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TLE 10 Cookery Test: Stocks, Soups, Sauces, Poultry

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully and ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a flavorful liquid prepared by simmering meaty bones from meat or poultry, seafood and/or vegetables in
water with aromatics until their flavor, aroma, color and body, and nutritive value are extracted.
A. soup
B. sauce
C. stocks
D. extract
2. It is a classification of stocks made from bones of chicken.
A. fish stock
B. white stock
C. chicken stock
D. vegetable stock
3. This is the main ingredient of any stock, except from vegetable stock.
A. bones
B. mirepoix
C. acid products
D. seasonings and spices
4. Which of the following ingredients is responsible for extracting the flavor and body from bones?
A. bones
B. mirepoix
C. acid products
D. seasonings and spices
5. How are the bones in brown stock being prepared?
A. washed and boiled B. washed and roasted C. washed and blanched D. parboiled and steamed
6. Which of the following terms mean “Foundation of Cooking”?
A. mirepoix
B. al dente
C. mise-en-place
D. fonds de cuisine
7. If you were to prepare Tinola, which is the best stock to use?
A. fish stock
B. white stock
C. chicken stock
D. vegetable stock
8. Which of the following is the right ratio for a mirepoix?
A. 2 parts onion, 1 part celery, and 1 part carrot
C. 2 parts onion, 2 parts celery, and 1 part carrot
B. 1 part onion, 2 parts celery, and 1 part carrot
D. 1 part onion, 1 part celery, and 2 parts carrot
9. These are based on stocks added with other ingredients for variety of flavor,
consistency, appearance, and aroma.
A. soups
B. stocks
C. sauces
D. main dish
10. A classification of soup which refers to the soups which are based on a clear, un thickened broth or stocks.
A. consommé
B. clear soups
C. thick soups
D. velouté soups
11. The cold soup from Spain.
A. Chowder
B. Gazpacho
C. Vichyssoise
D. Ginataang bilo-bilo
12. Which of the ingredients is responsible for the consistency of thick soups?
A. milk
B. starch
C. thickening agent D. seasonings and spices
13. A good quality consommé is crystal clear. This can be achieved by clarifying using __.
A. egg yolk
B. egg whites
C. china cup
D. cheesecloth
14. How do you describe bouillon?
A. This is similar to stock but is served as is and is made with fish trimmings.
B. It is the French term for broth and is used to describe a soup made from eggs.
C. Bouillon is used to describe broth that has been dehydrated into powder/cube.
D. It is made by combining lean chopped meat, egg whites, mirepoix, herbs and spices.
15. How is broth different from stock?
A. Broth can be served as is while stock is added to certain dishes.
B. Broth is made from meat while stock is made by simmered meaty bones.
C. Broth is richer and has a more defined flavor than the stock because of meat.
D. All of the above
16. Among the classification of food, soups can be a starter food, main dish, and dessert.
A. True, because it has variety of flavor, consistency, and body.
B. False, because it could only be served as a starter food served after the appetizer.
C. True, because its varied ingredients can stimulate the appetite, make the guests
full when served as hearty, and even served as desserts when it tastes sweet.
D. False, because soups, both clear and thick, can only traditionally served as
savory and is never sweet in taste.
17. It is a mother sauce made from milk thickened with white roux.
A. Velouté sauce
B. Tomato or Marinara
C. Béchamel sauce D. Hollandaise sauce
18. It is made from white stock thickened with blonde roux.
A. Velouté sauce
B. Tomato or Marinara
C. Béchamel sauce D. Hollandaise sauce
19. It is also known as Brown Sauce
A. Velouté
B. Marinara
C. Espagnole
D. Hollandaise
20. The following are types of thickening agents EXCEPT _____.
A. Roux
B. Whitewash
C. Egg whites
D. Cornstarch slurry
21. It is a miniature utensil used with an open salt cellar for individual service.
A. Tray
B. Salt spoon
C. Condiments
D. Carving knife
22. What is the distinguishing characteristics of mother sauces?
A. Mother sauces originated from France.
B. They are set of sauces made by an executive chef in a kitchen.
C. They have varied tastes and appearance suitable for different dishes.
D. Mother sauces are the head of what seems to be a family of sauces derived from
them which are called secondary sauces.
23. You are asked to critique a plating design which features a variety of sauces, which
will you value the most?
A. Appearance, because we eat with our eyes first and the sauce should also use as a functional garnish.
B. Aroma, because it is vital that our dishes have appetizing smell, but the sauce should not overpower
the aroma of the main dish.
C. Taste, because any dish must be flavorfully satisfying and creates wonderful experience to the guest
whenever he/she consumes the food.
D. All of the above
24. If you are going to develop a sauce that well accompany a chicken dish cooked through dry heat, which of
the following mother sauces will you choose as base for your recipe considering that it should not be complex
yet very palatable?
A. Velouté
B. Béchamel
C. Espagnole
D. Hollandaise
25. This process takes place when the sauces reduce as they are cooked because the moisture is released in
the form of steam.
A. Straining
B. Deglazing
C. Reduction
D. Monter Au Beurre
26. Which of the following poultry originated from China and is noted for its tender and flavorful meat?
A. chicken
B. goose
C. itik
D. Peking Duck
27. The soup you prepared become too thick after being stored. How will you solve this problem?
A. I will thaw the soup in a large shallow pan and reheat it for about an hour.
B. I will thaw the soup in the chiller and/or submerge the container in water, then
reconstitute it by adding little water as I reheat at low temperature.
