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Finding high probability
trades in Cryptocurrency derivatives
Table of contents
Before we begi
Trading resource
Tradingriot Blog reading orde
How I find market opportunities - Main tools to us
TLDR in key term
Using open interes
Funding rate
Basket trade
Before we begin
In this short guide, I will share with tools and strategies I use to find great
trading opportunities in the market.
One thing that is important to emphasize is that this is different from a
trading strategy. It is more of a way to tell you where you should put your
focus on.
Execution is the most important in trading, I won't be sharing a guide to
execution in this guide, but on the next slide, you will find links on my blog and
YouTube that can improve your trading execution.
Trading resources
Tradingriot Bootcamp covers the exact way I execute trades; there are over
10 hours of video content , access to a private discord channel, weekly
market updates and additional educational content. This is for a one-time
fee without monthly subscriptions or other payments.
Tradingriot Crash Course covering Market Microstructure, Auction Market
Theory, Order flow and Risk Management
An article about cryptocurrency derivatives is essential to understand the
data you are watching.
The rest of the blog where I shared many methods, strategies and guides
surrounding trading over the last few years. See next slide from blog reading
Blog reading order
I have been asked about this many times, there is no 100% given order and
you can read the blog in any way you want, this is just a list I recommend to
+ the rest of the articles.
How I find market opportunities
You might hear the term “narrative” trading in crypto. What it is is essentially buying and selling coins
that are currently hot right now surrounded by some fundamental event.
ETH 2.0, Football world cup coins, AI coins, Doge rally on Elon Musk buying Twitter and many more are some
of the narratives, we could see in the past few months.
Sometimes they surround only one coin, sometimes a whole basket of coins.
The most popular way of finding narratives is on Twitter, Discord servers or Telegram.
The downside is that it requires a lot of time and scrolling through a lot of useless noise.
Because of that, I tried to develop a smarter approach to finding narratives using order flow.
Read this thread, where I share some tips for trading altcoins.
TLDR on key terms
You need to understand terms such as Open Interest, Funding, Cumulative Volume Delta and Liquidations.
As I mentioned, they are all covered in this blog post https://tradingriot.com/cryptocurrency-derivatives/.
But to make this guide more complete I try to give short explanation of each terms here as well.
Your key platform to use that provides all the data such as OI, CVDs, Funding rates and liquidations will
be Coinalyze - https://coinalyze.net/
Open Interest
Cumulative volume delta
Open interest measures the number of outstanding contracts
that exist for a given market. In other words, the positions
people still have open that have not yet been closed.
Cumulative volume delta (CVD) plots a running indicator
showing a total of finalized executions at the bid and ask.
People often say that there are “more
in a given market , but this is not true.
buyers” or “more sellers”
Open interest changes because there are more directional
traders, compared to delta neutral positions.
In other words, the market orders.
We can use cumulative volume delta to spot divergences and watch relationship between spot and perp market.
Funding rates
The funding rate is a crypto unique mechanism that incentivizes
traders to open longs and short positions to ensure that the
value of the underlying perpetual swap remains close to the
spot market price
Forceful close of leveraged positions by the trading exchange.
Liquidations are often met with systematic buying or selling
betting on mean reversion.
If funding is positive, longs pay a fee to shorts
If funding is negative, shorts pay a fee to longs.
Why open interest is the most important
The cryptocurrency market is highly correlated. Most moves in coins happen due to arbitrage, market making
and other delta-neutral strategies that keep the correlation together.
When a new “narrative” happens, it drives a large amount of retail participation into a given market.
We can observe this by rapid changes in the open interest (i.e. more directional bets taking place).
If you know how to analyze open interest changes, you will be able to keep up with all the popular coins without
spending too much time trying to debunk what is driving the price.
Laevitas is my go-to tool to analyze changes in open interest.
Significant % changes in the open interest signal the increase in participation in a given market.
This will give you a quick watchlist of projects you should focus on.
Once you find coins with the most significant changes in OI, implement your trading strategy
to execute trades.
Here are two links to follow on Laevitas:
Above, you can see an example of using open interest in trading.
The price of INJ was going down with a large increase in open interest that was significant enough to pop up in Laevitas dashboard.
These are directional shorts betting on the market to go down; as we all know, retail traders often tend to be wrong and
once the market started to show signs of bullishness, we could enter into the long position to bet on a short squeeze.
Funding extremes
As mentioned, funding tells us if a perpetual swap trades at a premium or discount compared to the spot price.
Negative or positive doesn't have to mean that there are more directional shorts or longs; it can be caused
by large orders in either spot or perpetual market that can diverge prices, especially in less liquid coins.
The only time you should be paying attention to funding is when it is in extremes.
For that, you can use Laevitas dashboard or Coinglass.
Extreme funding example on KAVA. At extremes shorts were paying 0.5% every 8 hours to carry short positions.
This led to short squeeze and price rallied higher.
Tracking liquidations is tricky because there is no website that provides % liquidation change in relation
to coin actual volume.
Nonetheless, liquidations are a great tool for trending and mean reverting markets.
When markets are trending, you want to see pullbacks paired with liquidations so you are not jumping into crowded trades, and if you are looking for mean reversion trades, liquidations are a great signal telling you that
one side is out of the picture.
For liquidations, you can use Coinglass and their dashboard that shows the highest $ liquidations for the selected time periods.
Aptos has been in a clear uptrend in January, of course in times like these, you want to be long as well and not miss out on profits, but buying when everyone else is long can get tricky.
Because of that, it is much smarter to wait for a pullback that is paired with large liquidations of overleveraged longs before buying.
Basket trades
The last handy tool is “basket” trading, in other words, looking at coins in the same categories.
This requires a little more knowledge of crypto fundamentals and current narratives that are driving the price and so on.
But since markets are highly correlated, if there is one AI coin largely outperforming, other AI coins will likely follow as well.
You can also create more complex strategies by shorting baskets that are weak and longing baskets
that are strong.
Coin categories can be accessed at Coinmarketcap or Coingecko; I prefer to use Coingecko.
This concludes our guide.
Remember that all the tools I showed you are here to give you heads up about what is going on in the
If you see large negative funding, it doesn't always mean you should immediately jump to longs, the large
increase in open interest with price trending up won't always mean betting in the opposite direction.
Always use your trading system with well-defined risk parameters before entering any trades.
Happy trading