l: tt, Llt,! ..i,) SERI EStu s Sunipa Sanyal B.Sc., B.Ed .{ level from DOEACC 'B' Ievel (MCA) from DOEACC Kajal Tripathi M.A., B.Ed PGDCA, DCM (Microsoft) ' Folowingthe latest syllabls ar prescribed bythe Counc fortheI ian School C..,in.u,. Itu,*nu,io"" (CISCT),,t'" subject content of each lesson is in tune with the Tleme based approach of sequential learmng as promoted by th€ Council Based on the above approach, ea€h l€sson begins wrth a discussion oflearning outcomes and na\,rgates the students through key concept deas using learniq resouces and tra$actional Focesses Corporate Ofrce MM-3I7, Sector D, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226 024 (UP) Tel: +9r 522 4016247 , 4076008 Faj{: +91 522 2329466 E-inail edutreepublishers@gma .corn Website h(p://ac€visonpubLshelcom Branch€s 16-G, Canal Street, PO. Site-ll Industrial Area, Loni Roa4 Mohan Nagar, Ghaaabad - 20I 007 (UP) (Near Mahavir Inshtute School), Kolkata - 700 014 (West Bengal) Te\.: +91 1202657225 Pub Boragaon, htali 5-123, Harsha Compound, (Ned Gorchuk Chariali), NH'17, Guwahati - 78I035 Designed byquadrum' Quadrum Solutions P\,.t. Ltd., Mumbai Pdnting Pattem First Edition: 2018 o Edutre€ Publishers Pr.t. Ltd. All righk reserved No part of tbis publi@tion mal be reproduced, stored in a retrierzl s)sten, o. transmitted. in oy forn or by any meds, without the prior pediseon in kiting I;om Edutee Publisheb Plt. Ltd or as qpressly peditted by law, or under tems agreed with the appbpnate rcp.otEphics righK organiations Edquiries con.erning .eprcduction outside the scope of the aboye should be sent to the Rights Depaltmert, Edutree Publishers P1t Ltd. a! the addres mentioned therein 'fte book is neant 6! eduationdl and leming pu+oses The au thor of the bo o! has talen all reasonable cde Lo ensure tha t the co. tents ol tbe book do lvery efod hd been made to arcid errcrs o! omisions in this publicarion. In .piE of th6 sone erro6 might how clept in Any nislake, error or disdelancy notd m)' be brcught !o ou! notice which shal be taken caE of in tbe next edition Start Up Computers is an integraied apprcach towards the growng and advanced subject of Co puter Education The series consisting of eight books from grades l-8 provides a platform for the children to acquire knowledge ofcomputers at vanous levels of leaining stages ased on the latesi curriculum as prescribed by ihe Council for th€ Indian School Certificare Examinations (CISCE), the series aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of computers and their utilily in everyday life Followmg the themes as demarcated by the Council, the content in each grade introduces the children to core concepts ofcomputers aDd rts relevance m the advancement oftechnoloSy and developments m thrs new age world. B Some of the Key Fearures of the series are: Use ofsimple,lucid language to explain technical and core concepts Grading ofcontent as per the themes and sequential pattern suggested by the Council. Content srpported by appropriate illustrrtions/pjctures to assist students in better understandiig of the subject Introduction and discussion on the latest Word Processor-Ms Oflice 2016 Scr€eDshots accompanlng relel'ant text for a visual display of diilerent MS lvindows/Scratch Programming. Introduchon to Scratch Programming and App development to equip students to learn technology with hands on experience. . . . learning Beyond section . Let Us Rehember ln depth understandmg ofthe Internet, its flrnctioning and connectiury to provide insights into extra fach relnted to the subject. Test Your Skill to challenge students \^/ith small activities for better understanding the subject. as lesson of summary to summarise the important topics covered in the lesson, . Activity Tim€ for engaglng students in class activities that require the implementation of computer skills learnt ' . Kids Zone to encourage learnmg offundamentais in a tun and interactive manner Teacher's Corner suggestrng class activities or demonstrations to be carried out by ihe teacber Every ellort has been made to promote an all inclusive mtegration of technology with computer education so as to provide a holistic teaching and learning experience to th'e teacher and the taught. Any suggestions for improving upon the content and quality of the book are earnestly solicited from the readers. Data vs Information Data storage units-basic facts Drscussing about data and rnformation related to reallife scenario by using a computer Internal and External Memory Primary and Secondary Storage Explainmg the concept ofmemory and its capacity related to the size ofthe storage deuces. Devices Introducing the basrc concepts ofbits and bltes Relating the umts io digital system (ON and OFF) Providmg opportunities for hands-on pmctice to the children through online worksheets. Recapitulation ofthe toprc done in previous class CoDducting activities tol Usage ofQui& - Explain the use ofdifferent taskbars and customizing Launch Bar, Task Bar Observe children workresponsibly on the r^.rndo$'s Sethng date, time and volume the speaker of setup andprovide a trmely feedback. Use of shortcut menu Editing - a document Recapitulation ofihe activiiies done in previous class. using Undo and Redo commands Review of the features done previously. checking spelling and grammar Demonstrahng various tools related to Edrtmg and Formatting. descdbing the purpose ofusing Thesaurus Formatting a document - Font Font size, colour bold, rtalics and underline - Changing text alignment Provrding opportunities through hands'on experience to each child/in groups on the computer/s by: Showing sample documents, to prepare required documents usng the features leatnt - Changing line spacing and Discussing m detail the difference between editing and formalting. Demonstrating the Shortcut keys Using a printer for printing andprint Preview - use of print preview and the steps for Explaining the use ofshortcut keys Children doing all the above Network in terms oflnternet Recapitulation ofprevious learning on the Internet. Basic requirements for an Internet Explainingl connecuon - Parts of a browser window (address bat refresh button, favourite, history, home, stop, back and forward, new tab) Related terms like www, ISR net surfing URI, the parts ofa browser window terminologies Discussing va ous search engines and how to use them. Discussing usage ofappropriate ke)'words to search informa tion. Search engine Introduction to presentation software and its purpose Opening and exiting the concept of Nehvork through role plap a pres€ntation Discussing the importance ofpresentation software as a grouP activity. Demonstrating how to: Components of a presentation software Prepare layouts ofslides and its uses according to the requirements. Crcate, save and close a file Concept of slides and its layouts Slide show pres€ntation - Open and €dit - Add text and images to Insert an stingfrle a slide to a presentation Providinghands-on presentation. erience to chjl&en ups) for preparing a presentation on with the;urriqlunvieal-life Reasoning and problem solving meanrnS - ! a scenario. ,.. Taking a real life scenario/cas€ sh-rdy, to plan a task. Discussing with l}le children to break the task into <mall Case studies Dividing the dass into groups and assigning the same task to each group to frnd the solution. Suggested task could be - planning for a picnic/a birthday party/visit to a park pr Copy and move a flle/folder from one Recollect the activities done in location to another DemorNtratilg difierent operations of fll€ management, lik€ copying, moving, renaming, and deleting a file/folder. Renarne a file/folder Delete a file/folder Not tampering with oth€rs: files/folders i selected l'' us classes. I i' .t,. 1. Cornputer - Storage and Memory 2. GUI Operating System (Deskop . ...........7 Management) 3. ToolsofWord2016...... 4. The Internet (Web Browser) 5. Presentation Software (An Introduction) 6. Step-wise Thinking. . . . . . . 7. File Management (Features) ..'.. ...17 ........35 . . . ......46 .. . ... .... ...62 .......74 ......86 I Computer - Stotege end Memorg COMPUTERS 4 will be able to: difereltiate between data and information explain the purpose ofinternal and external memorl-. Students . . . . tell the relationship betrveen different data storage units. llst some primary and secondafy sto(age devices. Now a days, computers are inevitable part ofour life and almost in every field rve find a computer basicalll. working with some data. As we already know, computers take the data from a user, process the data and iinally give some information after processing ir. Let us first understand the two basic terms Data and Information. Data and lnformation By the year 2020, about 1.9 MB of new information will be created eY€ry second for every hunan being on the planet. Data refers to the simple, unorganised raw facts. If seen just as numbers it is not self explanatory, like 100617 can be a data, which can be weight ofany object, distance between two objects, time taken by any object to move to a certain place or so on. Just the numbers are not enough. DATA Whereas inforrnation is the final output which we get after applying some instruction rh-.