hegel says that freedom of will is achieved by spiritual progress which raises the awareness of humankind. Even though these thoughts about human is subjective. We know that physical events has deterministic nature. Because water always boils exactly in 100 C° and we know exactly how many calories we have to give to water in order to rise its temperature from 0 C° to 100 C°. You do this and that happen basic causality. Well not everything is like this. Until quantum physics has been developed all of the classical physics were deterministic but after Einstein’s Relativity Theory has published quantum mechanics showed up. It gave us a great understanding of the particules that forms our planet. But when we go further in quantum physics some parts of it doesn’t really match with our common sense. Like Schrödinger’s cat or double slit experiment. And we saw that quantum physics is not deterministic like classical physics. We saw that it has probabilistic nature. Some scientist who have more conservative thought about physics like Einstein strongly disagreed that proposition. And he said: “God does not play dice.” About this topic. Nowadays the technology had advanced thus we know that quantum physics is indeed probabilistic nature not only with theoretical way we proof it with experiment as well. At the end moral of the story is people are free to what they believe. And scientist shouldn’t be district about their theories and enjoy a cup of coffee.