C. Without thawing, I will immediately put the sauce in the stock pot and reheat it
over medium to high heat while continuously stirring using a whisk.
D. Using a microwave oven, I will reheat the sauce for about a minute then take it
out to stir until it become pulpy. After doing it for three times, I will cook it over very low heat.
28. It refers to several kinds of fowl that are domesticated and used as food. It includes chicken, turkey, duck,
pigeon, and quail.
A. Game
B. Birds
C. Poultry
D. Broilers
29. A stag is a male chicken, usually under ___________ of age, with coarse skin and with somewhat
toughened and darkened flesh.
A. 4 months
B. 6 months
C. 8 months
D. 10 months
30. These are slaughtered birds that have been bled and defeathered.
A. Poultry parts
B. Ready-to-Cook
C. Whole Poultry
D. Dressed Poultry
31. Which of the following should be bought as healthy, alert, and well-feathered?
A. Live Poultry
B. Ready-to-Cook
C. Whole Poultry
D. Dressed Poultry
32. How do we define a whole chicken leg?
A. The first section between the shoulder and the elbow.
B. An all-white meat portion composed of three sections: drumette, mid-section, and the tip.
C. It is the drumstick-thigh combination which differs from the leg quarter as it
does not contain a portion of the back.
D. The bird is split from front to back through the backbone and keel to produce
2 halves of approximately equal weight.
33. Identify the poultry cut made from this: breast halves with ribs and back portion, wings, thighs with back
portion, and drumsticks.
A. Split Breast
B. 8-Piece Cut
C. Whole Chicken
D. Boneless, Skinless Cuts
34. Which of the following is not a characteristics of a good quality Live Poultry?
A. It has clear eyes.
B. A young chicken has fine and soft feet. If it is old, the feet are thick and scaly.
C. The bone at the tip of the breast is soft in younger chicken and thick in older one.
D. They are free from pin feathers and show no cuts, scars or missing skin with moderate fat
35. How will you differentiate drumettes from drumsticks?
A. Drumettes are a lot bigger than the drumsticks.
B. Drumettes are dark meat while the drumsticks are white meat.
C. Drumettes includes a portion of the back while drumsticks do not.
D. Drumettes are the portion between the shoulder and the elbow while the
drumsticks include the lower portion of the leg.
36. Select the most appropriate poultry cut for a chicken fillet.
A. Thighs
B. Giblets
C. Boneless, Skinless thigh
D. Boneless, Skinless breast
37. If you are going to roast poultry for a special occasion, which of the following will you choose to develop a
wonderful recipe?
A. Hen
B. Fryer
C. Roaster
D. Jumbo Broiler
38. Method of cooking which includes frying, baking, sauteing, and grilling.
A. Mise-En-Place B. Dry Heat Cooking C. Moist Heat Cooking D. Combination Method of Cooking
39. In cooking poultry, it is important to follow safe and hygienic practices to avoid foodborne illnesses. The
following are practices which needs to be observed EXCEPT ___.
A. Avoid drinking raw and unpasteurized dairy and juice products.
B. Wash your hands often with warm soapy water for at least 10 seconds.
C. Cook foods to a safe internal temperature to avoid undercooking and reduce
foodborne illness risk.
D. Keep foods out of the temperature danger zone of 40–140°F by thawing frozen
food safely in the refrigerator and refrigerating foods within 2 hours of cooking.
40. Which of the following is not a symptom of salmonella infection?
A. Fever
B. Diarrhea
C. Vomiting
D. Stomach Cramp
41. The following are Moist Heat cooking techniques EXCEPT _____.
A. Boiling
B. Steaming
C. Simmering
D. Deep Frying
42. Which is vital in implementing safe and hygienic practices in preparing poultry dish?
A. Handwashing
B. Thoroughly cleaning
C. Proper separating and storing
D. All of the
43. It is the standard amount of food recommended for consumption.
A. Serving Size
B. Portion Size
C. Nutritional Facts
D. Daily Dietary Needs
44. The plating design includes a roasted chicken breast, mashed potato, and buttered vegetables. Identify its
presentation layout.
A. Symmetric Balance
B. Asymmetric Balance C. Traditional Presentation D. Non-Traditional
45. Interpret the following layout:
A. Symmetric Balance B. Asymmetric Balance C. Traditional Presentation D. Non-Traditional Presentation
46. Freezing ___________ kill bacteria, it just makes them ___________.
A. does, frozen
B. doesn’t, cold
C. immediately, cold
D. may, fall in a stagnant
47. What is the correct storage time for whole chicken and turkey if kept in the freezer?
A. 1-2 days
B. 4-5 days
C. 9 months
D. 12 months
48. Which of the following best explains how to properly thaw poultry?
A. Unwrap the poultry as quickly as possible and wipe off with a damp cloth.
B. Cook as quickly as possible while covered to prevent drying then, thaw in
the chiller.
C. Lightly covered with waxed paper, place in shallow utensils and store in a cold
part of the refrigerator near the freezing unit or ice.
D. Thaw slowly inside the refrigerator to give tissues a better chance to rehydrate
for about 12 to 24 hours or place it under running tap water for ½ to 1 hour in their original wrap.
