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Stereotypes, Prejudice & Discrimination: Lesson Overview

Lesson 12: Stereotype, Prejudices and Discrimination
Stereotype – extremely generalized beliefs about a group of people.
Explicit – a person is aware that they have these thoughts towards a group of people and they can say it
out loud.
Implicit – a person does not know that they have these Stereotype since its lies in their subconscious.
Prejudice- unjustified or incorrect attitude towards a person.
Discrimination - Refers to actions or behaviors towards an individual or a group of people.
Examples of discrimination:
- Genocide is the action of recognizing someone as different so much that they are treated inhumanly
and degraded.
-Apartheid (means separateness) is a form of racial discrimination wherein one race is viewed as less
than the other, resulting in the separation of black and whites and the mass murder of jews in
concentration camps.
-Gender discrimination – is another common form of discrimination.
-LGBT dis discrimination – happens when LGBT people are treated as lesser than straight people.
Discrimination happens early in their childhood as they got bullied when they act differently or dress
differently than other kids.
Restricting opportunities or privileges that may be available to other groups is discrimination, like the
right to vote in national elections.
Freedom and equality
Article 1 of the universal declaration of human rights you States that that all human beings are
born free and equal in dignity and right. This declaration was drafted by member countries of
the United Nations, including the Philippines in 1948.
It’s preamble recognizes that the “inherent dignity and of the equal and inevol ienable inalienable rights
of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.”
Appreciating diversity of the human race is the key to making a safer and more inclusive environment
for everyone, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexuality, gender, or creed.