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Amazon Ethics Case Study: Prioritizing Ethics in Organizations

Using Amazon and Ethics case study as an example, discuss whether ethics should be the
main priority of an organisation.
Suggest recommendations to promote ethics within the organisation
[Institutional Affiliation(s)]
2000 words (not including the executive summary, reference list, contents page)
The first sentence of each paragraph should be an introduction and a short description of
the paragraph.
Because it is a case study, the focus of the report should be based of the ideas presented in
the Amazon and Ethics text plus personal research to back up the statements
. The moral intensity has been defined as the critical source for the development of professional
awareness and professional working behavioral adaptations among staff. The main issues
associated with the company include Lack of competence in ethical codes. There have been
many issues with the legal situations of the companies. Moreover, the Issues with the tax
system's ethical perspectives have also been highlighted in the case study. The company
observes Less gratitude and wage system for the company's employees, even though High
revenues are available for the company. Still, the least budget system is implied for the salaries
of the individuals working here.
Keywords: budget, Tax, ethics, unethical factors, and moral codes.
Write the headings of the essay with page numbers
Executive Summary
page 4
Summary of each section of the report:
Summary whether ethics should be the main priority of an organisation
Summary of recommendations to promote ethics within the organisation
Whether ethics should be the main priority of an organization
Business ethics
Ethics has been considered as the life and death matter in the professional practices mainly
associated with the nursing staff and the house officers. The ethical obligations have been the
major defining factor in the fields of professional practices. The moral codes have been an
essential part, which helps define the methodology for the development of the various principles
in professional areas. Complying with the framework as set by the ethical codes, there has been a
basic need for the construction of a simplified approach taken by the expert when working with
the subjects.
The moral intensity has been defined as the critical source for the development of professional
awareness and professional working behavioral adaptations among staff. The methodologies
adopted for the working of the system have helped define the key terms that will help in the
adoption of a confident attitude towards the subjects in the professional practice. These moral
guidelines will help in the development of a sound system that is based on the ethical
relationship of the personnel.
Summary of the case study
Amazon has the following issues in its ethical codes
1. Lack of competence in moral codes.
2. Issues with the legal situations of the companies.
3. Issues with the ethical perspectives of the tax system
4. Less gratitude and wage system for the employees of the company.
5. High revenues, but the least budget implied for the salaries of the individuals working
Comparison with Walmart
Walmart is using its core values for effectively shaping their culture. They are using effective
behavioral techniques for the development of learning at Walmart. The development of the
literature is based on the behavioral form in which they are incorporating the technology into the
fields of managerial working. Walmart is effectively working for the development of its relations
with the public. They are effectively shaping their behavioral integrity with the core values of the
individuals. Whereas the culture of amazon is more solely based on developing everything which
is required and more demanded by the customers. Their employees are given customer-based
strategies. The primary reason for the development of their culture is mainly the active and
extended business of amazon in the global world. The core values at amazon are more
specifically associated with budget competition Walmart, and the company effectively spend on
the ease of its customers. The significant difference is because of the effective mediums which
are used by each company. Thus, he believes that his company is following efficient moral codes
and ethical values.
The paper will analyze the various effects of the ethical issues on the development of AMAZON
company. The paper will analyze and shun light on the CEO's perspectives, workers<
organization and consumers on the related problems of ethical applications in the company. In
the end, recommendations for the practical solution of the company are addressed.
Views of the CEO
the central core values of amazon are as under
Leadership principles
Effective relationships with customers
core values are decided but mostly not implemented in the company. The regard which a
company should have for its customers is lacking. However, the main reason for the
development of individuals and customer loyalty is the excellent service that the company has
developed by using these factors, they provide for the development of these factors. They are
effectively shaping their behavioral integrity with the core values of the individuals. Whereas the
culture of amazon is more solely based on developing everything which is required and more
demanded by the customers. Their employees are given customer-based strategies. The primary
reason for the development of their culture is mainly the active and extended business of amazon
in the global world. The core values at amazon are more specifically associated with budget
competition, their every strategy and service budget efficient whereas in
Views of the workers regarding ethics as a main priority of an organisation
The working of an expert in a field is guided by specific rules and regulations that ensure
that the work will be up to the mark and not be hindered with everyday issues of ethical rules
obstruction. The employees' requirement has also been followed with the precepts of the
knowledge they have about the moral codes and its importance in modern-day professional
working fields. Maintaining a fair and equitable system that is healthy for both the professionals
and the working individuals requires specific rules that are bounded with the ethical framework
(Clark, Cott, & Drinka, 2007).
There have been various cases where the suppliers and the controller staff of the
companies have fallen severely sick due to the inappropriate interaction with many chemicals.