49. The following are the basics for handling food safely EXCEPT ______.
A. Shopping
B. Preparation
C. Refreezing
D. Organic Breeding
50. Organize the following according to its sequence.
I. Shopping
II. Refreezing
III. Leftovers
IV. Storage
V. Preparation
VI. Serving
VII. Cooking
VIII. Thawing
Electrical Installation and Maintenance 8
Name: ________________________
Year/Section: ____________
Date: ________________
Score: _______________
TEST I - Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the statement carefully and identify what is being described or defined.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. This is used for griping, holding, cutting electrical wires and cables and even small nails.
a. Hammer
b. Wire Stripper
c. Combination Pliers d. Screw Driver
2. Used for cutting and holding fine wires. This can reach tight space or small opening where other pliers
cannot reach and also used in making terminal loops of copper wires.
a. Hammer
b. Long Nose Pliers
c. Flat Screw driver
d. Allen Screw Driver
3. This has a cross tip resembling a positive (+) sign, used to drive screws with cross slot heads.
a. Hacksaw
b. Wire Stripper
c. Electrician’s Knife d. Philips Screw Driver
4. This tool is used in driving, pounding and pulling out nails.
a. Hammers
b. Wire Stripper
c. Combination Pliers d. Philips Screw Driver
5. It is used in making holes on metal sheets and concrete walls.
a. Pliers
b. Electrician’s Knife c. Screw Driver
d. Portable Electric Drill
6. It is a device inserted to a convenience outlet to conduct electric current.
a. Fuse
b. Switch
c. Male Plug
d. Lamp Holders
7. This is a circuit protective device that automatically blows and cut the current when an overload or short
circuit happens.
a. Fuse
b. Switch
c. Male Plug
d. Lamp Holders
8. This is a rectangular shaped metallic or plastic (PVC) material in which flush type convenience outlet and
switched are attached.
a. Clamps
b. Conduits
c. Flat Cord
d. Utility Box
9. They are electrical materials used as the passage of wires for protection and insulation.
a. Clamps
b. Conduits
c. Flat Cord
d. Utility Box
10. They are used to attach metallic or non-metallic conduit to the junction or utility boxes.
a. Clamps
b. Conduits
c. Connectors
d. Junction Box
11. An instrument used to measure the amount of electrical current intensity in a circuit.
a. Ammeter
b. Voltmeter
c. Ohmmeter
d. Micrometer
12. A pocket-sized tools used to test the line wire or circuit if there is current in it.
a. Ruler
b. Test light
c. Wire gauge
d. Pull-push rule
13. A measuring tool used to measure the length of an object in centimeter and inches.
a. Ruler
b. Test light
c. Wire gauge
d. Pull-push rule
14. It is used to measure the diameter of wires/conductors in circular mils.
a. Ammeter
b. Ohmmeter
c. Voltmeter
d. Micrometer
15. It is used to measure the voltage, resistance and current of a circuit.
a. Ammeter
b. Voltmeter
c. Ohmmeter
d. Volt-Ohmmeter
Directions: Draw the following electrical symbols indicated in each item number, place your drawing beside
each names.
16. Resistor
21. Floor outlet
17. Terminal
22. Antenna
18. Single pole switch
23. Battery
19. Bell
24. Incandescent lamp
20. Speaker
25. Male plug
Directions: Based on the diagram below answer the questions in item no. 16-20.
26. What type of bulb is used in the diagram?
a. disco bulb b. incandescent lamp c. fluorescent lamp d. Light bulb
27. The diagram used in illustrating the connections of electrical components is pictorial.
a. maybe
b. no
c. yes
d. Yes and no
28. What is the source of current used in the diagram?
a. alternating
b. direct current
c. indirect current
d. solar energy
29. Based on the diagram, how does the components connected?
a. in parallel
b. in series
c. in direct
d. in alternate
30. What kind of switch is used in the diagram?
a. single pole switch b. 2 gang switch
c. 3 gang switch
d. 4 gang switch
Direction: Draw the schematic diagram of the following: Use the back pf your paper for answering.
31-35. Two bulbs connected in series controlled by a single pole switch using direct current.
36-40. Four bulbs connected in parallel controlled by a single pole switch using alternating
Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter on the space provided before the number.
_____ 41. Adverse health effect
a. is the chance or the probability that a
person will be harmed.
_____ 42. Hazards
b. caused by organism such as viruses,
bacteria fungi and parasite
_____ 43. Chemical hazards
c. Is a source of potential damage,
harm or adverse health effects
_____ 44. Risks
d. safety hazard
_____ 45. Physical hazards
e. Vapor or gaseous substance
46-50. Directions: Read carefully and analyze the given scenario. What is your conclusion on the problem?
Write your answer inside the box.
John is a homeowner who just had a new electrical installation done in his home by an electrician
named Bob. Bob assured John that the installation was done properly and safely, and John trusted Bob's
expertise. However, a few days after the installation was completed, John started experiencing problems with
his electrical appliances.