-1"r" .a..i,,.A (i ^- INFORMATI ON " doing some processing). Information is useful. Lets take the given data - 100617 and ask the computer to apply forrvard slash after every two digits. Then finally it rvill become 10/06/ 17, which represents a date. A database is a collection of information that is organised into rows, columns, and it is indexed to nake it easier to find relevant information. srART uP coNlPul F-RS - 4 Data Storage Units One of the advantages ofa computer is its huge storage capacily. Large amounl of data can be stored in a compr.rter and can be retrieved any lime very quickLy. Computer is an electronic device and works with the help ofelectriciry So it understands only ON/ OFF situation. This ON/OFF state is represented in computer \sith t$'o digits - 0 and L These digits are called binary digits or bits. All the data on a computer is represented by different combinations of 0 and l. The smallest unit of measurement for rreasuring data is bit, which can either contain 0 or 1. But we need larger unit for actually storing data. Therefore, a byte which is equal to 8 bits, is used as the fundamental unit of measurement for data. A b1.te can store 2s or 256 different values. As most files contain thousands ofbltes, hence file:ize. are generally rne.rrured in kilobl tes, megabltes or gigaby.tes. The relation betrveen different units of memory are given below: 1 Byte (B) I Kilob)-te (KB) 1 Megabl.te (MB) I Gigabyte (GB) I Terabyte (TB) i Petablte (PB) I F'"h.do fFR\ 1 Zettabyre (ZB) 1 Yottablte (YB) = = = = = - 8 bits (b) 2'" or 1024 B 2Lo or 1024 KB 2" or 1024 MB 2'o or 1024 GB 2ro or 1024 TB 2ro or 1024 PB 210 or 1024 EB 2tt or 1024 ZB' Test /our Skill to know the name of any Database Management System Enquire used in your school. lGB Memory Computer inemory refers to the storage space in a comPuter. In other words, the storage capacity of a computer is called its memory. Computer memory is basically grouped in two major categories: 1. Primary Memory Secondarv Memorv 2. Primary Memory Primary memory is also known as main memory or internal memory. It is in direct contact with the processor. So processing in primary memory is faster as compared to the secondary memory. Primary memory is further divided into rwo categories - RAM and ROM. Ttvo basic types of RAM are: Static RAM (SRAM). RAM (Random Access Memory) is volatile in nature i.e. i. it cannot retain its content ifthe power supply goes off. It ii. Dynamic RAM has limited storage capacity as compared to the secondary (DRAM). memory. It holds only that much ofdata on which computer is currently working. It temporarily keeps the data and instructions related to the program and the file on which the user is currently working. So to keep the information or files safe (on which user is working) for future, we need to save it on a secondary storage device like hard disk, pen drive, etc. Since data can be read from it and temDorarilv RAM (Random Access Memory) written on it so it is also kaown as Read/Write Memory.' ROM (Read Only Memory) is non-volatile in nature i.e. it retains its content even ifthe power supply is off. But as the name savs. the RoM (Read only Memory) data can only be read from it, nothing can be written on it by the user. It contains the instructions or programs that help in booting the There are three types Of ROM: i. Programrnable ii. Erasable ROM. i , Prograrnmable ROM. ' iii. Electrically Erasable l system, checking the peripherals, etc. Programmable ROM. ; Secondary Memory ,. '---. '. -. Secondary memory is also known as external memory or auxiliary memory. It is indirectly connected to processor Data are exchanged - from and to secondary memory lra primary memory, so processing of data becomes little slow. It is non_volatile memory i.e. it retains its content even when the power supply is switched off There are several t\.'pes ofsecondary storage devices like floppy disk, CD-ROM, Blu ray disc, magnetic tapes, pen drive, hard diilg etc. Hard Disk - Hard Disk is the most common secondary storage device. Whatever we save gets stored in hard disk, by default. It is generally attached to the motherboard ihside the CpU cabinet, that is why some people consider it as primary memory even. .. : .: 10 : Hard Disk A hard disk drive stores information on a hard disk. It is made up ofa collection of disks, which are placed below each other and are called platters. Platters are coated with magnetic material on which data are actually recorded. Each disk ofthe hard disk consists of many concentric circles that are known as tracks. Tracks are further divided into many parts known as sectors. Now a days storage caPacities ofhard disk are 500 GB, 2 TB and even 5 TB. Pen Drives - Another most commonly used secondary storage device is pen drive. Data can be easily read, written or transferred from and to a pen drive. A pen drive is plugged into the USB port ofthe computer system. It is also known as flash drive or USB drive. It is very small in size and can be easily carried to any place in your pocket like a pen. These days pen drives come in storage capacities of2 GB,8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB,64 GB and so on. Pen DVD - The full form of DVD is Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc. It is a circular disc with invisible tracks and sectors on it. Generally, one side ofthe disc is shining and the other side has a matte finish. Data are written on the shining portion, so we should Drive DVD take care that no scratches appear on that side. The capacity ofa single sided single layer common DVD is 4.7 GB. Double sided double layered DVDs are also available with approxirnately 17 GB capacity. CD can be played in a DVD drive but a DVD cannot be played in a CD drive. CD-ROM - The full form of CD-ROM is Compact Disc Read Only Memory. It is commonly known as CD only. It also has tracks and sectors on which data are recorded. It can be used to read, write data from and to the computer. We need a CD writer device and a special software to write data on a CD. Capacities of CDs are generally 600 MB or 700 MB. CDs are of two tl?es: 1. CD-R: Compact Disc Recordable CD-RW: Compact Disc Rewritable 2. CD-R are cheaper and hence used by mqst people for storing data. But the drawback ofthis tlpe of CD is that the particular place ofthe CD where data is once written cannot be reutilised by erasing. So once the data is written on such a CD then it cannot be reused for writing some other data. Test = : ur Skill storage devices which look simila. to a CD. Whereas CD-RW is litde costlier but these CDs can be used again and again for writing diferent data on it. BIu Ray Disc - This is one of the latest inyentions in storage discs' arena. It has a storage capacity of 25 GB. To use a Blu ray disc, a Blu ray reader is required which generally comes with advanced models oflaptops. Floppy Disk - Floppy disks are now almost outdated, but they were widely used few decades ago. They were made of a magnetic disc which was enclosed within a rectangular plastic case. They were available in 2 sizes - 5 7.r inches with storage capacity I.2 MB and 3 % inches (commonly used) with storage capacitf 1.44 MB. A floppy drive was required to use the floppy disk Floppy Disk According to the need and requirement diferent users choose different tl?es of secondary storage devices on the basis ofsize of storage device, portability, access time to store data, capacity ofthe device or the technology used to store data. _ Let Us a .