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10/19/22, 9:09 AM
Submissions - S-ITCS215 BIT21 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Summative Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS
S-ITCS215 BIT21 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 )
Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Here are your latest answers:
Question 1
He postulated the Sketchpad with 63 Phd thesis at MIT.
Response: Sutherland
Correct answer: Sutherland
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 2
These are the steps in process of design.
Response: requirements
Response: analysis
Response: design
Response: iteration and prototyping
Response: implementation and deployment
Correct answer: requirements , analysis , design , iteration and prototyping , implementation and deployment
Score: 6 out of 6 Yes
Question 3
He invented the Dynabook a Notebook sized computer loaded with multimedia and can store everything.
Response: Kay
Correct answer: Kay
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 4
Identify and match the images of FIGMA basic tools.
=> Move
=> Frame
=> Shape Tools
=> Pen Tool
=> Text
=> Resources
This study source was downloaded by 100000873362979 from CourseHero.com on 10-09-2023 10:40:53 GMT -05:00
10/19/22, 9:09 AM
Submissions - S-ITCS215 BIT21 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Summative Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS
=> Hand tool
=> Comment
=> Scale
=> Slice
Correct answer:
=> Move,
=> Comment,
=> Scale,
=> Frame,
=> Shape Tools,
=> Pen Tool,
=> Text,
=> Resources,
=> Hand tool,
=> Slice
Score: 20 out of 20 Yes
Question 5
The First commercial PC designed for “business professionals”.
Response: Xerox Star
Correct answer: Xerox Star
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 6
All of which are goals of HCI based on Shneiderman & Plaisant except?
Response: Smoothly
Correct answer: Smoothly
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 7
He postulated the "Memex" device.
Response: Bush
Correct answer: Bush
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 8
Text are effective visual ways of grouping information .
Response: False
Correct answer: False
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 9
His idea was all about wall-sized displays, video disks, AI in interfaces (agents), speech recognition, multimedia with hypertext.
Response: Negroponte
Correct answer: Negroponte
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 10
that involves
"finding your wayfrom
a system"? on 10-09-2023 10:40:53 GMT -05:00
study source
by 100000873362979
10/19/22, 9:09 AM
Submissions - S-ITCS215 BIT21 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Summative Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS
Response: Navigation
Correct answer: Navigation
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 11
Context affects the extent to which information can be subsequently retrieved.
Response: True
Correct answer: True
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 12
The golden principle in HCI is that....
Response: People should come first
Correct answer: People should come first
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 13
It focuses on the design , implementation and evaluation of interactive computer-based system for human use.
Response: HCI
Correct answer: HCI
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 14
This is how information is acquired from the world and transformed into experiences .
Response: Perception
Correct answer: Perception
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 15
An interaction design basic that involves "who they are, what they are like "?
Response: users
Correct answer: users
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 16
An interaction design basic that involves "what it is, interventions, goals, constraints"
Response: design
Correct answer: design
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 17
An interaction design basic that involves "rich stories of design"?
Response: scenarios
Correct answer: scenarios
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 18
This study source was downloaded by 100000873362979 from CourseHero.com on 10-09-2023 10:40:53 GMT -05:00
10/19/22, 9:09 AM
Submissions - S-ITCS215 BIT21 1st Sem ( 2022-2023 ) - Summative Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS
All of which belongs to Cognitive processes except?
Response: Perfection
Correct answer: Perfection
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 19
Icons should enable users to readily distinguish their meaning.
Response: True
Correct answer: True
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 20
An interaction design basic that tells you "never get it right the first time"
Response: Iteration and Prototype
Correct answer: Iteration and Prototype
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 21
He is the one who coined the term “hypertext”.
Response: Nelson
Correct answer: Nelson
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 22
Memory involves first is encoding and then retrieving knowledge.
Response: True
Correct answer: True
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 23
An interaction design basics that involves "what happens when"?
Response: Design Process
Correct answer: Design Process
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 24
He Postulated “man-computer symbiosis"
Response: Licklider
Correct answer: Licklider
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
This study source was downloaded by 100000873362979 from CourseHero.com on 10-09-2023 10:40:53 GMT -05:00
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