Directions: Read the statement carefully and identify what is being described or defined.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the most important principle for sandwich safety after preparation to avoid spoilage.
a. 4 – 40 - 140
b. 140 – 4 – 40
c. 4- 140 – 40
d. 40 – 140 - 4
2. Which tool is used to measure in serving of soft foods, such as filling ice cream, and mashed potato?
a. potato masher
b. scooper
c. scoops or dipper
d. baster
3. There are many kinds of kitchen knives, each with a special use. Which one is used to cut thick
a. Butcher knife
b. Paring knife
c. Deli knife
d. Sandwich
4. A small flat, round bladed utensil that is serrated on one side and smooth on the other, used to apply food
spreads over bread slices.
a. Cutting Board
b. Measuring spoons
c. Sandwich Spatula
d. Serrated
5. A plastic, serrated edge knife that is designed to slice lettuce without causing the edges to turn brown.
a. Lettuce Knife
b. Mixing Spoon
c. Bread Toaster
d. Grill
6. Which of the following ingredients in sandwich making should be crisped and proportion to the size of
a. breads
b. cheese
c. condiments
d. vegetables
7. The following items are ingredients used in sandwich making EXCEPT;
a. breads
b. meats
c. spreads
d. water
8. Beef, pork and sausage products like ham, roast beef and salami are examples of ____________.
a. breads
b. meats
c. spreads
d. water
9. How does breads affects the quality of sandwich?
a. it provides variety of texture
c. it provides bulk and eye appeal
b. it provides variety of taste
d. All of the above
10. These are indispensable in sandwich making because it add texture, flavor and color to sandwich.
a. breads
b. meats
c. miscellaneous
d. water
11. Which of the following items consist of one or more types of food placed on or in between slices of bread?
a. Canapés
b. Salad
c. Sandwich
d. Soup
12. Sonia was assigned by her teacher to prepare hot sandwich. If you were Sonia, which of the following
sandwich recipes will you choose?
a. Egg sandwich
b. Clubhouse
c. Hamburger
d. Pinwheel
13. Carmela was asked to buy a popular multi-decker sandwich. If you were Carmela, what will you buy that is
considered as multi-decker sandwich?
a. Clubhouse
b. Hamburger
c. Pizza
d. Shawarma
14. Samantha was assigned by her teacher to prepare pinwheel sandwich. All ingredients are presented in a
tray but she noticed tortilla bread is not in it. If you were Samantha, what bread you will choose from the tray
as alternative to tortilla bread for making pinwheel sandwich?
a. Hamburger bun
b. Hotdog bun
c. Loaf bread
d. Pandesal
15. Which from the list of sandwiches is considered as closed-hot sandwich?
a. Cheese sandwich
b. Hamburger
c. Pizza
d. Quesadilla
16. Which of the following is called toasted sandwich?
a. Grilled
b. Multi-decker
c. Pinwheel
d. Wrap
17. Which sandwich making technique refers to cutting of sandwiches equally according to the number of
persons to dine?
a. Cutting
b. Layering
c. Portioning
d. Spreading
18. What sandwich making techniques shows the proper sequence of bread, spread, filling and garnish?
a. Layering
b. Molding
c. Pipping
d. Portioning
19. Kristine was asked by her mother to prepare an aesthetically delicious sandwich appetizer for her sister’s
18th birthday. She is not sure of what sandwich appetizer to be prepared that is suited for the occasion and
to the visitors. What type of sandwiches listed below will you suggest to Kristine that is appropriate for the
upcoming celebration?
a. Closed sandwich
b. Open-faced sandwich
c. Tea sandwich
d. Wrap
20. What do you call a small fancy sandwich made from light, delicate ingredients and bread that has been
trimmed off crusts?
a. Closed sandwiches
b. Regular sandwiches
c. Pinwheel sandwiches
d. Tea
21. Claire is assigned by her teacher to prepare pocket sandwich. If you were Claire, what type of sandwich
will you use in preparing pocket sandwich?
a. Bun
b. Loaf bread
c. Pita bread
d. Wheat
22. Which among the sandwich components add flavor to the sandwich?
a. Base
b. Filling
c. Moistening agent
d. Garnish
23. Which sandwich components act as the protective layer between the filling and the bread?
a. Butter
b. Canape
c. Moistening Agent
d. Garnish
24. Why is spread essential in making sandwich?
a. It adds color to the sandwich.
c. It makes the sandwich presentable
b. It defines the taste to the sandwich.
d. It contributes moisture and creaminess
25. Why is filling considered as the heart of a sandwich?
a. It adds color to the sandwich.
c. It helps to enhance color of the sandwich.
b. It contributes texture to the sandwich.
d. It provides the most of the flavor of the
26. Which is the best storage for the sandwich ingredients and filling to keep its freshness?
a. Airtight container
b. Clean wrap
c. Aluminum foil
d. Plastic wrap
27. What is the recommended sandwich temperature for storage after packing?
a. 50 ℃
b. 5 ℃
c. 0.5 ℃
d. -0.5 ℃
28. Which of the following is the best way to preserve the freshness of an unopen bread freshness within a
a. Keep in the room temperature room with towel.
c. Keep in frozen and thaw after using.
b. Keep in the chiller of the refrigerator.
d. Keep it in the paper bag.
29. Ana has a coffee and sandwich shop. At night, she sees some bread left in the kitchen. What is your
suggestion for Ana so that the bread can still be served for the next day operation?
a. Put in the plate and chill.
c. Put in a plate cover with clean wrap then refrigerate.
b. Put in the clean wrap and frost.
d. Put in zip lock and cover with the damp towel then
30. What is the most important concept of proper sandwich storage?
a. Avoid cross contamination.
c. Safety procedure.
b. Hygiene for purposes.
d. Hygiene, safety and avoid contamination.