- information ; a := E. . Remember iI Data are raw r4Lrr, facts, which wruLu.u< are processed pruLesscu to ge( get meanlngrul meaningfirl != E l | i | tt-rroper;Iorqgr is about cteati a homeJbr somethinS something so that minimal / .. to *";::,::1 computer can work on. It can have 0 memory. RAM and ROM are two categories of primary Secondary memory is non-volatile and has larger storage capacity to p mary memory. E as compared i : (Navigation/Practical Based Workheet) b. Size (diameter in cm): Capacity (in MB): (Theory-based Worksheet) ROM information smaller RAM a. bit main memory internal Data is processed to get b. can work is the smallest piece of information on which a computer memory or contains the instructions for checking the peripherals while booting. is a volatile memory. c. a. Information are processed to get data. b. Computer only understands the data conYerted into binary digits' c. 8 d. Secondary memory is volatile mernory. b)tes make 1 bit. There are two basic types of RAM. f. Sectors are divided into tracks on a a. RAM b. PROM c. DVD d. GB e. CD-RW a. Floppy Disk b. cD-RoM c. DVD d. Blu Ray Disc e. Pen Drive disk a. Ditrerentiate between data and information. b. Differentiate between volatile and non-volatile memory with example. c. Arrange the given units ofmemory in descending order: MB, GB, KB, TB, PB, B, EB d. What are tracks and sectors on e. Write any two advantages of pen Drive over CD-ROM. a Hard Disk? a. h discussion on features of early memory devices b. Surfthe internet and then c. Conduct a survey and create a report on the name of the manufacture storage d ices along with their Pictures' a co anies who tt Education is \ the gi/t that no i 1ne cqn leke dlr'Q.t - grert, B.R. King . GUI Operatfng SgStem Students . . . . . COMPUTERS 4 (Derktop Manegementl will be able to: use the Quick Launch Bar and Task Bar. operate the settings like Date & Time, Volume of a Speaker, etc. lists the use of Shortcut menu. describe the \'?rious actions of Taskbar, add icons or folders on the Taskbar, Recap of GUI . GUI - It stands for Graphical User Interface. It is a type ofuser interface that allows users to interact with the computer devices through icons. GUI supports Menu Driven Applications. Such applications are found in our daily routine accessories like mobile, TV camera, etc. GUI is also known as WIMP Interface because it works on the followrne Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointers. . - most and Operating System - The Operating System also known as OS is the important program that runs on a computer to control other programs applications. Linux, Windows are the examples of OS. Windows l0 - It is a personal computer Operating System which was developed and released by Microsoft on fuly 29, 2015. Some ofthe common interfaces of Windows 10 are Start Menu, Taskbar, Icons, Notification Bar, Search Box. Desktop - It is the area ofa display screen where images, windows, icons and other graphical items appear at a time. It is the front screen ofthe monitor. Screen Saver - When a user leaves the computer for a period of time then the computer displays a set of moving pictures, patterns or text on the screen called screen saver. = i : srarr uP coMPutBts _'r Quick Launch Bar The Quick Launch Bar, located on the Taskbar is an easy way to open frequently used programs just by a single click. You can add or remove the programs from the list as per your need. Generally user keeps those files or folders on the Quick Launch Bar which are used on a regular basis. By default the Quick Launch Bar is disabled on the Taskbar. i-ioiiir';o.u.dd Quick l-aunch ISar t0 the Taskbar? Right Click on the Taskbar. 1. Right Click anywhere on the Taskbar 2. Go to Toolbars. Figure 2.1 18 3. And then so to New Toolbar. Figure 2.2 4. A dialog box will appear containing different Folders. NeToolt* -CrE..t rt 6 r i Th/r rlc I Do.umrr t - o s.!r<h Ocrm.ns - a t Ne loldd P6j<rG. i.tr ^ OrgNnlz. , ld.r lnlt rc -o.rtcop d 5dk6sopt Compon.r* xo o to|d.. tdd!" y.UserMllet6\Ap?DatauenlEv$i.roloftlnteiEt I Figure 2,3 5. T\pe the above text in the Folder box. 19 r.r.. ErDror.r\AuH( tfl4d r.td.'l i crar i 1 _ srart ur coMrt-;tgrs 6. * Click on Select Folder button or press Enter. raaf, T6lhr - Ch6.. . loLli Y () scorh Oo<uenrr + t r D'i. atc r Do.uh6r. t Ori.^Ir.. NdtoHr ! ! ai- k!i.<tou r*LPl ^ rhtr Pc Lo.irrop a Figure 2.4 7. The Quick Launch Bar will be added on the Taskbar Figure 2.5 -!c,.r, ir Hirig Q.uiek Launch l3ar fi'onr rho -.el t. Right Click and select the Toolbar. e,; ' Figure 2.6 20 a 2. Uncheck the Tick Mark (This will hide the Quick Launch Bar). Figl.Jre 2.7 l Practice Step l: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4l Step 5: Step 6: Step 7; Step 8: t Step l: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Taskbar Taskbar is one ofthe elements ofGUI (Graphical User Interface) located at the bottom of Windows 10 and can be used for various purposes. It usually shows the status ofapplications which are currently running or opened on the computer. Apart from this it provides links or shortcuts to other prograrns or places like start menu, clock, speaker, etc. which can be operated just by a single click. By default Taskbar is placed at the bottom of the screen. We can change its location by changing its settings. Figure 2.8 Adding ltems to the Taskbar 1. Click on the start button 2. Click on All Apps button 3. Right Click on the program (For example camera is selected here). Figure 2.9 4. Choose option More and then Pin to Taskbar. Figure 2.10 5. The selected program will be added to the Taskbar. Figure 2.11 1. Follorr ib e steps and add the Calcul{tor ou tlre f'ashbar. Step l: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: 23 How to Set Date/Time in Windows l0? 1. Click the clock on the Taskbar and select Date Tirne settinss under the calendar & Computer basically displays curent date and tirne when it is opened as the settings for time zone and tirne are automatically set in it. Fili.tre 2.12 2. Turn off the options to set the time and time zone autornatically. e Date & time Dale | 6 o*a.* s tinE If this is on it will not Oo allow you to change the settings Ooc adju* lor d.!liqht siving ' Figure 2.13 trmE automal'.arly 3. Select the correct time zone from the dropdown menu and click on chanqe button. Date & time tttrrr, rnt4?'tl Od' /irlr b.drreh'arry'ft i!rs{.dt Figure 2.14 4. Change date and tirne dialog box will appear. Click the Change button to set the selected date and time or Cancel to go back on the current dat-e of the system. Figure 2.15 Ifyou want the correct date and time then go back and turn on the option to set the time and zone automatically. Fi9tx,e 216 srART uP t. co uTERs - 4 Change the setiing of Date with,vour Birth l)aie and poiflt out th(r changes' Step I I Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: 2. Chanee the Time Zone setting frorn India to a rence of time. di rent country and nark the di Country/City selected Current time in India Current time ofthe other country Difference in time Setting Volume of a SPeaker A new volume control has been introduced in windows 10, that allows the user to change the volumes for each program individually just like you see in mobile phones' 1. Click on the speaker icon in the taskbar, to get a control that lets you change the volume for your comPuter system. Figure 2 17 26 2. Ifyou want to get the volume control just right-click on the volume icon to bring up the following menu. Figure 2.18 Adjusting the volume for individual programs. Click on the Open Volurne Mixer link to open the Volume Mixer as follows: Figure 2,19 A dialog box witl appear, here you can adjust volume for individual programs, as tor the entire system just by moving the slider up and down. as well Step l: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Shortcut Keys Turning multiple mouse clicks into simPle shortcut key is a smarter Process' It takes less time as-compared to the mouse clicks. Here are some of them used in Windows 10' a 'Windows kev Open or Close Start Menu. Windows key + D Display and hide the desktoP. Windows key + E Windows key + I Open File Explorer. Open Settings. Windows key + L Lock your PC or switch accounts. Winilows key + M Minimize all windows. Windows key + Open Search. Ctrl + AIt +Tab S View open apps Copy selected items to cliPboard. Cut selected items. Paste content from clipboard. Select all content. Undo an action. Redo an action. CtrI + Esc Ctrl + F4 Open the Start Menu. Close the active window. srAnt ul coMluTels _ 't Let Us Remember Quick Launch Bar - The Quick Launch Bar located on the Taskbar s used to open frequently used programs just by a single lick. Taskbar the status ations which are unningor By default it i at the bot Date and Tirne Setting - It is used to adjust the date and time settings of the computer system. Time Zone - It sets the time according to the regional settings or geographical area. Speaker Setting - It is used to adjust the volume of the program as well as for the system. (Navigation/Practical Based Worksheet) Also mention its function. Keys Function 30 tethnoiog.t is tl s pqrt of thc Sfcyen Levy 2. 3. Look at the figure and answer the follorving' a. What t'?e of setting it is? b. Name the button which will change this setting. c. rtvhat is the use ofCancel button? Iden a.- ico b. .E 31 (Theory-based Workheet) shortcut key songs taskbar date a. The Quick Launch Toolbar is located on the b. Speaker is used to listen to is the shortcut key to Open or Close the start menu. c. d. Windows key Computer displays calendar to change ofa computer easily. works faster than mouse clicks. scramble the jumbled words and rvrite them correc 2. a. ADET b. RTAASKB c. PESAKRE 3. Guess who am I? a. Makes you listen to songs on a computer b. Gives you the exact time c. Important element of Windows d. It is used to start a program ite (T) for true and (F) for false statements. a. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. b. By default Taskbar is located at the top ofthe screen. c. Opened programs are displayed on the Taskbar. D D o a. What is the function of Quick Launch Bar? b. What is the Taskbar? What are the things that you can set with speaker settings? How can you change the Time Zone in change it? a computer? What happens when you Tools of Word 2016 t .;'.;:i'f ..i :.t, . :)'i COMPUTERS 4 ,-.:.tt''t',i:.:.li) Students will be able to: use basic formatting tools. use basic editing tools. preview and print a document. create their own documents based oD the given requirement. . . . . In class you have learnt about word processor and some ofits types. You were made aware ofthe most popular Word processor - Word 2016 and its interface. The main parts of Word window are: Quick Access Toolbar, tide bar, ribbon, workspace, status bar, etc. Now you will learn to use some editing and formatting tools. 3, Researcher and Editor are two new tools that have been added to Microsoft Word 2015. Editing You already know that editing means making to the document without deleting the whole c Editing is required in many places for exampl industry a movie is shot in pieces and finally a organises it in a proper sequence. Editing includes deleting a portion, cutting, copying and pasting or using Undo and Redo commands. the keyboard shortcuts for Cut, Copy Can you tell ' and Paste? We have already dealt with deleting, cut, copy and paste functions in previous class. l"incrr ;nd Redo Undo means to reverse the last action performed, whereas Redo means to reverse the last undo performed. These actions can be performed by pressing the undo/ redo button present on the Quick Access Toolbar 35 Keyboard shortcut for Undo: Ctrl + Z Redo: Ctrl + y Repeat: F4 sreqt uP coMtu'IEts - + Besides Undo/Redo, repeat command is also available which is less frequently used. Repeat command repeats the last action taken. Once we undo, the Undo Redo repeat button changes to redo. Quick Access Toolbar Proofing Tools Word 2016 provides us the tools to check the spellings ofthe text entered, use synonyms and control on word limits. All these comes under proofing tools. Test ur Skill How can you repeat a text written (just now) l0 times without using Copy-Paste function? Speliin_c and Gramrnar While typing you must have come across some blue or red waly lines under some text. Red wa\y underline indicates spelling mistake or a word which is not in the computer dictionary whereas blue wary underline indicates grammatical Spelling & Grammar - j lhesaurus l. t lryoro Lount mistake. P.^^(it\.1 The steps to check the spelli-ng and grammar ofthe document, are as below: Proohng group of Review tab Figure 3.1 1. Place the cursor at the location from where you want to start checking. 2. Click Spelling & Grammar option in Proofing group of Review tab. 3. The spelling task pane will appear on right side with some suggestions ofthe first unrecognised word in the document. The unrecognised words will be highlighted automatically in the document. Figure 3.2 36 4. Choose any suggested word from the list (ifyou feel it fits more appropriately in the document) and then perform the desired action i.e. Ignorei ChangeiAdd. 5. Repeat step 4 until Word displays a message box saying 'Spelling and grammar check completel 6. Finally click on OK. Keyboard shortcut for Spelling and Grammar: F7 Thesaurus: Shift + F7 lheseurus Thesaurus option helps you to get a list of synonyms and an antonym for a specific word. You can replace an existing word with any ofthe suggested synonym, which can make your document more impressive. The steps to use Thesaurus are: l. Place the cursor on the word or select 2. Click the Thesaurus option ofProofing group under Review tab. 3. The Thesaurus task pane appears on the right side ofthe window with list and an antonym. it for which you need a list ofsynonyms. of syn onyms I Figure 3.3 4. To use one o[ the synonym, bring the mouse pointer over the desired synonym and click the drop down arrow and choose Insert or Copy. The list of sgronyms can also be displayed by right-clicking on the desired word the document. 37 of srART uP coMPuTERs 1 , _4 \l'rite tile stcils t{} lixd .riu'i p&ste the syrtu$ynl d antonyrn of a rrord" Step 1: Step 2: Step 3; Step 4: Step 5: Formatting Tools Formatting basically means to change the appearance of the text or document. In Word, formatting can be categorised in 3 major groups - character formatting, paragraph formalting and page formatting. Most word processing tl?efaces are proportional, meaning each character is of different width (like M and I have different The most common character formatting features are available in the Font group of Home Tab. To apply the formatting to the word, first select it and then click on the desired option ofthe Font group like: 1. - Bold - E3. To make the text darker than the normal. ltalics - To make the text slantec - Underline Ctlibri (Bo 5. width). i11 ; To underline the text. - Font - To change the font ofthe text. - Font Size - To change the size ofthe text to desired points directlv, 6. - - Font Color - To change the colour ofthe text. 38 Calibri -16 . d r' tu' {s' U..b€x. x' ; 1Y'A, fDnt Font group of Home tab Figure 3.4 c 7. r'Jil - 8. ifa 9. ii.i Text Highlighting Color - Text gets highlighted with the chosen color. - Increase Font size/Decrease Font Size Increases and decreases the size ofthe font step by step. - - --'- written in subscript or superscript suUs..iptlsuperscript Text can be like written in subscript in HrO and in superscript in XzY 2 is : - -- i:.- .:l--i r r Pnf,irrrii!1 Paragraph group ofHome tab The formatting which affects the appearance ofthe entire paragraph is known as paragraph formatting Iike alignment, line spacing, paragraph spacing, etc. Most ofthese features are available paragraph group of Home tab. in Alignment is the manner in which text is placed between the margins of a page. Alignment is of tlvo t)?es: i. Horizontal alignment - It refers to the placement of text in relation to the left and right Page margins. Tlpes ofhorizontal alignments are: left, right, center Keyboard shortcut for Bold: Ctrl + B Italics: Ctrl + I Underliner Ctrl + U Increase font size: Ctrl+Shift+> Decrease font size: Ctrl+Shift+< The default values of some of the formatting features are: Font: Calibri Font size: 1l Font color: black Alignment: left Bullet: black dot and lustify. Vertical alignment - It refers to the placement of text in relation to the top and bottom page margins. Tlpes ofvertical alignments are: top, bottom, center and justify. To apply the horizontal alignment, simply select the text and click on the desired alignment button Present in the paragraph group of Home tab or from the Paragraph dialog box. 39 The keyboard shortcut for horizontal alignments are: Left: Ctrl + L Right: Ctrl + R Center: Ctrl + E Justify: Ctrl + J . -_'r-'i-__ Similarly, vertical alignment can be applied by choosing the required option from the Page Setup dialog box. A dialog b can be brought by clicking the dialog box launcher button (a srnall arrow) present at the bottom right side ofthe group. Figure 3.6 underline using Font dialog b Step 1: Step 2l Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Line spacing is the amount of white space between the lines of a paragraph. Similarh Paragraph spacing is the amount of white space between two paragraphs. These spacings are generally measured in points. To set the line spacing and paragraph spacing follow these steps: 1. Place the cursor in the required para$raph. 2. 3. Bring the Paragraph dialog box by clicking the dialog box launcher ofParagraph group. In the Spacing block, the Before and After boxes are used to set spacing before and after the selected paragraph. Whereas, Line Spacing box is used to set the space between the lines ofthe selected paragraph. 4. Finally click on OK button. Line spacing can be set directly to I or 1.15 or 1.5 or 2 or 2.5 or 3 by simply choosing the required option from the drop down menu of Line Spacing button 3 . available in the Paragraph group of Home tab. Printing Once you have created and formatted your document you may need to take the print out of it. Before taking the printout it is a good practice to first see how the print out will look on the desired size of paper. For this word provides the option - Print Preview. To see the preview and then taking the print out, follow the given steps: 1. Click the File tab and select Print option. 2. The Print screen will appear. The right pane displays the preview of each page and the left pane of the screen gives various options ofprinting. Print {+ Figure 3.7 3. The first option allows us to select the printer from where we want the print out. 4. Next option allows us to choose the option to print all pages ofdocument to print, or current page i.e. the page where cursor is presently placed or in the pages option we can give only some selected page nurnbers. 5. Many more options are available which can be chosen according to your print. 