Such chemicals have also allowed the regression of many mental capabilities and the neural
networks of the individuals. The improper handling and the wastages in the shipments have
resulted in the mixing of these chemicals with the packaging. As a result, the employees can
develop contact with such harmful substances and can debilitate their skin and overall health.
Moreover, the development of the supply chain has also resulted in the event of various
environmental issues in the regions.
Ineffective functioning of the organization
The need for an ethical framework in professional practices has been quite significant.
The principles of a right-action program should be applied, as mentioned in the ethical
framework for the smooth and efficient running of the system. This can be helpful for the proper
growth of the institute and the relative effectivity of the system. The development of the correct
ethical framework and its appropriate following has therefore been the core concept for the
effective running of the system. Patients should be given the same treatment irrespectively of all
races, creed, and other issues. There has been no racial discrimination favored in the ethical
framework. This has helped in a just and ethically equal system. The need for informed consent
has been the primary source for the development of the system's ethical framework and working
The current ethical issues tackled by the company have interrupted the accomplishment
of the effective productivity in the company. These circumstances can hinder the aspects of the
expansion of the stakeholders in the situation. The main moral topic associated with the business
has been the questions of the ethical dilemmas instigated by the tax issue of the company with
supply chains and the improper treatments of the employees in the business field. These
principled issues are concerning the health of the people. The debilitation of human health is not
observed in the code of demeanor of the employees.
Ideologies of consumers regarding ethical issues.
Social responsibility CSR analysis allows the ongoing expansion of the ethical attitude
for the corporation and allows the regulation and development of various factors that can
effectively battle the hindering circumstances for the achievement of the ethically oriented aims
of the company or the form. The progression of the company requires the procedure to facilitate
consumers effectively. This can be done through the course of the organizational policy. The
social accountability of the business forces the management to adopt a stance that is bot
environment friendly and not dangerous for the employees and the consumers of the company.
this would allow the expansion of the company’s present stature and will progress its numerous
marketing strategies
The moral codes have been the most crucial part, which helps in defining the
methodology for the development of the various principles in professional areas. Complying
with the framework as set by the ethical codes, there has been a basic need for the construction
of a simplified approach taken by the expert when working with the subjects. Business ethics is
explained as the code of conduct which is required for the development of a company. Whereas
the culture of amazon is more solely based on developing everything which is needed and more
demanded by the customers. Their employees are given customer-based strategies. The primary
reason for the development of their culture is mainly the active and extended business of amazon
in the global world.
The company has thus developed the position of the second-largest discount retailer
corporation in the various states of America. The strategies mentioned below discusses the
relevance of the particular rules of ethical codes with the healthy working of the system. These
main principles have been the core of the ethical framework and help provide success to the
institute. Complying with these rules in the ethical framework has been the core step for the
development of the institute.
1. Improving supply chain and facilitating employees
The development of a practical scheme which could easily remove the various industries form
the supply chain of target corporation which are hindering with the ethical norms and social
responsibility set by the company is the need of the hour. Thus, by adopting such methodologies,
the company can produce sufficient ground that can favor in its stance for development and
2. Reasonable practice
The removal of harmful implications in the system which can disturb the embodiment of ethical
framework should be avoided. Through this moral relevance of the structure, one can easily
understand the effects of the obstruction of the moral principles on the working of the system.
Therefore, It is significant for the system's functioning that the rules may apply with relevance to
the ethical framework. There should be penalties for people who are in the habit of obstructing
the rules form an ethical framework. This obstruction of law can be extremely harmful to the
3. Transparent behaviors
the adoption of open practices has been the need for the proper application and compliance of the
ethical framework. The ethical framework demands that the individuals are working with zeal
and zest in a transparent medium. Where they can be easily held accountable for any obstruction
of laws. The transparency helps in the credible background analysis of the professionals and their
working methods. The professionals can have a sound working methodologies in the presence of
a relevant system. Ethical codes' relevance has been the essential source for the necessary
compliance of the ethical framework in the professionals' daily life working methods.
4. Insurance of equitable access.
The access to the subject should be defined appropriately with the steps taken as directed by the
ethical framework. The ethical framework has been the principal source for the required
development of the patients and other individuals. This is necessary that guidance from the moral
framework should be applied by the professionals in their daily workings.
5. Competitive and productive ethical codes
Working on a more elaborate and a more useful set of values that is comprehensive will be
sufficient for the development of the company. Getting a more extensive nature of core values
will be more beneficial for the development of the company's individuals. Shorter and abrupt set
of rules will be ineffective for the appropriate development of the company. Thus, every filed
should have a specific set of rules which help the department progress. the basic running of the
managerial department requires human skills for the effective management of labor and
production department, for the effective running of the department, the individuals should
understand the requirement of maintaining a balance in employees
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