Directions: Read the statement carefully and write TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.
________ 31. Place vegetarian sandwiches on a separate tray from sandwich made with meat products.
_________32. Attractive presentation makes a garnish tray less appealing.
_________33. The plate or platters can be decorated with suitable ingredients to enhance the overall
_________34. Portion Control is not necessary to proportionate the weight, scoop and slice of food items, like
ham and roasted beef.
_________35. Sandwich quarters should be arranged with cut edge of the sandwich pointing up at the viewer.
Directions: Identify and classify the pictures of sandwich below.
Directions: Illustrate the structure of sandwich then label each part.
Computer System Servicing 7
Name: ________________________
Year/Section: ____________
Date: ________________
Score: _______________
Directions: Read the statement carefully and identify what is being described or defined.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following tools use for holding small sensitive part of a computer?
a. Tweezers
b. Flash light
c. Side Cutter
d. Magnifying glass
2. Which of the following device use to exaggerate or to increase the apparent size of an object?
a. Tweezers
b. Flash light
c. Side Cutter
d. Magnifying glass
3. What is the device used to be a light source?
a. Tweezers
b. Flash light
c. Side Cutter
d. Magnifying glass
4. Which of the following tools use to fasten negative slotted screw?
a. Long Nose Plier
b. Side Cutter Plier
c. Flat screw driver
d. Philip screw driver
5. What tool is being used to join two or more metal conductors with the support of soldering lead melted
around it?
a. Crimping tool
b. Soldering Iron
c. De-soldering pencil
d. Anti-static Wrist strap
Directions: Underline the verb and Encircle the noun on the following sentence.
6. LAN Tester
- Used to test the network cable connection
7. Wire stripper
- Used to strip the electrical insulation from electric wires.
8. Philip screw driver
- Use to fasten positive slotted screw
9. Side Cutter Plier
- Use for cutting or trimming of connecting wires or terminal leads in the circuit board
10. Multi-Tester
- used by technician for measuring: current, voltage, resistance?
A. Directions: Classify the following devices. Write ID for input device, PD for process device, OD for output
device and SD for storage device. Write your answer the space provided before the number.
___________ 11. Mouse
___________ 12. Printer
___________ 13. Monitor
___________ 14. USB Flash Drive
___________ 15. Speaker
B. Directions: Classify the following elements of computer system. Write SW for software, HW for Hardware
and PW for people ware. Write your answer the space provided before the number.
___________ 16. System Analysts
___________ 17. Operating System
___________ 18. Keyboard
___________ 19. Google Chrome
___________ 20. Monitor
Directions: Draw line from Column B to Column A to connect your answers.
Directions: Illustrate the following Electrical splices and joints being asked on the table below.
Directions: Convert the following decimal below to binary digits.
31-25. 24
36-40. 38
Directions: Identify whether the following statements is true or false, Draw happy face for true and sad face if
_____41. The complete description of the job is not specified in the job order.
_____42. Communicating and reporting to the supervisors can only give a problem to the test personnel.
_____43. Datasheets and application notes from manufacturers contain specification of an electrical
_____44. The testing criteria serve as the basis for the testing plan.
_____45. The testing criteria do not need approval from the responsible personnel or supervisor.
_____46. Some components can be tested using various methods and tools.
_____47. Electronic component production requires testing for quality assurance.
_____48. You can use any tools for a specific testing method.
_____49. Testing plan is important to perform the job smoothly.
_____50. Checking and maintaining the testing tools follows a standard procedure
NAME: ____________________________
GR.& SEC.__________________
Directions: Basahing mabuti ang mga stanza sa ibaba at tukuyin kung ano ang tinutukoy nila mula sa mga
ibinigay na pagpipilian sa ibaba ng bawat isa. Isulat ang titik ng iyong sagot nang direkta sa
_____ 1. Ito ay kilusan na inilunsad ng simbahan at ng mga Kristiyanong hari upang mabawi ang banal na
A. Krusada
C. Renaissance
B. Merkantilismo
D. Pagbagsak ng Constantinople
_____2. Ito ang pamagat ng aklat na inilimbag ng isang isang adbenturerong mangangalakal na taga - Venice
kung saan
inilahad niya rito ang mga nakita niyang magagandang kabihasnan sa mga bansang Asyano na
kaniyang napuntahan lalona sa China, na inilalarawan ang karangyaan at kayamanan nito.
A. Krusada
C. Renaissance
B. Pagbagsak ni Marco Polo
D. Pagbagsak ng Constantinople
_____ 3. Ito ay isang kilusang pilosopikal na makasining na nagpasimula sa Italya na naganap noong 1350
kung saan
binigyang - diin dito ang pagbabalik interes sa mga kaalamang sa Greece at Rome.
A. Krusada
C. Renaissance
B. Merkantilismo
D. Pagbagsak ng Constantinople
_____ 4. Ang pangyayaring ito ang nagbigay- daan sa mga Turkong Muslim upang ganap na makontrol ang
mga ruta ng
kalakalan mula sa Europe patungong Silangan.