6. Finally clkk the Print button ifyou are satisfied by the preview and all the settings. Let Us Remember = changes by parti meaning) and an antonlm ofthe selected A.lignment refers to the placement of text page margrns. Print option ofFile tab displays the print screen. (Navigation/Practical Based Workheet) l. Lookat the images Image X, and tetheuseofit. Use a. Make the heading with i. ii. iii. b. c. Font color green and font size 18. Underline with blue. Make it center aligned. Write the body of the story with i. ii. Make it justify aligned. iii. Line spacing should be 1.5. Font color blue and font size 14. Save the document with a name MY STORY. (Theory-based Worksheet) bold undo qmonym Quick Access spelling redo means to reverse the last action Derformed. a. b. Repeat/Redo button is available on the c. Once we undo the repeat button chang€s into Red wavy line indicates toolbar. mistakes. means similar meaning words. f. means darker than the normal text. Option a. Font color b. Line spacing Tab Group c. d. e. Bold a. b. c. Bold d" Thesaurus e. Center align f. fusti$align a. What is editing? b. What is formatting? c. Define alignment. d. Define line spacing. Thesaurus Spelling & Grammar Undo Redo e. ;} How can we see the preview ofthe document before printing? TT Ec 'ea th( 1e?lt A !?lll he lnternet (Web Browser) I will be able to: explain the term Network. list the advantages and disadvantages of Network. list the basic requirements for internet connection. describe the parts of a Browser Window. list some of the basic internet terminologies. discuss the usage of a Search Engine. Students . . . . . . Recao Internet of Internet - Internet is a network ofnetworks and collection of many servrces and resources which benefits us in various ways. Search Engine - It is a specialised software, used for searching information the World Wide Web. on ; (lt can be on local or global basis). For example a person sitting in Delhi may contact with the other person in the same city, country or may be abroad. What is a Network? When two or more persons are interconnected (through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, etc.) or any medium which can be wired or wireless for Wired connection a. sharing soltware and hardware resources b. exchanging files c. communicating electronically like sending e mails, chatting, etc. it is termed as a Network. It enables the users to share resources over a long distance within a short span of time. Internet is the most suitable example of a network which connects millions ofpeople all over the world every day. For internet connection a network uses mixed technolosv (Wired and Wireless) 'Wireless connection ))))))) Computer hardware is the physical part ofa computer, such as monitot keyboard, etc. which can be touched. Two persons are exchanging liles on a network Software is a kind of program used to operate computers and related devices which can t be touched. Advantages of Netwo* Sharing of resources Sharing of information Computer Network are also called Data Network Data is the raw facts which users share with each other as information. Entertainment Hardware sharing Less expensive Easily accessible Disadvantages of Network May have incomplete information Not reliable always Not error free Blindly accepted Basic Reqdrements for an lntemet Connection A Computer A Phone Line A Broadband/Modem Millions of private firms, public sector institutions, goYernment offices, academic institutions and business networks oflocal as well as global status are connected by internet. An ISP Nearly everlthing we do in this world is helped or even controlled by computers. In terms of internet it is used to connect the deYices with a Computer connected to a modem medium as well as creates a platform to connect to an intprnet connection. With the growth of computing power, computers can be used to do rnore and more tasks on internet. Broadband is a wireless medium of comrnunication. Its services are not available in all the areas. Therefore, before getting a broadband service, you must check the area of availability. Landlines or mobiles are used to set a link between a modem and an internet connection. It can be used as a medium ofvoice/video calls over internet. Phone line Modem helps to connect with other computers through phone lines. It is slower and the cheapest Modem Broadband rnedium of devrce communication, It helps to send/receive information through a cable. Connecting to internet through broadband is a popular solution in today's world. The speed ofbroadband is much faster as compare to modem. Using broadband people can watch movies, play games, listen to music, chat without anY disturbances. ISP stands for Internet Seryice Provider which refers to a company Now a days, smart phones are also used for internet connection. Modem stands for Modulator/Demodulator. A modem can be internal or external. You must connect your modem with a landline. that provides internet services and facilities for home and ofice purpose. There are different tl?es ofinternet connections available today. The requirements to connect to the internet may vary on the \pe of connection you choose. Can you suggest some more ISP companies? Reliance Jto BSNL *;t :cefr*df 'jir.t'jc€ I airlel Few companies which provide internet connection 49 srent -.fEa(.' ul col'ltt ' " - 4 Parts of a Browser Window A browser is a free software package that lets you view web pages, graphics, and most online content. Examples ofweb browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc. Back and Forward Button Title Bar Address Bar Control Buttons YAHOO/ glrrr crcri.: riliet f,tu4s Lt..!ire irou6 *Qliir 5rqpBi9 !.rci. TErnBg n@ llurnDai subm€mod: lhins rls!€ndi. *,"..""..j '^.,'' d. j*.*i.!.re+itjrjr|. Fisure 4 I " srd RroPi chsoi I &?,:rbr! I Kd.drrrfi Display Window Table 4.1 Terms ' Title Bar Refresh Button Favorites Thic her ic lnrrterl ,t thF t^n ^fihc hrnwscr window. It is used to The purpose ofthe Title bar is to display the title ofthe web page that you are currently viewing. By clicking on this button the browser opens the same page again on the screen. It is used when the web page is not loaded properly on the screen. By.pressing F5 or clicking on this button we can refresh the page. ,Also called Bookmarks, they are the collection ofpredefined web pages which are stored in a web browser. Clicking on these opens a webpage direcdy. 50 | i t. wrndow whlch works i' ': Tt moves the web down or Ieft and right I that you can view the information properly. , Scroll Bar Label the area ofthe ncb page hrotrser ich are indicated. 51 I so . srART uP cor'lYutgrs -* Terms Related to lnternet Table 4.2 "------' DescriPtions I l Uniform Resource Locator also called web address tells the location i I I I 1 Tim Berners-Lee I the things according Download I I Chat Saving something on your computer from internet like songs, games, movles, elc. Talking to someone on internet usually by exchanging text messages. What are Search Engines? Search Engines are the programs which are used for searching anlthing on the World Wide Web User has to specify the term ofwhat they want to search. Based on that word it provides a list of related links where the user can click those links to get the information. A Search Engine can be termed as Encyclopedia of all the subjects. 52 Uses of Search Engines For For For For studies entertainment shopping research worh etc. Google and Yahoo are very commonly used Search Engines Figwe 4.2 How to Use Google? 1. Open any web browser and qpe the URL address bar and press Enter Key. irr1F5 q!(N as www.google.com or google.com in the 3.orE{ Figure 4.3 2. The google page wilJ be opened. Figure 4.4 53 3. To continue with search click mouse in the search text box. .- .j L..,sq. t4b Figure 4.5 4. As an exarnple t1,?e'Internet' in the search box. +q sh Fi8ure 4.6 5. You can find blue text appearing on the screen called hyperlinks which can be clicked to moYe on that particular link. rME6cobtj.l'}slsi'dnl.(oldloiltm4lgFM6trtho e@ lrcPna b r[* dwrq r'rdt rd6r6l pdi'eal e$ hbm.l .c.d E@{ N.wr IBr.t n r r lh6 t4s!!r sid{d€ (mhun(ai.a d()!]rd ..dfrk b$tr*s .d0 tB h .d'.riM .arrd 5ma!'r[{ N6r' rs 6 ..*. nokqa er cnMe4 @rr6el,' !}3l'n or rdnpiu] i61*o& :.::: Figure 4.7 r. - . 6. It is not possible to display all the links on one page. To continue with other pages use the icon to jump on page 2 and so on... Figure 4.8 Step l: Step 2: St€p 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: 2. List out the interesting things that u can find on that website, Let Us Remember Network - When two or more persons are interconnected (via cable or with any mediurn - wired I or wireless) with computers for sharing l it is termed and hardware resources with each other as networlc ISP - ISP stands for Intemet Service Provider which refers to a company that provides internet services and software facilities for home and office purpose. Net Surfing - Seardring something on internet. =. i anything on the www. (Navigation/Practiol Based Worksheet) a. b. = (Theory-based Worksheet) Surfing URL Network Internet a Searching the topics on internet is called Service Provider Address are used to identify the location offiles on internet. d. Bar is located at the too of the browser window. a. b. IPS NSGURFI c. AYOHO d. RWOBRES e. OBDRABNAD 3. Guesswho I? a. The creator of WWW b. Person who regularly uses the internet c. An example of a network d. Works faster than modem e. Identifies the location ofa File a o a a a Tim Berners-Lee Landline Broadband device 5. 