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English Vocabulary & Grammar Worksheet: Describing People

Ćwiczenia utrwalające- człowiek
I Wybierz właściwy wyraz
take off/take away
I would like to
your boots. It’s very dirty here because we are doing up the kitchen.
try out/try on
this dress. Where is the changing room?
I’m afraid on/of spiders and mice.
This jacket doesn’t suit/fit you. It’s too small.
My brother has a sense/sensation of humour. He is very funny.
I’ll keep my fingers cross/crossed tomorrow. Good luck!
I’m always on/for time.
He is a pretty/good-looking
young man.
She is a handsome/beautiful girl.
Peter is in his thirty/thirties.
Bye/ hi for now.
Please/pleased to meet you.
I’ve be/been better.
Eve’s hair/ Eve hair is curly.
I don’t get on /out well with my younger brother.
Would you like to hang off/out on Saturday?
I’m meeting on/up with Max tomorrow. Would you like to join us?
I came first at a music competition and my parents were proud/nervous.
Let’s go on/out on Saturday evening.
My parents are really exciting/excited.
We one/first met in the school canteen.
We are both/two interested in music and helping animals.
II Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach.
Peter is _______________(bierze ślub) next week.
You’ll make new friends _________(wkrótce).
I _________(wolę) reading books _______(niż) watching films.
I’m taller _______(niż) my sister.
Do you enjoy _________(robić zdjęcia)?
I’m ________(dobry w) swimming and dancing.
I’m a _________(ochotnik/wolontariusz) in local soup kitchen.
I’m ___________(uwielbiam) board games.
_________( ile lat ma) your brother?
He is always very ___________(pomocny) and ___________(radosny).
She seems ________(pewna siebie) and ________________(rzetelna).
We are both fond of using ______________(serwisy społecznościowe).
I _________(ubrałam) a dress and he wore a suit.
Do you have to wear a ______________(mundurek)?
Don’t forget a___________(plecak) and a _________(portfel).
_________________(gratulacje z powodu) getting your licence!
I was __________(zadowolona) with my exam results.
The __________(przyjęcie) was lovely.
I’m going to my ____________(bal maturalny) tomorrow. I’m so excited!
My collegues gave me a beautiful ______________________(prezent pożegnalny).
She is very ______(szczupła) and __________(ma) wavy, brown hair.
What’s your ___________(drugie imię)?