A. Krusada
C. Renaissance
B. Merkantilismo
D. Pagbagsak ng Constantinople
_____ 5. Ito ay prinsipyong pang- ekonomiya na umiral sa Europe kung saan ang naging batayan ng
kayamanan at
kapangyarihan ay ang pagkakaroon ng maraming ginto at pilak.\
A. Krusada
C. Renaissance
B. Merkantilismo
D. Pagbagsak ng Constantinople
Sa mga sumusunod na bilang ay matutunghayan mo ang iba’t- ibang paraan ng kolonyalismo at imperyalismo
sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya sa unang yugto. Tukuyin kung anong Kanluraning bansa ang nagsagawa ng
mga paraan para makasakop ng partikular na lupain.
_____ 6. Pagtatag ng sentro ng kalakalan at pagpapalaganap ng Kristiyanismong Katolisismo sa India
A. Portugal
C. France
B. England
D. Netherlands
_____ 7. Ginawang protectorate ang Bahrain
A. Portugal
C. France
B. Spain
D. Great Britain
Ito ay mga epekto ng Kolonyalismo at Imperyalismo sa Asya sa iba’t- ibang aspekto. Piliin lamang ang titik ng
tamang sagot na tinutukoy sa bawat bilang.
_____8. Ang India ang naging tagapagtustos ng mga hilaw na materyales at pamilihan ng produktong
A. Ekonomiya
C. Sosyo- kultural
B. Pulitika
D. Relihiyon
_____9. Maraming katutubo ang yumakap sa Kristiyanismo
A. Ekonomiya
C. Sosyo- kultural
B. Pulitika
D. Relihiyon
_____10. Nagkaroon ng “fixed border” o takdang hangganan ang teritoryo ng bawat bansa.
A. Ekonomiya
C. Sosyo- kultural
B. Pulitika
D. Relihiyon
_____11. Alin sa sumusunod na mga bansang Europeo ang nangunguna sa paghahanap ng ruta, paggalugad
sa mundo, at pagsakop ng mga lupain?
A. Italy at England
C. France at Netherlands
B. Portugal at Spain
D. Germany at America
_____12. Bakit ang mga daungan ng isang lugar o bansa tulad ng Diu at Goa sa India, Macao sa China ang
piniling sakupin ng bansang Portugal?
A. Dahil madali ang pagdaong dito ng kanilang mga sasakyang pandagat
B. Dahil ito ang utos ng hari ng bansang Portugal at hindi maaaring suwayin
C. Mga daungan ang kanilang piniling sakupin upang makontrol ang kalakalan
D. Lahat ng nabanggit
_____13. Alin sa sumusunod ang naging masamang epekto ng kolonyalismo sa rehiyong Asya?
A. Pag-unlad ng kalakalan
B. Pagkamulat sa kanluraning panimula
C. Pagkakaroon ng mga kaalyadong bansa
D. Paggalugad at pakikinabang ng mga kanluranin sa mga likas na yaman
_____14. Sino ang taong nakaikot o nalibot ang Cape of Good Hope sa dulo ng Aprika na siyang magbubukas
ng ruta patungong India at sa mga Islang Indies?
A. Vasco da Gama
C. Alfonso de Albuquerque
B. Francisco de Almeida
D. Bartolomeu Dias
_____15. Ang pangatlong bansa na gustong sumakop sa bansang India at nakipagsabwatan ito sa pinunong
lokal ng Bengal.
A. Netherlands
B. England
C. Russia
D. France
_____16. Ito ang pinakamimithi na lugar na pinagkukunan ng mga rekado. Sa lugar na ito hindi naiwasang
nagkaroon ng digmaan sa pagitan ng Portugal at Spain dahil sa pinag- aagawang mga rekado o
A. Formosa (Taiwan ngayon)
C. Moluccas
B. Ceylon (Sri Lanka ngayon)
D. Pilipinas
_____17. Sa matinding tunggalian ng dalawang bansang Portugal at Spain ay namagitan ang Papa ng
Simbahang Katoliko para maiwasan ang digmaan ng paligsahan ng mga ito. Taong 1914 ay
nagtalaga ng line of Demarcation o hangganan kung saang bahagi ng mundo maggalugad ang
dalawang bansa. Ayon sa Kasunduang Tordesillas, ang Portugal ay naggalugad sa bandang
silangan samantalang ang Spain ay sa bandang ____________.
A. Kanluran
B. Timog
C. Hilaga
D. TimogSilangan
_____18. Sino ang ipinadala ng bansang Portugal bilang unang Viceroy sa silangan noong 1505?
A. Vasco da Gama
B. Francisco de Almeida
C. Alfonso de Albuquerque D.
Bartolomeu Dias
_____19. Bakit nagtatag ang mga bansang Kanluranin ng mga kolonya sa Asya?
A. Upang palawakin ang kanilang teritoryo o lupai
C. Upang makapagtatag ng sentro ng
B. Upang pakinabangan ang ating mga likas na yaman D. Lahat ng nabanggit
_____20. Ang tawag sa naganap na labanan na umabot ng pitong taong digmaan sa pagitan ng England at
France. Sa tulong ni Robert Clive na siyang nagtatag nang tunay na pundasyon ng Ingles sa
India, ang England ay nagtagumpay laban sa France.