6. ite (T) for true and (F) for false statements. a. Status Bar is located at the bottom ofthe browser window. b. Mozilla Firefox is an example of Search Engine. c. Broadband transfers the data at d. Surfing means to spend time on internet. e. WWW stands for Work With Web. Answer a. the a very low speed. lowing questions. List out the advantages and disadvantages ofa Network. Advantages b. What do you krow about ISP? c. Explain the term Network. Disadvantages d. What is a Search Engine? Explain any two uses ofit. e. 14&at is URL? List out (any two) functions of a Network thes€ b. c. d. €. others, BSNL : 60,i I O-t : Presentetfon 5oftwere (An Introdsctiort Students will be able to: explain the purpose of presentation softwale. choose appropdate layout according to tequirement. add text and images to slide. navigate between the slides. present a slide show . . . . . A presentation software is the software that helps a user to present the information in such a manner so that it draws the attention ofthe user on the important points. To make it possible the software provides some special effects which can be added besides normal text and graphics. A presentation software must have three major components: an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted, an import function for inserting and manipulating graphic images a slide show system to display the content. . . . PowerPoint 2016 Online presentation tool Presentation tool by Apple Presentation tool by Microsoft Common Terms Slide - Individual pages ofthe presentation software are called slides. Pr€sentation - Systematic display of information on a particular topic is called presentation. Slide show Systematic display of slides one by one on full screen is called slide show. Starting PowerPoint PowerPoint is one ofthe most widely used presentation soltware. The steps to start PowerPoint 2016 are: 1. Click on Start button. Test = = = ur Skill the name of any other presentation Do you know software? Robert Gaskins the inventor of PowerPoint Fi8ure 5.1 2. In the Start menu click on All Apps option. PowerPoint was originally designed for Macintosh computers. Later in it was improvised for 1987 Windows. Figure 5.2 3. Generally, all the apps/programs are arranged alphabetically. Click on PowerPoint 2016. Figure 5.3 4. The PowerPoint start screen appears. From this screen we can start the presentation in any one ofthe three ways, as shown in the figure below: Using blank presentation Using built-in theme Using online template a. b. c. b. Original name of PowerPoint was Presenter, which was later changed in 1987. .,-.. Approxirnately Figure 5.4 500 million users use PowerPoint daily worldwide. i : :i Click on Blank presentation. The new presentation screen appears, which consists ofthree panes Slides pane and Notes pane. - Navigation pane, . ii rI ': Click to add Navigation title Pane Notes Pane Figue 5.5 Rest ofthe parts of PowerPoint window are almost similar to other windows Microsoft Office 2016. Tide bar of Quick Access Toolbar Ribbon Placeholder Click to add title * Scroll bar Oicl to add subtitl. + Status bar View Buttons Figure 5.6 65 l* zoom slider -'.fEos - 4 Components of PowerPoint Window 1 Navigation pane - It is present at the left side ofthe window and contains thumbnail size of all the slides ofthe presentation. 2. Slides pane - It occupies the central part ofthe window and displays one slide at a time. It is the main area where all the text, pictures, audio, video, etc. are inserted and edited. 3. Notes pane - It is located at the bottom ofthe slides pane. It is used to write some notes particular to the slide, which the presenter can refer It is not visible to the audience. 4. Quick Access toolbar - It is located at the top left corner ofthe window. It contains the buttons (commands) which are frequently used. By default undo, redo and slide show button are present on it. 5. Title bar - It is located at the top, next to the quick access toolbar It displays the name ofthe file and program along with the sign in option and buttons at the right side (hide/show ribbon, minimize, restore and close). 6. Place holder images, etc. 7. Status bar - It is present at the bottom ofthe window. It displays the information like number of slides, slide number, comment button, yiew buttons, zoom slider, etc. 8. View buttons - You can view a presentation in five diferent views. Four ofthem are by default available on status bar. They are normal view slide sorter view, reading view - It is a dotted rectangular box present on the slide which can hold text, and slide show view. 9. Zoom slider - Zoom slider is present at the right side of status bar. It is dragged right or left to increase or decrease the zoom level i.e. to display the slide in a larger view or in a smaller view 10. Scroll bar - There are two t)?es of scroll bar available in PowerPoint window horizontal scroll bar and vertical scroll bar. Horizontal scroll bar is used to move the slide left and right to and vertical scroll bar is used to move the slide uo and down to see the hidden oarts. see - the hidden parts lnserting a Slide Once you start creating a presentation, you need to add slides in it. You can add slides ofdifferent layout in your presentation according to your need. The steps to add a new slide in a oresentation are: 66: Can you tell the difference between zoom in and zoom out? 1. Click the Home tab. 2. Click the drop down arrow ofNew Slide option that is present in Slides group. 3. Select the desired Layout from the gallery. A new slide with the selected layout will be displayed at the center of the slide. You can change the layout of any existing slide also. For that click the drop down arrow of Layout option of Slides group and choose the desired layout. Insertin Text and Picture You can simply click on the placeholder ofa slide and start typing the required text. But in case you want to add some more text at some other part ofthe slide then you can insert a text box from Text group of Insert tab. Then click inside it and start t)?ing. ftgure )./ For Inserting picture: 1. Click on Insert tab. 2. Click Picture button in the Images group. 3. Picture Iigure The keyboard shortcut 5.8 The Insert picture dialog box will appear. Select the desired picture and click on Insert button. The picture 1. 6+ Pkturt5 Online Sdanshot to insert Ctrl + M. will appear in the selected slide. Add a slide of Step l: comparison I out after 3,d Step 2: Step 3: o/ a slide ofa presentation. new slide is STrrr ug coMPutEls - + Step 4: Saving a Presentation The steps to save a presentation are as follows: I. Click the File tab. 2. The Backstage view appears. Choose Save option from it. 3. Click the Browse option. 4. The Save As dialog box will appear. Choose the Iocation where you want to save the file. 5. Tlpe 6. Click on Save. a A file can be quickly saved bv kevboard shortcut Ctrl + S or click Save button on Quick Access Toolbar. name for the file in File name box. By default, PowerPoint saves the file with an extension .pptx. We can save the file in other formats also. For that we have to choose the q?e (format) from Save As tlpe. The extension ofthe File changes automatically. Closing a Presentation To close a presentation, follow the given steps. L 2. Click the File tab. The Backstage view appears. Choose Close option from it. If the presentation was not saved before closing then a message box will be displayed with three options 'Savel 'Dont Save' and'Cancell Choose any one option according to your need. Opening an 3. . . Closing: Alt + F4 OPening: Ctrl + O xisting Presentation The steps to open an existing presentation are almost same as saving. l. 2. Keyboard shortcut for Click the File tab. The Backstage view appears. Choose Open option from it. Click the Browse option. 68 Instead of opening an existing file from Open dialog bon, you can open it from the recent lile list in th€ Backstage view. 4. The Open dialog box will appear Choose the location where you have saved the file. Select the file name. 6. Click on Open button. Navigation You can easily move from one slide to other by simply clicking on the required slide. To move back or forth in a sequence you can use the Previous slide or Next slide button present at the bottom ofvertical scroll bar Slide Show PowerPoint gives the facility ofpresenting the slides in a sequential manner on full screen. This is known as slide show. There are various ways to start a slide show. Choose any one ofthe given ways. 1. Press F5. 2. 3. 