A. Rebelyong Sepoy
C. Labanan sa Plassey
B. Digmaang Portugal at Spain
D. Labanan sa India
_____21. Ito ay damdaming makabayan na nagpapakita ng matinding pagmamahal at pagpahahalaga sa
A. Kolonyalismo
C. Imperyalismo
B. Nasyonalismo
D. Kristiyanismo
_____22. Ano ang pangunahing manipestasyon ng nasyonalismo na makikita sa pagtutulungan,
pagkakabuklod sa iisang kultura, saloobin at hangarin?
A. Kalayaan
C. Katarungan
B. Pagkakaisa
D. Pag-unlad
_____23. Ito ay maituturing na pinakamahalagang manipestasyon ng isang tao na kung saan may
kahandaang magtanggol at mamatay para sa bayan.
A. Nasyonalismo
B. Kolonyalismo
C. Imperyalismo
_____24. Ito ay ang pagpapatiwakal ng mga biyudang babae at pagsama sa libing ng namatay na asawa.
A. Suttee
B. Kolonyalismo
C. Satyagraha
D. Amritsar
_____25. Ito ay pag-aalsa ng mga Sepoy sa mga Ingles bilang pagtutol sa pagtatangi ng lahi o racial
A. Rebelyong Sepoy
B. Amritsar Massacre
C. Suttee
D. Ahimsa
_____26. Naghangad din ng kaniyang kalayaan ang India. Anong pamamaraan ang isinagawa nito upang
matamo ang kaniyang hangarin?
A. Nakikipag-alyansa sa mga kanluranin
C. Binoykot ang mga produktong Ingles
B. Itinatag ang All Indian National Congress
D. Tinulungan ang mga Ingles sa panahon
ng digmaan
_____27. Nang makamit ng India ang kalayaan mula sa Great Britain noong 1947, nahati ito sa dalawang
estado, ang kalakhang India at Pakistan. Ano ang epekto nito sa katayuan ng bansa at
A. Nahimok na mag-alsa ang mga Muslim sa mga Hindu.
B. Nahati ang simpatiya ng mamamayan sa dalawang estado.
C. Nagsilikas ang karamihan ng mamamayan sa ibang bansa.
D. Nagkaroon ng kaguluhan sa pamumuno
_____28. Ang alyansang Allies ay binubuo ng mga sumusunod na bansa, maliban sa isa;
A. France
B. England
C. Russia
D. Iraq
_____29. Ang alyansang Central Powers ay binubuo ng mga sumusunod na bansa tulad ng Germany at
A. England
B. Austria- Hungary
C. United Nations
D. France
_____30. Bakit maituturing na pinakamahalagang pangyayaring naganap sa Asya ang pagtatapos ng
Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig?
A. Marami ang nasiyahan sa digmaan
B. Dahil marami ang nag-aalsa
C. Dahil dito inasahang makakamit ang kalayaang minimithi ng mga bansa saTimog at Kanlurang
D. Dahil marami ang napinsala
_____31. Alin ang isa sa epekto ng Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig ng Kanlurang Asya ay ang;
A. Ang pagpasok ng mga Kanluraning bansa sa Kanlurang Asya
B. Ang pagbagsak ng Imperyong Ottoman
C. Nasiyahan ang mga tao
D. A at B
_____32. Sumiklab ang Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig noong Agosto 1914. Bakit sumiklab ang digmaang ito?
A. dahil sa pag-aalyansa ng mga bansang Europe
B. dahil din sa pag-uunahan ng mga bansang ito sa teritoryo at maisakatuparan ang kani- kanilang
C. ang mahalagang pangyayari na nagpasiklab sa nasabing digmaan ay ang pagkamatay ni
Archduke Francis Ferdinand ng Austria
D. Lahat ng nabanggit.
_____33. Ang ideolohiya ay nahahati sa dalawang pangunahing kategorya – ang ideolohiyang pang–
ekonomiya at ideolohiyang pampolitika. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng ideolohiyang pang ekonomiya?
A. Ito ay nakapokus sa paraan ng pamumuno at sa paraan ng pagpapatupad ng mamamayan.
B. Ito ay nakatuon sa mga patakarang pangkabuhayan ng bansa at paraan ng paghahati ng
kayamanan nito sa mamamayan
C. A at C
D. Wala sa nabanggit
_____34. Ang ideolohiyang pang-ekonomiya ay nakatuon sa mga patakarang pangkabuhayan ng bansa ng
paghahati ng kayamanan nito sa mamamayan. Ano naman ang pinatutuunan ng pansin ng
ideolohiyang pampolitika?
A. Ito ay nakapokus sa paraan ng pamumuno at sa paraan ng pagpapatupad ng mamamayan.
B. Ito ay nakatuon sa mga patakarang pangkabuhayan ng bansa at paraan ng paghahati ng
kayamanan nito sa mamamayan
C. A at C
D. Wala sa nabanggit
_____35. Ang nagtatag ng Muslim League noong 1906 upang mabigyang proteksyon ang kanilang mga
karapatan at kapakanan.
A. Mohandas Gandhi
C. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
B. Theodor Herzl
D. Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud
_____36. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pagpipili-an ang hindi kasama sa mga dahilan kung bakit gusto ng mga
kababaihang Asyano na bumuo ng samahang pangkababaihan?
A. Upang maihayag ang kanilang interes.
B. Upang magkaroon ng sapat na edukasyon
C. Upang maisulong ang pagkakapantay-pantay ng pagtingin sa lalaki at babae.
D. Upang makapag-asawa.
_____37. Mahalaga ang samahang pangkababaihan________
A. Sapagkat minsan na nilang naranasan ang iba’t ibang anyo ng pang-aapi
B. Sapagkat naranasan din nila ang diskriminasyon
C. Sapagkat gusto nilang makapag-asawa ng may mataas na katungkulan sa lipunan.
D. Sapagkat gusto nilang makamtan ang pantay na pagtingin sa babae at lalaki.
_____38. Ito ay ang anumang pag-uuri, eksklusiyon o restriksiyon batay sa kasarian na naglalayon o nagiging
sanhi ng hindi pagkilala, paggalang, at pagtatamasa ng mga babae ng kanilang mga karapatan
o kalayaan.
A. pang-aabuso
B. pagsasamantala
C. diskriminasyon
D. pananakit
_____39. Ang pinakamalaking makakaliwang samahan ng kababaihan sa Bangladesh na sumusuporta sa
kampanya sa pagsasabatas ng pagbabawal ng pagbibigay ng dote. Ano ang pangalan ng
A. Mahila Parishad
_____40. Ang pagkakabuo ng mga samahang pangkababaihan ay naglalayong_________.
A. Maihayag ang kanilang saloobin
B. Maihayag ang kanilang damdamin
C. Maihayag ang kanilang opinyon
D. pagkalooban sila ng pantay na karapatan sa buhay gaya ng sa mga kalalakihan at respeto
_____41. Alin sa mga samahang pangkababaihan sa India ang hindi kabilang sa nagsusulong ng karapatan
ng mga kababaihan sa edukasyon.
A. Bharat Aslam
C. Anjuman-e-Khawatin-e-Islam
B. Arya Mahila Samaj
D. Mahila Parishad
_____42. Siya ang nanguna sa pagbibigay ng karapatan na makapag-aral sa kolehiyo at magkaroon ng
karapatang ekonomiko ang kababaihan. Sino siya?
A. Susam Mubarak
C. Reyna Rania Al- Abdulla
B. Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak
D. Amir-un-Nisa
_____43. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag ang hindi kabilang sa mabuting dulot ng pagkatatag samahang
A. Nabibigyan ng pagkakataon ang mga kababaihan na maghanapbuhay.
B. Nabibigyan ng pagkakataon na mag-asawa ng marami.
C. Nabibigyan ng karapatang makilahok sa politika.
D. Nabibigyan ng pantay na pagtingin ang mga kababaihan.
_____44. Nakasaad sa Saligang Batas na sa panahon na nasa panganib ang bansa ang sinumang
mamamayang Pilipino na nasa tamang edad babae man o lalaki ay maaaring maglingkod
personal, militar man o sibil.
A. Karapatang Mamahala sa Nasasakupan
B. Karapatang Ipagtanggol ang Kalayaan
C.Karapatang Mag-angkin ng Ari-arian
D.Karapatang Malipag-ugnayan
_____45. Upang mapabilis ang kaunlaran ng ekonomiya at makalikha ng maraming trabaho, lalo na sa mga
lalawigan naglalaan ng pondo ang pamahalaan para sa national roads, tulay; mga paliparan,
daungan, at mga parola; mga silid-aralan at iba pa. Saan mabibilang ang mga nasabing
proyekto ng pamahalaan?
A. Pang-impraestruktura
B. Pampolitika
C. Pang-edukasyon
_____46. Hirap ang mga tao sa lugar na malapit sa ilog tuwing umuulan upang mamalengke lalo na kung
maulan. Gustong magpatayo ng tulay ng inyong kapitan. Anong ahensiya ng pamahalaan ang
makatutulong sa proyektong ito?
A. Kagawaran ng Edukasyon
C. Kagawaran ng Kalusugan
B. Kagawaran ng Katarungan
D. Kagawaran ng mga Pagawainat Lansangang
_____47. Sa Metro Manila at sa iba pang bahagi ng Pilipinas ay nagpapatayo ng mga flyover. Anong
programang pangimpraestruktura ang nagpapatupad nito at sa anong layunin?
A. Kagawaran ng Edukasyon
C. Kagawaran ng Kalusugan
B. Kagawaran ng Katarungan
D. Kagawaran ng mga Pagawain at Lansangang
_____48. Ngayong panahon ng COVID-19 pandemic ay napakahalaga ang pangasiwaan ng National
Telecommunication Commission (NTC) para sa paghahatid ng mga makabagong teknolohiya at
makapagpabilis sa komunikasyon ng mga tao. Ano-ano ang kagamitang nakatutulong sa
mabilis na pakikipag-ugnayan ng mga tao?
A. telepono, jeepney, bus
C. eroplano, helicopter, kotse
B. radio, tricycle, motorsiklo
D. Cellphone, computer, internet, radyo at
_____49. Ano ang kaugnayan ng maayos na impraestruktura sa pagunlad ng bansa?
A. Nakapagbibigay ito ng solusyon sa mga problema ng bansa
B. Nakatutulong sa pagpapaangat ng kalidad ng pamumuhay ng mga Pilipino
C. Paraan ito upang maging malaya ang bansa na makipagugnayan
D. Nagiging dahilan ito ng pagtaas ng kita ng pamahalaan
_____50. Ito ay may maliit na gusali na hugis bilugan at ang bubungan ay may turret na hugis dulo ng lapis.
A. mosque
B. stupa
C. turbe
D. ribat