4. Click the slide show button on Quick Access toolbar. Click the 'From beginning' option in the Start slide show group of Slide Show tab. Click the slide show button present on the status bar. The first three ways start the presentation from the first slide ofthe presentation, while the last way starts the slide show from the current slide i.e. the slide which was selected before startins slide show. Let Us Remember A presentation software helps to slide show the information in an attractive manner with different visual and audio effects, so that it holds the attention ofthe audience on the important Doints. tt-, I lle ,\ u( t-!:s \ ol PowerPoint is the widely used presentation software provided t ot!r p rc s c tit..tt io t! by Microsoft. viii l,L iut.lilu| rtoi PowerPoint window contains three panes - slide, navigation ht !!it i;rutv'iuige and notes. t<nLtctttl but lrt, Inserting and editing oftext and pictures are done on the wh.l rhc listtnrr pane. slides Slide show can be started by pressing F5. Keyboard shortcut for save and open is Ctrl + S and Ctrl + O respectively. Lii!'. Lle ter:; SAYE Ide ic a. b. c. a. b. c. d. containing 4 slides to eq)lain th€ difierence between 'Man and Machine'. each slide should be ofdiferent layout. save the file on deslcop with the name 'diferencel use keyboard strortcut to showthe presentation on full screen. (Theory-based Wo*sheet) three two presentation placeholder slide .pptx is a systematic display of information on a particular topic. b. The individual page of a presentation is called The PowerPoint window contains d. The dotted rectangular box on a slide is known as types of scroll bars available in PowerPoint 2016. There are f. 2. Panes. The default extension of a PowerPoint file is Write (T) for true and (F) for se statements, product of Apple company. a. PowerPoint 2016 is b. Presentation is a systematic display of slides one by one on full screen. c. Navigation pane is mainly used to insert text and pictures in a slide. d. Zoom slider is present on the titl€ bar a There are three ways to start a PowerPoint presentation. 3. ess who am I? a. I am located at the top ofthe window. b. I am used to view the slide in increased and decreased size. c. I am the inventor of PowerPoint. d. I appear on clicking the File tab. e. I am used to write notes for a particular slide. o o o D o a. NewPresentation a a Dotted rectangular box on a slide b. Images a Pictures a Save As a NaYigation pane c. Placeholder o d- File a. What do you understand by b. Name any three Presentation software. c. Explain any three things present on the status bar of PowerPoint 2016. d. How can you change the layout of an existing dide? a Presentation software? e. Mention any two ways to start a slide show from the first slide. a. b. onPowe int. 73 srART uP coMPuTERs 6 - 4 Step-wise Thfnking Students will be able to: analyse a task. break up the task in simple steps. predict possible solutions. demonstrate the process of Flow Chart. analyse the purpose ofAlgorithm. . . . . . In our daily life we have to solve many, small or big problems, to live happily. So consciously or unconsciously problem solving is embedded in our daily life. Whenever we encounter any big problem, we try to divide it into some smaller parts and then try to solve each part separately and consequently solving the whole. For example, suppose we have to prepare a cake for someone's birthday. This task can be divided into three sub-tasks: a. collect all the ingredients and utensils required. b. k-now the correct procedure to prepare. c. serving. What is a problem? Any state where one has to take a decision or need to process something to get the final output is called a problem. Now each one can be solved separately, in a right sequence. This helps us to solve any problem easily. Problem solving includes four basic steps: l. Define the Problem First we need to analyse the situation so that our focus is on the problem, not just its.s).nptoms. Here we should focus on the inputs we have and exactly what output we need. Proper analysis will definitely minimise the expected steps ofthe process to be implemented. We can use various diagrams to define and analyse the root causes. 74 -\-\\\f-a-- L: \\ \U*i.:-4.: R\ f\v\\ 2. Generate Alternative Solutions An organisation needs to define some standard of problem solving, that the leaders can effectively execute. A standard allows us to evaluate the different intended results offered by alternatives. And all the alternatives should be taken into consideration. Considering multiple alternatives can significantly improve the value of our final solution. Brainstorming and team problem-solving techniques are both usefirl tools in this stage ofproblem solving. Generally we tend to evaluate the alternatives as soon as they are proposed. And in a hurry the first acceptable solution is chosen, even ifit is not the best fit. So, we should wait for all the alternatives to come up before selecting an alternative. 3. Evaluate and Select an Alternative All the alternatives n€ed to be executed within the same environment. The pros and cons of each should be discussed in group. The alternative that will solve the problem without causing other unforeseen problems will be given preference. INPUT r> I OUTPUT the Ingredients the Results l>r When all the individuals involved will acceDt the alternative, then only it wilJ be considered for implementation. 4. Implement and Follow up on the Solution After having defined the problem, generating a list of alternatives and selecting the best alternative, comes the main step which is implementation and a follow up on the solution whether the desired output is being achieved or not. For the implementation, we first prepare a step-wise solution and then convert it to any computer language, ifrequired. We take a follow up by giving different inputs and checking the outputs. This process helps us select the input that gives the desired output and thus fits best. Solving a problem is the main essence ofcomputer science. programmers must first understand how any human being solves a problem, then understand how to translate this 'steps wise solutiori (written in English language) into something a computer can do, and finally how to 'writd the specific sl.ntax (i.e. writing in computer language) to get the iob done. It is sometimes observed that a machine will solve a problem in a completely different way than a human. 75 srlxr l. After a uP coMPutsls - I swimming competition you go back to the change room with other Define the problem: Generate the alternatives: EYaluate the alternatives: Implement the alternative: Algorithm An algorithm is a set ofsteps to solve aproblem, i.e. breaking up the task in simple steps. Let us understand it with an example. Suppose a rnother asks her 10 year old daughter to prepare a cup oftea (assuming that she has never prepared tea before). Then the mother would have to tell her where the utensils are, what ingredients will be needed and how to 76 switch the gas stove on, how much milk, sugar and tea leaves will be required, and when to add which ingredient. A good algorithm defines all the steps necessary (in detail) to accomplish a goal. But it should not have unnecessary detailing as it only creates confusion. Flowchart Flowchart is the pictorial representation ofthe steps of any algorithm. Each step in the process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description ofthe step. Flowcharts are usually drawn from top to bottom or left to right. It can be used to show: . . an algorithm, a step-by-step list ofdirections that needs to be followed to solve a problem. a process, a series ofstages in time where the last stage is the product, result or goal. Flowcharts use special shapes to represent different t)'pes ofactions or steps. . Oval shape known . Arrows are used to tell the direction offlow ofexecution. . Rectangular shape is used for denoting process or action. . Rhombus or diamond shape is used for depicting decision making. as terminator is used to start and end the flowchart. Let us understand the algorithm and flowchart with an example: Suppose after returning home from school, you have to check the Maths homework. To solve this problem, you have to choose one ofthe best alternatives The algorithm for it will be as follows. Take out the Maths book, notebook and pencil box. Check if any homework is given that day. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ifyes, try to solYe it. a. Are you able to solve it? b. Ifyes then solve it in your fair notebook. Finally keep the notebook back in bag. c. Ifnot then take help of an elder and solve it in your fair notebook. Finally keep notebook back in bag. If there is no homework, then close the notebook and keep it back in your bag. 77 : /6 : l. ite an Step l: Step 2: Step 3l Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Step 8: Step 9: Step 10: srAxt uP colrPutgrs - " Let Us Remember A problem is a state or situation, which needs to be solved to get a desired output. A big problem should be divided iato smaller parts and each part should be solved. We need to ulderstand the main problem properly so that we do not give much ernphasis on the associated smaller problems. An algorithm is a set of steps to solve any problem. Flowchart is used to represent the algorithm diagrammatically ta t.irtttol ,rtr!r'e a li i p |o ! e rt t |\,i i h tite ttne ietei Ll'c !.- iilitknlg rhril trcsltd :irc1, !'i ;llbert Eitrste!n L,/ (Navigation/Practical Based Worksheet) 80 (Tlreory-based Worksheet) flowchart algorithm problern rhombus is a state a desired output. b. c. d. An oi situation, which needs to be solved to get A. HALORITMG b, WLFORCATH C. LPRMBEO d, USOLTNIO Guess o arn I? a. Oval in shape b. Tells the direction of the flow of execution c. Looks like a diamond ) Step by step list of directions a. AJgorithm is a step by step process to solve b. Start box offlowchart is rectangular in shape. c. Flowchart is a graphical representation of d. Arrows tell the flow or direction ofexecution in I flowchart. 5. Mat e a a o o o o problem. program. following, a a Terminator a Process Denoting Decision Making b. What is a flowchart? Differentiate between the steps of'Evaluating an Alternativd and 'Implementing an Alternativel d. Define a oroblem. Each group should b. t e up a step and discuss it in detail to reach a solution. Write an algorithm (steps) to shut down a computer properll', tt-, f.dltcalnn $ lke Ke)) to - lock lhe golden door ol lrecaonl." George Washington Can er negement Students will be able to: explain the process of . Copfng, Moving, Renaming, Deleting the . . . . files arrd folders. know what is the diference between a File and Folder practically. lists the process ofhandling the files and folders properly. know the meaning of Rename. descdbe the word Tampering. Recap of File Management - It is used to store information in a computer system with a name. Folder - A folder, also called a directory is a special qpe offile on your File comDuter's file svstem which contains other files and folders. File Managernent System - A file management system manages all qpes ofdata and files in an Operating System (OS) like storing, naming, sorting and handling computer files. E I The process ofwriting data to a storage medium such as Hard Flash Drive, CD, etc. Save - = Dish = Ffle Management In your previous class you have learnt that File Management is used to organise the files and folders in a sequence so that it can be searched easily on a computer system. Now in this class we will learn 4bout some of the features of File Management lite: . Copyrng a File/Folder . Moving a File/Folder . Renaming a File/Folder . Deleting a File/Folder, etc. = Double-clicking on the folder name, opens the folder in a new window. Right-click..+ choosing Rename option helps to change the name the folder. of Copying a FilelFolder i. Select the f,le or folder which you want to coPy. Here in this example the folder named hello is on the deskop. 2. Right-click on @ a file or folder and choose Copy option. B.*6.t!a.bt 0dd9. css S<e rirh wlnd* D.f.i&r, r6tm ceE a lddbndb -Coltnr I compn rsddil.a Cofr to'hdo - cofy,ra'ad.nn flgure /.t 3. Reach the destination where you want to copy. Here, in this example the location is taken as Desktop. 4. Right-click and choose Paste option. ia G.om FoldF Synch.onizdtion Gr.phice Prepati6., 66phicOptiont You can see two folders are there on the desktop. One is the original one, whereas the other is the copy of it. Frg.|.tre 7.2 f. ite the steps to copy a folder Step of ur name on the desktop. l: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: St€p 5: Moving a FilelFolder 1. Open File Explorer by clicking the folder icon which is available on the Taskbar. tlgure,/.J 2. In File Explorer, click your file. In this exarnple Document.docx is selected. & Test Your Skill ,2s*r 4,5$r0 Figure 7.4 3. Click the Home tab at the top. 4. Click the Move to button from the organizer group. L]F] Ctrl + X is used as the shortcut of cut which also moves the things from one place to another. Try this shortcut too. U i: E r ..rn' Figlre 7.5 5. ; I tlotonranrs l$na . ..'j s{ crt *ii (6i ollh Figlure 7.6 A drop down menu will come with locations. ftgure 89 /./ v&t srART uP coMPuTERS . - 4 Choose the proper location where you want to mor'e your file/folder @l Doormrns E; -: Dt.t!r.r Lotal !'trk Chooa.loaalbn Chooar whlra you want to moYa Ura iaL<tad lLarls, (hoora lo(ltion,,, Figure 7.8 7. The file/folder will be moved to the selected location. I. Move a word file from one location to another and write the steps belo$'. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Renamlng a File/Folder 1. Select the file or folder which you want to Rename. Figure 7.9 Renarning rneans changing the name ofa file or folder. F2 is the shortcut to rename a file/folder. 2. rugnl-cllcK on a e or loloer and choose Kename. ol* brllrd.*6 Figure 7.10 3. Window will highlight the old file narne. Figure 7.11 Type a new file name. Like here it has been changed from hello to Practice. 5. Press Enter or click on the desktop l, Write the steps for renaming a folder. Also mention the location of the folder. Step l: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Fig,rte 7.12 srerr colaturEls uP - I Deleting a FilelFolder l. Select the file or folder which you want to Delete. . Figure 7.13 Delete means to remove something from the screen. It can be a file, folder or a Progfam, ll.*,j 2. Right-click on a file or folder. 3. A pop-up menu will be displayed. oF. 9ir te E Qii.t x<.t' Edn h 4d.5. &'rdg. CS5 Sd.r rrli w'dos H.rd.rt rst D.G,icri t lrio.E e.f,y Fhta$.t h.tud. h I eaaoar;n- L.eddbtro.rf il conFt'c6d.'dil cd!g..5r t! 't'.rod rd.n'.l qr @r Figure 7.14 Choose delete option from the given list. 5. The selected file/folder will be delet'ed and will move to Recycle Bin. il l. ite the steps to delete a file. Step l: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: What does Tampering Mean? When a person knowingly damages or destroys the files or folder it is called tampering, which is a crime. Being a good digital citizen we must take several precautions such as - . . . . . Use less space for saving files/folders. Take permission before making any changes in the files/folders. Give proper names to our files/folders. Not save unnecessary data. Guide others not to damage the files/folders. Step l: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Let Us Remember . ryIovrng - Io -=.ruovrng-lo . DebG - ro . Io - ro :=. . = Copying E . E Tampering E : Keniumng Renamiirg Tomakeaduplicateofafileorfolder. When a person dam without any reason. It I ". ;::;-- | :::,:,-l ",^' ..,,, to solYe 1 (Theorytased Wor?sheet) file management move rename folder manages all the files and folders eftciently. a, b. can store other files and folders. c. means to give another name to a file. d. option shifts the file to another location. a. REAMEN b. EVMO c. PCOY d. e. LDETEE a. b. Make LFORDE a duplicate of the file Change the name ofthe folder c. Shift the folder to another location a. Duplicate means to copy something. b. F5 is used to rename a file or folder. c, File contains more space than folder. d Tampering of fles and folders is a goo.d practice. Delete means to shift a file to another location. b. a. What do you mean by tampering of files and folders? b. How do we copy c. Write the steDs d. How will you delete Delete a folder a 10 folder? rename a file. with e a folder? permission ofyour teacher. c, r.t 411dl glvcs t. to Dt Start Up Computers is an integrated approach towards Computer education and learning. The series conlprising of grades '1-8 ofiers a comprehensive understanding of the subject and the importance ofintegrating technologywith theoretical knowledge ofthe subject. . Complying skictly with the iatest curriculum as prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), the series covers varied topics of theoretical and practical computer science. lts main thrust is on hands-on activities to help students retain the concepts. Key Features Grading of content as per the Themes and sequential pattern suggested by the Council . . . . Every chapter begins with Learning Outcomes Explanation ofthe topics is in simple language Various topics are supported by well-illustrated pictures, diagrams and labelled screen snols . Let Us Remember as lesson summary to summarize the important topics covered in the lesson . . Learning Beyond section to provide insights into extra facts related to the subject TestYour Skillfor challenging students with small activities for better understanding ofthe subject . Let's Practice offers an opportunity to students to revise their learning through skill based exercises . ActivityTimofor engaging students in class activitiesthat requirethe implementation of computerskills learnt . . Kids Zoneto encourage learning offundamentals in a fun and interactive manner. Teacher's Corner suggesting class activities or demonstrations to be carried out by theteacher rI Corporate Office MM-317, Sector-D, Aliganj, Lucknow 226 024 (t-)P) rel +91 522 4016247,4476408 Fax: +91 522 2329466 E-malL edutreepubl shers@gmail com Website: http//acevisionpublishercom Branches . Ghaziabad . Kolkata r Guwahati